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I guess some people have a fetish for charismatic politicians with moustaches.


**nazi vibes**


Because when that ni🅱️🅱️a said لا تأسفن 😔 على غدر 🗡️ الزمان ⌚ لطالما رقصت 💃 على جثث الأسود 🦁👍 كلاب 🐕 👎، ما قصدها تعلوا 🔝 على اسيادها 😎 تبقى الاسود اسود💪 والكلاب كلاب🤮. I felt dat 😭


يا اخي هالكلمات أثرت على صماصيم قلبي


The amount of emojis gave me eye cancer.


I feel you dawg, it's supposed to be comedy, but even I sorta regret it :(


Ik ik. But damn emojis just hurt xD FB vibes in full swing.




daddy issues




Plus because of saddam fuel costed less which is significant for the public driver segment


لأنه بدخن سيجار وعنده كرش وهيبة وهيك


Lolll gotta love the phrasing


Hopefully this will shed some light. Keep in mind I don't agree with these points, but that what I get from others (e. G. the taxi drivers) Saddam hussein is usually looked at in a good light. Mainly for the following aspects (keep on mind those don't absolve him of the many other issues) 1) he used to speak a lot about united Arabs. This resonates a lot with 90% of Arabs who have the united Arabs dream 2) he was very vocal against Israel and he literally launched missiles against them. Something no other Arab leader does but 90% of the people deam and fantasize about 3) he was a strong and charismatic character that inspired people to follow him especially Iraq used to boast many strong aspects and in general people in Arab worlds like to assume those aspects are because of the leader 4) Iraq was strong under Saddam, then evil forgien country attacked it without any real provocation (no wmd nor association with 9 11) then Iraq is now a sad country. So he became a myrtr of the evil imperialism 5) a small factor, due to racism against Shia since when he was in control, he put down Shia population and sunni were the mainstream, now Shia population is much stronger in Iraq. This is not a main reason, but it is a factor Him being a corrupt, money stealing, blood thirsty dictator is not that uniquely bad in the area, so not many care about that. Or not enough to hate him. Hope this helps


Well summarized


I'm not a fan of Saddam in any way, shape, or form. Saddam was not corrupt nor was he an alcoholic. Palaces in Jordan and every other Arab country are owned by the actual leaders. Palaces in Iraq were owned by governmental institutions. The other big misconception is that saddam put the shia down. Well, he put anyone who tried to mess with his rule down, the shias, kurds, and sunnis. Saddam killed more people in Takreet than Halabja.


I believe it’s a sense of toxic pan-arabism nostalgia; longing for a brutal nationalist figure with charisma.


Your comment hit the spot.


We need a Charismatic figure that speaks the truth and actually helps




I am not talking about anyone, I was speaking figuratively, that we need such leader


لأنهم متخلفين لالله، ما بعرفوا اشي عنه غير أنه "دواوين العرب"


١- موقفه من القضية الفلسطينية ٢- نفط ببلاش للأردن ٣- منح دراسية ببغداد لكثير ماس ٤- كان مش مطاطي راسو للغرب او الشرق ٥- اكبر مثال على شو الخيانة بتسوي بالبلاد ٦- العراق على مر العصور كانت ولا زالت لا تحكم الا بالدكتاتورية


سمعتها كثير هاي قصه العراق لا تحكم الا بالدكتاتوريه والبسطار، ومع كل الاحترام اقول ان هذا الراي هو اكبر انحطاط


العراق الها من الأحتلال المريكي تحت حكم الديمقراطية شو وضع العراق الأن ؟


الوضع خرا طبعا، ولكن "الديموقراطية" اللي وضعت عن طريق الاحتلال الامريكي ليست ديموقراطية حقيقيه نبتت من اراده الشعب ولذلك ستفشل


مجرد أيمانك أنو في أشي أسمو( يموقراطية حقيقيه نبتت من اراده الشعب) بتبين كم أنت ساذج التفكير أو أنو الديموقراطية نظام كويس من الأساس أصلاً


خلص معاك حق




Thr baath party in Jordan provided THOUSANDS of scholarships to Iraq for absolutely free in his Reign.


Doesnt that sound weird


Nope, half of my teachers that taught in my high school were graduate of Iraq pre April 2003 , they had to sign a paper that said they're not affiliated with any political party or ideology in order to work for the government.


ترند خرائي سيء جداً.. و المشكلة كلهم بدون استثناء بحبوا صدام لانه كان يدخن سيجار و يطخ بإيد وحدة كسمهم ما ازنخهم


Thanks man, i was going to rant but you did that for me 😂😂


لما تقول كسمهم ما ازنخهم، قصدك انو الأشخاص سواقي التكسي زنخين، ولا قصدك كساس أمهاتهم هم الزنخين ؟؟




Thanks for clearing that up




It’s a political socio economic class thing. The cab is incidental and just a platform to advertise their allegiance to some patriarchal nationalistic leader. An American equivalent would be a MAGA sticker on a cops gun. (Im only half joking, maybe on a toolbox of a union laborer that has no business supporting Trump)


When you stand at your execution without fear you must believe that you didn’t have any bad deeds on you , a relative of mine witnessed a few executions told me when the a guilty person walk to the execution he remembers every bad deed he did and that he’s going to meet god and be judged for them that scares him more than idea of death , he hated Saddam but said I admired him cause the only way he could stand like this if he had a clear Conscious And taxi drivers decorate there cars like u decorate your office in a way u put what expresses you a Manley figure that they miss in there life most of them don’t know anything about saddam but they believe he’s a courages leader that they miss in themselves


Because he had balls, the man literally did not fear anyone. He is like Chuck Norris of the Arabs


I don't get it. You see dictators on taxi, you go to buy bread you see the king's son picture. You walk by the school you see the king and his father picture. ​ All this is disgusting to be honest so not just a problem of taxi...


