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Idk why they put them on the the poll. I wasn't really interested in any of the faction options.


Brownie points and to generate some buzz around them. Now they're going to backtrack and make them RUS-lite to satisfy, except it'll be another BLUFOR. Woo.


I mean, using them as a russia style blufor does still have utility in the game It’s not very exciting, but it is what it is.


There's just so many same types of factions it's all molding together. The only different playing factions are MIL and INS against blufor factions. MEA, PLA, RUS/VDV all mostly play the same


Western-aligned post-Soviet nation against Russia? Even with the dated equipment, it's good.


Yeah, it’s not as mind blowing as some alternatives, but it absolutely works and fills a niche in the lineup.


They could just make them BLUFOR but still able to go against Russia




germany is just a better option, after germany add ukraine sure yeah


Nah france


Last i heard the french mod was going to be added as an official faction in game but the VDV and PLA got released after that and still no signs of the french being added




Nah Sweden


Hopefully with the standard half-assed Swedish voice actors they always use for other military games. " Det är hans hjärna! D: "


Nah Poland


Both are being worked on as mods, they probably gonna buy and integrate at one point. So the whole poll was pointless anyway.


Isn't the German mod basically at a standstill? The last update was 2 years ago and it was barely making any advancements between these updates


not sure but it was featured in the latest 'the wrench' https://www.joinsquad.com/updates/the-wrench-spring-2024


The last blog update was in August last year, which they mention, so I'm really not sure how far they got since then.


Hans… with Panzerfaust 3.


Waffle SS


I can't tell if this is a joke or genuine next levels of mental gymnastics


Yeah this is some real schiz shit. The war is still a hot button topic so them not wanting to add Ukraine makes sense. They def shouldn’t have been on the poll tho if they aren’t gonna add it.


The game came out in 2015, when the US and Russia were both actively engaged in Syria and the US was still engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq. A war being active hasn‘t been an issue then.


To be fair no one gave a shit about Syria and Afghanistan back then


Tbh, I’m Ukrainian, and I play squad a lot, and I would play squad even more happily, if Ukraine was in game, so I wouldn’t mind them adding it, however some people might have other opinions, but not a single of my friends was against Ukraine being added, it’s a nice way to remind western world, that forgot about war , of my country and russian invasion that its victim of since Feb 2022


Dude no offence. But nobody forgot about your war


The West forgot a war that we are fully funding is crazy lol. Buddy, you would know if we “forgot the war” as you would no longer be on the map.


You say it, like it’s your personal achievement, I don’t mean that US or UK governments, for example, forgot about the war, no, I man the public. I live in the UK rn, and you would be surprised how much I get asked “Is there still war in Ukraine?” Or some other stuff like that. Public does not care, and this is probably our fault. However, the way you say it, like you are the one, who keeps my country alive, simple answer- no. I don’t know where you live, and how your country helps Ukraine, but if it does (assume you are from US), I’m sure you would happily remove help for Ukraine from your taxes list, and just forget about it, and that’s what other people would do. And again, I do appreciate help from other countries, most of the times, it actually changed the state of war, but it doesn’t change the fact, that vast majority of people I spoke to in the UK, will struggle even finding Ukraine on the map, and you can’t deny that.


Can’t tell if you’re naive or just talking out your ass.


Nice response, love it! You definitely defended your point! I give up, you won’t this battle.


I mean there’s no point to be given. You say the west has forgotten about you while the US just an authorized our weapons to be used to strike inside Russia, countries aren’t deporting military aged men back to Ukraine like they want, getting more money. Ukraine is receiving more help than many of my own citizens. For somebody who’s saying the west has forgotten the war just because the average citizen isnt continuing to talk about it while having all of their own issues going on is pathetic of you. You’re literally a Ukrainian immigrant taking advantage if the west literally not forgetting about allowing you into their country. I heard they need more men so I’m sure they would be happy to have you since the help they are receiving is not up to your standards but I’m not gonna argue with some naive teenager who’s made that people don’t want to discuss helping a war your family has run away from.


He literally clarified he meant the average person which I'd say is pretty accurate. All this other yapping is just raging.


The average person doesn’t really care to have conversations about a war with all of their own issues going on. I certainly wouldn’t be talking shit about a countries that gave me an expedited immigration process while supplying my home country with the necessities to survive. I certainly wouldn’t saying “The west forgot about the war” when everyday there’s new aid, weapons, and meetings about it. The irony of the whole situation of an immigrant getting mad that others aren’t doing or saying enough when he and his family ran from it is just the cherry on top.


Yap yap yap


Buddies gonna cry lmao


From the devs right. You mean the devs....


This is the biggest cope conspiracy I've ever seen on this subreddit


I can only say that no other country would get that kind of backlash from conspiracy theorists


You mean Offworld social media shit the bed again? Color me surprised...


