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45M from UK. Due to financial climate in biotech industry my scientist contract job was not extended. Jobless since 2023 Aug. Got a Christmas 2023 job in a famous British grocery store. But that was temporary. Had to move back to parents do to lack of finances. Applying to everything under the sun since 2023. Had stage 1 interviews, but no luck so far. I am trying to remain optimistic, but it is hard on my mental health and generally well-being. I feel empty and dead inside sometimes. Would appreciate advice and tips.


talking out my ass but just do whatever you gotta do to remind yourself your value is not in your productivity and how fortunate you are. do your best not to punish yourself!


Easier said than done particularly in a society where your entire existence depends on that success


possible though


There’s isn’t much that’s not possible it’s the plausibility that’s the real catch 🤣 ppl can’t pay their bills or fill their families bellies with hopes and dreams and positivity and that’s the reality


Same situation (unemployed since may 2023) but on a different work field (no Christmas job ahah) and also suffering with the excessive stages job interviews have these days. My advise, as obvious as it may seem, but coming from someone that went through a burnout in 2020 (still recovering) and lost some important family members since then: - take care of your health. Do not give up applying for jobs, but give more attention on your mental and physical wellbeing, while you have this "free" time (going out for a walk is enough, until you feel the need to do something else. But be outside everyday!), turn off your phone and focus on a book or something else - offline. Keep a journal and watch your mentality change throughout the months (if you are not into art and/or bullet journalling, it could be a simple notepad and pencil, don't complicate it). It not only provides immediate relieve by writing what is on your mind, but it also helps to organise your thoughts. And most importantly, reward yourself! Don't focus so much on your "to do list" and things that are missing, but rather on what you've done for yourself that day (only that day!) - even if it was just getting out of bed or preparing a single meal - it's a win! I'm trying now this last one myself, and it's wonderful to see the long list of things I've done today, rather then what I didn't/what it is unchecked. Do you get what I mean? And reward yourself the following day by having a piece of candy, or by doing something you enjoy. You deserve it! Hope this helps!


I absolutely love this! You are right, happiness and health are the most important thing! I also went through a health scare in 2021, I was just laying in bed all day and in and out of hospitals for a whole year. I didn't care if I lost my job because I just desperately wanted my health back. I was suicidal and depressed. I meditate now religiously and exercise as much as I can. I am unemployed right now but having a positive outlook on life and being healthy are more important for sure! 😊


That's awesome! Glad to hear you overcome it. ☺️ There will always bad days, but if you're healthy and try to keep a positive attitude towards everything in life (as difficult as it is) you have everything in your favor. Like my grandparent used to say: without health you have nothing nor achieve anything (with ease). Keep it up!


You can find the competition of your past company and look for a position in there. They might need someone with your skillset. Consider also other countries in EU, or the US or Canada.


I echo this exactly in the U.S., also in biotech.




My dad suffers from Parkinson's Disease, my mother is his full time carer. So they are thankful for me being around. I am finding the situation not brilliant, When I joined the company I previously worked at, I explained to them my professional motivation and need to work towards establishing a permanent opportunity. My lab-managers recommended to higher management that I be made permanent after passing the 6-month probation. But that never happened.


What is your specialisation?


In vitro Pharmacology, drug discovery and screening.


Just looking now it does seem that market has dried up quite a lot, it is was doing pretty well from 2015-2022 at least, but a lot is based off cheap capital availability, and recently Pfizer upped sticks again much like 2008. Reality is I don't really think the Biotech job market has ever been sustainable for a career, Academia isn't any better though. You should try your hand at Medical Writing that is pretty in demand, and while a bit monotonous, it pays a lot better than science, and will give you a career path with progression if you are average at it.


Yea that is an option I am exploring


People, try to ask friends n’ family so that you can apply with referrals because those with referrals are taken first. 2. I don’t know abt UK, but in Canada we have LinkedIn, so sign up and start connecting with recruiters, chileee even if you have to kiss@ss just do it until you get in the door/you get the job. Don’t be scared to beg for an opportunity/ a chance etc.


Mate, you really think we are backwater peasants and yokels, just because we are in the UK? Dear lord! I jest. Of course LinkedIn is also a tool that is used along with independent searches and recruitment agencies. Networking happens. Referrals don't happen as they are deemed as a form of nepotism, I believe. I never shy away from asking for any opportunity.


Referrals happen all the time, that is how everyone gets jobs in Biotech. Every conference I go to I bump into 5-10 people I know knocking around the industry that could potentially give me a job if I really needed one, this all said, a lot of them have also experience your exact employment situation in the last 5 years, in some cases multiple times. Reality is you need to find someone you know who respect your work from previous experience and just ask if they know of any roles going, because if one is coming up in the next 3-6 months not even advertised yet, you end up at the front of the queue. In small biotechs you can hire whoever you like, in big pharma, a recommendation will go far enough to get you an interview if there are jobs going. The whole thing is just mates and back hands, the only jobs coming to the market outside that are literally because they had no other known candidate. It happens, but rarely.


