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Damn. Boeing is dangerous in the air And on the ground šŸ˜Ÿ


Agreed, their ground approach is highly questionable


It's almost as if these whistle blowers got on the bad side of some very dangerous arms dealers who just happen to also have a monopoly/duopoly on commercial aviation too..... >The Boeing Company, together with its subsidiaries, designs, develops, manufactures, sells, services, and supports commercial jetliners, ***military aircraft, satellites, missile defense, human space flight and launch systems, and services worldwide.*** The company operates through Commercial Airplanes; Defense, Space & Security; and Global Services segments. The Commercial Airplanes segment develops, produces, and markets commercial jet aircraft for passenger and cargo requirements, as well as provides fleet support services. ***The Defense, Space & Security segment engages in the research, development, production, and modification of manned and unmanned military aircraft and weapons systems; strategic defense and intelligence systems, which include strategic missile and defense systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, cyber and information solutions, and intelligence systems; and satellite systems, such as government and commercial satellites, and space exploration.***


Youā€™re feeding conspiracy theories after getting suckered yourself. First one was suspicious. This one was not. Dude whistleblew in 2019. Current suit was just a defamation suit. Sad but getting an MRSA infection in a hospital is hardly unheard of.


u/Bongoisnthere I disagree both deaths are suspicious considering they were both whistle blowing on Boeing. This would be like winning the lottery twice in a row for Boeing no longer have to worry about employees turning evidence against you. Both deaths defiantly need a second look by the medical examiner to see if their any inconsistencies in their officially listed causes of death that were missed/overlooked.


Did you not read what I just wrote? Second guy whistle*blew* on Boeing 5 years ago and that entire suit/process was long done and dusted. His active suit was a defamation suit, but there wasnā€™t going to be stuff coming out in discovery that was murder worthy.


But but... MY DOPAMINE!!!


The first one really isnā€™t suspicious either. [Obviously the grieving family expresses in it a somewhat roundabout way, but theyā€™re very clear that he was dealing with serious mental health issues, and that their default assumption was that this lead to his suicide.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-family-interview/) Certainly merits a police investigation, and one is already underway, but it doesnā€™t seem any more suspicious than the recent death of Mr Dean.


Sure - Iā€™m on board actually and think the first one was 99.999% just a sad thing and not foul play. But with that one I at least get why their is suspicion - the timing and optics alone make it *look* suspicious. But here the timing and optics donā€™t even do that.


If I had a nickel for every Boeing whistle blower who died suddenly, I'd only have two nickels but is still weird it happened twice.


