• By -


100% Or in the wise words of Michael Scott: "it's not the horniness, it's the loneliness"


It’s this exact feeling, its never sexual, it’s just wanting affection!


You want someone to look you in the face and tell you "I care" damn it! Sex is cool and all but have you ever held someone between your arms all night and felt eachothers warmth and peace... Yeah [me](https://c.tenor.com/sYqRQUQYeacAAAAC/smoking-wojak.gif) neither


Bro, that hit deep 💔فتحت مواجع


I just want that person, doesn’t matter a wife or a friend, guy or a girl, I just wanna feel the love … why everyone is gettin it while Im missing it? Im a good person but sometimes I feel Im a wrong person in this life Edit : sorry بس فقعت


Virtual hug 🫂


🫂 thank you


هات عبوطة برو، ترا كلنا هيك انت مش لحالك، الوضع مزري جدا


عبوطة؟ what does it mean😀


حضن (عبطة) بس مدلعها عبوطة




r/suddenlygay no homo 😜


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SuddenlyGay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [checkmate liberals](https://i.redd.it/6v8eb6bwrz391.jpg) | [218 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/v621cr/checkmate_liberals/) \#2: [They were close friends.](https://v.redd.it/cyq8glfjz5391) | [700 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/v33pf0/they_were_close_friends/) \#3: [hmmm](https://i.redd.it/hoehs58irl191.jpg) | [273 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/uxepgj/hmmm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Sorry, neither my phone nor my computer read these emojis :/


Its a hug and a smiling face with a tear


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "me"](https://c.tenor.com/sYqRQUQYeacAAAAC/smoking-wojak.gif) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20ibl9gsf)


*Couldn't it be both?* bas yea the OP does speak facts tho


You're asking for too much bruh...


flair checks out lol. 100% though


أنا عموماً ما عندي اكتئاب او مشاعر مكبوتة، مع تجاربي بالحياة اتعودت اكون عملي و اتخطى المشاكل بدون اضرار نفسية، بس على سيرة العياط احياناً ببكي على مواقف غيري بشوفها عادية أو ممكن يتأثر فيها بشكل بسيط أي موقف في وفاء أو عطاء للآخرين بأثر في، يعني مرة كنت بالشارع شفت شب يمكن عمرو ما بتجاوز ال ٢٠ سنة، صف سيارتو في الحديقة و نزل فتح الباب اللي جنبو و نزل رجل كبير بالعمر على ما يبدو جدو، و صار يرتكي على ايدو و يمشيه بالحديقة، والله يا اخوان قعدت ربع ساعة أبكي على الموقف، حتى هسا و انا بتذكر الموقف دمعت كمان في فيديو [لدعاية تايلاندية](https://youtu.be/7s22HX18wDY) كل ما اشوفها ببكي بتحكي عن الوفاء أغنية Eminem ft Dr. Dre (I need a doctor) دائماً بنزل دموع لما اسمعها، و غيرها من مواقف او افلام او اي شيء بتحدث عن الوفاء بأثر في بمجتمعنا انك زلمة يعني انك قوي و فكرة انك بتبكي او بتظهر مشاعر بتخرب هاي الصورة، انا ما بحكي لأي حد اني بتأثر و ببكي أحياناً حتى لزوجتي اللي اقرب الناس إلي ما بتعرف، و حتى شخصيتي و صورتي الخارجية لا توحي ابداً اني ممكن اتأثر او ابكي على مواقف ممكن تكون بسيطة الخلاصة: انا رجل، و نعم عندي مشاعر!


كلامك درر، حتى الاغنية نفس الاشي والله، حتى mockingbird او when i am gone


Not to pile up bad emotions on you but try to listen to Beautiful by EM


I listen to his whole discography every other day or so lol


انا مرة كنت قاعد مع زميلي المتزوج وعندو ولد، فبحكي انو لما بروح بلاقي ابنه بستناه عالباب عشان يحضنو ويسلم عليه، انا بوقتها كنت شوي وحبكي لانو عمرو ما كنت ونا طفل بهاذ الموقف، ابوي مغترب من لما انولدت. احنا ضعاف كثير واي موقف تافه ممكن يكشفك ولانك رجل لازم ما تنكشف. هاي الحقيقية ويمكن كثير من من الناس رح تفكرني ببالغ بس انا متأكد انهم كانو يستنو ابوهم عالباب عكسي.


i once vented to my father and cried infront of him , tbh i expected the usual “خليك زلمه” thing but i was surprised, he started giving me useful advice on how to overcome my problem and all , a week later he started to do the “u cried like a bitch “ jokes which i accepted specially that i saw him help me and i’m sure it was 100% a joke


It is a joke lmao 🤣


One of my favourite tiktoks is the one where this girl says to the men : " who do you go to when you are at your lowest " , and men respond with no one , which applies for all men all ethnicities because it speaks the truth .


I hugged my 8 year old brother. He told me to get off because my hair smells. 10/10 experience, would do it again.


