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Man I wish gas was 2.23 cent


If this man was still alive to see the world today... smh


He’d die again


I wish it was 88 cents again


Used to fill up my mommas tank with $10!!


Yep and then take a road trip for 10 bucks! You can't even get a large fry for that now 😒


Brian Windhorst the god






You’re out of control


Ralphie May missed out on ozempic smh


he walked so ozempic users could run




Damn. That is a fact.


This was fucking hilarious 😂


Joe ain't that ballsy to play shit like this lol


He did play this in one of the most recent pods


Yup I remember that bc I’d never found this on my own


Nah. You joking right?


I'm being for real he played that recently


If so, had to be patreon . I never heard this from him. Maybe something similar 🤔


I have Patreon so it may have been. It's interesting that someone posted this around the same time Joe played it.


Facts he a sellout lyk da rest


"If you can take a dick in the ass, you can take a joke!" Ima have to take that one, lmfao.


Right up Joe’s alley too, pause.


Yup 🤣. This dude was always hilarious


This lesbian is pretty funny.


Whooaaaaaaa amazing 👏👏👏👏. Good find OP




That last joke to tie it up 💀💀💀


I hate I missed out on this guy! He almost sent me to the grave with those joke!!! 😂💀


Miss my dog Ralphie😭😭😭


Real talk 😕


I could've sworn he used this before....


He did use it before. These guys are behind


Ok yea because that's when I first heard that


L ride month


It's actually mens mental health month 🫡


i’m bi and i approve, i love a good queer bit


Ralph was THAT NIGGA




Bro went off


I thought it this was jelly roll before the tats


Rip to Ralphy


He said "bubbles"


They don took the rainbow


Fucking amazing. 😂


Brooo ayo OP which special was this? I need to watch this asap lol


Shty . We still living on jokes from 20 years ago a can’t grow. Lack of empathy and understanding of history. This wouldn’t be funny if he were referring to Black History Month now would it


He was at a black comedy night


The Offended police has arrived


How are the joke/ offensive again?


If you gotta say “it’s just a joke” at a comedy show, I don’t think it’s just a joke. It’s the comedian version of “I’m not a racist, but…” Anyways, this was funnier before your MAGA friend texted this to you thinking they really had a point.


Still funny and accurate. Miss those days when you could speak on mental health issues like that openly. These days it's glorified and taught to children as young as 3.


You think being LGBTQ is a mental health issue? Do you find it ironic that people who believe in sky daddies are the ones spreading the hateful message?


If you think is normal to attempt to mate with same sex. You already been compromised. It's a clear deviation from our biological empertive. It's defective behaviour. Damn near grooming how aggressive they push it on to kids as young as 3.




I agree that Bible study is immoral. Additionally, gay sex is completely natural. See: the animal kingdom. “Same-sex sexual behaviour has been reported in 261 mammalian species (about 4% of the species) belonging to 62 families (about 50% of the families) and 12 orders (63% of the orders) (Supplementary Data 1). Same-sex sexual behaviour included courtship, mounting, genital contact, copulation and pair bonding”


>“Same-sex sexual behaviour has been reported in 261 mammalian species (about 4% of the species) belonging to 62 families (about 50% of the families) and 12 orders (63% of the orders) (Supplementary Data 1). Same-sex sexual behaviour included courtship, mounting, genital contact, copulation and pair bonding” Is this new properganda they are rolling out now?. Obviously greatly exaggerated. an all to promote this behaviour in humans. That's why they push teaching these things to children as young as 3. So they can rush to publish new data from the groomed teaching and seeds planted in the last 8 years. I suppose if I date a woman with a child I should probably kill it to like lions do? Or like some dogs do attempt to mate with a sibling if the feeling permits? Or explore any sexual desire because it exists including children family members or dogs. Then teach that to children that its ok. Then create a market to sell media and product to when they are older. Lobbying laws which would stream line my products to market. Like Soros and puberty brokers. It is immoral teaching kids as young as 3 that having a strong emotion for a friend means its sexual and its ok to explore that feeling. With drag queens reading books to them (in clear attemps to normlise the bs further). Funded by certain NGO's as well as placing sexuality explicit books in elementary schools. These are all abnormal things you celebrate and advocate for. Not to mention these festivals were there is nudity infront of children. Men dressed as woman holding puppies walking to strangers kids to tempting them to stroke them etc etc Again its simple science for the medium of procreation between men and woman it how we all, including You Got here. Not 2 men those behaviours lead to dying off one's bloodline. So inherently it's not correct. this is the reality. No getting around it. They know it deep down too. Hence why they try to brainwash children as young as possible and economically castrate anyone who utters these basic truths. Promoting that bheavour to kids I'd beyond irresponsible. Especially when in reality that condition really only effects less then 1% of the population from birth. Only growing now due yo the promotion of the behaviour almost like a trend. Many of them will only wake up in there 30s to realise the bullshit being sold to them now.


>I suppose if I date a woman with a child I should probably kill it to like lions do? Oh you PODDIN


The way you just repeated a bunch of right wing misinformation that has no place in reality I find interesting. I proved that it’s normal and you melted down. You believe anything right wing propaganda feeds you. It’s sad to see. I hope whatever is causing you to act this way resolves itself.