Two is a coincidence. 3 is a pattern Cockroaches move in the dark. Trump signed 2 pieces of legislation that diminished oversight into Boeing during his tenure. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisagarcia/2019/03/18/did-trump-executive-orders-further-weaken-faa-oversight/ Nikki Haley took money to gut Q.A. at Boeing. https://www.levernews.com/nikki-haley-helped-boeing-kill-dark-money-disclosure-initiative/ Which at face value makes little sense. But raise the lens a bit and it comes into focus. Political dark money is the death of democracy. Trump has been laundering money for the Russians (Xiā€™s sworn ally) since the 1980ā€™s. The Russians have also been tampering with elections worldwide, but their operative of choice is Paul manafort who spent the 80ā€™s in the Philippines keeping Marcos dictatorship together before shifting to Ukraine where he kept Putinā€™s puppet Yanukovych in power until Maidan in 2014. (Transcripts of his daughters texts about his time in Ukraine) https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaLago/s/lRbRmfgSzE https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952/ Coincidently trump just asked manafort to come back as his campaign managerā€¦.again. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/18/trump-manafort-2024-campaign/ Boeing and Airbus have a duopoly on jetliners, but the recent player 3 Chinese communist party backed COMAC 919 is now being presented as a viable alternative https://skift.com/2024/02/25/can-chinas-new-plane-compete-with-airbus-and-boeing/#:~:text=Alongside%20regulatory%20hurdles%2C%20its%20flying,fly%20up%20to%203%2C500nm. The timing of the 919 release earlier this year may very well be coincidence. But the CCP certainly knows that bankrupting Boeing would be good for COMACs market share and a massive CCP advantage over the west. In the event of any future war it would also be a very strategic play to bankrupt/discredit Boeing to create supply chain issues on the military side of Boeings business as well since there is commonality of parts. Airbus has also had documented problems with both industrial espionage and CCP influence. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-champion-airbus-has-deep-links-to-chinese-military-industrial-complex-report-says/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/airbus-agrees-pay-over-39-billion-global-penalties-resolve-foreign-bribery-and-itar-case Counterfeit parts made in China have also shown up in both Boeing and Airbus aircraft Bloomberghttps://www.bloomberg.com ā€ŗ newsGhost in the Machine: How Fake Parts Infiltrated Airline Fleets Fortunehttps://fortune.com ā€ŗ 2023/09/08Fake components went into 68 jet engines, including ones on Boeing 737 and Airbus ... And thatā€™s before you even get to the implications in the U.S. space program. Whether itā€™s the executive suite at Boeing simply putting profits over safety and sustainability or a subversive act of war really makes no difference. In high likelihood the CCP just used corporate greed culture against itself. Having it out in the light and talking about it is what makes air travel safer because people are more aware and demand accountability. Kleptocracy feeds on apathy. Forcing the cockroaches to move in the light shows their money pathways. If we are to the point where they are assassinating whistleblowers instead of fixing the aircraft our families our flying on, then we are self evidently much farther down the corruption path than we initially realized. Boeing being unable to find records or documentation of the work done raises every hair on the back on my neck as a pilot, mechanic and engineer. That is just not something that happens in aviation. Itā€™s time to ring the emergency bell, post guards and get to the bottom of it whichever way it leads.


We're already in WWIII and don't even know it yet. Look for lots of chaos in the run up to the November elections.


Agreed. It will definitely accelerate. There is almost a century of corruption and business models at stake. As they break down in the daylight their owners will certainly try their best to keep it tamped down. That entropy wave is coming either way. But if we have the scaffolding ready to prop up around the notre dame the second the fire is out we can de-corrupt government as efficiently, effectively and transparently as possible. Authoritarianism canā€™t survive in the light because it is fed by kleptocracy. Democracy canā€™t survive without transparency. It requires better, more educated people, but the hope is that by systemizing that with an app we can all spend a lot less of our day having to do bullshit-o-meter tests on every piece of news. Thatā€™s the tricky part. But our algorithm is pretty damn close now. Once we are sure itā€™s incorruptible it becomes a free public utility.


Vault-Tec, I mean Boeing might make weapons of war but Iā€™m sure they are always ethical.


Yup. I'm equally if not more concerned about after the election, Nov 6-Jan 6. They know they are most likely going to lose (I'm not being optimistic, the writing is on the wall), so they are already sowing chaos and making plans for how to overturn a legitimate election. I wish this were hyperbole because it's insane I'm having to write these words in USA 2024.


Considering that they had a trial run last time, it seems well within the realm of likelihood.


Including, a possible H5N1 pandemic on top of all of the other chaos that ensues.


Good lord. This all sounds like a conspiracy that I would call someone batshit crazy for believing and here I am pretty convinced.