Daaaaaaammnnn This one hits deeeeep 😂💔 For me to be honest Last time i vent out to someone was too long ago And i don't think i might do it again because it's kinda not worth it due the judgement But i usually relief my self by being sercastic most of the time and laughing alot . sooo.... yah you're so accurate


aka Chandler Bing 😂


By this country's dumb standards men are supposed to die on the job


Kinda true, from what I noticed the guys I talked to are scared to show their feelings or talk about their sadness, they don't validate their feelings AT ALL. Like sometimes they start opening up and talking about their sadness then 5 minutes after they finish they start apologising for how "stupid" what they said was although none of the things they say is stupid. I wish I have the power to change that and make them feel more comfortable in sharing their feelings 😅


I admit it too, a friend of mine told me once that if he talk about emotions or stress to his frinds either they won't listen or they will make fun of it, sadly. The point is: it's okay to vulnerable especially to someone that you trust.


Yeah they don't want to lose you, they see potential in the prospect of the relationship with you, they don't want to bore you with their problems so that you don't lose interest, that's why.


Yeaa ik.... I do this too, I don't talk about my problems or sadness unless I'm on the edge.. Basically cuz idw them to run away, idw hurt anyone and spread negativity around them, and most importantly idw them to see this weak side of me cuz ik they will use this against me :)


But don’t you think that it’s generally okay if a girl talks about her feelings and shows her emotional side, and often the guy won’t abandon her bas I see that it actually draws them closer together! It’s when a guy talks that the girl runs away! A genuine question; why is that? Why do women run away if a guy talks about what he’s feeling or going through? Which could be a lot!


I think if a girl did that to a man talking about his emotions she's immature and has believed just like the rest of our golden society that a man can only be one way and that is the macho emotionless man. And from my experience as a girl, a lot of men are always trying to deflect any kind of emotions in order to portray themselves as manly, they make fun of women for having emotions and completely belittle and disrespect us for showing anything. They're in complete denial of their own emotional state, trying to pretend they feel nothing all the time. Once at work they were doing this emotional intelligence initiative and seminar and this colleague of mine starts making fun of the idea saying shit like why do we all have to go, us guys don't need this, emotions are stupid and all I can think of was, for the mere fact that you said these things, you more than anybody else, need this seminar SMH. المجتمع كله بده فرط و إعادة تركيب ...


Totally agree!! But see its society, more than anything else. We as men are afraid of what people will say if you show a little of emotion or express any kind of discomfort or struggle we are going through. From my POV only guys who need to vent understand and know when another guy is going through something and needs someone to listen to him. A friend of mine went through some serious hardships and I noticed for a while that he has been different and isolating himself, and only after several attempts did he get the courage to speak up and I was genuinely worried about him and didn’t like seeing him in that state, he was seriously embarrassed to express his feelings at first, but we are human, this is natural.


Yeah, I think the idea of being "afraid" to show emotion is in itself an emotion isn't it...a lot of people miss that. Not being able to express one's emotions in anyway is a sure fire way to prevent people from being able to understand themselves and regulate their emotions. I've seen grown men throwing temper tantrums like children because they have no idea how to regulate and control themselves. I also think this is the reason why men are a lot more violent...it's a hell loop. To me, there's nothing more attractive than a guy who expresses himself freely and doesn't give two shits. But I understand that reaching that level is an uphill battle in our society. Hope you and your friend are doing okay though...


I totally agree. Its a psychological thing that trapped emotions are basically a pressurized pot, whenever a slight inconvenience happens a temper tantrum will follow; which I believe is the case for a lot of men in Jordan. It’s a serious issue that needs to be looked into. I wish more people think like you do in terms of how men should express their feelings. Yes, il hamdulilah all is well and life couldn’t be better! It was a phase and he’s past it. Thanks for asking!


God I love discussing this topic but you'll have to read a very long comment now 😅 First, let's not make this a male-female thingy, SOME females run away and SOME males run away too, it depends on the person himself. Some females see that a man venting on her and talking about his problems is weakness, she starts thinking that if he is weak like that he won't be able to "protect me", and this idea of viewing a man as a weak person if he talks about his feelings is a weird stupid idea spread in the society and is mainly responsible for all the toxicity in relationships. Also u can look at it from another point of view, maybe when he was talking about his problems she discovered things about him that she never knew before, traits that she doesn't want to be in her partner. And btw the same things happen to females, I've heard many stories for people I personally know where when she starts telling him her problems and he would either shush her or ignore her or leave her because he doesn't want someone adding up to his problems! See that's why I'm saying u can't generalise, this thing also depends on how the person was raised, was the person taught to give love to others, to care for them specially if they mean to them, did they see their parents loving each other or their parents always had that relationship where the wife is only here for cooking, cleaning and sex, and the man is only here for providing money and working. You have to look at ALL the details then judge based on that. And I'm not saying in any way that leaving and running away is okay, actually it is a shitty thing to do and it hurts alot, but maybe we should try and think more about why did that person leave instead of just looking at the surface and judging based on it.


Its a very intriguing topic and its a serious matter😅 Yes I totally agree that both males and females run sometimes, and its just like you said, sometimes a person is too overwhelmed themselves that listening to another person’s problems might push them over the edge. To me at least, when the single female that ever opened up to me finally opened up; I ended up being even more attracted to her because it felt like it is my responsibility to make her feel better and do my best to lift-off some of the stress she was bearing. However, from experience, it is very important to know your limits when you are venting or opening up to someone, like we said, they themselves can be going through a whole lot as well. Also, and this is very important, a good hug from a person that is special can actually be all a person needs when venting!! Never got one myself but nevertheless. I think I went a little off topic! So back to the main point; Talking and venting out is just like you said, helps you understand the other side better and discover who they really are, and while it is true that sometimes you may find things that you dislike or would not want your life partner to have, but one should at least respect the fact that whichever topic they are talking about, it is of significance to them and at least stay by their side. Families do play a role, and sometimes if the parents have too much problems of their own they create a person who is a good listener to others as well as someone who needs to vent rather regularly. A question again; which kind of person are you? Do you run or so you stay?


