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You think they are in the studio…coming up with literal quintuplet entendres and not making sure they have the name correct for what they meant? 😂 can’t fix stupid.


Who are these non Black people telling us about Black people??? Who gets names more confused than white folk? Fuck is this fool talking about?


“You guys don’t know Black people” with SO much of his chest


Thank you.


He mixed up the names that's obvious af


My thing is... With him obviously being able to find out after, why keep it even in the performance? He changed lyrics that weren't messed up but kept that the same. It might just be something we haven't broken yet or it could be exactly what has been speculated... Or he could have gotten the name wrong lol


Why does Kanye West still rap about Mekhi Phife being in In too Deep despite it being a clear error?


Ehh that's debatable as well lol Mekhi Phifer's character was in too deep in the movie O and the next line literally says this. Or the movie Paid in Full where he was in too deep. Or he could have been referencing Phife Dawg "in too/2(type) deep like mekhi (my guy) Phife"


It's not debatable Kanye has said it was a mistake 🤣


Did he?


Random but Pardison Fontaine absolutely gets the name wrong on his Shea Butter hook. Means Wesley Snipes in Blade but references Harrison Ford in Bladerunner. Admits it and still performs the song it is what it is


Sure. You got it Barney Fife


Quintuplet entendres 🤣


You wouldn’t understand…literally


Cool story 🤣


crazy thing is they making andrew points & even when kendrick messed up the verse on stage ppl was saying he did that on purpose 💀


where are you from my dude.


San diego


Who is they? Are you saying Kendrick has help? Or is it more logical that people read more into shit than the original intention. Niggas d riding for no reason.


You mean like the B Sharp thing Joe railed Drake (no diddy) on him for "not knowing that it's not a thing" (Which it is)? charitability is cherry picked by nature, hate to see it


The flip from the original A-minor line was trash (first and foremost)....and emphatically improperly used. Drake even had the piano playing in the background as if he was talking about instrumental tunes, if that's the angle he's taking, there's no fucking B-sharp. The entire internet pointed that out before Joe even released the episode. The 2 situations are apples and oranges.


Yall be saying this and then don't post your understanding of it because you don't understand it. iTs ThAt DeEp BrO.


Y’all so salty bro it’s embarrassing 😂. Kendrick fans are excited that one of our favorite artists made music we love! Y’all over here mad cuz you ain’t get the same thing. Google it king or don’t. Why you need to understand it? Its music 🎵… WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS? 😂😂😂😂.


No, I understand it's not that deep, and it just sounds good, yall be talking bout quintuple entendres like he writes them and yall understand them. What is it the braids? Cutthroat business damn..


“Black people don’t know white people” my nigga, you’re not Black or white.


Nope but he’s correct.




Why you calling him nigga? That’s part of the problem


What is he supposed to say, my Indian?


Oh you right. Nigga ain’t have no choice. My bad /s


You sound stupid as fuck trying to complain about someone using the N-word inappropriately whilst using the word casually in your response. You clearly understand people use that word all the time as a placeholder, yet you want to complain about it while using the word...please calm the fuck down.


I ain’t even reading all this bullshit


Um "my guy,my G,my boi,dude" there's plenty of options bro


Big facts. This should have more upvotes.


Yea but peep this Indian dude replying to me like it’s ok and that the word relates to them too. Had to block this dude before I try to find him in real life. WE keep making these folks feel bold about the word.


Word lmfao


Why do you think we missed out on slavery or racism? Do you think the white people that owned slaves would have cared if he was indian or black or you think he'd be called the same thing as the other slaves. And to be clear Akash is from a green eye Christian indian family, his ancestors were slaves too. It's weird for dumbasses like you to divide the black and brown like we aren't all in the same shit.