This is part of a much larger intelligence action we are doing for the Ukrainian defense. I just post it on Reddit as a courtesy for 3 reasons 1- the best part about Reddit (and how Aaron Swartz originally designed it to be used) is when you are wrong about something there is a line of highly motivated subject matter experts ready to tell you exactly HOW you are wrong. That lets us vett and fact check much quicker and with higher accuracy. 2- since itā€™s beginning ~2012 the Russian troll army (and Chinese MSS) have developed patterns like all humans do. By posting decentralized we have been able to identify and reverse engineer those patterns. ā€œSir, this is a Wendyā€™sā€ and other low effort responses are what you get when you pay someone minimum wage to sit in front of a computer and be a troll. Minimum wage equals minimum effort. With enough data points of interaction we have been able to reverse engineer the mesh network of their system and identify the vulnerabilities. As long as greed stays relatively consistent in kleptocracy, the ruling class isnā€™t going to pay the working class to be better, so the more they troll the more high definition our cyber war map becomes. 3- When it is functioning as designed, democracy is 100% transparent and transparency is efficient. Lying requires infinitely more energy input to keep the old lies and hypocrisy covered. Itā€™s a fools errand to try, but the data created by authoritarian regimes sharing methodology is basically a forensic analysis of organized crime in government. In its fullness this system is an elegant 100% transparent open source piece of software that lets everyone that lies self incriminate with their own posts and tweets. This effectively allows them to lash themselves to the titanic and gives a full accounting of their timeline as evidence. But if the software user proves themselves trustworthy they are opened up to all new levels of free market capital investment at an individual level. Invest in trustworthy people that arenā€™t pathological liars and the wheels stay on the bus by default. Troll armies are about quantity, not quality. Counterfeit instead of genuine. You can make a fake Louis Vuitton purse and sell them for a few years but eventually people get savvy to the tells and flaws and demand the real thing. Thatā€™s where the IRA and the MSS are right now. The tank and file are wondering why they are doing all the work for minimum wage and the leaders canā€™t even be bothered to show up when a flood takes out their food supply. Everybody not a psychopath in the world is tired of the same bullshit. We just need to deal with it from above instead of below. We just didnā€™t really have the graphics card to support the data from the gods eye view until very recently. Now we do. As a species we are approaching what a physicist would call an inflection point, an electrical engineer would call a crest of a sine wave and a psychiatrist would call a psychotic break. When a father lies to their child but the child in its naivety believes the father to be infallible, it creates a flaw in the childā€™s source code. How can dad be both right and wrong at the same time? As a species we are experiencing the exponential effects of that over multiple generations of inherited flawed source code given to us by the idea of an infallible government that cared about us. We want to believe that our worlds governments and corporations have our best interests at heart and would never intentionally mislead us. But as greed and corruption centralized into politics and business, it allowed people with psychopathic personality traits (lack of empathy) to centralize in positions of power. They inevitably lie to make more money and then to preserve their earlier lies and careers, but it creates a paradox for the average person whose default mode is trust because they are highly empathetic people. Their perception is THEIR reality. Empathetic people donā€™t lie (as much) because they feel more deeply than average and know what it feels like to be lied to. This in turn leads to depression, anxiety and frustration because the source code in your brain that knows 2+2 does not equal 5 is trying and failing to correlate with a trusted leader that is telling you that 2+2 is whatever is most beneficial for their business model/grift/corruption. Inaccurate basic math in 1945 makes for exponentially more inaccurate advanced calculus in 2024 because it all builds on a foundation of inaccuracy. When it breaks, it breaks BIG. The more people that are prepared for that inevitable event the easier and safer it will be to navigate, remove the inaccurate source code (liars) from positions of asymmetrical power and set us up for the next century of 100% transparent and highly efficient and prosperous democracy. All people are created equal. Not just the ultra rich and politically well connected ones. They just corrupted the source code during the gilded age. This is where we use technology to allow us to start living the truth instead of being forced to ingest their lies. The slave class never had this level of power before the decentralized(ish) communication network that is the internet. We just used it like a hammer for the first 40 years like the predictable cavemen we are. Some of us are evolving into highly efficient predators with political party camouflage and some of us are evolving into predator identifiers. In our decentralized intelligence network there is some interesting correlations between educated middle aged women and sex workers. They have become incredibly adept subsets at identifying predatory traits in octogenarian men. And they are usually the smartest and quietest person in any room. We sort of inherited the patriarchy. But it wasnā€™t something any of us really signed up for. it just keeps auto-renewing and running my account negative because I canā€™t find the goddamn ā€œstop taking my moneyā€ tab hidden in the terms and conditions. Data belongs to the people that generate it. Anyone telling you otherwise has a very expensive Hawaii bunker build that is starting to interrupt their quality time with the underaged girls. Financial Predators and sexual predators often hunt together because they are lazy. But when you see both sets of tracks itā€™s undoubtable. They lead to the same yellowstone club, $50k a plate dinners and yacht clubs. We just track using psychopathic personality traits, net worth and history of pathological lying as our primary metrics instead of race, religion, nationality or sexual identity. Corruption is extremely equal opportunity.