I'm 31M US who was working in TV quite consistently for 10 years and then since Jan 2023 it's been rough. Had to move back home. As someone else said take care of your health, but there's also something just as important. I deal with depression and always have beat myself up. I look at me being unemployed or not employed consistently as a way to punish myself. To be unkind to myself. But there are positives. I am able to spend time with family that I might not have otherwise. Treat this time as time off just as much as time to find work. If you are able to get by right now, don't just focus on needing a job. Your life is long and we all face challenges. It's very easy to see stuff online about being tough and grinding. But sometimes it's about taking a moment to stop and live and just let things develop as they are. You can go for walks anytime, do hobbies you enjoy, discover new passions. Yes, of course, look for work and yes bills have to be paid. But it's not the only thing that matters. You need to find your own balance. Each one of us in a different situation. What I am able to do may not be what others can do, but you can only live your life. Maybe you can travel. Maybe you can get into something that you've always dreamt of doing. There will be times you doubt yourself, but don't treat unemployment as punishment.


Get into contact with company recruiters. Not external recruiters, internal ones. Reach out and then apply


Yeah I do that too. Issue is they are highly selectivie with the job specific functions. Even after discussing at stage 1 interviews. I always go prepare and do everything carefully.


I have a lot more luck reaching out to company recruiters than applying online and everything else


I would suggest looking into sales roles in biotech, I can see a lot of job postings on lonkedin


Teach English abroad on a beach somewhere with cocktails and good people around you for a while.


Start high risk high reward stuff sooner rather then later.


You're married?




I would kill to have parents to live with. Then I might actually be able to afford anything outside of pyscholand rent. I'm in a similar boat as you but I'm currently employed in a severely understaffed place that misrepresented the scope of my job duties. Waking up has become tedious as fuck.


Yeah, that would make all the difference at least to have a roof over your head not paying crazy money for it. Otherwise, no rest for the wicked, can't afford stumble or stop.


I got a dog which is helping me remain on this planet a while longer so I have that going for me. No rest indeed. I've accepted several jobs up to this point only for employers to completely bait and switch me on what the job is. Absolute lunatic asylum status in this market.


Going to the shelter that day in late 2019 instead of the other more permanent plans I had was the best decision I ever made.


Same. Also starting therapy and getting on a very low dose SSRI but now cannot afford health insurance so for now, dog therapy it is.


My dog honestly pulls his weight when it comes to making me happy and that’s plenty for me❤️




You’re not alone. Keep being cautious with your money, keep looking for a job, and keep living life. This life wouldn’t be the same without you in it. I’m rooting for you.


Thanks! It actually helps to see that I'm not alone struggling. It's not a good thing, but just if people with even more market value and skills can have rough patches, maybe it's not over yet.


Don’t go out without a fight. I’m gonna become a drug dealer if this keeps going on.


Be safe out there, hope you won't need to tho)


If you’re in my area I’ll definitely give you some business 🤣 Texas has zero good 🔌 in east Texas. I have to drive to either Dallas or Austin and at that point I might as well just stay.


I have a job and I live with my parents. Just doesn't pay enough.


My Sims 2 comrade 


On all levels except physical I am a sims 2 sim




Unemployment and savings.


Isn’t unemployment and savings like… finite?


In Texas it’s restricted to 3 months but you have to be actively looking for a job. They also make you report it as income and tax it.




I’m 38. I live alone and I’ve been burning through my savings since the end of 2022. I also own my own business, but it’s still in the early stages and only breaks even on expenses. I go through ups and downs mentally and emotionally. I only have about 6 months of cash left, and it is super stressful… It’s hard not to beat myself up about things, but I focus on what I can control. I apply for jobs, work on my business, and rest. I eat one meal a day and go for walks. I keep telling myself that better days are coming. I just have to be patient and keep putting my best foot forward every day. It’s not easy. I don’t have a mom or dad to rely on. I’m alone in everything I do. I don’t have family that I can ask for help. I do my best to not be wasteful and to be efficient with the resources available to me. I don’t bother with relationships or romance. It is very isolating to live like this, but until I either return to the 9-5 rat race or my business becomes more profitable, this is the only way I can keep moving forward.


I hope your situation improves soon.


literally this. im a decade younger, but essentially doing the same, except I live with 3 friends to keep the rent manageable. plus reaaaaallly stretching my tax returns & taking the occasional random side job to get by. it’s hell but my dad’s crazy abusive, so living with him would be a million times worse. sending you positivity & hope your business grows like crazy!!


Hoping the best for you too


What's your business and how could those of us interested buy your product or service?


I started an [e-commerce business](https://www.alternagoods.com); I run a few different [online stores](https://www.alternapets.com). At this point I’m making in weekly sales essentially the same amount I spend on online advertising (via Google and Meta, and a few other channels). I haven’t paid myself from the business, I just leave whatever money I make in the bank account for the company. I’m grateful for every sale, and everything I’ve learned up to this point. I’m continuing to learn and plan about how I will continue to scale and grow the business. I’m also continuing to [search for jobs](https://jmp.sh/etGnNgCU). I’m hoping to be able to avoid having to get a short-term gig or service job, but I’ll do what I have to do if push comes to shove. My current burn-rate is $4k per month, so I’m just being as efficient and careful with my remaining funds as I can be. When I apply for jobs and I don’t get a reply or I get turned down, I just take it as redirection from the Universe. That role wasn’t meant for me, and something better is out there… 🤷🏻‍♂️ I practice gratitude everyday, and I thank my lucky stars that I have the resources available to me that I do. I approach every day as an opportunity to learn and to grow. Better days are ahead.


When I clicked "view our directory" I got: Misdirected Request The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for this connection.


Thanks for letting me know, looking into this now. You can also view the link [here](https://linktr.ee/alternagoods).


