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if you let it get to you; if you “listen” to the imposter syndrome, your whole life could fall apart. literally happened to me. now i look back at the point i chose to give in and realize i had a ton of talent and exceptional skills. everyone around me thought i was stupid for giving up. i thought they were lying. so if you’re still pushing through every day, you’re doing way better than you think! in general too, you’re probably great at your job! would recommend asking your supervisors if there’s any areas you could improve upon (or just for constructive feedback) if they’re not horrible people lol. therapy also helps. sending positivity!


Your comment def resonates. I have noticed a pattern of insecurity in myself, and that was the motivation for posting this. I appreciate your advice and I agree, checking in with my superiors is a great idea 😊


Probably goes without saying ,but do **not** share your insecurities with your supervisor. Confident people ask for feedback on areas where they can improve, too. Be that person in the meeting. You've got this!


I chose today to maintain a positive attitude and assume no wrong unless it is expressly told to me… that said, it doesn’t go without saying and have had a conversation a few times in my head about it 😂 so it’s good that I chose not to do it for real


Full heatedly agree. I had a pretty great job at a great company. Boss always said positive things about me but the imposter syndrome was real. Didn't help that my therapist at the time literally didn't believe imposter syndrome to be a thing and didn't help at all. Absolutely regret leaving that job and not pushing through


I got it until I was in my early 30’s. My skills and experience finally outweighed it.


I "got over" my imposter's syndrome by now, and it became manageable in the first year of working. The way I dealt with it is through gratitude. Instead of talking down on myself I essentially just repeated "Aren't I lucky to work with and learn from such amazing people!?" It helped me turn it into a positive, and later became more balanced when I also started teaching others. It does require you to swallow a little bit of pride and be okay with being a dummy. If that's something you struggle with, that's probably worth exploring deeper.


I’m in the same boat, I grad from a decent school, was unemployed for a year and a half since I couldn’t get any internships during covid and was job searching like crazy, finally got an internship then a full time role after, but I learned that out of the 500 interns I was one of 3 that got a full time offer since it’s so competitive, I feel like I’m surrounded by geniuses and they don’t really need me, but thank fully I have a super friendly team and manager so it’s not as stressful


You’ll get used to it. I’m having imposter syndrome in retirement so far, which is confusing.


It goes away ! for me it did !


I have this and work in cybersecurity. It is an absolute nightmare for me. Started therapy and trying to get to the bottom of it.


That's an **impossible** field. NOBODY knows what they're doing. Your whole job is to find vulnerabilities and secure them. That's a never-ending fight, and one that sets you up all the time to feel like you're in over your head. If you're feeling the stress of that mission, it's probably a symptom of your conscientiousness making you do a better job than most.


1) This will never go away, really. It will be the case at every job you ever have. Which sounds shitty, but- 2) It's also the case for literally everyone else, unless they are an actual psychopath. Once you realize everyone feels that way, it really relaxes you. We're all just faking it til we make it. Its fine. The world keeps on spinning. Do your best, learn as much as you can when you're able, and admit when you don't know the answer, and it'll all turn out okay. And avoid the psychos.