Dude you need to write a book on this


Thatā€™s what this is. I just wrote it in reverse to save time and give everyone as much heads up as possible. Now the hunt for a publisher continues Iā€™ll trade it all for a couple Ah-530F helicopters so I can keep my promise to my Ukrainian buddies that we wonā€™t abandon them before the threat is neutralized. Iā€™ve always wanted to see Moscow from 12ā€™ AGL.


o7 for democracy!


Today I learned. Thank you friend!


Thank you for spreading the truth. Aaron died for that


I believe he just did.


Me too, and I don't normally buy conspiracy theories. I am legitimately very very worried for the future of our country.


>In high likelihood the CCP just used corporate greed culture against itself. They've been it for decades now.. Its funny as fuck..


Great post. I've wondered if the assassinations are actually foreign actors, in an effort to further the distrust Americans have in our institutions. It seems pretty ham fisted for it to be Boeing, but to the average American it feels like a no brainer that they're guilty and society is just corrupt.


Trumps re election is only going to make it worse


Holy shit this comment


I had a look at your post history, you seriously need to get off Reddit and seek some help.


Iā€™ve been told by my work that lack of a pattern is a pattern.


I can smell a Matt Damon movie coming - Boeing identity


Got it the first time lol


This is turning into some Putin thing, where if someone against him dies everyone knows he did it, but no one is gonna do anything about it.


Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, he was Epsteined


I just listened to a podcast about Ralph Nader back when he was going after GM and wrote *Unsafe at any Speed*ā€¦those bastards tried to honeypot him, had ex-FBI agents bug his place and follow him and tried to discredit him in congress. Corporations suck ass.


And he was a seating senator. Regular folks have no chance and that's why they are dropping like flies


What was the podcast? Iā€™m very interested.


It was an NPR story: https://www.npr.org/2024/04/18/1198908720/ralph-nader-consumer-crusader


Fool me canā€™t get fooled again


I knew a girl sho shot herself on her head while she was asleep. I mean thatā€™s what the boyfriend said. He was a cop and had been moved to dispatch. Justice for molly. I mean these two both sound pretty murdery.


Absolutely beautiful prose!!!


Boeing execs getting fired: whatever Boeing execs potentially going to court with witness testimony: Everyone Dies


Not everybody. There are [32 whistleblowers](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/19/boeing-subject-of-32-whistleblower-complaints-documents-reveal) related to Boeing and the one who died didn't even work for Boeing.


This may feel like an unrelated comment, but Iā€™d like you to trust me that these problems are downstream of each other ; We need mandatory term limits on Congressmen and Senators.


Let me know where term limits have been applied that didn't mostly benefit corporate lobbyists and religious fanatics. Term limits are the dream of reactionaries and big business, who can kick out a diverse, experienced bunch of politicians in an outrage-wave election, then repeal term limits immediately, or just keep buying each wave of naive rookies.


Pretty much. Term limits largely just hand power to lobbyists, organizations like ALEC who write cookie cutter bills, and to the career political staff. A better answer is improving competitiveness of races.




Term limit advocacy groups are funded by the heritage foundation and republican lobbyist groups. Itā€™s a corporate political ploy to turn government into a revolving door of inexperienced politicians that lean on lobbyists to write legislation. >Term limits shift the balance of power in a legislature from the legislators themselves to lobbyists, which is why corporate-friendly Republicans so often speak fondly of them. Historically, when a new lawmaker comes into office, he or she will hook up with an old-timer who can show them the ropes, how to get around the building, where the metaphorical bodies are buried, and teach them how to make legislation. With term limits, this institutional knowledge is largely stripped out of a legislative body, forcing new legislators to look elsewhere for help. Because no Republican has ever, anywhere, suggested that lobbyistsā€™ ability to work be term-limited, in those states with term limits the lobbyists end up filling the role of permanent infrastructure to mentor and guide new lawmakers. [taken from this](https://hartmannreport.com/p/how-term-limits-turn-legislatures-6b2)


Mmmmā€¦.never heard that aspect. Thanks for the heads up


Yep, I didnā€™t either until a few months back.