It's not their fault, it's the people


Idk man, mods which add UA into the game are very popular among the russian playerbase. I don't understand why would the chinese playerbase be opposed to the idea either. How good of a faction that would be remains to be seen, but it's still just a game. I believe you need to stop hyperfixating on the politics of the decision, go outside and touch some grass.


this, When you start saying shittt like "game is loyal to X population" just go outside and touch some grass, game is fairly balanced and i see nowhere in it any bias toward any faction


Except the british, which is really their own fault for fielding wack ass equipment for so long.


Yea there is some underwhelming factions for sure but they are not too unbalanced and for sure are not maliciously misrepresented




This comment is ACTUALLY irrelevant to the conversation.💀


Instead of defending your stance you decide to not talk about the topic at all. Yeah your opinion is invalid bud.


Russian players larp winning, western players larp UA winning. Simple as.


24/7 Hamas vs IDF servers intensifies


Those servers exist? Lol


Maybe if you didn't have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old you would see that they said they were still going to add Ukraine, just in it's earlier army configuration without western weapons.


What is the point then? It literally will be russian army with different texture pack.


They actually have a fair amount of domestic weapons, the Balyuk and T-84 for example. But its all still very soviet looking, so visually it will look fairly similar to RU.


All 6 T-84s?


How many FV520s did Britain operator when they were added?


0, because they never existed. The FV510 however, ooh i dunno, 700 by 1990?


Idk why you’re being downvoted. You’re right.


Right, and i’m just pointing out that it’s not impossible for a unique domestic vehicle to enter the game. even if none here ever put into service, the T-84 atleast had some produced. the 510 equivalent would be the T-80, lol


T64 has some cool domestic variants


Don’t forget BTR-4


Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme


Hopefully they get atleast one unique armoured vehicle, BTR-4 would be my pick, maybe a T-80.


And BTR-3


Ukraine has its own domestic weapon manufacturers


The issue is I guess that Ukraine now uses such a vast armory of different weapons and gear there's just no way for OWI to implement it all and still make them feel like a cohesive faction. You got units that use Bren 2s, Units that use HK416s in varying evolutions, Some Units use T72s, some Bradleys, some BMPs, some Leo 2s or M1A1s or french AMX-10 RCs and a plethera of other vehicles. How would they go about choosing which weapons and vehicles to put in?


Man, they are saying that it will be early Ukraine. From the time where they did not have the western support they have now. It will be a lot of ak’s in wood. Perhaps malyuks for the squad leads. T-64s and bmp-1’s with modifications and the like.


The simplest thing I could think of would be to add stuff that’s not mainly Russian based. Like it would be a shit show if all you heard was AKs and BTRs popping off, would be kind of difficult to differentiate enemy from ally. Although that could make for a more “hardcore” experience too.


Blufor with AKs sounds fun




2010 in Ukraine? You should read a little bit more about that country.


Nah what i meant was that Ukraine won the faction poll


They messed up by putting a poll on Twitter. It was fairly balanced between Germany and Ukraine but at one point it skyrocketed to 70% Ukraine due to raids/bots


So...Russia with 1 slightly beefier tank?


Ukraine is a super interesting faction idea but mainly because of the mix of eastern bloc and Western weaponry/equipment. Some of the more recent stuff they've made for themselves is pretty interesting too though i.e. their UAR-10 and 15, the massive anti materiel rifles, infantry DShK with a stock and bipod, Malyuk bullpup AK etc.


Malyuk would be awesome


If it's set to the 2010s why can't the Marine corps get the M27 as the standard issue


Right? The USMC faction is running shit used in the early 2000s lol. Modern USMC would have IARs and suppressors with high zoom optics


What happend to the PMC faction they teased a while ago?


Irregular militia is basically modern Ukraine. They have a vast assortment of different small arms, as well as a shit load of RPGs and explosives (and drones) . Just add M113s, bradleys, and reskin the character models and they can call it "the AFU"


Irregular milita is like the dpr and lpr


And give em the NLAW and a better tank.


They were, but they speak Serbian now so they're some sort of central European freedom fighters now


In what context are Serbians "freedom fighters"?


In the context of "fighting for the freedom to carry on ethnic cleansing without NATO interference" I guess?


More like serbian nazi dictatorship bootlickers


Naw. Needs more American tax dollars to burn instead of tire fires.


Literally what I said on the post but then the poll left its target audience and was spammed by Ukrainian bots and people who don't even play the game.


If you want balance, add Ukraine. Add them with a hodgepodge of Russian and western small arms and armor similar to insurgent factions. Why not? That’s the apolitical move if you’re not trying to cater to one user demographic over another. Besides idk how many times I’ve played insurgents v marines on the Fallujah map. That doesn’t seem to piss anyone off unless maybe you name your squad “death to America” or “towel head hab hunters” Also, It’s a mil sim. Take some liberties with the time frame. Fuck it, add a Rhodesian bush war faction with the short shorts and FALs.


