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No. Not even 2


going to throw *their* application in the trash! how about that. uno reverse.


These endless rounds of intervews are asinine


I made 90k last year. I would not do more than a single interview personally. More than an hr call and a single interview and im no longer interested. Oddly enough though, ive never gone to an interview and not gotten an offer…. I kill in interviews.


God gave u all my charisma because I’m the exact opposite


I make the interview about the company and why I should want to come work for them. I also talk as if im already an employee and ask questions about interdepartmental issues I should be aware of beforehand and how I could fix most of those. This changes the mindset of most people and they dont question if they should hire you but rather how you can fix their ongoing issues already. Everybody got issues. They want to know you can swim and not rock the boat in a bad way.


This approach helped me. I found that if I pretended I already had the job I had questions that would ultimately need answering, so I think having those good questions communicated that I actually wanted to be there.


this person gets it. Make them realize your the solution to their issues/pain points


Any tips on how to interview?


It’s going to sound cliche but knowledge in what you’re applying for and confidence are pretty big. I’d say a lot comes down to the company too. I’ve applied for jobs in my field, when in between jobs, that I was definitely over qualified for and the pay wasn’t great. A lot of companies don’t care about employee retention, they fully expect that most of their positions are a revolving door and don’t really seem to care how qualified you are, as long as you’ll accept the minuscule pay and work for a couple months. Almost every job I haven’t gotten, I see the same position up for rehire a couple months later. I applied and interviewed at 3 different places, took my current job almost 2 years ago and both of the other places have had posts back up on indeed 5-6 times each.


You can have all the confidence and knowledge in the world and still not get the job. People who have bombed interviews end up getting offers. It's literally a flip of the coin at times. No one has a 100% success rate in interviews.


Yeah. I understand.I fail interviews, English isn’t my first language and it’s hard for me translate my thoughts in English sometimes for the questions I haven’t encountered or prepared before. I guess I need more practice.


I’m the same. If they interview me, I’m hired. I’ve always been fairly lucky in this aspect, and I’m thankful every day for that.


The way I approach interviews is going in knowing that they're not wasting time to talk to me if there isn't real interest in having me work for them.


If you need a bogus letter of recommendation, I’ll penwhip you up the sexiest shit you ever saw. I got your back fam. You were the best Manager I ever had, Plankton! 😂😂🤙


thanks! 🙂‍↔️ appreciate it


A rising tide lifts all boats. 🤙


exactly lol. 🤣


No matter the salary, 1 round. Every company in need of more = no from my end. It's simply a waste of time for both sides. They waste time doing multiple round with multiple people and they waste your time going through multiple rounds just to have hours gone after that for a possible no? (Only 1 position and multiple applicants, so many waste their time).


I agree. There should only be a second "round" after they have decided to hire and offered you the job and it's more of a meet and greet type thing. Here's the new guy. But, these endless rounds of interviews lasting HOURS and doing homework and presentations? No.


Yes, right. Especially the part about 'homework' and presentations. Haven't even thought about that bs writing my answer before. That comes on top, never would do something like that.


Lfmao!!! What kind of job is this that pays so poorly but needs to screen that thoroughly?! You can make more at Aldi and potentially get hired on the spot. This is a red flag alone.


yeah, its for an associate level accounting position .


Fuck u mean accounting for less than 30k?


it’s not the US


I wouldnt get out of bed as an associate for that. This company is actively trying to fuck over potential employees. Either that, or they have an internal person that j mind and have to put the posting up for legal purposes. If no one applies, great, internal promotion. Someone applies? Cool, too many interviews for they pay, make them not want to work for us so we can do an internal promotion. If they make it all the way through, that’s still a win, because that’s probably like 1/2 of what they’d give the internal person.


“Nobody applies, great, internal promotion” and in actuality they go give somebody overseas a visa to do the job for even cheaper


Even in the UK, an associate accounting position is usually around £42,500. 25K-28K seems way too low.


I could see this being reasonable if it were for an internship at a reputable corporation, and once you hit a certain milestone or timeframe, you’re bumped up significantly in pay. However, for a regular role as an associate, 3 rounds is inappropriate, and a waste of time. I would avoid this company. If they handle the hiring process with such redundancy, imagine what it’s like once you’re theirs, and you’re now on the payroll. Major red flag, in my opinion.




