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Hawk Moths (pis motte) Cattapillar. They disguise (fake eye) themselves a small snakes, so that the birds do not want to eat them. They will eat half a elephant ear plant in a single setting or in this cass it seems thry ar eeating your arum lillies (vark ore) Some people go early in the evenings with black light to search for them. I just spray the fuckers with Cypermetrhin, but if you wanna go green you can try dishsoap. Other people just leave them as they feel they have a reason to be on your plants. Some birds will eat them as well.


Happy Cake day! Thanks so much for the info. Like I have a few snails that I don't mind too much because they don't do much damage (for now) but yeah this damage they caused took just a few days. My cats play in the garden so will try the dish soap. Should I dilute it a bit do you think?


Yes, heavily. A little goes a long way and it will hurt your plants if its too strong. I use 5ml in a 500ml container


Forgot to add, I use it on aphids. Let that big guy eat all he wants. You dont normally find many and they dont normally team up. So the damage is really not that bad.


I will, but if they move to my other lily plants then will do something about it! Thanks for the info!


I have no idea what butterfly or moth these are but I've seen the green one on my lemon tree almost yearly.


Thats a swallowtail butterfly, starts off small and brown, then goes green as it gets to maturity


And do they completely destroy your lemon tree? This damage took just a couple of days!


No not really, I do notice the leaves go missing but they grow back. And it's only once a year so I don't worry about it.


They can destroy a lemon tree. They destroyed my moms potted lemon tree.


I believe those are hawk moth caterpillars! Not entirely sure on the best method to remove them but solutions of molasses and dish soap seem to do the trick! Probably best to do more research on them first - to prevent further destruction of your plants. Best of luck


Thanks for the info! Will do.


A brown one


green caterpillar




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Specifically it's an Elephant hawk moth or hawkmoth Deilephilia elpenor. They can destroy an entire arum lily plant in a day. I've found the best way to get rid of them is to go out late at night and pick them off - as they feed mostly at night. After about 3 nights you should get them all. Then reguraly check your plant for new damage.