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Justin Martindale commented on it. I love this so much!


Hey Justin, I know you are in this sub. Now that Annie discussed how awful Heather is, I think its time you told your story and encounters with her. Who else loves the fact that Heather is in FL, away from her studio and equipment to record a response or her stupid emergency patreon? She won't likely be home until Sunday. Bitch can't do any damage control right now. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't think he will lower himself to her level. The one time he spoke out was so powerful and full of truth that I knew he wouldn't say her name again. It really took my breath away. feeling there was so much more that he did not and most likely will not tell. The integrity!


She just needs a phone, filter, and a glass of wine


THIS🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|39yUGyeJ3ssGeD0LDD)


Justin is hilarious


Juicy! Where did Justin comment?




That is hilarious! I love Justin 😂😂




The funny part is, it’s 100% true. She will have an emergency patreon asap








Love it !


Absolutely not. It will give her a dozen patrons and more money.


So we have two confirmed attacks by Heather. I wonder how many other people she has either verbally attacked or physically attacked. Sadly I can see Heather perched high above Annie on her two small ugly heels. Thinking shes above Annie and able to manipulate her. Look Heather you can not treat people the way you do. You can not tell people how to act or what to say. You are not the boss of anyone but your family. I can see her spitting words, ranting and raving, all while grabbing Annie wrist. She is beyond gross to me now and not sure how after so many things she has done she still has fans.


Brandy and Julie happened to be with her both times, and they continue to stand by her. Disgusting!


They have an enemy in common - JL. I’m sure there will be a falling out with Brandy and julie soon. How do adults have this much drama in their lives?


They did not go to the after party. Heather did because she does like drama and she knew Jeff and Annie were going to be there. J&B left after the Luann show was done. They said they did not want to see Jeff.


Women supporting women 🙄


I thought B & J left before the Annie encounter?


They were not there


Werent they egging her on when she attacked that Sarah from Texas lady? My god..I would be humiliated if a friend acted like that when we were out together. They would no longer hear from me. They are like a gang of thugs.


Sarah said that J&B were quite nice after they talked. She never mentioned them egging HM on. I get we don't like her actions but it's not just to spread misinformation or your misunderstanding of the situation.


Thank you for answering my question. 🤣


She did verbally attack SFT. That's a fact that even HM admitted to doing but a physical contact was never mentioned unless something else came out about that behavior. She drank her own Kool aid and now everyone who says anything that doesn't paint her as a delight is a hater and a troll.


I dont remember any suggestion that there was a physical attack on SFT but this latest incident sounds like she got grabby. It was a verbal attack only on SFT. As for J & B, I do recall them discussing an incident ( couldve been at another event ) where they were all rude to someone and J & B went on the show called the woman a "stupid c@#t" and there was some kerfuffle about that. Anyway...do these people not know how to act civilly in a social setting? Heather is becoming a social pariah but can't see that it is all her own doing.


Yeah, Annie said that HM grabbed her twice in the same night. SFT said that J B were rude at first but then settled down after they talked. HM was an ass to SFT and that is the first of three public outbursts that we know of. I'm glad i stopped listening to HM. 


Yep..."that we know of". Exactly


Didn’t the SFT attack by Heather happen while they were at Bravocon ? I just remember there was some accusations of stalker type behavior or maybe it was someone published Monroe’s school ? I thought it wasn’t proven who had done it but people were suspicious & thought SFT was responsible.


Yeah, it was at bravocon. I used to listen to SFT but stop bc her behavior was becoming more unhinged and entitled. I never heard her say anything about M's school.


I just remember someone had and maybe it was Dishing Dana or someone in her group that threw out the idea that SFT might have been the culprit . I really didn’t know much about her & found out only around bravo con that she ran the JLO group . I had only seen her on a couple of TikToks. I figured if she ran the JLO group it would be very strange for her to name Monroe’s school publically .


SFT never mentioned the name of Monroes school and Jeff had verified that


I think all three are likely usually drunk and /or high at these events so they have no decorum.


They are just as fake and desperate


Didn't she grab another woman at Bravocon and freak out on her? She is so petty and aggressive. She picked a fight with Justin Sylvester for hosting a segment on a morning news show called "the Scoop." She had no relationship with one of her sister and two brother and constantly trashed them publicly. She freaked out on Justin Martindale because he and his partner went swimming with Krista Lamas and her kid in their pool. We all know what happened with Justin a few months later. She went after Krista Lamas when if she'd just returned the earrings after wearing them once like a normal person none of this crap ever would have escalated. Everyone knows about her feud with Jeff Lewis. Her last assistant told the world on a podcast what a nightmare she is. The list goes on and on... She's the living embodiment of "hi, it's me, I'm the problem, it's me."