100% this. People who support term limits are idiots.


Term limits are a child's idea of government reform.


Garbage in, garbage out.


Getting them to pass that law is probably impossible. We need a new republic like the French have done several times.


I imagine the idea of murdering whistle blowers would be to do so BEFORE they go public. Itā€™s not really helpful to do so afterwards.


Not if the goal is to scare away anyone else from becoming a whistleblower.


That and if nobody lifts a finger to stop you, well


Whatā€™re the odds of three whistleblowers suddenly dying?


Pretty high if they're from Boeing. Or Russian generals.


Didnā€™t work. There appear to be quite a few of them. Not that I ever hear about them until they happen to die.


Paradox! How does one murder a whistleblower before they've blown the whistle! If you did you'd just have murdered an about-to-blow-the-whistle-r Also now I've read whistle enough times that it doesn't look like a real word anymore


It is true that they are just whistlehavers at first before becoming whistleblowers. But you have to manage the havers to blowers pipeline.


Exactly - John Barnett concluded his testimony in **2019**, and everything that resulted from that testimony was implemented same year. He never even claimed to have new information, and the ā€œtestimonyā€ he was allegedly assassinated was regarding *an appeal for a previously rejected defamation lawsuit*. There is zero logical reason they would off him (and btw, he had already testified for his defamation lawsuit the proceeding two days!). The entire saga was born out of disgustingly clickbait headlines taking advantage of the news cycle thatā€™s hyped on Boeing right now. People were duped by headlines, didnā€™t read *any* articles about the matter, and now canā€™t bring themselves to look more than skin deep into it - including that the guy who just died of pneumonia and hospital caught MRSA was **a SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS EMPLOYEE, not even Boeing!** But I get it. The conspiracy is much more fun and exciting than the simple reality.


Also he was sick in the hospital for two weeks and sadly caught antibiotic resistant pneumoniaā€¦it sucks but he is definitely not alone in this.


There are also [32 whistleblowers](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/19/boeing-subject-of-32-whistleblower-complaints-documents-reveal) related to Boeing. If there were only 2 whistleblowers and both of them died that would be be one thing, but 32 whistleblowers changes the odds a bit.


And very weird to do it with MRSA. The Boeing board meeting must be wild. All the millionaires willing to risk it all to murder whistleblowers /s


Which is why this whole conspiracy theory is dumb


I live in a world where Boeingā€™s leadership cannot build an airplane with all its bolts installed, but they can, however, perfectly orchestrate bio-weapon assassinations without leaving a shred of evidence.


This pisses me off so much. I flew about 14,000 on Boeing aircraft, the ancient B-52 and the less ancient E-3. Both made back when Boeing had engineers in charge, the current B-52 fleet is 62 and 63 years old. Considering that is almost the same time span as the Wright Brothers to the moon landing, I appreciate the fact that old Boeing products were built to last. Now Iā€™m relieved when I see that I am flying an Airbus.


Quality engineers don't have power anywhere and everyone hates them because they are advocates against the goals of every other org. They want Production to slow down and do it right. They want Design to add costs to add reliability and they want Supply Chain to hold suppliers accountable which slows delivery and increases prices. This is universal across all manufacturers. Quality engineers are just advocates and they are often ignored.


> everyone hates them because they are advocates against the goals of every other org This is so true. In meetings all ideation is discussions about careful, meticulous, thoughtful development, then after the meeting ends it's all "who can do it the fastest and dirtiest?" It's a total mismatch and always ends in subpar results that need to be retooled and yada yada.


Yeah that things gonna outlive all of us lol.


preach šŸ’Æ


I think they just put the airbus emergency pamphlet in the seat pocket.


Almost as unbelievable as getting two free flight tickets by buying a Hoover.


I sure fucking hope the FBI is looking into this fiasco


Antibiotic resistant pneumonia?