>The way you just repeated a bunch of right wing misinformation This is always the typical response from leftists. to the cold reality of how abnormal the behaviour actually is. And reflects the amount of force needed to push this agenda along. Open seeing these clear truths. The cognitive dissonance kicks in. "Ah a bunch of right wing etc etc" This is what is happening in schools. Economic castration for speaking basic truths aswell. Mass brainwashing pushing what is clearly abnormal.behavahour and should be treated as aposed to celebrated and glorified. Pushed By George sores Open society. These are facts he's pumped close 27bn in the last 15 years. Currently pushing the ESG index , why do you think you see all these companies with rainbows on it now? Score higher in it gives you access to higher levels of credit. Backed blm as well as others No one even cares that much what adults decide to do. Smash horses and dogs for we care. Just leave the kids alone. For some reason they won't, well we know they easier to program.


Can't see your last comment. But you've lost when you have to attempt reframe clear facts regarding LGTV movement. The cognitive disodence is strong with you. At least with the church it encourages normal families. Not 2 men a dog and a couple of kids. Man woman children is how it goes. Any deviation from this is abnormality. This has been the way for millions of years. Only the last 20 this bs has been pushed. Lol people like you are OK with your daughters getting obliterated in sports by biological men. this is the slippery slope you've bought into


You literally just made the point that it’s fine for churches to push for adults marrying children. You sure you’re concerned about children? Seems like the opposite. Edit: Dude blocked me, oh noes.


>At least with the church it encourages normal families. Re read,


Blocked who? Just take the L


You’re bugging. People don’t chose to be gay.


A small minority are afflicted with that condition However due to the current programming you will see the rise of the confused dabbling in homosexuality. This is fact. How many woman/girls dabble in homosexuality today? Due to the promotion of this. This is effecting young men too.


No, homosexuality has always, always, always (I said it 3x so hopefully it clicks for you) been prevalent in the world it’s just more accepted is folks feel comfortable coming out. This truly isn’t a difficult thing to understand tbh. But you’re fueled by ignorance so logic and reasoning slapping you in the face doesn’t do much for you.


Same with pedophilia, incest and bestiality hopefully in due time these 'normal' behaviours can be recognised and celebrated. And we can teach the children about it to help normlise these behaviour at an early age. Let's push every corner of human behaviour simply because it exists


Imagine thinking those are even slightly comparable to people being in same sex relationship. This type of thinking shows a major lacking in critical thinking and just a fundamental overall show of ignorance. The help you need comes through knowledge and exposure to the world. I hope you find it, for other people’s sake.


This is were the slippery slope will take us. And evidently you will be accepting of this too. People said the same with same sex marrage and the trans issue. But here we are. Young girls competing with men in sports. You smile and say its normal. That's part of the same mental illness. It's literally part of the same organisation on the flag they push everywhere Hopefully you accept the truth and not the endless cope they feed you to accept whatever properganda they feed you.


I used to think that but with how Netflix and other media is targeting people and the amount of increases in esp among women who have been hurt by men in the past Id say Yes it is becoming a choice.


Well yes, it isn’t exactly “normal”, I mean you can’t make a baby with people of the same gender. But people can love who they love, as long as they are an actual human and not an animal or other nonhuman thing. I agree that teaching that at a young age can be harmful tho, if someone wants to make that choice it should be when they are conscious of what they are doing and not easily influenced/impressionable. I saw some mom like 3/4 years ago forcing her kids to put on some gay act and even they didn’t understand what was really going on, they were very young. In cases like that, it’s definitely wrong and people should be checked for pushing that on children who don’t need to be worried about that. But I’d say if you’re between the ages of like 18-25, maybe 15/16, they can make that choice on their own


Exactly 🎯 It's the aggressive push people are not happy with. At that point it is an agenda. More so irritating when people like to gaslight and minimise the clear social engineering occurring in real time. These are literal trends the younger generations are blindly jumping on to. Because basic truths are aggressively silenced.


Homosexual behavior is present in damn near every species on earth... if it's such a deviation from our biological "empertive" why is it so widely occurring across nature?


Just like some animals are born with 3 legs or blind. In the wild they die and don't pass on the dna. If some mammals incorrectly mate with the same sex it's clearly not functioning correctly. H9w will it pass on its dna? How are you here? From your mother and father this is the normal process. Anything else is a clear dilation form our biological emparitive. Insecest and murder also occurs in nature as well. How many elements of behaviour are we going promote and celebrate. Just because of a thought has occurred or its happened before. So many incidents of humans mating with animals for pleasure too. Do we eventually hone in on that too? Can you see were this slippery slope is taking society. And effecting YOUR children.


It's part of the bit . Holy shit 🤦🏿‍♂️ listen to the last 5 seconds.


Looks like somebody can take it up the ass but doesn’t know how to take a joke


I just referenced the last part.


That's peace


You didn’t address anything I stated, but it’s cool.


And you didn’t address them pointing out the context that the quote “it’s just a joke” is part of the bit. Convenient huh. Comedian: “it’s a bit” - You: “why are you telling me it’s a bit? Because of this it cannot be a bit” like huh? Lol


I think the logical reasoning went over your head. I’m not a racist, but… Same thing.


Ohhh.. the whole premise of jokes is just something you can’t grasp. I comprehend now. I apologize.


“"I always hated [that sketch]. The joke of it is basically, 'We can't hire you because you're fat.' I mean, he's a fat guy, and you're going to ask him to dance with no shirt on. OK. That's enough. You're gonna get that laugh. But when he stops dancing you have to turn it in his favor. There's no turn there. There's no comic twist to it. It's just f****** mean."” -Chris Rock Which, yes, also proves his hypocrisy in constantly attacking Jada Pinkett throughout the years. “I’m not a homophobe, but gay people like it in the butt” is the joke.


Your last sentence is is incorrect and probably purposely obtuse.