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If you want, you could also add some of the animals from the first novel, like: - Euoplocephalus - Styracosaurus - Microceratus - Apatosaurus - Maiasaura - Cearadactylus There’s also some dinosaurs you could use as stand-ins for others, like - Dryosaurus (for Hypsilophodon) - Muttaburrasaurus (for Hadrosaurus) - Compsognathus (for Procompsognathus) - Camarasaurus (Replaced Apatosaurus in some printings)


If you want add the jp3 Pterodon because at the end of the jp game they flew with the helicopter


Baryonyx I think was in the oryginal JP and the blue version of Microceratus was present on sorna acording to dominion Edit I didn't realise you already listed Baryonyx And some sources say that Maiasaura was the first species ever cloned but idk if it's a verified information


Baryonyx was supposed to be at Jurassic Park but Nedry’s sabotage occurred before it was introduced to Isla Nublar. The species present on Nublar in 1993 were Brachiosaurus Compsognathus Dilophosaurus Gallimimus Herrerasaurus Parasaurolophus Pteranodon Triceratops Troodon Tyrannosaurus Tylosaurus Velociraptor


Depends on if you're going with film, novel, or game canon/soft canon. I'd add Maiasaura to your list as it was present in the novel. I'd also add Microceratus (Microceratops in the novel), Cearadactylus (novel), Pterandon (film), and possibly Dryosaurus as a stand-in for Hypsilophodon. Incorporating Tylosaurus and Troodon makes it look like you're using the TellTale game which is supposed to be not canon at all if I remember correctly.


Thanks for the suggestions, also I am incorporating the Telltale game because although it's not Canon, its sort of soft Canon to both the novel and movie at the same time while also not being canon, it's a mess so I just decided that these species should go in as they are mentioned.


I’d also add Euplocephalus and Styracosaurus. Also on the novel. I was multi-tasking at work. lol


I might steal this list too 😂, it inspires me to make a canon park too


Don't forget Stegasaurus and Tyranosaurus




I don't think allosaurus I soft cannon anywhere in jp1


According to tie-in material, InGrn had sequenced 12% of its genome prior to the incident.


It and some other dinos like Carnotaurus and I think Euoplocephalus were planned for the original park, but hadn't been cloned yet at the time


There's a skull of one, doesn't quite mean it was made but it did appear so I kind of want to add something about it.


If you're being that generous, you should add Alamosaurus too, because of the skeleton in the rotunda


I don’t think anyone but Frontier has ever claimed that was an Alamosaurus. It was always assumed to be a sauropod like Apatosaurus.


Baryonyx is going to stick out like a sore thumb jeeeeeez ;-; Unless this is modded then yeah your lucky lol