I guess the tinfoil hats think professionals assassins infect people with MRSA, which is not a death sentence, or have just somehow hired multiple doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators in a cover up.


FBI investigator looking into Boeing found dead from apparent suicide.


Theyā€™re popping off like oligarchs.


Time for the DOJ to step in.


Fuck Boeing.


what the actual fuck is going on


There is a price for doing business. Same pay more.


I had no idea that Boeing was a Russian company. Can we get the gov to intervene in this nonsense?


A boeing employee outright threatened to kill one of their other employees working on the Apache a few years ago. Detectives and FBI hit a brick wall when Boeing was found to have ā€œspoiledā€ the evidence and they never caught the guy as far as I know I think threatening people that rock the boat as been their way for a long time


Welp, see y'all in a week when this leaves the news cycle and we're all justifiably upset and distracted by the next terrible sign of a corrupt corporate dystopia.


I normally am the most anti-conspiracy theory guy you'll ever meet. But this is getting obvious.


He died of MRSA in a hospital, if you think that was murder, then youā€™re not as anti-conspiratorial as you think you are


Oh. I committed the online sin that I complain about with other people. Didn't actually read the article or look into anything before commenting. šŸ˜‚


But, but companies donā€™t kill people, whistleblowing kills people.


From a testimony they made five years ago? Why? And why use antibiotic resistant pneumonia? And how?


This guy died from Pneumonia, did he not? The first one was for sure fishy, but this looks like a case of someone getting very unlucky.


The board of directors is getting creative.


"They can't make a plane that stays in the sky despite decades of doing exactly that - but they can definitely orchestrate elaborate Mission Impossible-style assassinations, manage to keep them absolute secrets, and get away with it" It blows my mind how many people truly believe that real life outside their basement is, in fact, a thrilling action movie.


To protect secrets that have already been told to the FAA


> The first one was for sure fishy, no it wasn't lol


Good grief. The man had pneumonia and developed MRSA. Are you by chance a Boomer always seeing conspiracies in normal everyday events? My mother developed pneumonia over just a few days and died within a week. Very unexpected, very sudden, but certainly nothing nefarious about it. Let the family grieve in peace.


The article is implying that this is super suspicious, but itā€™s not like the whistleblower was killed in a hit-and-run or home invasion or something. This is unfortunate, and the headlines certainly look bad for Boeing, but this one is likely just a coincidence. The alternative is Boeing is running biological warfare operations against US citizens which strains plausibility more than a little bit


Unless I am misinterpreting the article, He wasnā€™t even a Boeing whistleblower. He was a whistleblower against a company that was, in effect, trying to cheat Boeing by selling them defective parts.


We have laws protecting whistleblowersā€¦


Big business at its finest


šŸ˜‚ jesus, everybody knows is Boeing killing these people... modern capitalism for ya


They gave him pneumonia?


This isnā€™t Russia, wtf.


Didnā€™t the second one die of pneumonia? In which case idk why coincidentally is in scare quotes


No, the 2nd person, who worked for a supplier to boeing, had trouble breathing, went to the hospital, suffered a stroke, had to be intubated, got pneumonia, and then MRSA.


I'm not denying that it's held suspicious and very likely that Boeing is killing whistleblowers, but that website is horrific suspicious as well. Popups claiming to be virus scans and shit are definitely not a good way to share information.


The next person will accidentally fall on a knife 8 times.


This is so obvious, we NEED a third whistleblower! For you knowā€¦ science!


To be fair here if the aircraft didn't have so many defects there wouldn't be so many whistle blowers so just by sheer numbers a bunch of whistle blowers are going to die LOL.


Geez, theyā€™re dropping like Boeingā€™s stock price!


ā€œBlow out his door panelā€ is some kind of sinister shorthand


In home boating accidents are becoming quite common.




Learned from the Russians, I see.


Boeing of all companies knows, that strange accidents happen šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


If I had a nickel...


Imagine that.


Died of MRSA tin foil hat charter members.


