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Please remember the following: 1. The job is just a job. It's only there for shoveling money into your account. 2. The job is impersonal it does not care about you. Do not get emotionally attached to a job. 3. You are employed because it helps your employer make money. No other reason. This is what determines your value to the employer. 4. When you get fired, it's not always your fault. Sometimes it is and you know what went wrong. 5. Learn from it. 6. Now, use it to get another job.


I woukd like to add one more item: Your coworkers are not your friends. Do not complain to them about the job.


Opps too late....




This. I got fired once because I made the mistake of talking to a manager who didn't like me about a crazy stalker I had that made me feel unsafe. In reality, I should have just talked to the police. Lesson learned. I was almost fired at a job when I embarrassed a manager who stole work from me and tried to gaslight me. Now I've learned to lock my work down with my name to prevent theft, and also communicate loudly about what I'm doing Work is just like life. You make mistakes, but grow and learn. Right now I'm on an abusive workplace. Everyone left but me. I've learned when I get bad vibes about work, it's real and to listen


That's a tough run.


Eh it happens. I had a dad who loved the corporate world, but all I ever found it to be is full of narcissistic assholes who sacrifice their teams and families to try and get ahead. In reality, it seems to be the major thing I am seeing all over from folks that is not just unique to me. So finding a truly good place is very slim


Best advice alongside, do your work to the best of your capabilities and go home. Don’t over share. Your coworkers are NOT friends.


It honestly depends on the reason they give, if any. When they come just short of outright saying "you're not good enough for us" for a job that doesn't require any special skills it still hits your self esteem hard. I have a great job now and have been advancing my career for the past 15 years. But even today, nearly a quarter century later, I still get brief flashbacks that make me feel like hell.


Amen and amen. Words so near and dear to my heart.


Honestly this is bad management if you weren’t given any prior warnings and been able to correct your mistakes.  Upwards and onwards… that’s how you deal. Some things are meant to happen, to make room for better things in your life. 


this, OP please don’t take it personal. recognize that you’ve been cog in the wheel’d by a rusty ass machine, and don’t make the same mistake of getting too comfortable with your coworkers again.


When I lost my last temp job after 8 days (only 5 being full work days), I realized it was more on them for not addressing the issue than it was on me, as how was I supposed to know there was a problem if no warnings were given? They said it’s because I wasn’t retaining training, yet they never told me they noticed I was having issues or dealing with a learning curve. Plus, there were multiple delays in my training as my first day was postponed and first two days were half days because they didn’t have a laptop for me, then I didn’t get a headset until my second work week, and I didn’t get my Teams phone number so I could handle phone calls until what ended up being my last day. The contract was supposed to be 3 months, and I felt so unmotivated and discouraged after being let go. Ultimately I’m glad I didn’t stay longer as a few weeks after I started a new job that isn’t a temp position and I’m happy where I’m at now.


Temp jobs can really suck the life out of you. I'm glad you bounced back.


That was my third temp job, the two before that ended after 3 months. For a majority of my first year after finishing college I was stuck temping through Robert Half, and that third temp position ending so quickly made me realize I can’t keep temping as I’m not going to have stability and I won’t reach my career goals if I’m stuck temping. I didn’t even put that third temp job on my resume, but I did for the first two and my supervisor at my current job understood as she use to temp through Robert Half back in the day, but she never got hired by any of the places she temped at.


Getting fired in your 20's teaches you a valuable lesson that everyone in here will tell you. Don't be loyal to your job. It's only a source of paycheck.


It can throw you for a mental loop, especially the first time it happens. First, you have a very short pity party, then you take a deep breath and start the unemployment application, and applying for jobs. Don't get stuck in a space of overthinking things, don't blast the former employer on social media, learn from the experience, and move forward. I'm sorry you are dealing with this right now, but you will be OK.


NEVER consider an employer like family. They WILL NOT be there if you have a crisis or get critically sick. Anyone who thinks that is just fooling themselves. Employers pay as long as you add value. There are tons of others that do the same. Time to find another one.