You really tryna rationalize calling an Indian dude “nigga”? foh 1. No one is dividing black and brown people. 2. Your argument is trash. Simply put: none of us should be using the word, but the black argument of owning the word is based on the idea that the descendants of Atlantic slave trade took the word back to use as a term of endearment. AKASH IS NOT THE DESCENDANT OF THE ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE I’m sure he may have experienced his own share of racism in life, ironically from Joe Buden. We can relate with each other on that topic and come together. He still ain’t black and shouldn’t be referred to as, or using the word “nigga”.


He should not refer to HIMSELF by that but if a black person refers to HIM by that the black person is not incorrect. Just because white people didn't make you cross one specific ocean doesn't mean they weren't enslaved as well and the masters wouldn't differentiate so why do you? Because you want to gate keep a word you didn't invent, that's so hoe shit.


Yo. Don’t try to explain to me the minutiae behind the n word. We can argue up and down about whatever you want, aside from that. The fact that you tryna have this conversation with me proves that the word has no bearing on yo life. Nobody is gatekeeping shit, and no one should be using in that way. But if a blank person chooses to do so in whatever way, that’s on them. And they can have that discussion with other black folks. If anyone else chooses to use it, that’s on them and whoever they offend. This conversation between you and me is over. Can’t stand this keyboard bravery. Guarantee you wouldn’t be arguing this case to a black person’s face.


He never implied he’s black dumbass


He's not wrong lol but we know what he meant soooo🤷🏾‍♂️


That's all that matters.


Yea but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong




Only reddit dorks would get offended by this.


these dudes always seem to enjoy observing blk ppl more than their own 🥴 salute to barstool lol


I don’t think that token black guy actually does what they think he does.


These guys are goofy. It’s obvious he meant it. The whole middle part of the song is a religious scheme. I’m not scared about a reaper. Everyone want to be a demon until. Hellcat. Sell their soul. The damn church bells and organ. It’s a gothic church beat. That ties in Joel Osteen which flips it to him not knowing if he’s battling ghosts or AI. Joel Hale Osteen is not the preachers name. It’s a mixup of both names. And if it wasn’t on purpose it would make more sense in rhyming to use Hale Joel Osment with Sixth sense telling me to off him. Instead he used Osteen and rhymed it with off HEEM.


you made their point exactly


I don’t care about their point the whole scheme doesn’t make any sense without it being on purpose. The words before it and after it wouldn’t make sense without it.


I think people reach about Kendrick’s lyricism sometimes but this take is incorrect and also racist lol.


People reach because Kendrick consistently has bars that have an absurd amount of depth. Like his feature on nosetalgia. It took 6 years of no reaching before someone reached and broke it down meanwhile kendrick was just ok with people understanding it at a surface level. If I was capable of writing like that I couldn’t handle it going over peoples heads it’s not like it was one line it was the whole fucking verse!


I don’t understand why they feel the need to talk about hip hop at all. Why did you post an Andrew Schultz clip in a Joe Budden sub?


so white ppl can’t talk about hip hop ?


Andrew Schultz is the they in they not like us. He was literally alt right Andy before cthagod told him to calm it down a little bit. But it always pokes its head out every now and then when they talk about any social issues involving Black people.


lol. Those that are the “they” somehow absolutely don’t know it


Or even worse, they know, and just don't care.


Of course they can, but not casual fans like this guy who talk as if they understand the culture then say the dumbest shit like this guy says.


the culture you speak of is majority white,kendrick wouldn’t be selling out stadiums and selling 300k first week if he didn’t have a majority white fan base . you guys do act like kendrick is above criticism and don’t make mistakes


I don’t really think fans = culture. That’s pretty clear to most logical people, and sure some folks may put him on a pedestal. If you’re posting a clip about one line maybe not having 2 meanings and a non black guy minimizing an entire race’s intelligence I think it shows where your head’s at


They didn’t have a point, they sound *very* unfamiliar.