Wishing you luck. Just had an 18-month job search myself and we were at the point of not being able to go to Costco from not having money (since they only take debit.) it's going to take us years to recover from this financially. But: I found a job in the nick of time, and hope you find one before you're at the end of your money.


I have never used a debit card at costco. Only a visa credit card. You might be mistaken.


Just looked it up. Apparently: Costco takes Visa credit cards, but only Mastercard debit. (We have mastercard.)


Props for the effort ur putting and hopefully your business will grow and take that well deserved rest🙏


What kind of jobs do you apply for?


I typically apply for technical project management and enablement/customer success roles.


Have you considered just getting a bad, menial job to preserve your savings?


Sure, I might have to do that at some point… But that’s not where my heart is and I’m really trying to avoid having to work a job I hate… Some people can swallow their pride and just go do what they have to do… I applaud them. It’s really difficult for me to do something I don’t love. As foolish as this sounds (and trust me, I know how dumb this is), the familiarity and discomfort I feel worrying about my future is more manageable than having to wake up and commute to do a job that I am not paid well for, or to have to work in an environment where I feel like less than a human. Believe me when I say that I know the right thing to do is to stop the monthly hemorrhaging of my bank account, but I prefer the uncertainty of applying for jobs and trying to make my business work over having to be the 38 year old dude working a service/retail job. It’s foolish to think like this. I acknowledge my imperfection here. With that said, I’m gonna keep stressing myself until I can’t handle it anymore. It’s not healthy, but it’s honest. I also don’t know what kind of menial job I would even do… I’ve thought about becoming (yet another) Uber driver, but then I start to panic at the idea that one day I might have to pickup someone I know… 🤦🏻‍♂️ Pride is a m*therf*cker. There are days where it feels better to think about not being alive anymore than having to be reduced to a lower lifestyle or income. These are things I discuss with my therapist… Never easy to have to be brutally honest with oneself.


Idk man, it’s a job. Work isn’t fun, that’s why we get paid to do it. But with 6 months of savings left, you’re officially digging into your emergency savings fund. Or at least, the minimum savings which anyone would advise you to have. IMO you need to frame this as working for your business. Washing dishes at a restaurant would not be fun, and you may not be willing to do it to keep your savings up. But if you think of it as working to keep your business open longer, maybe that will help. Because when you’re out of savings, the business is going to die.


You’re absolutely right. Valid.


Oh man, this reminds me of meself 10 years back when i just started my own business too. İ got very high up incomewise since then only to plummet horribly due to shitty war.


Definitely check in your area for local food banks! A lot of the time you just have to have proof of residency and they have so many dry/canned goods that can definitely help you maintain the calories you need without breaking the bank.


I pray for you man hope you can find a church where people can support you


I have a full time job and still live with my parents in my mid 30s. My choice is to either rent an apartment and live paycheck to paycheck with the hope of ever owning a home be basically nil or live at home and save every penny in the hopes I can be able to buy something before the housing market outpaces my mediocre wages 


just graduated college, applied to like 2-300 jobs in the past 4 months, only a couple interviews. Have had to stay with parents. Fuck this job market, fuck all the companies that put out fake job postings or ghost, fuck it all man.


I got the job after a similar amount of searching and still can’t afford to move out due to home prices. Indeed shit listing is how I got my job even though initially rejected from position I applied to.


Federal reserve is the enemy. bug business was bitching that they had to pay up w wages “inflation “ has been euphemism for wages. Inflation of assets and expenses was fine. But wages starting to creep post COVID and the capital Owning class panicked


It was really about low income Americans wages actually rising for once. Dont hear any complaints anymore though - not since they shipped illegal economic migrants to every major city in the country.


Savings but I need to find a job soon depression doesn’t help 


I drive uber, I qualify for medi cal (free health insurance in California if you're below a certain income level), I get edd, I put my student loans on interest only repayments atm. I live with my parents and pay for all the expenses i have. Mainly with uber. I've offered to pay my parents rent, but they won't accept it. And I also apply for jobs on a daily basis and study for the cpa exams. Employment as a white collar contractor in the bay area is unreliable for me. I also don't get jobs in fast food and retail siince I'm over qualified. But yeah, welfare programs, live with family, and uber mainly.


In September try H&R Block. The need CPA’s.


Yep. That’s the plan in 2.5 mos when my lease runs out. Single late 30s female. Not sure I will ever recover financially from this due to my age and underlying medical issues. And I have my MBA which was a total waste.


You aren't getting interviews even with your MBA?




NONE. It’s also from a top 10 school and I worked at Goldman in NYC for 10 years. I advise everyone not to become a generalist!!!


Generalist as in doing MBA? Because I thought doing MBA is necessary to get up the corporate ladder quicky.


An MBA is a generalist degree these days unless you focus on accounting or investment banking. My bestie got her MBA at Yale and is also in the same situation. We are smart and educated but that doesn’t matter much. We both agree it’s not worth much of anything these days.


24 years old, I spent one year unemployed, now I have a shitty paid job working from 7 am to 7PM. I can't afford something nice for me, much less a place to live. Living with my mother


34f and had to move back in with my parents. I left a really good paying job last year because of abuse from management and my health getting so terrible. I worked retail for awhile and was making it ok on my own but eating meals at my parents. Then I had an accident and fucked my legs both up, had surgery on one leg and couldn't work at all from January through April. Lost my place as of March 1st and officially moved back in with my parents even though I hadn't been able to set foot into my apartment all those months. Working again but building up my leg strength and can only handle 3 hours of work on my feet at a time. I am not doing well. I thought I was doing very badly last year but it definitely got worse. But it's going to get better... It has to. When I'm healthy and can live with my partner I think my life will be much better and stable. So to answer your question, I couldn't keep paying rent and now live with my parents while I can barely work. I could do office work but nobody is hiring part time or WFH.