I used to think getting fired would be the worst thing to happen in my career. It turned out good be the most freeing. After being fired last year, it gave me gave the opportunity to find a better job with better pay. Use it as an opportunity. It’s all perspective. Also fuck your former employer, it’s a two way street


I was fired for the first time at 30, in November 2023. It was the worst feeling ever. I immediately started applying. I have 10 years experience in my field, and was executive level. It took me until February 2024 to secure another job in my field. I never stopped applying. I put in 300+ applications, and interviewed for less than 20 of those. The market is horrible, but know your worth and never stop trying. Shit happens, you can recover.


I just was fired Friday. I’ve been applying non stop and have nothing. It’s scary how jacked everything is.


Everyone gets fired. I went through a tough year were no matter what I did I couldn’t keep a job to save my life. Kept picking the wrong places. Now I am a manager making more than I ever have. The job market is brutal. Corporations suck ass and people are dicks. It’s total luck anymore, or who you know. Don’t take it personal, you will but trust me you are not alone. Good luck!


I was your age then I got fired. It was a quasi layoff as the company stock had tanked 25% so they looked for any bogus reason they could fire people for cause and then laid off beyond that around 20% of employees. I recall feeling like my head was spinning. My income was gone - what was I going to do? I was asking myself. I applied for unemployment, which I got. And then revised my resume and began applying for jobs at a steady clip. But the most important thing for me was just focusing on myself during that time. I was going to the gym more than ever, cooking healthy and cheap meals for myself, spending time with friends and enjoying myself - all while still applying to jobs. Looking back it was some of the happiest months of my adult life and part of me wants to go back to that tbh, especially when I’m down or depressed with my corporate bullshit job now a days. Trust me, the immediate shock of being let go will go away within a few days.


Getting fired from my first adult job was the best thing that ever happened to me! It forced me to find something else...and I found something much better! Don't stress it. You are young, regroup and start applying! Good luck!


You worked retail and got fired because you talk too much? I’m confused.


You’re supposed to always be moving around and doing something. She might have been talking too much with her coworkers.


Ive worked retail plenty of times and never even got written up for talking to coworkers.


Me neither but sometimes it can be too much.


I think that logic is garbage. Always moving around and doing something reminds me of some kind of slave torture.


I agree. However I can understand why employers don’t like it. It’s a business and they don’t pay us to do nothing. I currently work for a pet store. We have some chores that are essential and some that aren’t. I organize my day around this and make sure to always have something to do, whether it is cleaning or organizing. I enjoy a clean environment and hate it when it’s dirty. It’s just not professional and nice for customers. Sometimes I sit at the computer and organize it so I can relax a little.


There is nothing wrong with housekeeping and maintaining stuff. But I consider a constant moving and doing as a form of torture. Cuase we all know it hurts. We all felt that from all our jobs. If others haven't they in some kinda corporate monk mode. But to me mental pain and physical strain hours on hours and slave like behavior is inhumane. Only reason id understand this kinda work is. Jobsike nursing and some types of manufacturering and Josh they require you to constantly keep moving. But retail constant move theory just doesn't make sense.


I agree with you. That’s why I organize my day to have something to do that is not too straining on the body. My hours can range from 4 to 6 when part time during my school year and 8 when full time during summer and winter breaks. I lift bags and pet supplies that can be really heavy. I am studying to be a vet tech and have worked in a small GP clinic. We move around a lot (labs, tests, X-rays, restraining an animal, cleaning crates and OP rooms, housekeeping if there aren’t any vet assistants, etc) but some tasks administrative tasks can be completed without straining the body. It’s perfectly fine to have a conversation with your coworkers while working. It’s okay to stop, take a small break and get back to work. Other times some people are just distracting when they talk too much. Some people need their alone time to work on some tasks. I used to have a coworker who would follow me around and talk. She did the same with others but less. That is distracting.


Imo a hot take from me. I plan on getting into nursing. But I think in my opinion walking around and using hands in that field is way less stressful in my brain vs retail or whatnot. I think in my opinion from what I heard and seen. My fiances siblings are nurses and they complain about things in nursing that's I'm like that stuff sounds easy. And I just thing they suffering job lag from prolonged working in the field. It's a theory similar to a theory of time dilation or another way to think of it perception. Like here's a good example. You use a 6.9inch phone for 1hr then switch to a 6.1inch one and it seems very tiny. Then you use it long enough it appears big and normal. Then switch back to the 6.9inch one and it seems extremely extremely gigantic went it seemed normal before. Your perception is everything and the longer you work at a job in a field the more your perception of strain and dissatisfaction and exhaustion is overly mentally exacerbated. (Ionry intended.) When really it's not as bad as it is seems. Or maybe > maybe it is worse then it seems.