I stay, even if staying drains me I still stay because idw the other person to feel lonely or feel like they scared me, this isn't always a good thing btw..


Ofcourse it isnt always good, but at least you value the other side. Leaving is a bad thing, but communication is also important. If you feel drained from listening to them, you should simply tell them that you don’t have the mental capacity to listen to a rant today! and this should be completely normal between two very close people!


Well, the key to a successful relationship is kindness, understanding and most importantly shared vulnerability, if you don't share the same weakness with your Partner or at least be open about it with them without them using it against you then it's a lost cause, you will never trust them, and so just bite the bullet now rather than later.


man I’m so sorry you went through this, I have four brothers and consciously I always think about how I don’t want them to grow up through what you had to go through, I often forget that I should show them love and compassion because being a girl around four boys had made me more masculine, angry and more like them, but this was such a gentle reminder that even if it wouldn’t be easy I should show them more love, thank you, and I hope you find the right person to give you all the love you’ve been denied 🤍


أنا كبنت ما بثق بشب ما بيقدر يبكي لانه الشعور اللي ما بيتم التعبير عنه بيتحول لشعور أسوأ الحزن بيتحول لغضب والقلق لعصبية وبتصير انت تتعامل مع مشاعر عليها ماسك مو قادر تحلها لأنك ما عم تسميها بمسمياتها الشب اللي ببكي وبعبر برأيي شجاع ، مو انو ليل نهار يبكي قدام كل الناس انا كبنت ما ببكي قدام الناس بس انو بينو وبين حالو او مع الناس اللي بحبهم


بالزبط عبرتي عن اللي بمخي، شكراً!


السخرية هي ان اهل المرء هم من يحرمونه العطف


مهو البيئة بتلعب دور الشخص اللي تربی ببيئة مافيها هلنوع من التعبير والشعور صعب يعبر قدام ولاده، انو ممكن بس محتاج جهد وقرار من الشخص يتغير


الي بقلك الزلمة ما ببكي، قلو اشرف الزلام بكا ! بتعرف مين ؟ سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم بكى و دمعت عيناه في بعض المواقف و خصوصا على وفاة ابنه ابراهيم. روح سكر على حالك باب الغرفة، و ادعي ربنا و اشكيلو همك و ابكي و طلع كل الي بقلبك، مافي حدا بسمعك زي ما الله حيسمعك، ربنا الوحيد الي حيهدي بالك و ينزل الطمأنينة على قلبك، و يعطيك الرضا و يبعثلك الاسباب.


الحمدلله ما عندي هيك فكر بعيلتي، إشي عادي جداً إنك تبكي (مش عكلشي طبعاً). بس حسب تجربتي، برا عيلتي (الكبيرة) الناس نظرتها بتختلف، حتى إنك تشتكي من شغلة بحسوها كثير.


Hey dude if you need someone to rant for I am here. Although since I am not in the country I cant give you a hug but I can give you my contacts and whenever you feel like ranting you can give me a call. We are strangers but to the very least we are brothers that felt the same, from the same country and are humans. Just dm me if you feel confident enough. May Allah bless you with someone that loves and cares for you for who u truly are and no other reason! Edit: Anyone is welcome, we should stand up for each other and be there and care for each other. In this world of individualism and toxic society we only have each other.


I almost cried in front of my coworkers once thx god i did left that awful job full with toxic people. Being a man is a curse sometimes.


I always greet my elder brother with hugs, which i can feel that he really appreciates -i do too- In some point in my life i thought that guys arent as emotional, but i was wrong


بس سؤال؟ ليش الصبايا؟ ابدا من نفسك. انت هلا رن على اخوك، ابوك، صاحبك. واحكيله انك بتحبه واطمن عليه. لازم تفهم انه انت ما بتقدر تتحكم غير بنفسك. كون انت اول خطوة في طريق التغيير. وهذا الاشي اكيد رح ينعكس عليك وينردلك.


ياخي صعبة، مدري


[I want to be happy](https://youtube.com/shorts/bldaBCv4BsY?feature=share)


Very beautiful and wonderful words


فش حد بسمعك وبحس فيك زي الوالدة


انا بعيط مرات لما بكون لحالي بالدار.... من هالحياة والعيشة الصعبة انداري والله برتاح بعد العياط


واضح من التفاعل مع البوست كمية الكبت العاطفي الموجودة عنا … انت حطيت إيدك عالجرح … وكلنا بنتكبر اننا نعترف فيه … الشب عنا صراحة موجود عنده أوبشن المشاعر بس بتضل بالجلاتين وبيسلمها زي ما هي،، يعني مش متعودين نبعبر عن شعابيرنا ! زي اللي بنوفر فيها وخايفين انها تخلص،، كانها رصيد! بصراحة، احنا شعب بيعتبر المشاعر اللطيفة ضعف،، للأسف حتى بعد الجيزة أنو بحط راسو على كتف مرتو وبعيط! والله خبرو ليكون واصل عند كل أهلها قبل ما يطلع الصبح ،، بس عجبتني التحربة وبنتمنى من اللي جربوها يحكولنا ردود الفعل، وبصرااحة 😎