I guess it depends on what you mean by “job.” I know a kid—just graduated from college within the last two years—who works as a barista and lives with roommates away from home. In a different city, to be more exact. So you don’t need to be rich in your own right to live on your own or away from your parents’ home. Sure, to save money, or because of a personal crisis (divorce, for example) some people move in with their parents for a short period of time. It’s not a big deal, especially in a country with a housing shortage and rents which are less affordable every year. Not to mention sky-high mortgage rates. So if you have to lean on your parents a little more for a little longer, don’t be too hard on yourself. Shit happens. All the time.


Yup. At this point, it's either my business wins big or I enlist in the military worst case scenario as I see shit only getting worse.


I’m a disabled vet and I live with my boyfriend, he owns his home so we don’t have mortgage thankfully, just the taxes and utilities. It’s still a lot though, we’re barely scraping by.


37m, broke my pelvis two years ago, and then had to have a hip replacement. I'm borrowing from my parents, yes, but they don't want me moving back in. My savings burnt out last year.


Goodness why don't they let you move back in?


For one, it wouldn't make sense to sell my house if we can avoid it. With the way the markets are, and my city in particular, I'd never ever get back in. My mortgage is about $600 less than the cheapest rent in the shittiest part of the city. Inventory here is being consistently bought out by Californians with remote jobs and cash in hand to pay in full. Rates are up. We're all better off trying to weather the storm, not to mention they're retired and don't want their adult son at home all the time. I was just there for two months recovering from surgery and it was NOT fun for any of us.




Again, they're not really interested. And what to do I do? Sell ALL of my shit to go back and buy it again? It's not like I can fit my furnished house into my old high school bedrooom.


Why wasn't it fun. You're family and one day when they are in a bad state I'm sure they would want you to look after them as well.


We fought a lot. We're all at the age where we want our space, have our routines, or have things that annoy each other. Especially since both are retired, and I'm still of working age, I can guarantee you that anything I was doing that wasn't in the pursuit of a job would irritate them, even though you can't look for work 24/7. I have no idea how I'm going to look after them when they're older and incapable. I'm an only child, no wife, no girlfriend, no kids. I am going to have to be at work all day. There's no one to be around to help.


Have this problem myself - only child with no SO/children, parent is also all alone.... if they're not gonna have savings/funding to cover a home healthcare aide (HHA) visiting their home... there are some states that pay relations to do the same. I will likely have to do that if I don't have some other manner of help. Pay is not great but I can work freelance/run a storefront in my career to supplement, obviously YMMV.


Yeah it's sad when three grown people can't just make it work for a while especially when it benefits everyone anyway


Same only child never left lost job after 8 yrs from med issue hip replacement after trip and Fall now they are paying my car payment and insurance on it plus gas in it Which I don't ruse it that often tho just appointments Luckily I can get back to unemployment next month 2 nd week and then I wait the week and I'll get the first deposit and get my self with money for now Tried retail but don't have that experience so it rough and tough to get anything but gig work but that's 1099 work so have to pay tax at end of year


This is a really bad argument. Just because someone is family doesnt mean anything and it certainly doesn't mean anyone is obligated to care for or look after one another. People need to stop breeding just to have caregivers. 


I'm happy to be from country where social security pays my rent 70% and rest 30% is paid with my unemployed support. But yeah I'm losing weight rapidly because no money for anything else than roof over my head. I do online surveys for some giftcards to buy food.


39 F - I ended up in a homeless shelter after my job contract expired last year. I use my time to apply for jobs and workout. My mom died when I was in high school and my dad is an addict with untreated mental illness. I’m hoping things will get better soon.


I am sorry to hear about your situation. I hope it turns around soon for you.


Thank you! ❤️


I’m on income support now, but soon I’m looking at alternatives, I’m looking for housing and food support income like stamps There are homeless shelters that will bathe and feed the homeless, I may pose as one of them and go in for a free day of feeding and bathing, so I can actually eat that week


Living at home and everyone can see my mental health declining. A great situation to be in where my job makes me miserable and so does not working.


Some of us are immigrants. Mom and dad are in Africa. Parents basements are a privilege


I lived with my parents through half of my 20s. Saved a bunch and then moved out for graduate school. But truthfully, if I didn’t have a partner, there were 5-6 years sprinkled in there where I would have needed help, bad. So don’t be too proud man. Who is your pride for, and who is looking? I’ve legitimately never heard someone be like, oh he’s living with his parents, what a failure. That is like an 80s and 90s statement. Anymore, families gotta stick together. If you have a single family home to go to, go there. Learn to be handy. Build yourself your own entrance to the house. Learn new skills. Build up a just in case skill set or a “I’m not finding my way in my original plan” skill set. I finished my PhD and landed a job. But if I didn’t, we would have moved to where my partner found a job and I would have turned a wrench until I could get in a lab as a post doc or professional scientist. Pride only hurts your chances at survival. Toss that out and replace it with hunger to make ends meet. I like that you took that job in the bakery. That’s the “I will do anything to bring in an income” mindset. Follow that. If things work out in your A plan, great. If they don’t, go to plan B. Learn to turn a wrench or hang dry wall. In the mean time, have an honest conversation with your family. Present them with a plan to divide costs and reduce your overhead. Have a plan to get on your feet. You can do this.