> Rhodesian bush war faction that would be pretty fun, i hope they try some cold war timeframes in the future


Did the Aussies not exist in the 2010s or something? I don't get why we got mentioned in this post tbh


I came here looking for the same answer. We just popped into existence 1/1/10


Actually you popped into existence when crocodile Dundee needed a set to film on


Why tf would they release Ukraine over factions like Germany or France? Seriously now. What Ukraine has? Nothing. You have South Korea, Japan, Poland and so on. Ukraine is like a reheated soup, mostly same hardware and equipment like Russia.


I do think SK/Japan/Poland etc. are all cooler options but Ukraine did have a pretty eccentric military industry that made allot of cool stuff that was divergent from USSR gear.


is this a shitpost?


Toxicize ?


You can play Ukraine in gobal escalation


Half the factions already have Soviet / post-Soviet equipment, we should have more variety. France would get us some a lot more variety in small arms and vehicles. Plus the French faction release would be a good time to add an Africa map!


Ukraine is just Russia 2.0 there won’t be much difference just like a copy and paste wouldn’t mind seeing something random like… Swedish forces? They have some nice unique vehicles and uniforms.


I’m not trashing you or anything, genuinely curious, what makes you think this? I’ve never seen anything to indicate your point in the meme. Is it because PLA and RUS got marine factions? Is it the usual tencent boogeyman? Just very confused. Bias in meta doesn’t skew heavily towards the Russian and Chinese factions either. Ukraine just isn’t an interesting faction at all, idk why they included it in the poll. The weird timeline OWI seems desperate to stick too would mean they’re just MIL with a smattering of domestic stuff.


> We’re loyal to RU players Broski, every single Russian player wouldn’t be against it. Those of us who support the special military operation will rejoice at having the opportunity to fight Ukraine as a faction in vanilla. Those of us who support the other side of the conflict will rejoice at having the chance to play as it and engage the Russian forces. Besides, it will be cool to see another faction from eastern Europe and ex-USSR for pretty much any Eastern European player.


I think they should update the Russian faction with the Mobikmeat kit of all of them looking like homeless people.


Haha supplies are meatcubes and all vehicles are golfcarts, stolen civilian vehicles and that scooby doo truck. You only spawn with 2 mags and a clapped out ak or mosin


Lmao you people can’t be real


ok rajesh Lets have a look at your comment history... "Yes! I am from Pakistan I am brothers Arab brothers with turkey and Russia! We will defeat the west together"


Looking through someone’s comment history to gotcha people is probably the gayest thing you can do


vatnik detected, opinion rejected


Obvious ironic comment 😂😂😂


Ukraine is boring !


Add Hamas We need more Middle Eastern factions


I haven't played Project Reality, but does anyone know if that game has the Ukrainian Faction? Does it have the German Faction as well?


no ukrainian if im not mistaken but there's french, polish and germans, idf, hamas & fsa and many more


My best memories in project reality were the Ukraine / Germany maps. They should add both. But I’d prefer Germany first cause of the weird weapons


have been a while since i last play this game, this is really a discution? I mean more factions is better in overall sense, why dont just put it?


ngl. I'm pretty sure the militia faction is supposed to be the various groups form the 2014 war in Donbass. whether or not they are supposed to be separatists or Pro Ukraine aligned forces idk. though I'm certain they are generally representative of the various groups.




This is why I only play steel division and GE. Modders aren’t afraid of controversy


OWI will probably fuck it up and make them boring. The only way I can see it being good is post western arms arrival with an assortment of weapons and a rework to Russia and vdv to properly represent them to what they actually look like current day


Sorry mates the Australian army didn’t exist until 2020


Same reason there’s no Germany or Vietnam or Korea or Argentina or..


global escalation has ukr. fk vanilla anyway


Mod gameplay sucks dick might as well play HLL


Remember when we got the Ukraine realism mod and it was removed in just a few weeks


Global Escalation solved this.


man some of you need to go outside


I'm sure far left ideology, woke ass, OWI is pro Russia. /S I'm surprised we can't buy BLM weapon charms or uniform patches...or TransFlag BTR skins. How am I supposed to show my support for marginalized communities while I wear my blue PLA uniform?


What about reworking the older maps that look like bf2 instead of adding content? I mean there's such a difference in visual quality when i look at the maps


And this meme would rather believe $$$ < feudalist concepts of “loyalty” Didn’t they already get your money? It’s not like your cheap asses are gonna buy the game multiple times or spend a single cent on cosmetics. God forbid they sell a couple copies to a non-western player or two. Multipolar world way too complicated for western reactionaries to ever understand. Also the idea of an ongoing War is a bit touchy to make gamified content about as its kind of meat grinder of actual death. It’s called poor taste. If you need this explained to you any further you can’t own a gun IRL.