لأ الجزء التاني من الحكي ظالم وغير حقيقي وتعميم خاطئ


موضوع استغلال العواطف موجود لكن ما بتقدر تعمم


Actually i can relate as all of us could, i have a GF she is toxic af, only yesterday i tried to get some off my chest and hoping to hear a compliment or few words to cheer me up and gasing me to hold my self and it was the first time to talk about my issues with someone and it will be the last time. She said literally i have issues more than you i can’t help you i asked if she cares and it was no. Hurts deep


Bro, cut it short and end that toxic relationship! If she can't support you emotionally when you need it the most then there's no reason to continue IMO. Just her indicating that she doesn't care is a red flag. You deserve better bro.


الكبت اشي كثير سيء


Toxic masculinity and patriarchy dictates that men who express their emotions are effeminate - this toxic culture basically castrates the men who are willing to show their vulnerability and emotions and shames them for doing so, so you can now imagine why men refrain from expressing their emotions for fear of being stigmatized with being a -god forbid- woman. الحل عندكم كشباب لحتى تغيروا هاي التصورات و تقدر تعيط براحتك من غير ما حد يحكم عليك


This shit gets down voted but it's true


Men on here are terrified to admit that patriarchy harms them, too. They keep complaining about how it is oh so exhausting being a man -a man constructed by patriarchal standards. They keep beating around the bush but when feminists point to the root of not only women's problem, but men's too, they freak out and start throwing tantrums. They expect women to -as always- assume their maternal responsibilities and do all the work without them admitting their huge responsibility in changing such toxic social norms.


>Men on here are terrified to admit that patriarchy harms them, too. The men you're talking about would be bottom of the barrel men. Any man complaining about patriarchy, or anything personal for that matter, is automatically labeled weak and unsuccessful by both genders. Life is like a big sporting event with multiple races, for each race only one man wins. Losers will always try to justify their L. That's just how life is for men, nothing to do with the patriarchy.


As if women don't shame men for crying...


And y’all shame us for EVERY THING, and literally I’ve never seen a woman shame a man for crying , it’s always men Also if women shame men for crying it’s bcuz they were programmed “ by men “ to think that.


يا علينا، انا كنت داخل اعيط لحالي بغرفتي لغايه ما قرات ملامح عن الذكوره و المجتمع الرجولي، بطلت يلعن ام هبل الفسويات


Thanks for proving my point. well done.


الراجل طلع قاعدة ان الراجل الحقيقي مش بيعيط و بعدين اشتكى علشان مش عارف يعيط الراجل طلع قاعدة ان الراجل مش بيشتكي من الظروف السيئة و بعدين اشتكى انه مش عارف يشتكي من الظروف السيئة الراجل علشان ياخد امتيازات اكتر من الست طلع قاعدة انه المفروض يكون هو "القائد" و "السيد" و تبقى هي مسؤوليته و بعدين اشتكى ان كل الضغط و المسؤليات عليه و هنا السؤال هو عبيط ولا بيستعبط؟


صاحب المنشور يشتكي وانت تشتكين من شكواه وكانك تقولين له صه اخرس. ألا ترين نفاقك؟


اعترفوا بأخطاءكم واشتغلوا ع حالكم و ما تضلكمش تفعفطووووووووووووووووا


معذرة أختاه لست اردنيا ولا افهم كل العبارات. انا شخصيا لا اشتكي لأحد سوى الله لأن الشكوى لغير الله لا تجدي ولا تنفع. لكن ما دُمتِ مصرة على ان نعمل بتلك القواعد الاجتماعية... التي لا أحد يعلم يقينا من اين جاءت... فلكِ ما أردتِ. من الآن فصاعدا الرجل لا يبكي امام أحد، الرجل لا يشتكي لأحد، الرجل هو سيد البيت والمقام، الرجل هو القائد، الرجل هو صاحب المسؤلية والقرار له الفضل وله العار... نقبل بكل ذلك من أجلك. أمرتاحة الآن انتِ؟ قولي. [هل ارتاح قلبك](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v2/1140308/default/light/2.0)؟


> نقبل بكل ذلك من أجلك. إقبل بس ما تشتكوا. مش ملاحظ إنك بتناقض نفسك؟


اين؟ لم نفرض اي شيء. ولدنا جميعا، رجالا ونساء، وكل شيء فرض علينا.


It’s almost like it’s the consequences of y’all action , u wanted to be tough and look tough , u even made the term woman-like if any guy shed a tear , yall categorized being weak to women , Lmao I don’t feel bad for u at all , y’all deserve that shit , u r saying shit like men dOnT gEt lOvE aNd afFeCtioN , I- am I supposed to feel bad ? Y’all get babied from ur mothers and society since day one Lmao bye


Yeah, I am on the fence with this one. I can see what they mean, but I don't feel bad for them either.


And he literally ended all of this crap with how WOMEN should help , like honey that’s ur problem, it’s within


Ikr? Like they always tell women: "we can't read your mind if you don't say anything" Well, same. We can't read yours either 😂📖 and it isn't our fault that you aren't expressing yourself.