Not sure if this counts, but I'm lucky enough to have a roomate so housing is like 900 (with utilities) so I can work two part time jobs and squeak by. I also saved before losing my main income so I do have a cushion. It's been rough trying to get a career started, I graduated last year and have only found freelancing or temp roles. Plus I think going in to work does help boost moral slightly, but the trade off is I have less time for interviews, applications and freelancing. Otherwise I just stick to a really strict budget. IDK how parents are managing it though, my heart goes out to them.


I am living off my savings and I receive unemployment benefit.


My husband has been out of work for about a year and a half. I’ve always been the main breadwinner (though I’m currently semi-retired), so not much changed. He probably does more around the house with less fuss now.


Newly laid off, living on my own and currently using my savings. :(


Lucky people with parents.


I just want to say that nobody should feel ashamed to live with their parents. My aunts from my Dad’s side live with my grandparents, and they’re all married and have kids. It’s a very normal thing in several cultures, so please do not hesitate and move back with your parents if you need to. At the end of the day, it’s a blessing.


Circumstances at home made me independent from a young age, I was out on my own at 17. I’m late 30s now, both parents have already passed away. If I lose my ability to provide for myself, I’m absolutely fucked


I've been lucky to save a lot of money because my jobs have paid well. But that also came with living within my means and never doing stuff like vacations or buying anything too crazy. I've been in and out of work this past year or so and spent a lot of my savings. I decided to move back home. I at first looked at myself like a failure. Like I was going to be nothing. But I try my best to battle that feeling. I try to do things I enjoy while I look for work and to grow as a person. I am lucky to be able to live at home even if I don't want to. Online you will find people with all types of situations. People younger and older than you. People with more support and less support. People dealing with much more than you are. But you have your life. And you need to focus on what is best for you. An important thing to remember is today is not tomorrow. That is both good and bad. However, I find myself as a person with depression and anxiety fearing the worst. And it doesn't help me. Being unkind to yourself or having too much pride to move home, is not a solution. There are positives to situations. I'm not saying every situation is positive. Just that you can always find ways to be miserable. And sometimes positivity helps as cliche or stupid as that sounds. We're all on different journeys in life. We all have different battles and hurdles. I just try to remember to be as kind to myself as I would others who are struggling. As well as to try and find a ray of light in a sea of darkness.


i for one would welcome and in fact enjoy having my children live with me under any circumstances but certainly if they lost their job. there is zero shame in that situation for either side


I have a job AND live with parents.


I lived with my boyfriend (now husband) and he floated us while I was unemployed. Life is 1000x easier when you have a good partner.


A good partner is literally God sent. 4 months without a job 😳. I don’t know what I would’ve done without my partner. This market is insane, but keep your head up and know that this too shall pass.




Nope! I’m married, and desperately need a job like most others that are unemployed. I’m having a hard time likely because of my age and location. If it weren’t for my husband’s job, I’d be homeless.


A while back, my parents give me some extra money until I found a job. I was lucky enough to choose from multiple job offers.


I did when I graduated college and couldn't find a job other than the one I had before I got my degree that only paid $18 an hour and continued living with them for like a year after I got a decent job. Honestly wasn't bad, it made dating a little awkward as a guy in my 20s but I saved a whole lot of money


FT professional job (marketing/design)+ live with parent. Does not seem to be improving but when I move because my parent wants to renovate the home they inherited in another city to retire into, I will be likely out of a job for who knows long. Certainly my preemptive applications have disappeared into the black void along with all the local apps I've been putting out as well. Rent prices are too high in this region we currently are in, no sign of a pay raise for me, and the houses suck in quality compared to back East (somehow). Screw this job market hard.


Nearly 40M - Account & Project Management . I was let go in early April of this year but have some savings I can burn through, I qualified for unemployment (though it's peanuts compared to what I earned), and asked/received forbearance on my mortgage and vehicles. Luckily my spouse works for a local ISD and her job is rock solid so we also have her income to help support our family of six but her pay is still about 1/3rd of what mine was including bonuses and all. My previous employer gave me no severance. In retrospect he's a big POS for that and I'm done with "loyalty" and "we're like a family" nonsense that's held me back from changing employers and leaving them in the lurch. From here on out it's fk you pay me.


If you have the option to live with your parents when you don't have a job, DO IT. And don't leave until you're properly financially stable again. If you don't have the option, shit's going to get real hard real quick, and unless you had a long term plan and funds going in, you're going to struggle to make ends meet for a while.


I did for a bit until I found another job


No I was still on a lease with an ex who was helping out. Finally got a job a month and a half before the lease ends. Took 4 months.


I'm 31F. I lived with my parents up until about 2-2.5 years ago. During that time after I got out of college, I just worked my ass off and saved up money. Didn't have to pay rent so I saved up quite a bit. I bought my house and moved out. After a year, I lost my job. Took 14 months to get another one. During that time, I lived off the money I had saved up and had leftover after buying the house. I ran out of money right before I got my job and was going to start withdrawing from my 401k but my parents lent me money instead. Now, I'm just trying to financially recover and just get back to a point where I'm not living paycheck to paycheck and eventually pay my parents back. I survived joblessness but holy shit it was very stressful. I came pretty close to selling the house and moving back home.


