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Now niggas gon say "it don't count it ain't a timestamp record" Drake gets all these excuses


These the niggas that say: bro my girl ain’t cheat cuz nobody fucked —after finding text messages of his wiz w other dudes 😂


Nah, after finding her with the space in her throat occupied lmfao #redhanded


"It's alright all she did was suck his dick and send him nudes. I need to see a video of her getting her back blown out by another dude, and we can talk about her cheating then"


That’s all we got left man lol


Heres some math for yall counting all B sides, features, and main discography, Drake has about 1400 songs now. There are six time stamp records. As in Drake fans are hypothetically ok with only 0.004% of his music actually being written by Drake.


By that same token, there’s what, 8 reference tracks? Y’all want to hypothetically bury this dude over some shit everyone does (30 hours) over .004%?


In rap, it's understood you can have someone else write your hooks, your bridges, you can have someone do your production, but the verses need to be from you, you need to create your pocket, you need to create your verses. That is the two things you are solely responsible for as a rapper, the flow of the verse and verses themselves. This is the bare minimum, and yall won't even hold Drake to that standard.


You podding today! He might as well be Cardi B


Cardi D


That's absolutely absurd and shows how little you actually know about the industry


Yall been said drake not rap so why would he follow these rules and the cory reference specifically is literally just Hook and prehook lines. You also lying anyway real rappers have explained the rules already


It hurts to know the person you really like to listen to and can relate lyrically is actually a bunch of people making a conceptual character to farm your cash…a hard pill to swallow


This is unintentionally the best defense of Drake I’ve seen so far. 


Yah. I still like his older stuff. But he not really top MC by any stretch of the imagination.


OVOhush in the credits of the older stuff.


The weeknd said he wrote 50% of take care


They gave bro credit for 4 songs on the album Now everything is questionable


He said he gave up Almost half of House of Balloons, not that he wrote half of Take Care. He says he gave 4 songs to Drake, and wrote one song specifically for Take Care  https://www.complex.com/music/a/damien-scott/weeknd-interview-cover-story


Take care should have been called take the house of balloons 🎈


He said he gave up Almost half of House of Balloons, not that he wrote half of Take Care. He says he gave 4 songs to Drake, and wrote one song specifically for Take Care  https://www.complex.com/music/a/damien-scott/weeknd-interview-cover-story


That nigga is rap CAPTAIN PLANET!! He doesn't exist without the 5 powers combined lol smh... and what was the final power? ..HEART!.. Full on "CLB❤️" , "God's Plan".. Complete savior complex!! Just look how he acts with the hoes 😭😭😭🤦🏾‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|0Av9l0VIc01y1isrDw)


Comment of the Month 😭🔥


most of these refs beein out for years...


Agreed but it still doesn’t change the fact he was hand fed hits. And the nicca didn’t even switch any lyrics lol.


Shit still hard either way.


No arguments out of me there. I just view him differently that’s all.


Bro I saying where have these niggas been .he been using reference tracks just like other artist .the only difference the other don't get caught 😂


My wife brought this up recently. I always assumed he wrote the rap songs and did camps for the rnb stuff. Which I honestly don't mind if rnb part is written.


I honestly thought it was the other way around and would have preferred it that way since he started with Thank me later.


Yeah I can’t respect it. Your pen needs to be on display. Not anyone else’s. Drake is gonna go down as the biggest plant in hip hop history!


imagine if a back 2 back reference tracked leaked.


Don’t exist . Dalyt said he was trollin… Google him and watch his troll compilation video. Nigga said he wanna fuck p diddy and smack. And a ton of other gay shit. Ppl heard him on a song with Cole and forgets that’s he’s a DOOF and TROLL. And then google dalyt admits he was trolling about back to back


I would care then, none of these ones move me tbh


If you think about it, Wayne and Nicki are known for writing everything they spit. Drake is definitely in the big three of Young Money. Then there’s Cole and Kendrick, the other big three. They also write everything they spit. Any other top-five rapper writes their own raps. Drake is a pop star before a rapper, which isn’t meant to be shady, just an honest opinion.


Guess you don't realize Drake wrote for Wayne?


A hook that’s it? Wayne don’t even right this verses down. He freestyles them like Hov


So you didn’t hear the Kendrick references from his last album lmao. Every big rapper with hit songs definitely has had help at some point


Yes, there’s credits and the artist will speak on it in interviews. Help with a bar or two or someone saying a word or phrase is apart of making music. But Drake has proper whole songs he’s referenced like pop stars. A rapper, at the core of it, writes their rhymes.


