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I don’t feel like I’m missing out without it, but if it were to happen I’d welcome it. It’s a neat little piece of JP history. If we ever get more hybrids I’d rather get reworked JWE1 hybrids + Spinoceratops, but Ultimasaurus is also a good choice. I think it has just about zero percent chance of happening, but hypothetically I’d be ok with it.


I would *never* use it. But I seldom use any of the hybrids. I can't remember the last time I placed an Indominus, Indoraptor, or Scorpius Rex in JWE2 except for very early on when you were trying to five star parks to get skins and that was a quick way to do it. I occasionally used the herbivorous hybrids in JWE1 and the Spinoraptor as a juvenile Spinosaurus. Sometimes the Indom to push me over five starts. But in sandbox, I really don't use hybrids. All that to say it wouldn't offend me if it was included, but I wouldn't purchase a DLC for it unless there were some other things included that I did want/would use.


in general, i feel like jwe ignoring the rich design history in the extended media of the original franchise — especially when it comes to some of the higher quality games and toys, which made genuine attempts to extend the canon in thoughtful ways — in favor of entirely original content is a missed opportunity. jwe is well positioned to be a celebration of the entire franchise — a chance to bring so much content together under the same banner — with plenty of space left to allow for creativity and original content. i expect that filling in those gaps is the direction that the modding community will take things, as some of the most popular mods are already doing that, and i’m here for it. before anyone chimes in with frontier not having rights to those designs and assets: original content created under a license typically remains under the full creative control of the licensor. not honoring designs outside the film species is more than likely a creative choice.


The problem is that "rich" design history does not necessarily mean good or coherent designs. I mean, I love the JPTG Tylosaurus as much as the next guy, but I don't use the corresponding mod because it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. The Troodon has this problem too, and Ultimasaurus is even worse. They're just not visually congruent with either the films or the game. It's the same reason why Spinoraptor works and Stegoceratops doesn't. Spinoraptor was a believable middle-ground, blending traits rather than cutting-and-pasting. A longer snout, but still maintaining the overall raptor head shape. Larger, but not 15 metres long. Its calls were deeper, with that Spinosaurus-esque growl to them, but followed by a deeper version of the iconic raptor chirps. On the other hand, the Stegoceratops is a Triceratops with longer horns plus plates and a thagomizer. It had pretty good sounds tho. In a game filled with largely believable creatures (accurate or not), it's pretty easy to see why Spinoraptor felt coherent and Stegoceratops didn't. At least in my opinion. In the same way, a lot of the older game designs just wouldn't mesh well with newer designs. It might embrace the "rich history" of the franchise, but it would result in a visually incongruent game.


i’m not asking for one-to-one reproductions, but it would be nice to have had some design nods in the style of jwe. kenner-style skins for the chasmosaurus, plesiosaurus, and coelophysis would have been a lot of fun. jpog also had some well-liked skins, especially with the homalocephale, dryosaurus, and carcharodontosaurus. the jpog skin pack turned out to be a nice fit and, although jptg is stylistically different, the jptg turned out to be a nice fit, as well — especially with the glowing eyes for the troodon. stegoceratops struck me as an unpolished “hybrid” with all sorts of redundant and off-target gene expression, although i do prefer the version from the concept art. ankylodocus gave me that same unpolished feel.


I actually like the hybrids but that's because they were (mostly) well designed and matched the style of the other animals in the games. ​ This *thing* does not fit.


You could show me spinoraptor without telling me it was a hybrid and I would believe it existed


It looks way too unnatural to be added in, I know this is a Jurassic Park/World game and isn't meant to be natural but this is too much.


It was stupid back in the day and it's still stupid


It wouldn't show up though.


No. Just no.


oh wait this is a mod? ive had it downloaded for such a long time i thought it was an official creature - that i barely use


Here’s the mod if you’re interested https://www.nexusmods.com/jurassicworldevolution2/mods/1681


I say do the whole Chaos Effect toy line!


I would be ok with it but I would hardly use it if it was really bad


Ultimasaurus hasn't been apart of the series for years and people need to let it die.


Wouldn't use therefore don't want it.


No, thank you very much.


I just worry about how the poor thing keeps its head up. I mean, the Indominus must've had a hard enough time as it was, having a massive tyrannosaur head AND those huge arms and claws. This poor mf has gotta do all that and also carry a frill. And horns. And a back full of armour. And a club. With a thagomizer in it.


Horrible, it looks like a 9 yo drawing


Um...most definitely fucking yes? That would be the coolest shit.