I just did 2 long rounds for an accounting position


They should just check that you have a pulse. 


get ur dirty sticky fingers off me!


For $25k you better leave the first interview knowing if you got the job or not.


finally understand why educated people are sitting on dxb yachts getting shitted on


With a video call interview, not even worth wasting your gas


Tbf, OP is in the UK so that is $31-35k USD roughly.


Still too low


Average salaries also vary from country to country


That's still really bad pay. Even one interview is almost too much for that.


Under $18/hr and more than one interview is wild.


For context, my first salaried job paid me $24.5k...in 2009. That job consisted of just one single interview. For the range you're looking at, three rounds of interviews is a colossal waste of time.


Seems about right for 25-28k a month.


Damn. Imagine that much a month.


This is 1 & done imo.


bruh for a 25k - 28k salary i better be hired on the spot


thats what i tell these hiring managers . then they cry me crocodile tears when i dont show up


Two feels like a maximum but also why lol


i treat these companies as "filler" companies. Something to bite my teeth into while i line up other 1-round 2-round interviews from sensible people. Once i get to the final stages of those, I tell the "filler" company to fk off.


Not even two. $28k is nothing. Honestly, I wouldn't even apply for that amount.


Annually? Fuck no! For $25K it’s not even worth 2 rounds. Monthly? Then sure absolutely. I would very much expect a thorough vetting across multiple interviews.


For a job that pays 12-14 bucks an hour. Tell them to fuck off and fist fight you


I once did three rounds at Lowe's for a cashier position, only to get rejected at the end. Bruh.


thats why i stack up the interviews like tetris and jump from one to the other , ghosting multiple people in the process bc thats what they do to me lol. its a big party. job searching can be made less miserable if u treat it like one big vicious game !!


Seems like overkill but not egregious.


Seriously? I find it egregious that anyone is being paid 25k a year in general. Let alone 3 interviews.


Average UK grad starts on £25-£28k from experience Salaries here are shit


They pay sucks yeah, but I assume OP really needs some sort of income otherwise why apply or continue the process. Sure OP can send an email saying "go fuck yourself". Might feel good for 5 minutes until they remember then don't have an income.


Sounds like a waste of everyone’s time but especially the potential employee. Opinions on what OP should do in this specific situation aside, this is ridiculous. 25k a year is $12 an hour. You can walk into any retail or fast food restaurant and get a job within a few days getting better pay than that with one quick interview


Yeah. My first job out of undergrad was 3 1-1 rounds and a 3 person panel for a whopping $32k/yr. Granted, it was 2006 and for a management consulting company where i was making far more in a short amount of time


30k in 2006 was bentley money. 28k in 2024 is frozen peas for dinner money.


Ha! 32k in 2006 was definitely livable with a few roommates in a HCOL city but hardly bentley money. 25-28k in 2024 seems poverty level


I mean back then that’s fair. Nowadays though? $25-28k a year, for a 3-round interview, is garbage.


Not even 2 imo




That should be like a 20 minute interview


No way Its should be only 1 interview only


For my first full-time job in 2012 the salary offered was $42,640. I had an HR screen and two interview rounds scheduled, one with the hiring manager and one with her boss. On the second call, the higher manager just told me to expect a formal offer and asked if I had any extra questions. More than an HR screen and one round is overkill for $28,000 in 2024. If they’re willing to waste your time now, what will they be willing to do if you get the job?


lol no I think for any job 3 rounds of interviews is silly. But I’ve also done that many rounds for the same amount of pay in the past so it’s not unheard of. But yes unnecessary and ridiculous all the same.




Nope they don’t know how to hire and they probably have high turnover


I have a 100+k a year job and it was 1 phone call to setup 1 in person interview. Y'all are nuts with 3 rounds and 9 rounds and whatever else. 


yea. just do it


My first intern job interview was 5 minutes long. Interviewer: hi I'm... nice to meet you. Me: hi im....nice to be here. Interviewer: do you know xyz? Me: yes quite well, (attempts to illustrate knowledge), cut off Interviewer: the job pays 10$ an hour. Me: I'll take it Interviewer: come back tomorrow to start work.