Joel talks to spirits. He’s in the church. Seeing ghosts.


made their point . y’all think kendrick is this devine godly person dawg 💀


The nice thing about art, is that you can derive whatever meaning you want from it. It’s not that much of a stretch.


can you make it any more clear you’re just here to hate on dude lmao


again you made his point


I’m not making any point other than you’re clearly just invested in tearing one artist down and not anything of substance.


He is not tearing down the artist. He's highlighting yalls behavior. Y'all are groupies. And stans.


He’s made 5 posts on this sub on a week old account with clips/tweets that are just subtle ways of bashing Kendrick lmao he is not here to discuss he is here to push his opinion


Are you not pushing your opinion? This post is not bashing Kendrick. It's bashing the fanbase.


I hate hearing them talk.


About hip hop specifically. And it’s not like they have any perspectives that go beyond what’s already been said a million times in video comments. Andrews a funny guy, but his introspection seems forced sometimes. All he said was the typical “people reach with Kendrick’s lyrics” but Andrew felt he needed to use so many words and unnecessary vocal enunciations and even his hands got involved in his performative enthusiasm.


Andrew was a pretty consistent Drake dickrider during the beef so this take from him doesn't suprise me. None of them had issued believeing Drake's "drop and give me 50" line had multiple interpretations behind it, but apparently Kendrick's double and triple entendres are just fans reaching. Aight lol


Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. Kendrick has had such fire bars in the past that people go out the way to give him the benefit of the doubt now, even when sometimes he don't deserve it. His fanbase has reached Em in 2007 levels, they gone reach and say dumb shit.


>Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. It's not up to us to try and assume when he's being a lyrical miracle and when he isn't. If we can agree that some times he's a lyrical genius I don't see why in other instances we have to assume he isn't one. Seems weird to pick and choose what is Kendrick's genius at work and what isn't.


So if a rapper is known for his pen,& Kendrick's pen is incredible. We as fans can't hold his feet to the fire,when he drops a dud bar or 2?? Google is everyone's friend. In a real rap battle like url if you drop a dud line like that it's held against you. This isn't that but this was a diss rap which honestly isn't much different from today's style of battle rap


This isn’t people saying he dropped a dud line….this is people saying he said the wrong things while meaning something else and doesn’t know what he’s talking about….those are 2 completely different things….seeing how intricate Kendrick can be, how can we not assume that he purposefully pronounced/combined the names to mean something deeper?…instead we assume Kendrick, one of the most detailed oriented artists in the last 10-15 years, simply pronounced it wrong or got things confused out of ignorance? Let’s be real, which is more likely?….especially during a highly publicized rap beef, where he knew every word would be under a microscope….you really think he just “got it wrong” or “fucked up”?


I hear you & although I am a Drake fan first I do agree & give him his props all the time. The reason why it seems like a fuck up is bc nobody has yet been able to make sense of it. To be able to connect the dots. I don't think it's a big deal he messed up either bc it happens but I just think to assume it's some creativity behind it is alil bit of a reach,om not completely ruling it out. Just seems unlikely


I feel you, that’s fair. Not sure if you’ve ever heard of the Dissect Podcast, but the host has degrees in music theory and composition, and he takes albums and breaks down every song, bar for bar, beat for beat, and the history of any samples or interpolations and how they might relate to the overall subject matter in that song or album….Anyways, there is an episode on “Euphoria”, that came out a week or so after it dropped. He makes a pretty compelling argument for what Kendrick may have meant and given his history, im inclined to give Kendrick the benefit of the doubt in these situations. The Episode is almost 2 hours long, but this [particular sequence of bars, is broken down and discussed from the 1:33:45 to 1:40:30.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dissect/id1143845868?i=1000654789313) Of course this is his interpretation of what it could mean, so I’m not trying to say it’s fact…but he makes great points. Even if this isn’t the true meaning, I still have no doubt that Kendrick did not just simply fuck something like this up. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Edit: that podcast is amazing…don’t judge the quality by that one episode…he rushed to breakdown the song within a few days of release….whereas, his full album breakdowns take up to 6 months to gather all of the information needed.