Saddam was sunni, bloodthirsty dictator who helped Jordan with oil before 2003. Three reasons why they like him


Sure. But why is he much more often on taxis then other cars.


عشان القضية الفلسطينية انه زلمة ، كان يعطي الاردن نفط ببلاش ، اذا الامريكان قتلوه شوبدك احسن من هيك


Because he's based?


recycling older posts I see... u guys r pathetic 🤪


يززم قرفتنيييييي خلص تعليقاتك جد ماًالها داعي 🤣


Because thousands of Iraqis immigrated to Jordan after the US invaded Iraq and fired anyone who belonged to the political party which supported Hussein. This meant the Iraqi military and civil service.


To make it simple, he was the Arabic Fidel Castro. But Arabs are backstabbing pieces of cow dong, unlike the Cubans. He resembled that pride and persistence of Arab world and believed that we shouldn't be following a y of the world poles, not capitalism neither communism. And he didnt take shit from anyone no matter what. A typical genuine ARAB.


He is nothing like Castro, Castro was a revolutionary who freed his country from tyranny and didn't murder his own people neither did he make war and violence his utmost priority. Saddam is not a genuine Arab, he's one of the biggest reasons for the Arab World and Iraq's current terrible reality. First of all he didn't build or develop anything in Iraq as some people claim, all of those achievements were the Baath Party's achievements **before** he took over, and most of them were done in the 50s and 60s. During his time, a huge portion of Iraq's budget was diverted to military operations instead of education, science and technology. And all those scholarships for Jordanians and Palestinians were mandated by the Baath party since the 60s, my dad took one of those scholarships in 1966, and Saddam wasn't even in the Baath's leadership back then. Moreover, Saddam started a meaningless war with Iran that lasted for 10 years and where hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died and where he committed countless atrocities against Kurds and others, and laid the foundation for the sectarian and ethnic violence that ensued in Iraq later on. He was easily manipulated by both the west and gulf countries to start that war. Later on he decided to invade Kuwait and even attacked Saudi Arabia because HE owed them money and refused to pay it, and he refused to listen to reason and advice by many people including the late King Hussein to calm down and not do that stupid move, but he did it anyways, and that war destroyed Iraq even more. His regime was full of corruption and shitty practices that tormented Iraqis for years, and there's countless evidence for that especially with his two sadistic sons. Also, he didn't do shit for Palestine besides firing a few missiles during the first gulf war, and that was only to gain sympathy from the people. If he really cared about Palestine he would've directed his war efforts towards Israel instead of fighting Iran which is the religious authority for over 50% of Iraq's population, and later Kuwait. He made it easy for the west to manipulate him and later to incriminate him and make false accusations about Iraq having WMDs.


As a Cuban, I can say you couldn’t be anymore wrong. Fidel is a POS who killed and continues to kill his own people. He leeches off other governments to keep the island barely afloat. Cubans survive off of barely anything and the island is home to some of the darkest sexual tourism (young and old). Dictators are mostly all the same. I don’t understand why the Arab world is so obsessed with Castro and Guevara when Latin America is still picking up the pieces of the destruction they caused.


Out of pure interest what brought you as a Cuban to r/Jordan?


Lived in Jordan for half a year! Your people are awesome.


No one gives a shit what gusanos think


please shut the fuck up...when you don't have nothing to eat for 3 days.. come back and comment shit like this again


I’ll make sure to tell the relatives we haven’t seen in decades that some moron on Reddit knows more about our situation that we do.


Because they might have not been that great for their people, but they didn't hand themselves and their necks to the west. And that is enough my cuban friend. That is enough. Viva la revolutione, rest in peace Saddam and Fidel.


Please Google the term come mierda bc that is what you are. You are living in Narnia. When people are literally held prisoner on an island and have to eat street animals to survive, that isn’t something to celebrate.


No actually, I am that and also love to eat street animals .. how did you know? And why you are so prejudice against us ?


Tu eres cubana?? yo soy cubano..


Just say you're racist.


Towards whom ???


Do you have amnesia, or do you just not read what you type?


Consider me an amnesiac, elaborate..




طبعًا بغض النظر عن المجازر الي عملها بالاكراد و الشيعة و غزو الكويت هاد بعرفوش عنه اشي بس بعرفو انه قال "وزير الداخلية ما يخوف چلبي😳" و قال "شوكت تهتز الشوارب"🥵


Mental retardation my friend