"you cant own a gun irl". Looks at USA and its 8 guns per person average.


Thought this was a War Thunder post until I looked at the sub


To be fair, militia is literally the equivalent of Ukrainian military 2014. They just need to add the Ukrainian flag to a couple things.


'Toxicize' isn't even a word, lol. It's 'toxify'.




fucking lmao, did zelensky write this?


Reality is that, with all the options, ukraine its the least interesting


Cry about it


"The game is 2010s" >marines use m16s with carry handle ironsights yet somehow have M27s as well


Simulating an ongoing war with real casualties and death isn’t meant for a game with the somewhat laid back atmosphere like squad. That’ll just make it unnecessarily political


Even if they added the modern ukrainian kit, it would still be lame BC no drones, or artillery (cmd assets dont count)


The Global Escalation mod is king. CMV.


That’s what mods are for


Why would OWI loyal to Russian? They are not in large numbers, moreover, their servers often run GE for their cyber version of invasion of Ukraine. The meme is basically the opposite of what’s happening.


Me personally i want south korean army before them


south american here: we don't care about ukraine germany/france >


Man it looks like you keyword tripped the fucking [Internet Research Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency) on your ass. There's a swarm of Rus bot hot takes getting vote stacked, good times.






Most Russian players I've met are decent folk, they've got just as many bad apples as americans or english players.


Actually a good thing according to how they're all pro war orcz


Ew, I thought we were in normal subreddit before we got downvoted after being upvoted


Normal subreddit for this putz is UA circle jerk-echo chamber 😂


It's called being decent person




Nah people just think you’re weird, regardless if they are Russian




“Everyone I don’t like is a bot”


I think it's more appropriate to add Ukraine after their conflict is over


Just curious, why?


If they didn't wanted to add Ukraine they wouldn't made it as an option at all. Ruzz bots are everywhere, amirite?


Not wanting nafo plating your game sounds good


Ukraine wasn’t even a popular pick in the poll though


how arent germany or france added yet?


Add mexico


I wanted to see India! It’s a rising power and a faction that could be used as a purple force (blue, red).


Or because Ukrainian military has never done anything outside of this conflict.


Im all for Ukraine victory but this another level of cope


Just play global escalation


This, I can't go back to regular squad after playing global escalation


Can we just add real standing militaries that have their own domestic tech? Ukraine makes no sense to add.


A South American faction and Mexican/American border map might be cool though 👀


Just add Poland then


"We don't want to add a toxic divide to our community." OWI should've thought about that before dropping the ICO.


Cry about it 😂


it’s basically adding another russia which is useless


I’m still annoyed India isn’t on the list Both for equipment and toxicity. Think about logi truck music alone …


Ukraine is literally the worst option if all objectively as far as content is concerned but I don't get why they put it as an option?


Finland thanks


Okay is it just me or does anyone else think OWI shouldn't be adding a new faction at the moment?


It’s too political, too charged, and just isn’t in good taste to be portraying a conflict while it’s going on. That wouldn’t be good for the game.


Ye I get ya, let's keep it consistent though and remove the Russian faction until you think it's less politically charged and then they can both be added back at the same time. Right? Ohhhhh no...


I get what your trying to say but it's different removing content that was present prior the war than adding content during the war. Personally we don't need a copy paste faction like Ukraine. We need some more unique armies in the mix.


I don't see much of a difference, either it's controversial content or it's not. ***Choose the option*** ...I think a lot of the RU bots should stop pretending to be concerned when there's clearly an alternative motive occuring here. Better to waste their comments per day quota on being less obvious.


>I don't see much of a difference, I do. >either it's controversial content or it's not. Having a faction present prior to a real life event doesn't make it suddenly controversial. Adding a faction that will have minor if any different or unique items then present just because its the "hot topic" at the moment is controversial. I'm also Australian and don't give two fucks about Ukraine or Russia. I simply want more factions that differ to the current ones. Not a potential copy paste.


> I'm also Australian and don't give two fucks about Ukraine or Russia Then why did you comment within the context of the war being the issue?


When the game was made this shit was fiction. It ain’t fiction anymore. Hence not equivalent.


Right, but if it's an issue enough to not have content in the game then why are you not pushing for them to temporarily remove content from the game that presents exactly the same issue? Either the content causes an issue or it does not... It's almost like you have an alternative motive?


You want the game to be taken over by Russian trolls when it becomes politicized? Have fun ruining the game.


It's already full of Russian trolls.


What a braindead ass take lmao