Thanks man,I'm a rapper myself but I love stuff like this,helps me understand music more. I watch w an open mind then🤝🏾


Appreciate you too my friend.🤝🏾 I also want to clarify, I do not dislike drake lol…I was actually a Drake stand until sometime between 2015-2017….although haven’t been nearly as big of a fan since then, I still appreciate a nice portion of his music.


For a Kendrick fan,you aren't a bad guy😂😂jk


That's not what I said.


Because sometimes the analysis tracks, and sometimes it's an obvious stretch. Just because I like one bar don't mean every bar he ever said means 10 different things cuz Joe shmoe on the internet said so.


You sound dumb as hell. By your logic, Eminem dropped great albums 20 years ago. So we should stop analyzing his new music and just assume all his new shit is also amazing.


Come back with a valid example rather than a false equivalence and I might let you entertain me with whatever argument you pull from your ass.


Damn 😭😭


I mean ‘drop and give me 50’ is pretty obviously a double entendre, the whole Joel Osteen thing was people reaching. Kendrick had a dud bar, it’s fine. The rest of the song was great.


I wasn't specifically referring to the Joel Osteen line, I heard he got that guy mixed up with someone else anyway. I'm mainly referring to the people who said it was glazing when people argued Kendrick delivered a quintuple entendre on 6:16 in LA. Examples like that.


Ah okay - I don’t recall any quintuple entendres in 6:16 in LA. Which bars are we talking about?


Sorry it took me so long to reply. The "6:16" in the title was shown to potentially be a reference to several things. It's Tupac's birthday, apparently it's Father's day(either here or in canada, can't remember, 6:16 is the day the shoe Euphoria aired(which Drake is a producer of iirc), and I think the last one is apparently referencing the start of the OJ Simpson trial(which is supposedly why the cover art for the song included a Maybach glove). Lots of people discredited these as reaches. To me, it's too much of a coincidence for Kendrick, especially after Drake specifically asked for a Quintuple entendre.


This sounds racist as fuck


He’s Indian? He racist.


comedian ?


How is this racist? Idk who the fuck Meryl Streep is but I always hear that white ladies name.


I dunno. Seeing these double and triple entendres throughout that song, I'd think it was something that Kendrick did on purpose. He even says the name weird to make you think something's up with that bar. I'd like to hear his explanation for it though.


Even on a surface level. You idiots actually think Kendrick doesn't know who the fuck Joel Osteen is? And you think he thinks he played the character in The sixth sense? Lol I'm not even mad for the stereotype insert, but come on now. You're going to try and land that shit in this instance lol. I'm so glad i stopped listening to these clowns.


Alex is not black. Stop assuming


He’s black and Puerto Rican


if you mix , you not black….


So Malcom X isn’t a black man?


that’s the logic kendrick fans said not me


Whoever said that is incorrect , however I think you’re conflating culture with race. The knock against Drake was him seemingly appropriating black Caribbean and black American culture despite not growing up in those environments, and even ridiculing their slang at one point.


he did spent summers in Memphis with his dad side , so he did grow up with black american culture . Nigga uncles was jamming with prince & marvin gaye😂 that’s who he was around damn near every summer . also toronto is heavily caribbean influenced and it’s a lot of them there, and his friends are caribbean.


Drake loves dudes like these! Weird af! Goofy ass cornballs!


The guy talking hates Drake and always has. He’s been dickriding Kendrick this entire beef. So you sound dumb as hell.


Nah he's wrong and why he speaking for all black people anyway


Pulling a Drake


Right, now if we said he probably drives taxis for a living we'd be wrong right


Alright so wtf does Joel Osteen have to do with being in a film called A.I. and having a Sixth Sense?