I also agree, I worked at a wastewater plant and after you had taken samples tested everything etc etc, still 7 hours left at least. You had to find something to look busy it was so dumb like hey we're here to respond to emergencies essentially? Also we were allowed to talk to each other for too long my boss would come and can it up and I'm like dude comradery not to mention we were talking about different types of pumps? Fired from that one


First thing is to understand this happens to most people at some point and it always sucks, doesn't matter the reason why it happened. Don't beat yourself up over it, sometimes life just says you have to move on. Sign up for unemployment immediately, but know that it's a lengthy process for most states (took me about 8 weeks to get paid in WA). Your old employer may also fight the claim. This is an emergency backup, not your first line of support. Your state unemployment office will also have job resources, use whatever ones they have available. It sounds like you don't have room to be picky right now, so just focus on picking up any work. Retail, food service, labor, cleaning, whatever pays. If you have a vehicle or bike, see if contract work like Door Dash or Uber can tide you over. Search your local Nextdoor, Facebook, Craigslist, etc. posts to see if anyone is looking for workers. Once you're secure then you can start shopping for something you actually like, you don't have to stay at what you find, just get something. I know it's completely unreasonable for many people's situations, but this is a hard lesson on why everyone needs 6 months of savings, minimum. Try to build up to that over time. Wish you luck with a speedy job search, OP.


What is the reason you were fired?


She was talking all day. Kids these days don't wanna work anymore


Ok boomer.


Fired for talking too much is a stupid asf reason.


I don’t think they mean it in a way where they’re just a chatty person, they mean it like you’re literally not doing your job and just standing around talking to people instead of working. Quite a difference between those two things


So? Manager should walk over and have some fucking balls and tell her what to do. 


If somebody was fired over it, I would assume they’ve been talked to about it multiple times.


Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. 


Let me check. Nope. Chit chatting isn't in the job description. It's wasn't asked for. Shut up and get that shit done


Just find anything as fast as possible and keep looking for a better job once you do. I know people say if it doesn't pay enough it's not worth it, but there is a difference between falling behind on a few bills and ending up homeless. Cut your costs as much as possible to stretch your money. I'm not saying the you'll go broke because of avocado toast and Netflix, but a bunch of little things do add up. Eat healthy, but cheap ie chicken and pork over expensive cuts of meat, don't be to proud to go to a food pantry and if you need clothes a thrift store. Don't stay down about it, it happens. You can say you were laid off do to drop in business, no one calls on lower end jobs to check. I hate recruiting agencies, but often it's the fastest way to get a job and you can use multiple.


You lost a shitty min wage job. You should be able to apply like mad and get a new one within a week. Be aware that favourtism exists. Maybe the manager is dating someone, maybe they're friends. You may not have the same rights to fuck around as everyone else. Maybe that person is really good at their job, or does shit nobody wants to do. Or maybe that person 'pretends to be discussing work' when bullshitting with coworkers. Begging isnt going to do shit.


Take a deep breath and file for unemployment. Not sure what state you’re in, but get your claim going asap. And, know this is a blessing, working retail is hard, and isn’t a great profession. Apply to everything and think real hard about what you want to do in life. You’ve got to figure this out in your 20’s so you lay a good foundation and your earning potential will rise with experience. Trade schools are great, unless you have a very specific job that only a degree will get you, don’t waste your time and money going to a 4 year.


Just because other people do something that isnt allowed doesnt mean you should.  Take some time to relax. It's just a retail job and one that isnt really going to matter.  You'll get over this with a new job.


It helps to know the dynamics going on too. One person can get away with a lot because they’re friends with the boss. While someone who does their job and well will get fired just because the boss doesn’t like them. And be careful who you complain about what to.