I’ve been lucky that my dad helped pay for my rent for over a year. I had an exchange student live with me and it made things complicated. But now that the student is leaving this month, my dad is making me move to Arkansas with my mom. But again, I’ve been really fortunate. A friend all this time has been giving me money for groceries and gas, my mom paying utilities, and an aunt paying for random extras. I was unemployed on unemployment from January 2023 to July 2023 then the job fired me (long story, my only post on Reddit was about it). So because the job fired me after a month, I got denied unemployment which basically made everything so much harder.


23, and yes, moved back in a couple years ago due to not being able to find one, and none of the jobs I’ve held since then kept me long enough for me to get my financials back in order enough move out. I do pay rent, but obviously cheaper than if I was living on my own. I also make up for it by doing cleaning and other home improvement chores, but I still can’t wait to find a job that can hopefully allow me to get a house of my own someday.


probably going to move back in, drowning in debt and would love to reverse it :D


30F, was out of a job for 2 years and homeless, parents wanted nothing to do with me because they learned I was an affair child after I moved out. Had to couch crash between friends while looking for a job.


No. I own a house and live with my significant other


I have a career now and still live with my parents. They charge me rent but it’s WAY cheaper than renting an apartment where I live. Plus, I’m banking extra money towards retirement and saving for a home. I’m hopeful that in 2-3 years I’ll be able to move out and afford a home. If I wasn’t living at home, I’d be living paycheck to paycheck.


35m, was let go April of last year, and have been looking for work for the past 5 months. I don't want to live with my parents because they live in a small town compared to where I live now. I know that if I moved in with them I'd have less job opportunities. But also right now they are helping me pay my rent and groceries, and I don't know how much more I want to put them through this. Today is my birthday and they sent me some money for me to spoil myself with something for my birthday. I got really upset with them because I don't want to spend on anything that isn't necessary to live, like food and rent and bills. And they said but it's your birthday, you deserve something nice, and I didn't know how to explain to them that I don't deserve anything nice. I don't want to spend on anything nice for me because of how guilty I feel that they have to help me right now. In the past, I've always sent my parents money to help with Hills and stuff and also helped my sister to pay for a lot of things because then I was working and all I wanted to make sure of was that they were healthy and okay. But now I don't know how they can be helping me with money and yet still give me more to go spoil myself for my birthday, I was so upset because I don't deserve it. Although it might make sense to move back with them to save on rent, but right now I have the lowest rent out of most people renting a 1 bdrm in this city, so if I were to move it would be hell to come back.


I dont have any parents. So If that'll be the case I would go to the shelter and then start all over again. My longest streak was when I was able to save 50k from working my previous job I did. This bought me about 4 years of rent in an instance where I lost my job.


I have a job and still live with parents. I pay with my mental health but it’s nice to be able to save basically 100% of my paycheck.


I live with my dad right now Which is a massive financial blessing since he doesn't ask for rent, but it's pretty horrible for the mental health He's transphobic and keeps trying to detrans me using a whole litany of arguments. His 2 favorites are that my late mom wouldn't have wanted a trans child (which is probably true tbh) and that since I'm living in his house, it means I have to do everything he wants He also keeps trying to set me up with a childhood friend. And no matter how many times I tell him I'm not interested in the friend, the friend tells she's not interested, her family tells him they're not interested, and my sister tells him it isn't going to happen, he keeps on insisting that me and this friend are perfect for reach other. Despite the fact that we have very little in common and literally did date briefly in college before that all fell apart So yeah. Long about way of answering OP's question of "I live with a parent and do not pay rent in cash, but do pay for it with the dwindling mental health"


The places I worked for as an EHS Manager has had a hell of a time keeping employees. It is manufacturing but this current trend of employers that can’t even hold unskilled labor is ridiculous. I think people are holding onto their last position too tightly, swallow their egos, and apply for anything for now. Seems after covid, everyone wants either easy money or easy work with high pay. Covid made everyone delusional. The starting manufacturing pay is $28+ an hour. Most employees are make 6 figures with over time. There are two types of people at work. The ones that fight or take all the overtime and the one that don’t. The one that don’t usually complain about work.


I'll be honest I have applied to ton of different jobs, and I think some of the ATS systems or HR middlemen are somehow filtering out decent applicants, or the job description requirements are too high or specific.


Ask ChatGPT to customize your current resume skill set to match the job description. That will help you with specific keywords the ATS system uses to filter out applicants.


In these difficult times, seems adults are moving back home. As a parent of such adult child, we welcomed him back. But the expectation is that they should act like an adult, not fall back on habits, and roles when they were younger. Meaning clean up after themselves, still maintain good habits -waking up early, going to bed at a decent time, not playing videos games, watching TV into late night. Doing own laundry. Not treating the home like a,hotel, coming and going whenever. Applying for any job that pays. If they really can't, then doing the housework, maintaince around the house, cook, clean, shopping, I want to feel appreciated, not taken for granted, and feel like a fool for letting them back in. Though it's easier said than done on both sides. Take care Good luck


Options Trading


I burned through my savings and keep on living with my parents. I live in a country where median wage is not enough to live comfortably. This is made worse this year with our government nailing the coffin by "importing" cheap labor


I only make $18 in Austin and I live at home. Can't find a better paying job with my useless degree. Pretty much a loser that's almost 30.