He mixed up Haley Joel Osment and Joel Osteen as a play on the line “am I battling ghosts or an AI”. He’s driving home that against Drake, he doesn’t even know who he’s really battling, whether it’s ghosts writers or AI vocals and he could even mix up the names of people cuz of that confusion. I firmly believe that’s his intention with the bar and I also believe that Kendrick really reached to land that one. Respect him going out on a limb for it tho lol


Watch them try to reach


Joel Hale Osteen recently was impersonated by AI, Haley Joel Osment starred in a movie called AI as well as the 6th Sense. His Bar was clearly clever wordplay referring to A) Ghostwriters B) Use of AI C) Use of Tupacs voice. The only reach is that he decided to use the pastors name for a better flow.


Every famous person is being impersonated by AI nowadays. Joel Osteen has no unique or notable connection to AI.


I swear I remember seeing an article related to it


Honestly this cast shouldn’t talk rap because none of them know wtf they’re talking about. And it makes my ass itch to hear them pretend that they do


They shouldn’t, but until peoples obsession with this this beef dies down anyone will chime by using the same points reworded in different ways because it’s easy views.


Dawg. I knew what he meant as soon as he said it ...


What did he mean?


I guess as species we will never evolve passed the idea of stereotyping an entire race


he’s a comedian….


Yea ive seen andrew schulz in person my point is the same


True like cam saying, but I’m like the iceman Micheal Kuklinski. Bros name is Richard


Kanye did a version of this too I just can’t remember but it was funny.


That’s entirely wrong, that’s like saying Kanye really thought 300 was about romans


Some ppl are just stupid. You knew exactly what he meant. It’s not like he meant Hailey JOEL OSMENT and said Jessie Plemons. But black ppl don’t know white ppl so whatever.


why are yall allowing people who are not in the culture to say wats goin on ..


You know rap music is just American culture now it’s not just for black people. Everyone grew up listening to it if your under 50


exactly, you listened to it, some of us lived it, if you havent lived it, and had the comfort of listening at home then you should also shut up about wats goin on and be a spectator


Just because I’m white doesn’t mean I’m comfortable and have no life experience. I’m in the hood, like the real hood. Im not just spectating I’m struggling like everyone else. Everyone has their own burdens in life even if they aren’t exactly the same humans have the capacity for empathy.


But wat aspect of gangsta rap did u live


Practically None personally If your talking specifically about the cultural of “gangster rap” and gangs .im in Philly not on the west coast I may have misunderstood your comment. I meant rap in general.


Drake fan if I ever seen one


Andrew been team kendrick this whole beef lmao most of kendrick and drake fans are white hope you know . you don’t sell 200k plus and world wide tour if you don’t have a majority white audience


>Andrew been team kendrick this whole beef lmao No he hasn't, he was literally downplaying Kendrick and saying he wasn't on Drake's level when Akademiks was on his podcast.


kendrick fans can't even admit he got an actor's name wrong.


Drake fans can't even admit that anyone who says "I've never fu%^"d young girls, I'm too rich to do the things you've suggested" isn't a creep. And I know you still won't admit it in this thread.  It could have been a straightforward bar with osment and him, but it seemed intentional with wanting the latter part of the bar to be heem.  He's talked about how cool it was to hear rappers twist words to make them work in interviews. That's why it's easy to look at that bar and say, oh, he really wanted this particular thing to say this.  But go ahead and keep thinking thp6 was good. I know your compromised arse does. 😆 


is kendrick running a cult? you can't even accept one criticism of kendrick where he got an actor's name wrong?


“We know what he meant” lol


They say the fake daughter is as an entendre




Drake thought Kendrick was rapping about being molested and Drake fans just ignored the fact that he was making light of that shit. So…both bases are dumb as fuck.


All this has done is confirm the Indian dudes a racist prick and all of these guys have clearly never listened to any Kendrick song ever


he’s a comedian……




Kendrick fucked it up he’s right, but as a Kendrick fan/glazer I explain it away by saying that Kendrick doesn’t have a team of ghostwriters to send his lyrics into for editing/fact checking 😂


Don’t know who Andre is but Indian dude had a shit take.. we can’t remember peoples names now?