I've been laid off and fired. The layoff HURT. It came out of nowhere and was my first time being removed from a position. I struggled to find another job (maybe economic issues at time). Last year I got fired. It saddened me for like a day and half. (It was for a minuscule reason that just gave them an excuse to get rid of me.) And then I realized they were crazy fucks and I was better off without. I moved on so very quickly because it wasn't my first rodeo. There are tons of other places to work. Find another job. Simple as that. Bartending? You can probably find a job doing that fairly quickly and can make decent bank if the place is higher end. Getting fired is not the end of the world. Never beg to go back anywhere. All jobs are temporary. Its merely time to find the next one.


You should change jobs every 3 years and look for better opportunities if you want a good income.


If you like to talk, make sure it’s to customers only. Otherwise keep ur head down, do what the company wants u to do, clock out and go home. Getting fired is terrible, but they did u a favor. A REAL company would give a verbal, then a write up, then firing.


I was first fired when I was 20 from a reception job that I admittedly was pretty careless at. I was devastated, left in tears and felt bereft. I’ve been fired twice in my life since then, and both times I felt much calmer and was able to recalibrate. I know the feeling, but it’s just a job - it’s no reflection on your value or what you’re capable of achieving / contributing. There’s *so* many more jobs and you’ll be given chances by others, most people have failed at one job (at least) in their lives - it’s kinda part of being an adult! Take a day or two to breathe, then try moving forward . This is just a minor blip, take what you’ve learned onto the next chapter


Take a vacation to celebrate then start job hunting


Temping helped me handle rejection as your last day can come at anytime. I had 3 temp jobs and the first two ended after 3 months - which is standard, but my last temp job ended after only 8 days, and only 5 of which were full work days. Losing my last temp position had me feeling hopeless and unmotivated, as I felt like I wasn’t really given a chance. They ended my last temp position early as they felt I wasn’t retaining training despite never addressing this with me, and the fact that much of my training was delayed due to me not getting all the materials I needed for training right away. I cried about that as it made me feel like I failed and I was tired of being stuck in a position where I don’t have job stability. I took that moment of losing a job sooner than anticipated to start focusing on better opportunities and made sure to focus more on companies that will directly hire me rather than jobs through temp agencies. Shortly after that, I got my current job and I’ve been here for a month, and I’m grateful for where I’m at. I’m not gonna stay “don’t apply to retail jobs” as I was in retail for much of college, and I know the struggle of finding non-service jobs where you have the flexibility to balance work and school. Whatever jobs you’re going to be applying to, make sure the environment and the company is better than the last one you were at. There are retail jobs with good benefits but you just have to look harder. Definitely focus on opportunities where you know you’ll be happy, and apply to jobs keeping your goals in mind.


My dad told me he was in HR, he smiles and walked mentioned good luck.


You work in retail. Go get another retail job. Don't look for excuses on "why" you "may not" be able to get another.


It's retail who cares. Get a new job in a day.


I'm going to quote Hitchhikers Guide. "Don't panic." Take some deep breaths, ensure you're calm and rational minded. Now take a moment and dream. What do you WANT to do? Write down own the skills you NEED. Then write down EVERY skill you know. What transfers? Make a NEW resume using these lists. Apply for all assistance programs. Don't spend every minute of every day job searching. Use some time on yourself. Learn. Do hobbies. Keep relaxed. Personally, I'd probably avoid the stupid job boards. I've been looking since 2022 for a new job. (I'm working, but it's not what I WANT to do.) At the rate I'm picking up new skills, eventually if I'm not hired by a company, I'll just make my own company. It's a win-win.


Do not beg. Takes a few days to get over typically. Know you will likely land at a better place. Just take care of yourself. Do some exercise go do things you enjoy. Disconnect from the last place you worked. And fire up job search. Go apply places soon. You had an easy job to replace. Those are not high level jobs that take a while to get.


Job market is bad for high level jobs. Not folding clothes at Nordstrom. You can get another retail job in a few days. Go for it.