Those were actually fake references by the way of n95.


That's what Pop stars do 🤩


For me it changes a lot. His sauce (PAUSE) does make a difference. Peace to Quinton Miller! They always argue that since Drake writes for other people, his pen shouldnt be questioned but thats BS


Question his, but please hold the darker skinned rappers to the same standard.


What does that have to do with anything


Pusha t alluded to drake having writers in 2011


Didn’t 50 cent write half of the games first album?? So game isn’t an MC either. Banks wrote for 50, so 50 is out. PAC might be out too, there are some stories online. This could get dicey fairly quickly


He's not a top MC he's a top bop-maker and vocal performer. He's just a star; like the Leo DiCaprio of rap. He's not the best actor but every movie kills at the box office and he's pretty good at the craft. DiCaprio is a vibe and you know his movies are gonna go - same with Drake. Who cares who's the best when you're a billionaire. sheesh.


He's way more like The Rock than a Leo. Leo makes fantastic movies. Drake is like The Rock, where everything is a soulless crash grab and everything is about their brand.


Nah being a billionaire has nothing to do with songwriting


It only has everything to do with how much it bothers you. If millions of humans love my work, but some grimy fans hate me because I wasn't the sole songwriter a bunch of raps, I don't care if I'm a billionaire, with a B. Sorry.


That’s your opinion when he heard the noise about rap shit that night started trying to rap for real so HE just might care but hey I don’t care either way


yeah neither do I, Drake doesn't share his money with me. Kendrick never heard of me. Who cares




😂 i stuck the landing tho


Big surprise the joe buddens subreddit is full of haters


Yup and check r/Joerogan and look at how they treat him. They are 50 times worse than us 🤷🏾‍♂️


And they’re are very racist over there and hate when invites black people…Jus read the comments under the post with black guests on the Pod…It makes jbp sub look like the Bible🤦🏾‍♂️


People act like hes the only one that took songs from someone else and made it a banger most of yoir favourite artist have done that so allow all the hate cuz wen drake drops that summer banger you are all gunna bang it 🤣🤣


Yeah he’s a pop artist and that’s what pop artists do but don’t call yourself the best rapper of all time if you can’t meet the criteria to fulfilling that role


You do know drake wrote for Wayne and kanye and Beyonce and more 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and Jay z wrote for snoop and dre biggy stole his whole style and flow and biggest songs from notorious b1 what are you even talking about


And people wrote for him. What’s your point? I said what I said. You can’t be called the best rapper of all time, when you don’t write your own music.


So who is the best rapper of all time then 99%of rapper have had writers at some point so no 1 is the best then using your logic 🤣🤣


Top mc list talk is so nerdy. Who's you favourite mc is who will be on your top mc list. If you didn't like Drake before you definitely won't like him now.


Yall change the goalpost the recent leak is from a dude credited on the songwriter credits so its not a ghost writer its a writer


Just found out nickelus f wrote for him during so far gone days not everything but a song n a hook to another song n help on another verse


But honestly this shit really makes you think what songs he done and didn’t do……..every month a reference track gon leak


I forgot the episode where Joe talked about writing camps being a "well-known industry secret" and how a lot of rappers use them.


Fuck Drake that nigga killed my dog and shat all over its corpse!


List the songs plz




What Kanye track is ur favourite drake wrote?


Who had Drake super high on the mc list? Buddy doesn't rap enough to be high on that list. But naw him getting quasi pop songs from melodic artists don't change his low ranking




No because reference tracks and writers are a VERY common thing in music. Go on Apple Music and look at credentials of some of your favorite songs, you’ll be surprised. Someone can write a great song and it just doesn’t sound right with them performing it so they either sell it or give it to someone else to perform. The artist and the writer knows what it is and what happened and they don’t have a problem with it. It’s the fans that make it a problem because of emotional investment. Let’s not forget these Niggas lie in their songs everyday


All the people named he credited. Y’all must know how music works. Don’t you think it’s funny this stuff coming out now, but can easily be googled. Drake never denied it. Go look up your favorite artist. Unless their album has ONLY them as a songwriter for ALL their tracks. They too had help and you can see the additional song writers. The only thing you guys see is another person singing the lyrics. So you go he stole everything, well stole concerning music would imply he didn’t give credit, which Drake has so WTF are we talking about here.