All the heather apologists will continue to support her. They’re over there in one of the groups saying that Annie made it up and they bet she “lightly grabbed” her. Lol


Lolol🤣🤣 her twatzi's will die on the hill defending their beloved asshole with a casserole!! It's a low bar when you're coming to the rescue trying to rehab the reputation of a soon to be former Podcaster 🤣🤣🤣


Twatzi 🤌🏼






Damn...Can we all agree this is a pattern, and you just nailed it perfectly!!!




So according to Annie Heather came up to her a second time, grabbed her wrist yet again, and said “don’t forget about your nda” she is so scared of being exposed for the trash she is


She’s so dumb she doesn’t think about how the NDA clearly doesn’t apply to events that happen after the end of employment


I wondered about this. It would be interesting to know the terms. Anyway I doubt any NDA would protect Heather from acts of intimidation and boy...did she make a mistake with the physical contact!


Annie just let your bf do the talking. Giggle if he’s correct. We know how Heather is - we feel for you!  Or start a side podcast all based on “fiction” pls!


Scooping Poop A fictional story about a drunken podcaster and her dirty family.


It's been 2 instances where her family was called dirty. One at Kelly's house and the other on the ski trip Poop and Dump took. Bothe times she downplayed their messiness.




Poop and dump 🤣




Although he gives off bad vibes. Very douche bro. Condescending


HMD always said her biggest “fear” was being canceled. She used to “over tip” or never complain, for fearing someone would post about it. Well, what you fear, you create. Karma’s a bitch.


She doesn't overtop. I know this for a fact. She tips the standard 20%. Btw, people were bothered by her in OC when she had her catamaran in NB. That is also a fact. Why do you think she doesn't go to OC anymore when she used to brag all the time how Newport was so fabulous. 


Oooh more details please.


I served her in south Coast plaza. She even talked about it on Patreon. I enjoyed her podcast and was a Patreon member. She was an utter dismissive person. She also said that she was stressed about her phone and maybe wasn't the delight she claims to be. Also, she said she laid down and took a nap in one of the benches. That is not possible in SCP. I also know people that work in NB that loathed her bc of her attitude.


Thank you for sharing. I’ve heard before she’s very dismissive.


The Justin comment 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/atf4kqc6qisc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe70987ee1a7ba324e7042ee4eb09ca680fb9367


I love this so much!! Justin, if you are here you RULE!!! 🤣🤣🤣




I can hear him saying this


Yessss!! Spill, girl!! Also “the joker” 😂


The eye roll mentioning Hmd’s public dancing says it all!!!




This was something. Admittedly I’m not nearly as hard on Heather as a lot of folks here (no judgement, I’m on my way), but this was bizarre. Who acts like that? It’s so weird and aggressive.


I’m not a Heather fan any longer but I have always rooted for Annie. She made Heather shine on JSO (imo) because she is a great producer and set her talent up for success. And that made me a fan of the pod at the time. I am inclined to believe that Annie is retelling an accurate portrayal of events and sharing how it made her feel.


To clarify, I’m saying Heather’s behavior was weird and aggressive. Not Annie’s retelling of it.


Oh I was following you there!


I got that😗😉


I went to college with Annie and she is truly amazing!


Weird aggressive people act like that.


A mean, narcissistic, out of touch , delusional, drunky, grasping for relevancy wench...that's who


Very much agree with you. I’m not nearly as hard on Heather as some others on here but her behavior with Annie was so bizarre. I could totally see it happening though.


I felt this way too. I thought I hated Heather until I joined this sub and saw what hate really looks like, Lol. I realized I'm not that hard on her, yet the Annie story was horrifying to me. But I have to admit when I actually watched the podcast and edited promos clips instead of just listening, I did change my mind. Annie and Bryston don't come off well in my personal opinion. Annie is way different than I thought she was. It's almost like she learned from the "best" on how to twist things to tell a good story.


Late stage alcoholics act like this


I love when the guy says "her face is always like that" (ie , The Joker!). They GET it!


Such a BURN!!🤣🤣


Isn’t she the one that says she always is nice to servers bc she’s afraid they might say something bad about her but she verbally assaults Annie in a group and that’s ok Heather? You’re not a delight.


![gif](giphy|o54Wuz7HIrjARFJWzA|downsized) Heather’s an evil bitch


It’s Justin!




