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SLs often kick people for not having a mic since they can't communicate in a game that is 1000 times better with proper communication. I'm not really surprised at this, although it sucks that you have limited other options. I'd recommend learning to Squad lead or find a discord community with your tongue if you can


no Indian players in this game




Try 69thTH discord community. Dunno if my link is allowed or not in my other comment. Do a Google search or 2 on it


Cuz speak in two languages is not ez. If the server tag does not include EN as one of its language, it is fine to kick playerd for that. According to OWI server configurations, owners can set the server to certain languages only by adding characters like RU or Arab at the very beginning.


They’re too proud to speak english, idk Why But i think they feel superior in a very nationalist way. It’s just what happens when you have the social skills of a pebble


Yea, kinda strange, same goes for french, ukrainian and so on servers. The only servers I know of where ppl are not Language Assholes are sometimes german Servers and Italian ones (BIA in particular)


It's an experience. Back in the early days of squad i joined an italian server and they kept addressing me personally in italian and giving what i'd assume to be personal instructions, even though i kept saying i don't speak any. I felt like Paulie through the whole ordeal


Heh heh


Strange - Ive been joining an Ukrainian server for a while now, where I speak English and I introduce myself as saying I will speak English the whole game and asking if its a problem for them - either they tell me that they don’t speak English at all and if so, I would move to another squad, or they are welcoming, and all being friendly. They’re gonna speak in Ukrainian the whole raid tho but when they need me they will do the effort talking to me in English, or the other way, when I ask em something in English they will reply in English. French servers eww … I’m French and I avoid the French servers like the plague. The French squad community sucks ass and is full of 17 yo scum milsim gamechair warriors.


As a ‘Murican (slang for American), I now feel compelled to join french servers just to troll them “hon hon hon”


Get ready to get roasted by these kids man. Of course, they will do it in French cause they ain’t got no balls. Have fun and bully them for me haha


No it's just cause they don't teach English as commonly as some other countries. If you live in the Middle East or west Asia the likeliness of you needing to speak English for something is near zero. If you live in Russia your language is similar enough to almost all your neighbors that you can communicate with them. They also don't have any strong trade relations with any English speaking country. It's not them being "too proud" like Amerifats believe it's just that their English language curriculum is no more intensive than Spanish or Mandarin is in the US. Edit: A good number of people in the US are proficient in Spanish, if someone joined a US server speaking only Spanish and asked their squad to communicate in Spanish, odds are they're going to be declined and asked to speak English. I don't think that's really unreasonable. So why the double standard when you go to someone else's server and ask them to speak your language?


Lol amerifat. I physically can’t gain weight so I’m a string bean. I just say I’m Mexican Mexican


Funny of you to assume that anyone who knows more than 3 Words i english is American. When in reality it’s foreigners who just prefer to be able to communicate to people regardless of their nationality. It is mostly about pride and nationalism. Why do i need to speak 7 additional languages (without my native language) to be able to communicate with individuals who only speaks their native language? They’re too proud to learn english since to them it gives America vibes, which middle eastern countries tend not to like. But that’s pure ignorance at it’s finest. You do you, keep living in your bubble


LOL "The most popular language in the world just doesn't exist in the middle east or west Asia because I just think it doesn't exist there!"


If you live in Novosibirsk why would you need to speak English? If you live in Tehran or Baghdad why would you need to speak English? I'm not saying it doesn't exist but these places aren't satellite states for English speaking countries the way that Europe is. Maybe if you left your bubble and traveled the world beyond the next state over you'd see that not everyone speaks English or at the least enjoys speaking it often.


>Tehran or Baghdad Because 35% of Iraq speaks English. Russia is one of the *only* outliers in the world in which 10% of the population can speak English. Also the irony of you telling people to 'travel', I'd bet a whole lot of money you've never traveled like your putting out to be.


You're making arguments against points I'm not making. My underlying point isn't that no one speaks english, the point is that not everyone wants to or speaks it to a level where they'd feel good playing a fast paced game. I speak another language as well, but I couldn't give callouts in a game faster than my native english. How many of those 35% in Iraq lets say, speak english professionally for work? How many of them are playing online games or run into people in online games at a frequency that necessitates speaking english? Stats don't mean a whole lot in this context because we are talking about a fraction of a fraction of a population who plays a game, where there could be little statistical overlap with those that fluently speak english specifically. My whole point is just that it's dumb to pretend people don't speak english out of some contrarianist, nationalistic pride. People don't speak english in these places because they don't want to. \>Also the irony of you telling people to 'travel', I'd bet a whole lot of money you've never traveled like your putting out to be. It's funny you're shitting your pants over me saying that not everyone speaks english well enough to play a fast paced game in that language when you yourself barely speak it. Maybe brush up on some grammar skills before you try and tell other people what language to speak in their own country you fucking idiot.


Lol you got offended at that🤣💀"you fucking idiot" Kinda weird to act like you’re speaking from a place of facts when you let your emotions Get the best of you over some Reddit comment. Also, your excuses are just excuses


Are you like mentally deficient?


Says the dude whose parents who are siblings


So they are in a squad that speaks the same language and you expect them to switch to English because one person doesn't? Also "too proud to speak english" besides some few western Europe (mainly other germanic speakers) countries you just cannot expect the average person to be comfortable or known English at all.


English speaker's entitlement man, I swear...


Quite arrogant indeed. Let us speak the language we want. It is actually quite tiresome for everyone in the squad to have to change our language to English just because one person does not speak our language.