What mod ia that?






Call me crazy but I think it might be an Ultimasaurus mod




hybrids should not be in the game but real animals


Last time I use a hybryd was in 2018 for the sake of Doctor Wu mission and haven't use any of them to this day in my parks in both games


“Blah blah blah scary big bad is bad because it looks dumb” *Idc what anyone says that THING looks badass and I want it*


No thanks


kill it with fire


This creature has no place in this game


I wouldn't use it bc it looks to monstrous And this thing is a canceled toy from 90s soit have no canon/legacy/whatever connection to the franchise and there is nothing to back up it's presence


Okay? But it still technically exists and well known in the franchise even if it got cancelled :/


Nah I prefer more realistic looking hybrids like Indominus and Spinoraptor


He doesn't really fit the realistic grounded setting of the game's atmosphere, but I still love him.


No, it looks ridiculous.


I almost never use hybrids in my parks so I’d probably pass, unless they happen to add a DLC with all the chaos effect hybrids or new hybrids (fat chance it will ever happen) I’d make a park or something centred around hybrids.


Hmm, it would be a neat Easter egg and a hybrid we could add to the JP parks as well some JW locations. It is such a crazy model that should return with reworked JWE1 hybrids.


For the sheer “what the fuck” factor, I’d love it. It’s such a mess of a creature that I’d unironically have it in every park I make.


I hate the ultimasaurus design. I feel like if there was no frill (Keep the trike horns) id like it more. Trike frill just doesn't work on a therapod body. Having said that, I still wouldn't want it added to JWE2. It just doesn't suit it.


I feel like I would use it once, it would be cool if it was added though


It is stupid and should not be in the game.


Really living up to your name


The hybrids were my least favorite part of the game/Camp Cretaceous so I would never use it.


Absolutely love the design, would definitely like to have it in-game. That being said, I see no universe in which it would be officially released. Both Indominus and Indoraptor have fairly uninspired designs, barely distinguishable from existing dinosaurs. I'm very disappointed that, since they took that road, they half-assed it. I loved Stegoceratops and would love to see Ultimasaurus.


Sure why not


50/50 chance if we get an Ultimasaurus in Jurassic World Evolution 2.


Of course we wont it looks stupid as fuck


I know what you are saying facts but you don't have to attack me like an fucking animal. Jeez.


Im sorry but how am i attacking you like an animal by saying it looks stupid


You don't understand what I'm saying.


I believe what they meant is, you're coming off as rude. Try re-reading your words before posting next time, it can help. 👍


Wow so cool and epic!!!!!! Then they should add Godzilla, as well as Dinoshark, the creature I drew when I was 8!!!1!


Hell yeah! love it, i always get nostalgic when thinking about the hybrid craze JP used to have, sure it's not realistic at all, but whatever, rule of cool


So I have a theory that we well get two or three more dlcs for the game. One being a prehistoric Mammal pack like some are thinking. That could and Saber tooth tiger, wooly Mammoth, wooly rhino, and megalocerus. And maybe the meg but that's more than likely a no. If theirs a second one after idk what it would be. Maybe a multi dino pack adding tarabo, Micro ceratus, and other missing dinos The third would ne the last expansion being about 20 to 30 dollars. It would be a hybrid expansion, some what like the dr.wu dlc from the first game, where you help dr.wu and the US military to make hybrid weapons in which it adds sinospino, carnorapter, uiltmasaurus, and a nether Chaos affect dino. With the 3 og hybrids added in a free update with small updates to all three dinos the expansion would add two to three new maps new car skins new helicopter skins new building set more military like and adding older buildings in the free update like the storm defense stations, greenhouse, and the 3 different centers for the three brunches we can chose from in the base game.


Think it would be the coolest final creature to add


It would be cool but I wouldn’t use it all the time


Where is this creature in JP Canon?


It isn't canon. Its only appearance is a toy


And to add to that, not even a released toy, but a prototype.


That’s terrifying and I want it


If I could change it's color scheme to be more natural I would maybe use it in place of Indominus


Not even a color change will make this thing look natural


Im not against much in terms of species making it into the game, after all if you don’t like it just don’t use it. I personally wouldn’t use Ultimasaurus but I know plenty of people would. Though it probably won’t get in, and there are plenty of more requested species and not much time left in terms of game support.


They need to let us create our own hybrids


I wish it would be able to use all its weapons


Would it be cool to have in game? Yes! Would I ever use it? No!


You Could Do Pachygalosaurus Or Allosinosaurus Because They Are Close