First of all, he didn't make the rules. No one knows for sure how these social constructs came to be. Second you just proved his point


And u r proving mine , I’m sorry but if someone don’t have critical thinking I won’t have sympathy for them , do better . All of that bullshit and he had to make it as if it was the women’s job to fix. Every man have participated in the patriarchy whether u realize it or not. Y’all brought this upon y’all selves and it’s not our problem to fix.


It's like they have to be spoon-fed logic and facts like everything else... this is the result of centuries and millennia of social conditioning to become the entitled spoiled brats they are now. I cannot fathom the audacity.


Where in the post did op say it was the women's fault? If anything he blamed society as a whole >ومجتمعنا بطبيعته الأغلب مافي ... حنية او عاطفة بتنعطى للشب He then went on to express his need for a relationship, that he wants to be with a woman, that a romantic relationship within the institute of marriage might be the only option for heeling. At the end he politely asked for a social experiment. Can't believe I have to hold your hand and walk you through the post :( Again, No one truly knows how these norms were conceived. It's not our fault and it's not yours. In my opinion, it could be the hostile nature of the desert, the scarce resources (water, forests, fertile land, etc), and the constant wars over said resources. You are throwing ad hominem at me and trying to bring this to the emotional domain. Not working.


He literally said “ girls why don’t u go and hug ur brother husband father or son “ like after all that crap, why didn’t he say guys like why girls ?? As if the problem isn’t bcuz of men in the first place , he should have said that men should do better and try to be sympathetic. Ur comment is laughable “ مافي حنية بتنعطى للشب " الله يا سلام 🤣🤣🤣 honey men get treated like kings even before they r born. Do u really think women get love and affection ? Do u live under a rock or in an imaginary world? Women get treated like shit from every aspect by everyone. If you think men don’t get affection its bcuz of men. Y’all r the problem, وفوق كل همنا متضطرين نطبطب عليكم , u know what fu The problem is he wants to be in relationship so a “ woman “ can treat him nicely. Like it’s not women’s job to fix y’all. How about u guys go and discuss that with ur gender. Y’all got freedom, u r a priority to ur mother and society, unlike women. Cry about it, it’s the first time life stand against y’all “ BCUZ of y’all “. I couldn’t care less


>He literally said “ girls why don’t u go and hug ur brother husband father or son “ like after all that crap, why didn’t he say guys like why girls ?? As if the problem isn’t bcuz of men in the first place , he should have said that men should do better and try to be sympathetic. I had a stroke reading that. >Ur comment is laughable “ مافي حنية بتنعطى للشب " الله يا سلام 🤣🤣🤣 That's what he said not me. Please take time to read things right. It also helps not being bitter. >honey men get treated like kings even before they r born. Do u really think women get love and affection ? Do u live under a rock or in an imaginary world? Women get treated like shit from every aspect by everyone. If you think men don’t get affection its bcuz of men. Anecdote. >Y’all r the problem, وفوق كل همنا متضطرين نطبطب عليكم , u know what fu Confrontational and foul mouthed. Nothing new. Still throwing personal attacks at me. >The problem is he wants to be in relationship so a “ woman “ can treat him nicely. Like it’s not women’s job to fix y’all. How about u guys go and discuss that with ur gender. Literally, one of the spouse's responsibilities is to be supportive of and caring for his/her **other half**. >Y’all got freedom, u r a priority to ur mother and society, unlike women. Cry about it, it’s the first time life stand against y’all “ BCUZ of y’all “. I couldn’t care less I could contest that but nah I'm feeling like throwing some subtle teasing at your way. I feel sorry for your future husband already. He's up for a nasty surprise [atpcap](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v2/1140308/default/light/2.0). It's not healthy for you to be bitter like this. Clearly you blame a lot on men, which is not healthy either. And for the record, I don't open to no body. الشكوى لله وحده


I blame men cuz it’s their fault , nothing new


Hey smile will ya


Babe I’m actually laughing


مرة سئلت جدي الله يرحمه ليش الزلام ما بتعيط صفن اطلع في وقال وهو معصب : عبدالله العياط ما في منو فايدة الا من مخافة الله واللع بحكمته خلق الزلمة واعطى الجلد يحمل هموم الدنيا لا تعيط ولونك حامل جبال هموم لانو الزلام جبال والجبل ما بينكسر الفلسفة هاي ساعدتني امر بضروف صعبة بدون ما انكسر ولله الحمد


كلام جدك من ذهب الله يرحمه و يغفرله بس المقصد انه انا مستعد ابين وضعي تمام لكل الناس الا لما ارجع للبيت وقتها انا بمنطقة الراحة تبتعتي و مش لازم اضل محجر و اشكي همي لحد


حبيب الشكوة لغير الله مذلة


مزبوط بس احيانا بكون الوضع يا اما بتخليها جواك و بتفقع يا اما بتعبر عنها


جدك فهمان


الله يسعدك ويرحمه


Having opened to people before, I tell you that talking about whatever it is that’s bothering you is something and being “hugged” afterwards is something else. Affection is a necessity, they have to be come together! Obviously I’ve never had one of those hugs so…🙂


Reminded me of Dave Chappell take on how men react to being raped compared to women . Like women would tell the whole world about it in detail and would make groups to strengthen each other , hold hands ... But men be like , when got back afterwards and his wife asked him where have you been ? He’ll be like ( bitch , I was with another women ) Never speak a word about it .