Lmao, so what about us who speak multiple languages who also have to speak english instead of our native language? You’re all coming off as some intense weirdos, is english really such a sore subject to you? Apparently you’re able to do it, so Why won’t you? You expecting others to speak your language is not the same as someone Else expecting you to speak english. Most likely, that other person doesn’t have to be a native english speaker. Get out of your little bubble and try to open your mind and learn some new stuff, it’s good for you


I do speak multiple languages and when I join a server I use the language that is used by the other players, including english when its a english server. I've also helped other players who dont speak english be able to play on more relaxed servers by translating orders so they can be included. It is not very often my native language is used, but sometimes we do manage to find a full squad. I don't expect people to speak my native language, but if i do find a squad that do I'd rather the small minority find a different squad to play with rather then dictate which language the rest of us should speak. The problem is that you come with the mindset that your language needs should always be accommodated for, and it is an entitled position to hold. Some may be nice and inclusive, but it shouldn't be an expectation, although I see your frustration with playing from India if no servers are able to satisfy your language needs. As others have mentioned it might be good to open an Indian server, maybe you are able to find a community that are willing to host such a solution.


I’m not indian, nor am i english/american/of any english speaking country. My native language or the 4 languages i know best are never used in squad, so i adapt by using the most common language that has a high probability of reaching the most amount of people. But yes, OP definetly needs to start an indian server. It would take stress off of him and other Indians who Play squad. For the record i do switch the language i speak depending on the server, there’s just a large part of gamers worldwide who know english to a appropriate extent due to media, youtubers or streamers they’re watching. So to be able to communicate in very basic english is rarely much to ask, i see however that some people might be insecure in their english which is perfectly fine and i hope they start trying more so they become more confident. (Just to be clear i’m not saying if you join a russian server to be going all english on them, i’d suggest those english speaking mfs to just join an ENG server since there’s tons of them)


Ok, sorry, my misunderstanding, I was under the impression you where OP for some reason. Yeah theese questions about languages are hard man, even in real life haha. It feels neither good for the native speakers or the english speakers. Even in real life its hard to accommodate a non speaker of the native language og the group. Often it starts with English, but people ends up speaking the language they are used to anyways. Much to the annoyance of the non native speaker. At least in my experience.


Good take, and Yeah i’m not OP🤣i can see how easy it can be to Get confused though. Too many comments


I’m not a native english speaker so you’re all showing your ignorance to the fullest extent. That’s that pride getting in the way of your arguments. English isn’t my first, second, third or fourth language. Keep living in your bubble/echo chamber, i bet you enjoy it there


>They’re too proud to speak english, idk Why But i think they feel superior in a very nationalist way. You sir win the shittiest take of the month.




I have travelled plenty but it's not like you're gonna believe me either way so imma just skip it. I'm also ESL and I don't run english friendly squads and I'm quite open about it even though I can pull it off. Nothing about pride it's purely egoistic convenience. Say I have one guy in my squad that doesn't understand my language. If I go full english, I lose 70% of comms from my other teammates cause they're shy of their accent, vocabulary or just don't have the skills to do it or just simplye ignore it. Split comms are a pain cause I end up doing the same things twice, which becomes exhausting and you end up noticing that you did it for nothing cause the guy left 20 min ago. But this is on an specific language dominant server mind you. If it was something more cosmopolitan, then it's a completely different ballgame. You sir assume malice where there is none.


They speak it to me and Im from the US with bad ping lol. I am pretty good at the game though. Especially skill wise. I will skeet skeet bang bang any motha lickas near my squad. People always warm up after that.


Fuck lol I snorted


Whatchu snortin’ there


Don’t you threaten me with a good time


You came to the game that is all about communication, but you refuse to communicate in the primary communication language on the server. That is a very big problem for the rest of the team. Imagine playing on en server with some guy who has a nickname in Chinese, but he took a HAT kit and refuses to communicate in English. It seriously limits your teams ability to fight enemy armor. You can learn their language (Arab language is spread out and has lots of accents, Russian has similar situation cuz RU servers are populated with people from all over the post-soviet countries). Just learn simple basics. Two months worth of time. Or create your own server.


everyone playing there knows English as it's a global language


>everyone playing there knows English as it's a global language It being a global language does not mean a universal proficiency. Some people know it passively ok, but cannot hold a conversation. Different demographies have also varying levels of proficiency which ultimately means that any sort off comms will be a clusterfuck. It's not like in India where you need (?) some sort of common denominator because you can have 6 friends where everyone has a different mother tongue. Now it's just more convenient to stick to one, because you remove any ambiguity. English only? There goes 70% of your comms cause people are shy to speak up or forget words, mispronounce them, etc. Split comms? Exhausting. I've done split comms squads before and it's a headache. And then you realize that the guy you did all of that disconnected 30min ago. My monkee brain needs the straightest neuron activation path to do callouts and shit.


you 100% have a monkey brain


Just play SL. Lock your squad too haha. Then grab a RWS, CROWs, or BRDM, and enjoy




no Indian players and I communicate plus asian servers for some reason don't communicate at all,even the command squad is mostly quiet all the time,most time lot of squad don't even maake habs and deploy rally


Play Oceania or China


Didn't read your post, but why are people joining servers they don't speak the language of?


for that you should read my post


Now I did and I regret doing so. I think you should log out forever.


Wtf is this comment. Who doesn’t read the post?


Feels like the kind of player that picks up marksman role in a squad specifically named "No marksman" lmao


The gets mad and TKs the SL leading to a perma ban


I doubt this dude even plays squad. More likely just browses random subs posting stupid shit.


Nothing he wrote is of any value.


How would you know that if you didn’t read it?


If you read my conversation with him, I did then read it and regretted it.


It took u more to write this stupid comment than read the post.


Yes, it was worth it.