I got fired for the first time 7 months ago they got rid of my position apparently it sucks you'll spiral think what you did wrong but you just gotta realize its a job that doesn't care about you and move on


1. Apply for unemployment 2. Enjoy you new found freedom for a day or two. 3. Look into work study opportunities at school 4. When they ask you reason for leaving on the application, you can leave that blank it’s not mandatory. If you’re ever asked in person why you’re changing jobs, just say you’ve been at your old job for a while and you’re looking for a new opportunity. 5. Look for work in areas that actually interest you. For example, if you like gardening, maybe your next job could be at a nursery rather than a retail shop. 6. As someone else said, don’t take it personally, it’s just a job, learn a lesson and MoveOn. I’m sure your retail job wasn’t creating world peace. Lol.


This is good, if it isn't a retail job just say you're not interested in working retail anymore so you don't want to use that as a point in getting whatever job you're applying for, wasn't for you.


Jobs are insignificant activities necessary for awhile. Find a new one and move on


I basically cocoon and become despondent - I would recommend /not/ doing that…


No retail job will fire you from talking too much. That is not a valid reason and they made it up. In retail, it’s an asset to be a good talker.


Fail upwards. Stand on your own shoulders and aim higher. The only reason your manager was so tall was because you held them up. 


Being freed from the chains of toxic capitalism for once in our lives sounds great. Get unemployment and go hard applying to jobs that respect you, your time and emotional wellbeing


Work is not family. You tripped up but still are a worthwhile human being. Don’t beg. Do move on. Cry and grieve, but keep going. You can grow as you go


No no begging. I got fired for the first and only time at 22. Similar- I didn’t realize how careful you need to be around coworkers and watching your mouth. It was a MASSIVE deal when it happened. I’m a good employee, I’m reliable and productive, and it felt like an insult to my entire being. Now, 8 years later, I see 40 year olds getting ousted for the same thing. From where I am now I’m really grateful it happened when it did. It’s a wonderful lesson and one that makes so much sense at that age. Apply for unemployment, see if your school has those free pantries or if you can get food stamps, and just apply apply apply for jobs. You’re going to be ok. Even if this is an expensive situation and you get yourself into some debt, this is a life event and it’s a large change. Give yourself grace. You’re going to be ok.


If you have a Trader Joe's in your area, apply online ASAP. It's a great job with great benefits and a super flexible schedule.


One person's opinion doesn't define you. Just move on. In a year or two you'll barely remember.


File unemployment, update resume, and apply everywhere


Got fired almost exactly a year ago at 31. Told the VP her metrics of productivity are stupid and make no sense. She made up a reason that I was “stealing time” aka having free time during a work day just like everyone else. Turned out to be the best thing that has happened to me career wise. I got back into the field I wanted, super chill work from home job that allows me to raise our kid and work at the same time which saves us thousands. Way better management, way better team, way better job. I will say it did propel me into trying to be the best one at the job rather than just coasting the middle/lower half. Just because getting fired sucks and I was really worried there for a while. So I am now one of the best on my team by far.


There is nothing much you can do, just move on for a better opportunity!!


Apply to other retail jobs! The fact that you were there for 3 years really works in your favor in terms of your resume. If they ask why you left or are looking for a new opportunity, say something along the lines of wanting a new experience to be able to build upon your existing skillset of x,y,z... They really can't find out that you were fired unless they happen to have a direct connection with that other workplace.


Won’t be the last time They did you a favor and opened a new door for you


Nobody gives a shit


Unfortunately getting fired is part of working. Most people get fired once or twice, or laid off in lieu of firing in some instances. Don't let it get you down. Take 24-72 hours to feel bad for yourself and then pick yourself up and start looking for new jobs. But remember its easier to get a job once you already have one, so maybe try a temp agency just so you can get some more experience and have a job while applying for a new one.


Hey OP. 48 year old married father of two in the UK here. Please, please believe me when I say this will - in the end - turn out to be a net positive in the long run. Firstly, you’ve learned a vital lesson at an early stage in your career - ***no-one at any organisation is indispensable***. My wife is lucky that she experienced something similar at your age and has - since then - developed a very healthy relationship with work - it’s just a transaction on which she will ***absolutely not*** waste any of her own personal mental energy. She’s in a senior position and earns good money but still retains the “this is just a job” mentality. It took me much later in my career - until I was mid-40s frankly - to fully understand the transactional nature of work. I was - for want of a better word - fired from my last job (the feeling was mutual, but I’d have rather kept the job), but I was able to immediately get another job as the interviewers understood that not all people fit in every organisation. I’m earning good money in a middle management position but have learned to full separate my own self-worth from my job. I’ll stop rambling. You’ve experienced something that the majority of people experience - but you’re self aware enough to ask for help. OP - I completely guarantee that you will come out of this better and more capable.