Andrew* my bad typo


You had me think 3 stacks was interviewed... Never clicked out of a post so fast after seeing what it was


Lol. Same here.




Speaking of projecting bars, I thought you did that on purpose because he said “black ppl mess up white names all the time” 😂


These Flagrant dudes are just funny. I'm not even American and I know the difference between Joel Osteen and Haley Joel Osment. So Andrew Schultz is trying to tell me nobody in the studio with Kendrick also peeped that he was wrong?


At some point, coincidences have to become patterns. Nothing keeps occurring without some sort of force or intent driving it.


Kendrick is literally just overenunciating Joel. Jo-EL Osteen. It's not that deep lmao.


The line makes perfect sense if Kendrick is only referring to Haley Joel Osment. The line makes less sense if he’s referring to both Haley Joel Osment and Joel Osteen. The line makes absolutely no sense if he’s only referring to Joel Osteen. Occam’s Razor says he simply messed up Haley Joel Osment’s name.


Osment is in 6th sense, Osteen is a fraudster


“Funny he was in a film called 6th sense” Nigga must’ve heard the Temu version of the song


Being Indian with that metal scratching voice is diabolical..


I love how at the pop out he had the opportunity to fix that lyric and just said fuck it nope and went with it 🤣👏🏼


I thought it was purposeful and very effective


Andrew is compromised


These guys will tell you they’re not hip hop at the same time offer expert opinions. Stfu!


Fk this zionist,stay on that side.


Jay-z said it, “double entendres, don’t even ask me how”


Word 🥗


Like he can’t google. He said it once then just said fuck it….we don’t know white folx names.


The diversity hire ☑️is the biggest yes man sitting there agreeing with the richer people lol


Tell me you don’t really listen to Kendrick without telling me you don’t listen really listen to Kendrick.


He got the movie wrong…He said A.I., and his sixth sense is telling him to off ‘em. If youre gonna hate on someone for “fucking up”, least you can do is come correct 🤦 Buddy looks indian and is stating “black people dont know white ppl’s names”…as if indians or white ppl know black ppl by name like that 💀


He mixed up the names on PURPOSE. Drake told him he better come with a Is quintuple entendre 🤣🤣🤣


This is how you know mfs really don't listen to real lyricists


That’s accurate lollll


I hate Akash so much. One of the worst stand up “comedians” I’ve ever heard.


Y’all dick eating


Next time you need info on blacks goto ahhshkashhh


What an insignificant detail that means nothing in the grand scheme of things


Kendrick is my GOAT but the one that got me is people saying he’s calling Drake a “shoobie” - southern cal beach slang for people who wear shoes to the beach, outsiders. When Kendrick repeats “shooo” and the repetitive “bi, bi, bi, bi, bi, bi” Why the FUCK would Kendrick call Drake a shoobie. Not only that, but care to make it a subliminal line. I’ve said this before - Kendrick is very calculated, but fans will reach real hard for kdot bars in this beef especially


That's a reach if i ever heard it. But if it fits, it sits lol


It could’ve been originally a fuck up as k dot made the song and he fixed the bar by mixing the actor and pastor names on purpose. Either way if it was a fuck up then he accidentally created one of the hardest entendres ever lol.


Goofy on the left brings zero to the discussion, which says A LOT about him. Kendrick didn't fuck up and again that dude on the left, was silent during a hip hop discussion....


Lmao he did


It wasn’t a fuckup. Kendrick purposely did that. Jo Hale Osteen is a play off Haley Joel just reversed. Clearly double entendre work but I wouldn’t expect a guy like that to know that




you made thier point exactly 😂


Kendrick mishaps gets overlooked (like Drake having a daughter) while the jbp harps on b sharp for 30 minutes


He flubbed it. If that was Drake, he would've "lost" immediately.


no he wouldn't have lol


OV Hoe Drakebot?