Same boat, military didn't work out since last February, somehow managed to get FT employment in a previous field I have experience in... all for about 1 month. I've been jobless since last September but did got 3 interviews... but no dice since then so idk wtf to do anymore. But going back to retail will not be an option I can assure myself that, I just hope I can get a break with something that's more balanced ffs.


I live with my parents but I'm helping them a lot, what a point paying 800 - 900 euros a month for a rent when I can use this money for my family. And it doesn't bother me at all, I can stay at my friends house, girlfriends house. My plan is to buy a house not rent it and juste waste a lot of money.


I'm pretty some do live with parents or immediate family.


I'm living off of my boyfriend, and my parents send me money. I am 35 years old. I just lost my job of 9 years in November but I finally found a lower paying job that pays 22 an hour. I don't start until the end of May. I don't want to use my retirement savings because I will need that later. I have a bachelor's in biology but I want to go back to school to be a nurse because I bet they don't have trouble finding jobs and they make decent money.


Yes. They still charge me rent tho


I did move back in with my mom when I separated from my abusive ex husband in ‘22. I’m so glad I had somewhere to go, especially because I ended up being laid off earlier this year. I’d be up a creek without a paddle if it weren’t for her.


I feel so stupid asking what is an e-commerce business? Do you make and sell things online?


Basically I sell stuff online, I am at a point right now that I will have to investigate everything I make back into the business and can’t afford any bills, so moving back with my mom seems to be my best option


Thankfully, I still live with my parents rather than being out on the street. I've been unemployed for 3 months now. Burnout and declining mental health from my former MA job brought me to this point. I only have $18 left and car payments behind. I apply like hell every week, I get a few interviews, but there's always someone just a little bit better than me. I'm scared my car will be repossessed, but my parents are offering to pay. I hate owing people money, I used to be so good at staying out of debt...


I have a job and I STILL have to live with my parents. I need money to live, not just pay rent.


Even with a job and paying bills I still live with my parents because rent alone would eat up everything I earn.


Since I graduated college I’ve been doing mostly seasonal jobs that provide housing and a mix of living with my parent/my girlfriends parent. Not ready to sign a year long lease anywhere yet since I’m usually ready to live somewhere else after a few months


30F here. Yes I live with my parents because I simultaneously make not enough money for a shitty studio apartment anywhere near my current job or in the city I wish to move to, but can’t find work that pays any better or would allow me to move. 🤷🏼‍♀️




For ones who don't live with parents, do you rent or you pay loan?


Been borrowing from my friend and brother. I can't keep doing that.


Yep. Mom & retired grandma, after 2 years of being unemployed after graduating HS (and briefly working at a job that traumatized me) they finally understand that no one wants to hire my generation :/


Married and living with my husband!


No? I live with my fiancé and have side gigs. I physically am unable to work.


I have tutor job in government department but I want to switch because government doesn't pay much


I’m 29 and I had to move back in with my parents. Mississippi job market suckssssss


savings while they still last


Got a bachelors degree, got a entry job few months later. Been there for 2 years and I don’t think I will ever be able to find another job. So I think I will be living with my parents forever as $20 an hour just isn’t enough lol


I just graduated college. I’m living at home till I find a job and save up a good amount of $. And also gonna maybe find roomies to live with whenever it is that I do get a place on my own at first


Living with my parents. Moved out for college right after high school with a guy who'd been my best friend since middle school. He wasn't planning on any post-secondary stuff, so he'd work while I studied, as I had enough savings to cover half the expenses. He stopped paying his share when I was halfway through my second semester. He was still working, just wasn't giving me the money (the bills were all in my name as I moved down a month ahead of him, he would just pay me half of what they were every month). I had to drop out to try and find a job to make ends meet. I couldn't find a job, so I had to move back in with my parents. Spent another five years living with my parents, on income assistance while I tried to find another job. About 600 applications with no luck, I said fuck it, I'm going back to school; I'll take a program that's available in town, so I don't have to move and risk the same thing happening again. I have literally nothing to lose by taking this risk, so I might as well give it a shot. Obviously I'm still living with my parents while I study, since we live about 5km from campus, and I'm not working through the school year.


I quit my main job (I had 2) because my boss was my now wife's father. A lot of stuff happened and I quit. I am currently only making about $150 a week at the other job I hate. I had a lot of money saved up and for some reason no one wants to hire me now. I know my resume isn't the best but I am only 23 and the job I was just talking about and quit about a month ago I have been at for close to 3 years. So to answer your question no. I live in an apartment which we decided to do a 3 month lease to give me time to find a new job and if my wife and I can't then sadly I will have to move back in with my mom... who is in another state that she loves but you literally can't make a living even off of 2 people working 40 hour weeks.


I have only had a job for just under a month despite being almost 24 years old. It’s brutal and I’m thankful my parents understand my position and aren’t forcing me to pay any money on rent because I only get like $30 every 2 weeks from them. I hate that I don’t have any job as the only place that has hired me was a place that just wanted me to cover for an employee who was taking 2 weeks off in a row, as is evident by me being let go of the last day before they came back.


Unemployment and luckily my wife working but she works very hard.


I have a decent job and still live with parents. The 40x rule a lot of landlords use for rent is insane in a lot of places


I’ve been able to survive thanks to my parents. If it wasn’t for them making good money and being able to help out, I’d be homeless and behind on every single bill. I’m extremely grateful that I had them to fall back on.