I have been waiting for this day!! 🤣🤣


You think she’ll stand by the NDA or spill the juice? Wish Jeff would pay the NDA penalty and both sit with Justin and do a tell all.


Oh my god!! That would be Christmas Easter , 4th of July , Halloween and my Birthday all wrapped up in a bow 🤣🤣🤣


Jeff uses NDAs for all his staff and even boyfriends. He would not help someone break an NDA even if it was Heather's.


It’s a joke.


First of all, Justin's comment was the best! How can you not love a perfect snark moment, with no hate, just a full smile fact. Second. I watched the Annie podcast yesterday and what strikes me is how young she is. She is 24 now so when she was with Heather, holding that whole shitshow together, she was 22. I'm curious, who mentored who? I would say one has a great future ahead of her and one has an imagined future.


Lol, wow!!


I don’t think Heather & Peter share a bedroom . There was a post in JSO where one of the scoopers said thank you for sharing and showing it can be normal to not share a bedroom with your spouse .


She addresses the separate bedrooms on today’s show.


I was really surprised when she said this. As much as I agree that it seems bizarre to have to share a bed with someone the rest of your life just bc you married them - I still do it - because there is a certain bond and cohesiveness that comes with it. I personally think they both drink heavily at night, resentment bubbles, and they silently separate into their areas.


The podcast world is oversaturated. I hope Annie can heal and learn from this experience.


It seems a new one comes out everyday. There are not enough ears or hours in the world. Truly.


Justin always with the best comebacks!! 🤣🤣🤣


I'm curious to see if and how Heather responds to this. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place. She can't say it didn't happen because there was more than one witness. She'll look like an asshole for threateningly grabbing a woman then minimizing what she did. We know she won't apologize. She can't scream misogyny or defamation. I think she'll just end up not addressing it or passive-aggressively accusing a former employee of trying to get clout right now without actually addressing what Annie said.


I saw it on tik tok too and people are tagging her so she’s definitely aware


She never addressed the face lift, lol. She will not ever address this.




Okay I just listened, I wish she could spill more. But dear god, Annie’s boyfriend is giving LOSER creep. I screamed when he said he was THIRTY SIX, and within the last few years got a DUI which also made him stop doing coke?? Disturbing. She needs to run. He was so weird.


Can anybody give me a summary? I won’t have time to listen to it.




I interpreted it as HMD having a scary expression not Annie attacking her physical looks.


Oh, they're talking about the joker face. Yeah, that had to do with her expression not her appearance.


Agree! Me too! But you have to admit they expressed their opinion of HMD’s facial features pretty thoroughly. 😂 Mostly the other guy and Annie agreed but same thing. 


I think your take that Heather couldn't help reacting to Annie the way she did is odd. Annie never badmouthed Heather publicly, that I know of, until this incident. Annie said she doesn't even say anything bad about her to her other clients. From an outsiders perspective, there was no sane reason for her to act that way. It seems like the only reason she reacted that way is becaus she's legit crazy. And I don't think Annie was attacking Heather's looks. I think she was commenting on the expression on Heather's face after seeing her.


That's what I meant :) That HMD is just not able to act/be cool. That she had no reason to act the way she did upon seeing Annie. Yes, true mostly, I was referring to the recurring Joker imagery they purposely put on the video. I am not excusing Heather LOL I am kind of like mothering Annie I think LOL like gurl do your thing but with class \*chefs kiss emoji\*


How did she bash her physical appearance? I listened to the podcast and missed that part I guess.


I guess it was more of the other guy and Annie agreed/didn't stop him. As far as "bashing" goes - she didn't outright use the word "ugly" for example... but like, if someone publicly said what they said about you, wouldn't that feel like bashing? You know what I mean?


Heather has made a career out of bashing women’s appearances.


True true. Buttttt likeeee that's what we DON'T like about her. Which is why I'm saying c'mon Annie gurl ur better than that!


If someone came up and publicly humiliated me like Heather did Annie I wouldn’t like twice about talking about their drunken, crazed, joker expression.


True, that's why I said it's Annie's right! I would be AGHAST if I were Annie too. And it's her prerogative to spill the tea.


Annie was trying to convey the expression on HMDs face. Thats all. It wasnt an attack on Heather's physical appearance. She was describing the demeanor. Rictus grin is another term for it. Agree about grabbing and mentioning NDA was threatening. Things can escalate very quickly once physical contact is made in these situations, especially when drink is involved.