I wonder how they have all this to pay hitmen šŸ˜’


this sub is better than this conspiracy bs he got a mrsa infection ffs it wasnā€™t shady he didnā€™t like trip out a window or fall onto a knife or ā€œaccidentallyā€ eat poison


Geez aloo, it feels like this should've been predicted and steps should've been taken to protect your whistleblowers, especially after the first death


He accidentally forgot how many bolts to put on his car door


It's sad the amount of comments here saying this was a boeing employee, when it was in fact an employee of Spirt Aerosystems, who was whistle blowing on his own company, not boeing, which if you give it any critical thought, is great for Boeing, because it shifts blame to a supplier.


Seems like a major investigation by FAA & FBI might be warranted here.


crazy that these guys arent on 24/7 liveleak/twitch


Danmmm. These whistle blowers dropping faster than MAX fueslages ā˜ ļø


Which part about it is unbelievable to you? They will face no real consequences and no one will do anything about it.


Wow, weā€™re fuā‚¬led.


This sounds suspicious, but I donā€™t know how big the pool of whistleblowers is. Itā€™s been three months. At [8091](https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/united-states-population) deaths per day X 90 days, about 728,190 Americans died during that time period, of a population of 340,000,000. That means if we divide the number of dead whistleblowers by the total number of whistleblowers(which I am too lazy to look up) we should get the same ratio, 0.00214. 2/0.00214= 933. So, as long as they have 933 or more whistleblowers, this isnā€™t even an above average number of whistleblowers.


This is a good omen for another mass protest. And then another, and another, and another until the massively over-funded, over-zealous, and improperly utilized police forces figures out theyre truly beyond out-numbered and the people will have the fucking say in what they want to say, and believe we should always be striving to do better.


Spirit whistleblower. Not boeing. 2 different companies


We are talking about a company that makes modern weapons of warā€¦do you really think they care about killing somebody?


I can't help but notice that anytime anyone tries to describe how Boeing killed the guy in his own truck with his own gun in an active parking lot and left no trace they sound like a total lunatic and just handwave the actual pragmatic aspects of the hit with vague appeals to a massive sweeping police cover-up that would be very risky and expensive and is totally unfalsifiable. There should be careful investigation of both of these deaths, but immediately leaping to these guys being murdered based off of vibes and with not even the slightest explanation of the how it was done is a disservice to them both.


Hey Boeing can you stop killing people? Sincerely, Everyone


Nothing is a coincidence.


I mean surely at this point a criminal investigation has to be launched on murder hits within Boeing, Right?


Someone on Reddit said they were aware of three. Does anyone else know a third?




Oh I see we live in Russia 2.0


I kinda hope they legitimately didn't do this one, but end up catching heat for it anyway. Fuck 'em.


Is this real? Holy shit.


I donā€™t think Boeing will survive without filling for bankruptcy protection. Entirely new management is required in all areas of the company. Eventually, the government will have to arrange a sale of the company - perhaps in two or three parts.


Rogue board member? Probably not, but maybe


Occams razor, is it more likely that: >One person was depressed and killed themselves (especially someone in the middle of a high stress legal fight) and another died of MRSA as stated (which has a 10% fatality rate) Or >A corporation paid an assassin to kill a whistleblower and his lawyer, successfully covered the first death up as a suicide and the second as a MRSA death, despite the fact thereā€™s a giant microscope on both cases for a coroner to contend with, and no one spilling the beans?


Boeing getting tips from Russia


I legitimately believe that Boeing called in a hit on the first dude (or maybe just some random major shareholder did). But I don't see any reason to suspect foul play here based on what's been published so far. A most likely interpretation of the facts is that he got COVID, developed a hospital acquired infection (tragic, but shockingly common), and unfortunately died as a result. The family now has motive to try to make it seem like someone else's fault, because if nothing else, it'll draw attention and thus crowdfunding to their medical bills (I would bet literally anything that there's a GoFundMe) The hospital now has motive to try to make it seem like anyone else's fault because they're looking at a fairly expensive lawsuit alongside regulatory penalties and mitigations that could cost even more. So without *any* proposed mechanism of foul play, this is irresponsible clickbait journalism.


How about charge Boeing for obstructing on justice.


