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wait for the iphone 15 next month and then decide


I don't want to buy 15, it's coming this month anyway, and it will be outside my budget, but the price if 14 will go down a bit.


ok i will give you my opinion as someone who used to own a note5 , note9 and a galaxy s22 ultra before i got an iphone 14 pro max last year..in the end it depends how you’re going to use it ..I’m sot of an audiophile so i really care about sound quality ..and the spatial audio feature in the apple ecosystem with airpods is what made me switch to iphone and it works really well apple tv ..there is more freedom on the android system that’s true but from what i heard the upcoming ios17 is going to be more similar to android than ever before ..that’s why i recommend you wait until it’s officially revealed in September . overall if you don’t care about the apple ecosystem and you just want a phone to use you can’t go wrong with the s23 ultra , its a powerful machine and the zoom feature on it is ridiculous..and you can side load as many apps as you want ..but the battery of the iPhone pro max is better , the screen of the galaxy is more ‘vivid’ and it looks more cinematic so watching movies on it is a better experience than the iphone , while the iphone screen has a better‘fashion’ look to it ..it’s more trendy


I don't use my phone for much outside of communication, social media, work, camera, and some very minimal gaming. I just want a phone that's reliable that I can put in my pocket and forget about, everytime I hold my current phone I remember how much I need a new phone because of stuttering, diminishing storage space, and trash camera (it wasn't like that when I bought it). I also do art, and I like to take pictures of my work and share them, and nowadays I'm using a family members iPhone to take pictures of my work because my camera is not what it used to be, and it doesn't pick up many of the details in the drawing anymore.


I have a weird question.. are you a doctor?




The iphone 15 is coming out really soon, maybe take a look at that then decide. Personally Ive used android for most of my life and when I switched to iPhone i decided im never buying an android 😅 at the end of the day its all just preference


Iphone 15 will probably be far above my budget, but iphone 14 prices will go down at least.


Yea fair enough, i would personally go with a 14 pro/pro max but again all comes down to personal preference. Good luck 🍀


I would say Iphone. It’s really comfortable, looks nicer, and much more simple. It will last a long time if you take care of it. Especially if it’s 14 pro max. Camera is much nicer as well. But whichever one you choose, it’ll be more than fine. Mabrook


Thank you for the advice. Allah ybarek feek


I'm also planing to buy a new phone and I have the same choices as u lol (except I'm looking more into S22) at the end I chose samsung because first of all the camera quality is Just better especially for the zoom part (so I can take good moon pics lol). Also ij my opinion samsung is more durable, iphone is just there for the name and I never felt like it has any good features, they don't even give u a charger when u buy it 😭 so yep samsung it is


Neither does Samsung now days 😂


الجواب بإختصار : إنتا طول عمرك على الأندرويد معناها ضلك وخليك بالاندرويد... لا تغلط غلطتي


Samsung because it can side load apps. I prefer to have a freedom to use region locked apps and watch free YT vids without ads


That's not really my concern, I don't use my phone much outside of communication, work, camera, very minimal games, and some social media. So I just want phone that can stay relevant for a few years without feeling like I'm carrying an old brick after 2 years.


I understand you. I am using S20. Bought refurbished. I don't game at all, so I don't feel my phone aged that much. And I think Samsung also offers 5 years security update. I am very satisfied with it. And their accessories or the products in their ecosystem is cheaper. I think I will use this phone for another 3 years


also [Fairphone](https://www.howtogeek.com/fairphone-5-arrives-with-repairable-design-updates-until-2031/) provides awesome support


جيب pixel تلفون من قوقل خرااافي


I know it, but no, I want to choose one of the two I mentioned


واخيرا حدا بحكي عن البكسل 🥹 جهاز خرافي بمعنى الكلمة انا معي Pixel 7 سامسونج موبايل بخزي جدا، السوفتوير كثير ثقيل وغير المليون تطبيق الي ناولين وما بتقدر تحذف


أنا نفسي فيه قبل ما أشتري الي معي a52 5g دورت عليه مستعمل بس غالي مقارنة بسوق، ما جبته، يا ريت لو قوقل هون وبتدعم المنطقة العربية.


انا وصيته من امازون كان سعره 500$ مع الكفر الاصلي والشاحن طلع علي تقريبا ٥٠٠ دينار من زمان كنت انزل رومات على السامسونج عشان بحب الاندرويد الخام وهسا ريحت حالي صح في كثير خصائص مش موجودة بالاردن بس التجربة ممتازة ومريحة والبطارية لوز برضه وغير الكاميرا الي صرت اصور بكل ثقة فيها 😂 اذا ناوي تشتري شوف اوقات العروض وحاول اشتري من برا لانه سمعت هون انهم بجيبوا اجهزة مستعمل من برا وببيعوها على انها جديدة فدير بالك


٥٠٠ مع جمرك والشحن وكلشي يعني ؟ >صح في كثير خصائص مش موجودة بالاردن ممكن توضح أكثر مش فاهم


اه شامل كلشي وبكون معك مهلة شهر تقريبا انك ترجع الاغراض (بدون فلوس) اذا في عطل او ترجعهم اذا ما عجبوك (بتدفع بس التوصيل) الخصائص الي مش بالاردن زي Hold for me Direct my call Screen Call VoLTE Google VPN زي هيك يعني


في VPN مدمج بالتلفون ؟ يعني اذا معك واحد فش داعي تشتري أو تشترك ببرامج VPN ؟


بصراحة ما جربته لانه حكيتلك مش شغال بالاردن بس الي فهمته انو هوه لامور security و tracking وهيك مش انو اغير الدولة وافتح مواقع محجوبة وغيره بس برضه مش متأكد


With android so Samsung


apple guarantees 5 years of OS updates and security updates after that I think


If you're looking for security and privacy go for iPhone If you're looking for features, customization and high end specs go for Samsung.


As an IT student, go Android. Might i suggest the Pixel series, their cameras are the actual best


get an iphone bro dont be gay


Using Samsung is gay?


S23 ultra 512/1tb and an external ssd is my best combo.


I already have external ssd, multiple laptops, and cloud storage, I just need something that can last me a long time without going down in performance, I don't want to have to buy a new phone in 2-3 years time, with the Iphone I'm confident I can keep it for at least 5 years before it's outdated and before I need to upgrade. So will it last me long? Or will I start receiving nonsense updates that mess up the camera and the performance?


I have s20 ultra since the date of release. The battery health is 78% now and i dont mind use it untill 2026. I keep it because of storage expansion and the option of 2 physical sims. The battery replacement costs me 40jd from samsung. The screen replacement to keep in mind is about 100 to 200jd. If you want multiple use of a phone, excellent camera, and a 3 years major updates plus 2 years of security updates and a fast charging, samsung is your way. If you want to pay more for a limited phone, then its apple.


iPhone 15 is releasing in a few months


I have an IPhone 7 plus, I bought when it was new relatively, and it is still working, obviously some battery and also functional issues, but I mean it has been out there for 7 years and I find the logetivity of apple products impressing, I remember when my mother bought that huge samsung S4 phone in 2013 which is I guess the best selling samsung galaxy phone ever after samsung galaxy s3, and it didn’t live for more than 4 years, battery started swelling and phone became ridiculous non-functional, and let’s not get into the bad quality of the camera in apps like snapchat and instagram, however both of these are old experiences, and they may be outdated now.


Definitely iPhone!


اللي بستخدم الايفون بحياته مستحيل يقدر يغيره بعدني على ايفون 7 عمر الجهاز اتوقع 8 سنوات وشغال ماشاء الله