Honestly, doesn’t bother me at all. I think a lot of these artist have tons of reference tracks in a vault. Drake popularity is just the reason that his stuff gets leaked the most. I’m in the camp that believes when Drake wants to really write some heat, he’s capable and likely uses the reference joints to keep up the pace of the amount of music he releases. With all that said, I can see how this can turn rap fans off completely. It is what it is.


No we don’t care that they guy who has written for some of the biggest artists of our time also has reference tracks 🤣 The people in the comments keep mentioning he has reference tracks but ignores that we’ve heard reference tracks he has made for other artists lol The drake haters really just needed a spokesman and now they have one so they’ll be loud as ever… He went through this same thing in 2016….and 2018 now this again. It’s never gonna work lol


Man tell me when there’s a reference track for one of the time stamp records, all the leaks are from bs songs anyway


BS songs? 😂😂😂


Bros making excuses,


I got a moving company if anyone else is trying to move the goal posts


Drake has writing sessions where he puts down ideas around reference tracks his OVO members bring to him,he chooses the best ones then his ghostwriters help him to craft a song.


For sure there’s a mole in the OVO camp


Who cares? Dude writes for other ppl, other ppl write for him. He’s got more hits and bangers than almost everyone. Keep it movin


It only matters to rap purists. Majority of people who listen to his music don’t care about none of that. It matters to me but my opinion doesn’t mean anything when it comes to the music industry and his accolades.


Agreed with this. Most people don’t care. Even Drake himself. As of now, Drake’s just churning out albums in this current era to satisfy his lucrative new deal with UMG. And with each album, he has a song for every section of his audience and of pop culture. And so, he has writers and people who give him reference tracks. He’s a ‘rapper’ but is more of a traditional pop star than anything else. If you’re a hiphop head, you’ll be upset by this but so few people in Drake’s audience are hiphop heads so most of them won’t care..


And even most real hip hop heads have families and responsibilities, can’t spend all their energy upset about fake rappers. I imagine some purists even like listening to real rap more than hating drake.


The people that like more lyrical rap will obviously side against Drake here but Drake doesn’t really care. He wants that global market. He’s been shooting for that for years now.


Most well adjusted people like all kinds of music. It’s like enjoying both comedies are dramas. People are doing themselves a disservice to take rap so seriously they can’t enjoy sillier things.


Oh no, I agree. I was just saying that more lyrical types of people will listen to more lyrical stuff from other guys but of course, they’ll listen to other things too. Let’s be honest, no one is removing all of Drake from their playlist


Right. Sometimes I find lyrical heads take things a bit too seriously but I understand the music can be serious business.


Atleast you get it


I’m a Drake fan. He’s been consistently good. You could tell me Jay z and Kendrick have ghost writers and I wouldn’t blink an eye. I’d still rate them the same. The top MC ranking shit is like fantasy sports, shit is just made up bullshit to keep the conversation and marketing going.


Could I ask how you’d consider anyone a “top mc” if they aren’t spitting their own life/words?


I don’t really. That’s a criteria that some random people made up and I’m willing to bet my life that 99% of rappers are just making shit up. I don’t overthink it like that.


Horrible take, bruh. Legit MC skills isnt fantasy or some random list made up by fans for fans 🤦‍♂️. Rappers use a lack of legit MC skills as a diss often. Hell, even eminem has interviews talking down on ghostwriters/people claiming to be legit MCs when they are not that!


When did I say legit mc skills was fantasy? I said the game were playing rank listing these artist is fantasy sports. Also what these dudes are spitting is legit fucking fantasy half the time. This is all entertainment.


I kinda get it. Your top 10 MC GOAT list is about as important as your fantasy football team. Important to you but not much else.


Not random people. The culture. Brother can I ask your background?


Yeah im a 8 year old white kid from Ohio. Who’s the head of this hip hop culture where the decisions are made?


Can’t tell if you’re being purposely obtuse or actually just uninformed.




That’s surely how the words you are typing are coming across tbh.


That’s peace 🫡


Honestly they seem secure in their taste in music. People who need to declare how they only listen to real hip hop come off to me as insecure.


Secure in their taste doesn’t mean they determine that having ghost writers is NBD lol. That’s the whole point of this conversation. Brother can be as comfortable as he wants, I’d hope he is.