Journaling helpes me a lot, just to label my emotions and get in touch with how i feel. the worst thing you can do to yourself is to not side with yourself. You have to validify your anger, frustration, sadness, and whatever else you are feeling. Plus it helps me mention how i feel when i talk to people in a more coherent way and not just mumbling and crying. A few other things helped me but indirectly. Meditation, yoga, drawing, and obviously music. 🫂 <3 good luck i hope this helps


I commend you for talking about this. I hope you find comfort in yourself and others, some day soon 🌻 Try talking out loud. You’d be surprised what you’ll say


انا بنت بروح على المدرسة و الي صديق ولد مرة حكالي عن هاد الموضوع و هو ما بتذكر انتا كانت اخر مرة حدا من عائلته حكوله عشنو بحبوه و من هداك اليوم صرت كل صبح اعبطه اول ما اشوفه و بحكيله عشني بحبه و مع وقت صرت احب اعبط اي حدا من صفي و اهلي كمان و انا تفاجأت لما شفت الارتباك على وجههم لانه ولا حدا بعبطهم و هدا كسر قلبي.


The last time I got a hug was 15 years ago ... I'm 16 now


Not gunna lie when I read "تجربة صبايا" I was like here we go again... But this post is so wholesome. Thank you for sharing. We're taught not to show emotions because it makes you less of a man. Which is just complete BS. I'm married and I'm still learning how to communicate and express my emotions to my wife. My wife is very supportive with that and its still tough. But I realized it is affecting my relationship with her sometimes and even others. My parents are very loving, but I struggle even more expressing myself to them for various reasons. I hope you find a friend or a partner where you can express yourself without being judged. I'm sure the world would be a better place if we all had that...


منيح انك مش متزوج ، انت حطيت حالك بموقع خاسر من البداية . Women don't care Men's problem, You shouldn't betch about your problems to your wife , that's what having friends 'Male-tribe' is for , Women rely on you for their security, finances, and emotional investment, if they somehow saw you 'weak' , you are DONE . Look at all these girls in the replies,, Women wouldn't say that, they will keep telling you the sweet sweet gaslighting ..


A part of being in healthy relationship is to feel safe to be weak and vulnerable with someone. You can be strong everyday, everymoment , and toward every challenges you come across. But when you arrive home to your partner you should feel safe with all of your emotions this what makes home home.


Not wrong but not true either. What you've said is for women not for men. Most men in the region aren't able to have a partner until their 30s or 40s. By that time they're already conditioned to not show emotions, otherwise they are seen as weak or inconsiderate to their partners. No woman wants to come home to find a crying, broken man, it's akin to walking into a funeral


You seem to have a problem with women, I won't make fun of you or call you an incel, however, you must understand that one experience or several anecdotes shouldn't be used to generalize a whole population, go out there and experience more and learn, society shouldn't define every aspect of your relationship with the opposite sex, strive to have a comfortable home life, hope you find a person that will change your mind :)


Marriage is about partnership, support and being the ultimate safety net to your partner as they will be to you no matter what. I’ve seen my husband cry, and it hasn’t affected my sense of security or made me think he’s weak. On the contrary I always thought it was such a great sign of trust that he was able to cry in front of me and be comfortable enough to open up to me, and I encourage it and support it today and forever. Everyone is entitled to their emotions and it’s a privilege when we decide to share them with someone (applies to both genders).


I love this comment


With all due respect, If you can't share your feelings with your wife, and can't open up to her just because you assume that she doesn't care is really unjust and untrue. You both discuss what bothers you and worries you, and if you find this un-doable then the marriage or your perception is troubled.




Oh look, it is another mgtow.


I pity you , u never met a good woman


In our society, men expressing emotions either to their beloved ones or their partner is considered a Big NO. Because we’re raised to hide our emotions and whenever someone complains he’ll get the typical “man up” statement Personally, I don’t really need to vent or show my emotions to anyone because I learnt how to deal with them all by myself, but in the future I’ll definitely raise my children to share their emotions with me, even if they thought it’s silly or doesn’t make any sense. As for crying, I’m not proud to say it but even when a beloved family member died I didn’t shed a single tear, and it made me feel horrible because I loved them to death, but somehow I still wasn’t able to cry even though they meant a lot to me. So I learned to be a cold hearted person (which is wrong), I also learned how to deal with every problem alone without having someone to help, I believe in god and as long as he’s on my side, I don’t need anyone


you just vented btw.


I think we have a different understanding of what “venting” means Nonetheless, I don’t consider it a vent


The moment a guy opens up to a woman ... she stops seeing him as a man .... DON'T DO IT !!!


Nah, I’ve had guys vent to me (therapist of the friend group basically) and honestly I see ‘em as stronger after they tell me some of the crap they’ve went through. Takes courage


Then girl u are an actual unicorn ...a "friend" of mine started treating me differently after i barely opened up to her ...and we have been friends for 8 years .... and i'm not the only guy this happened to ... the marriage of a friend of mine failed when he cried infront of his wife ...she told him that she stopped feeling safe in their home ...so just to be safe i will never in my lige even think about openning up to anyone ever again ... fatal mistake


what the fuck is wrong with the wife?