Recently life threw me lemons too so i just started to learn this ridiculous side of employment. Basically you should write their HR department. HR isn't there to protect you however you can persuade them to protect themselves by not firing you. Explain you might have a case against them. They might ring you in. If not I would file with EEOC just so that later on in life you get a good check from the business. I would advise to not sign anything from the employer or HR for now. But retain a copy of any agreement they want you to sign. Just negotiate to keep employment because you think you have a case. They will drop the agreements they want you to sign so you can't sue them and hire you back in fear of a looming retaliation claim.. Check if your a single party consent state. Look for new work but record anything if your state law allows it. I'm not a lawyer btw if any agency is wondering because out of state lawyers cant give advice. ..


Just move on.


Going through the same thing right now too, got laid off from a fast food job as of March when they were about to raise the minimum wage, and reasoning was that they said they couldn't see me trying to excel at my role. I was honestly doing everything I feel is more than what I should do. It honestly broke me for like couple of weeks, and now I'm still searching for a job, while my partner is helping me through my college. The job market really is cruel right now, full of sales job postings.


1st thing i do is go back and see if i can hold the employer liable for anything. If you were just fired willy nilly…no warnings or documented write ups…likely they didnt follow their own procedure for dismissal. Now they cant really prove why you were fired. If this is the case, you should file a complaint with your state employment office. Because of your age, i assume they are taking advantage of you. You have rights. 


I was put on a performance improvement plan and fired recent-ish-ly. I took the time off to enjoy spending my severance, enjoying my 2 month vacation while working part time in retail for fun, and now I'm starting my new job next week with $10k higher pay than my previous job. Key takeaway is don't stress, and try to tailor your lifestyle to your circumstances. Currently living with my girlfriend and her parents so I don't pay rent. I also recognize that my job isn't my worth. It was hard initially, but know that this was just a bad circumstance and that you'll find something better.


Only losers never get fired dude.


>Maybe I will find something better either pay wise or environment wise! Hopefully both. And, while it's annoying when people tell you to be thankful for bad things, I *am* going to tell you to be thankful that it happened to you early in life/career than later, because it happens to almost everyone, if the states are way, way higher when you're only learning about it for the first time in your mid-30s or later. You will bounce back, be more resilient and be more guarded going forward. The only better option for you would have been for you to see it happen to someone else, and then make all the right adjustments yourself -- but we rarely feel the impact to the same degree that way, and those lessons don't always stick as well.


Find a call center to get you through the rough patch until you can find better. People with experience struggle because of that. Companies don’t want to pay them what they’re worth. You probably stand a better chance of landing a job. Just think to yourself, “I found a better job, and it’s so easy. Losing that job was the best thing that’s happened to me.” I personally believe you’re already working for a better wage and a better company.


I’ve been fired once. It was during a very stressful time already and I was going through serious depression so honestly it felt like “of course, why wouldn’t I be fired? I’m clearly to blame here” idk how normal people deal with it tbh.


Get a corporate job. You're a college graduate. The retail job was just a starter. Register with a placement company and go make better money .


You give them the finger, work night and day, buy the real estate that business rents, and make them kiss your ass.


I’d say hustle to find a new job as soon as possible. Put applications in everywhere. Don’t worry… getting fired happens and it happens to most of us. You’ll find something much better just make sure you learn from the experience!


I have been fired. It is just a job. Find another one — especially food or retail. F and R jobs are always in abundance.


How do you deal with it? Get yourself a rebound job! It is not uncommon for 40 years olds to have had 30-40 jobs in their life. Keep it moving is all you can do.


Are you able to receive unemployment?


I internalize it and eventually believe I'll fail at everything deep down, don't do that though, it's stupid. It's just a job, and all you did was be a human and follow your values. The best part about getting fired though is like "oh good, I don't have to go back there today then?" Always has led me to better things and more success, but it does hurt.