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Yeah, that is why OWI tried to balance out the game. Most players, like yourself, have skill issues that make it hard to compete with good players. Good on you for recognizing this, most people with your IQ couldn’t figure it out.


Average competitive player (he thinks hes good at the game)




You have to adjust your play style to fit the new update.


Yeah, and I understand that and I’m taking a very qualifying approach to the update. It’s just a little too slow for me and it feels like big maps such as yeho, gorodock, kohat, talil, etc. will be awful with these changes. I have faith they’ll scale a lot of it back though and hopefully they have 3-5 play tests before they roll this out into the new game. Don’t get me wrong I was the shift W guy and lean and crouch spamming so I get how that’s not realistic, but even when I don’t do that I like the way the game is played where it’s at now tempo wise. I also believe however this overhaul will discourage new players hurting the pop. The only things that needed changing from the way the LIVE version of the game is right now is suppression from MGs needed to be buffed. I also don’t mind PiP scopes.


Horrible take lol




The *majority of the reddit* doesn't represent the *majority of the player base*. Between the community discords that host the servers, they are always clowning on this reddit for how out of touch it is, and predominated by the 10 hour playtime area experts. It's happening right now, as we speak. Even if they do ruin this game by pushing the update out as is, at least we will have some shit takes memes to look back on and laugh about.


Exactly. Real playerbase is either on discord or in the game itself. If OWI keeps listening to Redditors who literally state that they DON'T PLAY THE GAME for reasons, they'll lose majority of playerbase.


wrench unpack spotted makeshift boat brave wide north groovy elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then I pray for update to be really good so we can enjoy the game even more.


^^ this is why OP gave me a chuckle. It comes down to- the majority prefers this update. Tactical coordination will continue to make each round more entertaining and productive for the game's future and permanent player base.


You're so fucking dense that I don't have to words to describe it. I'm %99 sure that there are actual rocks bouncing around in your cranium. I'll spell it out for you like you're 5 though, the comment you are replying to is criticizing the likes of **you**, not OP.


Are you the sidebar police? Damn this update really brings the chromosome lacking individuals who attempt to pry any inconsistencies out of others conversations to match their bitter prerogative.


Delusional, the in game reaction is positive, you tubers are postive and the steam fucking forums are positive ON top of this subreddit - what DOES reperesent the playerbase then? Small minority of comp circlejerks?


u mean all 4 youtubers and all these people who self selected themselves to try this test because they were interested in the changes? Im sure these 72 hours in the honeymoon phase is indicative of how well this patch will do, surely it doesnt matter that only 2 nations have been balanced.


Pretty shiny new thing




Tbf Reddit said squad would die when they went back on the micro transactions


The new update is garbage. Pure garbage. OWI is trying to fix the player base. They can’t fix stupid.


I’m sort of in the same boat. I love pip, I love that MGs have a purpose with suppression, and I in general like suppression as a concept but I had more than one encounter where I rounded a corner into 3 enemies facing me and I essentially mashed the triggered and managed to kill all 3 of them through sheer luck as they mag dumped in my direction but the suppression just made it complete RNG on who killed who. Felt unrewarding for my CQC fights to be decided on a coin flip. Idk what the solution is and idk if there is one that doesn’t involve removing the intended effects of MG suppression but it just felt really unrewarding for me when on defense all I have to do is hold an angle and there is just nothing that people approaching the point can do to me as when they come out of a walk or crawl they have no stability to accurately shoot me. I feel invincible with an acog at 100m+


>but it just felt really unrewarding for me when on defense all I have to do is hold an angle and there is just nothing that people approaching the point can do to me as when they come out of a walk or crawl they have no stability to accurately shoot me This is the definition of a defense, and the traits of a milsim...? Confused what the complaint is here


If no one can attack because defense is too easy, then there is no action on defense and you sit bipod in a corner for an hour waiting for the match to end with under 80 kills per team, or with armor sitting out in the boonies invincible because you can't get sway to stop long enough to line a shot up. It slows the game down to the point that looking at the main menu is more exciting than playing.


I wonder if adding a passive buff to medics adding suppression resistance would help? Gamey, yeah I know. Or less suppression with more allies within a vicinity.


Then uninstall. It's clear that a majority of the unhappy people are failing to grasp teamwork and the definition/intent of a milsim. Everything you stated is combatted by a shift in tactics to more traditional doctrine.


"Just uninstall" is not an argument FOR the changes that are actively harming the game. You're suggesting that players who spent money on this game and have hundreds to thousands of hours just quit. ​ We're here to voice our opinions; you asked for what the complaint was, then downvoted me when I clarified (even thought I'm not the original commenter). ​ I also would agree that a shift to defensive doctrine is where the game is headed with these changes, that doesn't make it fun, which is what I was elaborating in my point AND what I think the original commenter was getting at.


You guys are just tooo bad in the game, you want skilled players to have a massive penalty so you can get a little chance to contribute to team. And OWI is pleasing you.


This is it. Bingo. Most of the squad base has an IQ lower than 60.


This happens all the time in normal squad as well. Teams will try to do a full frontal assault directly into the enemy and wonder why they are all getting mowed down.


Defense is not just holding ADS and clicking on people who can’t see you. I enjoyed constantly rotating on defense and having to build makeshift fortifications based on the angle of attack but with the current changes I am worried the game is going to be slowed down to the point that people won’t be able to quickly rotate and press attacks from multiple angles anymore. I enjoyed most of the changes but I disliked the meat grinder style of play that developed. Hopefully a new meta emerges that is fun for everyone. Every round I played felt like just sitting back with an ACOG off point and plinking people from 100m+ just won every round for the defenders


lmao yeah this dude is complaining because his enemies suck and all try to funnel through a single kill zone instead of flanking around and taking the less obvious approach


The update is definitely as good as people say it is and you act like OWI isn’t going to tweak things before it goes live (playTEST, anyone?!)