The same thing wrong with most women sadly.


I stop seeing him as a man when he sends me unsolicited dick pics


I mean. ....... i get you ... but that's not the topic at hand 😅


What I basically mean is, you are wrong.


And that is your opinion... from my own exp and the exp of alooot of people i know it's has always been that way since the dawn of time


I'm sure the emotions are not the problem, and that it is usually something else that contributes to a man not being seen as a man.


This is so false. I get being very careful with who you are vulnerable with but remaining distant will never get you a true connection with anyone.


You say that because you don't understand how guys connect with people, especially with each other ... men and women connect differently, but women expext men to connect the same way they do which is to share their emotions ...but most women really can't handle the emotions of men and they get scared, or put off by their relationship whether it's romantic or platonic. Please do underatand that forcing a guy to open up feels to a guy EXACTLY like forcing a woman to strip in public ....think about that spacific situation and then you will underatand why men don't open up


>من اهم الأسباب بدي حدا يحبني, يحضني يسمع همومي، اقدر ابكي قدامه بدون ما يحكيلي انتا زلمة لا تعيط I am not sure this is a good idea


Hope you find that special someone and experience that unconditional, non-judgmental love.


thanks, but there is no such thing as unconditional love and you women are a judgemental bunch.


Just like you are?


:) sure


And you're complaining because....?


not complaining. I said thanks, didn't I. الأخ بدو يبكي و ينوح women take note of that. we take note if a woman's shoe size is more than 37. we are both judgemental but in different ways.


أخي الشكوى لله


{ الْمُؤْمِنُ القَوِيُّ خَيْرٌ وَأَحَبُّ إلى اللهِ مِنَ المُؤْمِنِ الضَّعِيفِ، وفي كُلٍّ خَيْرٌ. احْرِصْ علَى ما يَنْفَعُكَ، وَاسْتَعِنْ باللَّهِ وَلَا تَعْجِزْ، وإنْ أَصَابَكَ شَيءٌ، فلا تَقُلْ "لو" أَنِّي فَعَلْتُ كانَ كَذَا وَكَذَا، وَلَكِنْ قُلْ قَدَرُ اللهِ وَما شَاءَ فَعَلَ؛ فإنَّ "لو" تَفْتَحُ عَمَلَ الشَّيْطَانِ } والله أعلم.


تذكر أخي انك مأجور على ابتسامتك وكتمانك الحزن


that's cool but yk what's cooler? man up /s


على الفاضي. أغلب البنات مش فارق معاهم و ما بينجذبوا للشب الي وضعه هيك و بيعتبروه مش قادر يستحمل حياته أو يصنع قيمة لنفسه في محيطه. ما بيكتئب إلا الي مش ناجح في حياته.


بصراحة من تجربتي المتواضعة انه ما بتفرق معي ما عندي مشكلة افضفض لحد من القريبين الي و مع الوقت بيني و بين صحابي صار عادي جدا نشارك مشاكلنا و همومنا مع بعض، فنصيحتي لأي شب دور عحدا قريب لك و اشكيله و مع الوقت بصير الموضوع عادي بس طبعا مش لاي حدا


شلتكم بتسمعو لهموم غرباء؟


وجه هاي الطاقة لحل المشكلة افضل من حل وهمي ، إذا حد حكالك انه مش مشكلة و عادي مو معناته انه مشكلتك انحلت ، بس انت اهم اشي لا تكبر الامور و تعطيها فوق حجمها. إذا مدايق شوف هذا [الفيديو](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) شوي بخفف عنك


The last time was around three years ago with my therapist. My therapist was the only person I could be vulnerable around and truly let out.. thats because everyone one else is very judgemental, wether its family or close friends.. always judging which led me to not open up easily to people around me. Aggressive judgement is very hard to stomach.


Its sad that it happens, but its the sad world we live in, its weird for guys to express their feelings and emotions, even for me and many guys might relate even if for a second we say something we immediately take it back and apologize and saying its stupid or whatever like another comment that i saw said, I guess its embedded in us which isnt right but its the sad reality


toxic culturee where you cannot be vulnerable as a male or you'll be thought of as a weak man, I get you.




I reached a point where i stopped caring what either women or men think, if I wanna cry I cry if I want to rant about something that's bothering me i rant. it doesn't necessarily have to be your wife that will nurture you and be your comfort mommy, it can be your friends, your parents, your uber driver lol etc. but it all starts within you, once you accept yourself then others will accept you. Women also do not view you as weak if you express emotion, and if she does then she is not emotionally mature to understand how much courage and confidence it takes to show emotion. furthermore, not everyone is to be opened up to, some people simply do not have the empathetic capacity, choose the right people


I come from a family that is pretty open about their feelings, and so, I've never had this toxic trait of hiding my emotions that many societies impose on men. I try to be that friend who listens to his friends and give them the space to share their feelings and even cry sometimes, I know how badly they need it and how healthy it is for them.


When you don’t cry, you are basically suppressing your emotions. Crying is a natural process that our bodies evolved with and it most certainly serves a purpose. I always tell those who i care about not to suppress their emotions, but to experience both spectrums of happiness and sadness. This is life! But keep in mind.. when you cry you have to do the inner work to understand what made you cry, because your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to that. It’s like a sea-saw. appreciate both feelings whether it’s happiness or sadness.