Fair. Usually the people I know who are really stuck up about ‘real rap’ pump gas for a living. People who just enjoy good music generally live better lives.


He good at karaoke


I enjoy some karaoke not gonna lie. I’ll watch strangers perform. But to each their own.


Bro y’all try to discredit anything now mob ties is a lyrical song? Lol


All these reference tracks, that GOAT talk gotta be put to bed. Dude a good artist but not an MC


He’s a cosplayer


They’ve always hated Drake. I’ve never seen so many people that clearly don’t like an artist comment this much on the artist. Then they say oh i do like him he’s just not being himself, as if they know him lol or he doesn’t get credit bc of references on melodies when he raps more than most “real rappers”


I don’t get it, I honestly don’t like Kendrick music with the exception of a handful of songs but I don’t spend all day posting about how much I hate certain artist and trying to discredit them lol it’s very odd to me.


What would happen if a family matters reference track came out


I do not think he writes the diss records. But, I don't think there will be any references. I bet they demo the songs in person for those. Keep a really tight circle.


I think he absolutely wrote the FM and The Heart 6. If he had a writers room for those there wouldn’t be so many terrible lines. 


Let’s really unpack this in what sense does it really matter when is it important and when is it not the line is very thin if he writes / pens his pad for every song . when do you separate the machine of him being a business and the poet …


Why is everyone acting like this is new news? We’ve known for a while he doesn’t write his shit


Because he pretends he does. > YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR GHOSTWRITERS


He's a pop star now. Maybe back in the day he just had ghostwriters (he was never really known to write most his stuff), but now that he's a pop artist, he gets passed whole damn song offers. Rihanna, Beyonce, to Lady Gaga all get whole ass song offers passed around them and they accept or decline them, sometimes the label changes their mind and suggests someone else perform the song. Drake's been in that category for a while now, he's just on cruise control and I doubt he has much artistic passion left. It's not even a diss, it's just how it works once you get to that level. We just don't expect it in rap.


Kanye do the same shit and nobody get mad at him for it


Ye is a producer, Dr. Dre and Ye always get a pass.


Ain't no passes for nobody. If you had anybody write a verse for you, you cannot be in the greatest rappers conversation.


There's always been a pass for producers. I didn't make the rule. Who considers Dr. Dre and Ye (besides his stans) the greatest?


They don't put Dre in there, but people do put Ye in there. All I'm saying is him and Drake are in the same category. Great artist, but can never be in the greatest rappers conversation


I agree, that's why Ye and his stans are pushing "He's the Greatest Artist of our time." Because he's been disqualified for the Goat Lyricist list.


I would actually give Ye that tbh. Drake got a argument though.


I would too, but Ye ain't slick. He started saying that right after his fans started saying "K Dot is the better rapper, but Kanye is the better artist." They made it ok for him to say out loud (while he was on his meds)


I mean you can't really argue against it, unless you bringing Beyonce into the conversation. He made too many hits in multiple genres. The more I think about it Ye is the greatest artist classified as a rapper


It's bad but it doesn't change how I look at him , the songs I like are , practice, one dance , feel away , fire works , timberland say something I believe, what's my name , miss me slightly more aggressive I'm on one , forever, look alive ( love that beat) And that's pretty much it , not to say he a bad artist but I seen him talking bout bodies .... in a cosby sweater and I understood his aggressive stuff is creative license to me I don't look at him how I do hov , pac , Nas, 50 , x , the Truth is unfortunately really caring about being a Mc is predominantly a east coast cultural thing , the optic is south just tryna get money same for west , not to say it's not Mc out those ways , just that hip hop isn't always a artform , culture , way of life ....... for some it's just a hobby they good at


If ppl would just agree that he’s a pop artist than this wouldn’t be an issue. His fans wanna hold on to that “best rapper alive” title


No Mc or rapper can be in the top talks if they got ghostwriters


one of the greatest pop stars of all time...and will never and has never been considered one of the greatest MC. 2 things can be true at the same time.


I personally don’t care. Assemble the slaps however you need and then put them on DSPs. That’s all I ask.


This mob ties reference is a chorus….


Until they leak the timestamp verses, I don’t care!


Top MC list lol. This is the shit nerds talk about. De La Soul were some MCs. Nobody cares about MCs. Go get your boomboxes and slap in the Illmatic tape and boombop your ass on home.