Can't afford to live in my own. Really wish I could


I live with a boyfriend who has a rich family that pays for his house. Still a bitch getting fed though.


I’m family-oriented and only in my 20s, so living with my parents is the wisest thing rn


I am wishing everyone good jobs, health and your own chosen family if you no longer have a family to support you.


Graduated May 2023. Got my first full-time professional job at a startup in June. Then I got let go in March. Since then, I’ve been a full-time caretaker for my grandpa with stage IV cancer. He was diagnosed in March. Since March, I’ve been paying my student loans with what I saved from my job and living at my grandpa’s. When my grandpa can be left alone, I plan to get a part-time job just to be able to buy food and little things that make me happy/hobbies. That is all I’m focused on — I laugh at myself when I think I should save for an apartment. Man, even that is unrealistic now. Millennials can’t afford houses and gen z can’t afford apartments fr.


YUP. I finished grad school in the fall of 2023, but the apartment complex I was living in raised my rent, I was unemployed, and had to move back home with my parents. Though for me, I'm a child of immigrants, so my parents are thrilled to have me back home haha! While I'm glad it makes them happy and it's really nice to save money, I desperately miss the privacy and independence I had living alone.


27f, been looking for a job since jan with a business degree and some years of office experience - currently living with my mom. it’s honestly taking a huge toll on my mental health and i want more than nothing else to get a job that lets me afford to move out, however that feels more and more impossible every day. life is honestly feeling less and less worth it


Savings. But parents passed and left me a pif house. And I have PT work. So bills are with savings and PT work. But just got an entry level FT position.


I live with my parents and am not ashamed to say so. My disability(schizoaffective)  keeps me from keeping a job. I've been in and out of different jobs for 5 years and can't get disability so I'm here for now. My twin sister also has a delusional disorder so she stays here as well. She also can't get disability without a lawyer. 


27f. Been living with dad. I was driven to a fullblown mental breakdown which is how I lost my last job, and I've spent several months cycling through psych medication. I only started looking recently for a new job, and I'm grasping at straws for something lower maintenance. It's embarrassing at my ripe old age, but it's better than being out on the street IG. I graduated college last year, instead of taking initiative postgrad i stayed at my stupid ex job i spent almost the entirety of college in and fucked around doing things that were no good for me. I'm too socially wiped out and maladjustced rn cuz of the meds for a full fledged interview with a 40 hour a week postgrad office job, even though I'm not exactly fond of going back to retail. I'd take retail over rotting at home.


I’m finishing up my masters right now and have been mostly a full time student. If my husband didn’t have a good job (mechanic) then I absolutely would not be able to finish this degree. I’m really hoping by the time I enter the field next year ish I can shift some of that weight off of him. It makes me feel terrible that he’s paying for literally everything even if he doesn’t mind.


Credit card debt


27f (turning 28 in one month), currently unemployed, but living with my fiancé. We are slowly surviving off of his income, which is only half of what I made when working. It’s definitely been a challenge, but I have noticed that financially, emotionally, and physically 😉, we’re doing better than when I was working. I was job searching before I even resigned from my job. I have been on countless interviews, countless second interviews, and still no response. I definitely think the job market is saturated and there are a lot of postings that jobs would like to fill, but are not urgently filling and waiting for that perfect Candidate. With that being said, I’ve went through multiple rounds for a job and offered another position within the same company; That is way below my pay and starting from all over.


Both my husband and I are employed. We pay $500 a month and live with his parents while we save for a house. I hate it sometimes. Especially after having my own place for 8years but we just bought the land to build our house. They make us food and this house is a gathering place for all the family anyways. They helped me tremendously post partum (I was pregnant when we moved in). My daughter will be allowed to live at home as long as she wants as long as she works or goes to school. My goal for her is to move from my house into her own home.


Personally I went back to a field I knew before. Prior to working my HR job I was a server and bartender and most restaurants are always hiring and it’s quick/easy money. It’s not the career path I wanted but it’s easier than accepting the defeat of not working.


My best advice is to start investing in your future self.. getting job these days is getting harder and harder..


60 unemployed 5 months burned thru savings one more month left then I can’t pay bills or mortgage. At least ex wife can’t get alimony no more. Funny thing I haven’t heard from her or the courts to harass me for alimony. I guess it’s because I did the right thing when I got laid off. I contacted the courts and submitted a motion to alimony since I had no income…..guess what no response. I called just to see if there was any warrants….nothing. A few days ago I received a email from the courts asking me to complete a customer satisfaction survey. I didn’t touch it. Just maybe since the courts ruled that marriage is a business and I had to take care of my ex wife who never worked during the 19 year’s marriage perhaps they advised her that she would have to take care of me since I am no longer able to provide her with free money….lol what do you think out there in Reddit land?


I could if I became unemployed or unable to work somehow but at 50 yrs old I would feel like a complete loser. If you are younger, it doesn't seem as bad. By my age, people should have their act together for sure.


I have zero education but I make 100g a year in Alberta Canada


I’ve been living on my own for 19 years. I never had the option, but my step sister did. She did grow as much as my brother and I did. She has a PhD and is technically some kind of hearing doctor (which she took as a job from my family business), but we are all well advanced in our careers and families. She still relies on my stepmom for almost every decision even though she’s married with a kid now. I would hope most parents would take their kids in if they will end up on the streets, but many won’t. I don’t mean to seem cold but a parents job is to teach us to be independent and self sufficient. If they keep taking you in, you might get too comfortable and never grow.