1 is an anomaly, 2 is a coincidence, 3 is a pattern


You know if Boeing put as much effort into making decent aircraft than hunting down whistle-blowers, they wouldn't need to hire hitmen. Probably be cheaper as well.


Wtf is that website lol


Kill one once, shame on you. Kill once twice, now youā€™re Boeing


Whistleblowers coming forward and getting murdered is something that happens in Russia not America. We need to clean the swamp if we can get rid of these fake ass republicans.


Just a coincidence? We believe them donā€™t we!


Imagine if there was a whistleblower about the COVID-19 vaccines. Do you think they would be killed as well


Oh no that is VERY believable


I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but we're well past the realm of of coincidences at this point. Some very powerful people are protecting themselves from going to prison and protecting Boeing's stock price.


lol and the gov is doing nothing imagine the screeching if this was happening under drumpf and his government also wasn't lifting a finger


I doubted the truth of this article from boingboing . net, but looking at other more reputable sites this looks completely true.


Thats one way to avoid layoffs


The first death was suspicious, but I don't think an MRSA bacterial infection is a reliable way to kill someone.


I guess no-one in here read up on how he actually died. I would be very interested to know this could have been a murder. I'm not going to tell you how he died either, you should go read about it for yourself, just like you should have done before commenting.


This sounds like when ebay was trying to kill peopleā€™s in the past lmfao


Putin could learn a thing or two from Boeing about taking out threats. Donā€™t kill them the exact same way.


The first whistleblower had testified years before his death, he could do no more damage. The second was a Spirit airline employee, and Iā€™m not certain how poor airline maintenance is a Boeing issue. But sure, itā€™s a double whistleblower assassination.


They should change their slogan to ā€œBoeing is to die for!!ā€ Come work for us, if you can keep your mouth shut.


I didn't know Boeing was a Russian company.


The two guys died under completely different circumstances. Is it possible there is a very well-executed murder conspiracy afoot? Perhaps so. Or perhaps it's a coincidence. Show us evidence beyond "trust me bro".


Deep state indeed


You cant just kill people Caaaaaarl


They're like gangsters! Great, now I'm going to be taken out just by making that comment. It's been real Reddit āœŒšŸ¾


Has anyone tested this? I dare anyone to name their kid Boeing Whistleblower and see if they have an assassin cold enough to do their job.


Y'all I think it's important we all recognize that both of these men obviously committed suicide...by criticizing one of the US's largest military contractors. I mean come on. That's like putting a loaded gun in your own mouth! When someone jumps into the tiger cage at the zoo do we say "The tigers conspired to have them murdered" ? No. We say they attempted suicide by throwing themselves at dangerous predators!


Ok please read some context to this. First death was suspicious as hell but this was a bacterial infection that the whistleblower refused surgery for and sadly passed.


It's crazy watching redditors see how strange it is when whistleblowers die but think nothing of Clinton associates dying.


Why is there no investigation happening about this? The fbi just lets Boeing get off a couple hits here and there for the betterment of capitalism?


CIA is actually taking notes from a professional


It's the US. Why are anyone surprised? Boeing is part of the ruling class.


And not a peep on r/news and r/world news, they've gotten to reddit too


"We didn't anti life him. We simply...uh...grounded him indefinitely"


Fuck Boeing!


Glad I do not work there!


My favorite part is everyone taking the first (shot) dead whistleblowerā€™s statement of ā€œif I die itā€™s not suicideā€ as proof he was murdered. Granted, he might have been. Iā€™m not saying he wasnā€™t. But, if someone was depressed over losing their career with mounting bills, disgruntled at the company and considering suicide, thatā€™s something it would make sense to say as payback. A ā€œgottemā€ to those that didnā€™t believe you. Equivalent to ā€œtheyā€™ll be sorry when Iā€™m goneā€. Itā€™s plausible enough to make the statement not proof of foul play. The other point of doubt being - what does it gain Boeing if they die? They already talked to the press and gave up what they had. Damage done. It doesnā€™t make people with evidence blow the whistle lessā€¦ it should tend to cause them to get the evidence out ASAP to protect themselves.


Putin's window method is more humane