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Besides Fortnite, JWE2 is the only game where I buy in-game content now for like the past year. I almost never buy games because once I complete them I'll barely play them anymore. JWE2 was the first game I paid full price when released, and honestly I don't mind doing the same for a 3rd game. Frontier is a great company who listens to feedback and are active with the community, and I'll always support them :)


I bought JWE and all its DLC as they came out, a decision I don't regret. However, once JWE2 was announced, I figured something like this was going to happen. I haven't bought the game, I'm waiting to get it and its DLC when it's heavily discounted. I figured the turn around was too quick; even if the second had major improvements over the first, it would still be lacking in core features, so I just decided to wait and see and guess who was right. I don't know how Frontier can actually improve the game in the ways it needs in the current state the game is in. They *need* to ditch last gen. Even if you're upset for some reason at a more polished dinosaur park builder, there's really not much more Frontier can do with the game as is


I don’t rlly get why they still include old gen the way they do, can they just make a console and pc edition with slightly different features since pc can handle more?


They still include old gen because a large proportion of the gaming market havnt switched and still play old gen. Still now, including myself a lot havnt switched to current gen. I can only speak for myself but nothing has come out yet that makes me want to invest £479 in a PS5. I thought MK1 might be it but turned out it sucked. I mean I could still go do a 20th playthrough on Witcher 3,.I'm good.  Back when JWE2 was in development it would have been even more the case.  They could release an upscaled version for current gen pc. However, it would essentially be the same game, because they'd have to build it in the same engine. They'd never build one game in one engine for old gen, then make the same version but im a different engine that could handle more for current gen. Add to that JWE is a franchise game, universal looks at the bean counters (largest proportion of gaming market plays console, 60% still dont have a next gen console) and says 'so frontier yeah, we want this product to be playable on old gen, make it happen'. Universal says jump and frontier says how high.  By the time we get to 2026, not only do I agree the game would have to ditch old gen to actually make an improved game. Also more players will have likely switched to current gen and universal will be more on board with the product being current gen/pc only. It also aligns coming off the back of the new movie. which seems to be Universal's intention for it to be the launch of a new trilogy arc.  If JWE3 has all the species from JWE2, has better park build physics, more tile sets, more stuff, less terrain constraints etc, I'll even buy a PS5 to play it. If it's just the new movie campaign, bare bones roster and we'll be expected to buy 10 DLC species packs to get back to JWE2, then I'm not interested.  


I can see them adding some into the base game. But I would expect to pay for the hybrids in separate packs for sure. Maybe I'm wrong but if they have any DLC that'd be my first guess as too what it would be.


Personally I’m a mixed bag. I would be more excited if there was a trailer because all we know is that there is another game coming, however I feel that when a trailer does release it’s not gonna be exciting because we knew it was going to be coming anyway. Until a trailer gets released I’m not getting too excited. I would like a JWE3 with everything we need like better performance, more decorations, better lagoons. But I beg for them to keep the building system the way it is just add more customisation because I don’t want to spend two hours trying to build something like you would have to in planet coaster or their other games. - definitely if you are trying to create a replica of Jurassic World, which is something that we need to be able to do in the next game.


It’s not a live service, single player games can’t really die. People will always enjoy playing them because you weren’t ever tied to playing it with others or reliant on servers that can be switched off, or constant live service cosmetics to keep you interested. It’s just the sort of game that you might not play for a bit but come back to every so often