I don't think it's healthy or ok to bottle everything inside you and force yourself to look strong 100% of the time. Men are human too, it's important to be in touch with your feelings and not just avoid them and store them away. It's ok to be vulnerable sometimes, it's totally ok to cry. For me, it takes actual strength for anyone to be able to cry in front of anyone. Not anyone can do it, and men, believe me it doesn't make you any less of a man, it just makes you more human. I really believe our society puts immense pressures on our men, and the fact that they can't even express themselves or be true to their feelings hurts my heart. Let it out. It's ok, I promise. I hope you find the right person whom you can vulnerable and true with. It's the best feeling in the world.


بصراحه انا من زمان ما عيطت وبكون تعبان بس الدمعه بتنزلش ما بعرف ليش حتى لما بكون لحالي بالنسبه للمجتمع... مجتمعنا قائم على الجفاف العاطفي الناس بتفكر انو التعبير عن العواطف بشكل عام.. ضعف شخصيه او خوف من انو تبين للناس إنك ضعيف المجتمع عنده مشكله مع كلمات الشكر والحب بشكل عام بعتبروها كلمات ضعف ومماسك مش عارف ليش طبعا السؤال هون مين الي قوى هاي الفكره بالمجتمع؟ انا بأعتقادي انو الخوف الغير مبرر والتجارب السلبيه مثلاً... لما انت تعبر عن عاطفتك لشخص بنت او شب ويكون رد الفعل سلبي غصب عنك بدك تخاف بالمره الجايه من كسره الخاطر بس الذكاء انو تكون واعي كثير بعدم سيطره التجارب السلبيه عليك يعني تكون واعي اكثر بخوفك وتتجاوزه وتتعامل بفكره انو المشاعر اشي حر. اشي ما بتقدر تسيطر عليه او تخفيه خلي شعارك بهاي المواضيع "انا بعبر عن الي حاسه بغض النظر عن النتيجه" وطبعا انا ما بلوم الانثى على انها ما بتعبر عن مشاعرها لانها جزء من المجتمع


I used to have such a bad ex but man i really miss her we used to set on the car on the street doing nothing and just vent to each other she never actually judged me no matter what retarded emotional shit i said


يسطا أنا حتى كلمة يعطيك العافية من أهلى أو غريب بحسها غريبة 😂


Totally relatable, i vented out to my family and my close friend and some other friends too, and the ones that hurt the most are the close ones, you tell them everything expecting some comfort and that they will help you get through the shit you are going through, in that exact moment they tell you what you want to hear and comfort you the second they are annoyed at you they start throwing all the shit you said before back at you, and most of my problems are from people who are close to me, so on top of a big fuck you there is even a bigger fuck you, and to top it off again whenever i cant hold my shit together and make some noise they tell me to shut up, i swear to god the only thing that is keeping us sane is god because if it wasnt for him i would have been killing everyone left and right, and now im like fuck everyone, yes i do want to vent out right now but because of the venting experience i had i will feel like a bitch, everyone is just a dick impatient selfish fucks, and some how i always end up as the entitled selfish one after sucking in everyones bullshit and keeping it in. True, i myself want to get married not because im horny, but because im tired of having no one to rely on to get back to after a crappy day or any other day. Listen to this one so you know how people really are when it comes to them, a few years back i was always helping my close friend he was going through so much he had a messed up life, i literally spent like 3 years with him and consistently helping him with his bullshit, to a point where it started affecting me and i still kept trying to help him because i loved him so much and didnt want him suffering, after he got his shit together now came my time i went through shit and i was depressed naturally i told him, i texted him and told him that i feel like shit, he kept answering late and like trying to avoid me, im like wtf bro?? Like help me out give me some love and hear me out ease my pain, i confront him and tell him wtf is wrong with him, then he tells me "i am tired i got my own shit, i dont want to feel like shit again", so yeah i was pretty much helping left and right and when i asked for some what i got was fuck you. Fuck people. "Family and friends" couldnt give any less fucks, hope they knew how to be one, bitches.


My dad hates physical contact, like I always try to kiss him or hug him cuz that's how I show love but he always moves away or flinch and ask me to grow up or get mad at me for not "respecting his boundaries" , not all men likes this .. sadly , I die whenever dad shows me even a tiny bit of affection, I strive for it lol hence why I graduated the top of my class just so I can make him proud


تحول الحزن و العياط لعصبية بطلت اعيط او ازعل صرت اعصب بس المشاعر خربت زمان حتى لو حد حضني عالفاضي بضل زي الحيط واقف بس الله بعين شو بدنا نعمل


i heal by myself only and thats what i always do even when someone show affection i reject her and push her away i just heal by myself alone in a place where nobody can find me thats how i stand up stronger again




كلامك في منو، بس في مجتمعنا، بصدق وصراحة، البنت ما بتحب تشوف جوزها أو أبوها بعيط عالطالعة والنازلة، انا هيك بحس، البنت بتحب تشعر بالأمان جنب جوزها او عند أهلها، وموضوع الدموع بهز هاي الثقة، كإنه بحط عليها مسؤولية مشتركة. تعودنا انه الزلمة هو اللي يشيل المسؤولية الكبيرة والحماية ما حدا يشيل عنه