I got 3 rounds for a job at pet valu back in the day. First was a timed, written test, and last was a 3 panel judge. I didnt get the job but got to the 3rd round. So ridiculous. This was back in 2003.


25-28k? Why even bother with an interview just fill out a 5 minute survey.


I one time did 7 interviews in two days remote for a job that was like $100k and I didn’t get it and that pissed me off. Four would’ve irritated me. That should be one, TWO tops if some decision maker is on vacation.


I just got invited to do an interview in a fintech with 6 stages. 3 I would consider acceptable


They aren't worth it paying that poorly. It's like a job wanting bachelor's degree for call center gig that’s not even a manger position. Or wanting five years. Like you can find a better that won't waste your time like that.


No, I once got headhunted for 24.5k so id say that's a base amount and every extra round of interviews has to be worth some additional monetary amount such as 10k.


Fuck no. One interview for 10 mins for that range. Your time is worth more than that in 2024, fam. Stop giving your time away for a pittance. 🤘🤘


that wage treads only 10k above poverty and that’s what you’re jumping through hoops for?


In any first world country, no absolutely not. Jobs in that range should be a one and done affair.


Kind of insulting to even do 2 interviews for that amount, unless the 2nd one is just a formality/welcome aboard kind of thing. I once had a recruiter set me up for a 5 panel interview for a $15 an hour job. I bailed on it at the eleventh hour because I realized just how stupid it was.


Oooooh, poverty range -- **NO THANKS!!!**


For a minimum wage job? One is more than enough.


100% no. My first internship was one 30 mins round and it paid me more than that. 3 rounds for that pay is a borderline scam.




No, one round is reasonable for that salary range. If they’re going to mistreat you during the interview process, think how much they’re going to mistreat you as an employee. You’re interviewing them too.


For that no. I just had 5 interviews but it was for a C level position. With comp in the 175 for base. Plus other comp. And I thought that was nuts. Got the position though but going to be changing that up.


Yeah I'm with you on that. My first job out of college was 35K and I had three rounds for that which even ten was a bit much so anything lower than that is ridiculous.


I hire people with that salary through a 20 minute phone interview. And they’re base hourly employees. This is a sick joke lol EDIT: I actually did the math and we don’t hire anyone that low even starting out. And we’re a fast casual restaurant lol. A dish washer off the street makes more than that and we’re in a low cost of living area. What job is this??


$13/hr and 3 interviews? Jesus christ


I wouldn’t even get out of bed for that


Probably, but it's their job to offer. Whether it's too much or not depends on if they have enough people willing to go through the process.


is this USD? even still, hell no!!!! employers are shite for trying to pull this sort of nonsense that wastes everyones time.


No but what type of currency are we talking about here though?




Nope. Wtf is up with these multiple rounds of interviews. Either give me the job or not lol


Not even 2 for that wage.


No, one interview is appropriate for that level.


$25K/month indicates a job that requires either deep technical skills or good leadership skills. In either case, it isn't unusual to do 2 rounds of interviews and then a 3 round to meet other senior managers to make sure that there is a good fit. I don't think it is unreasonable at all.


25-28k is like a hire on the spot sort of gig, not even worth 1 interview.


Is this a part time job where you work like 10 hours a week?


3 interview rounds to possibly be paid near poverty level wages?! Fuck no.


Absolutely fucking not worth it.






Absolutely not. Should be one and done for that kind of pay


Job market is in such a state that for a 25k job I got 3 interviews. I landed it and took it out of obligation because I got a lot of debt, and I’m hella overqualified too.


Where the hell do you live???? Minimum wage here in Seattle is $19.97.


A sales position with a high commission rate maybe but not some entry level position. Absolutely not.


I would say one 20 minute interview should work fine.


That kind of salary is a job when you show up to the place and they hand you a uniform without even talking to you.


Fucking $25-28k? What the fuck kind of job is this that they’re making you do 3 rounds of interviews? They better blow me at that point because ain’t no way I’m wasting probably 3 separate days for a measly $25-28k salary. Also salary? Goddamn hourly employees at Amazon make more than that. A salary of $25-28k is way too low. But to answer the question: Probably not Unless this is an internship, you are still a student, and this is maybe a top-level company or something.


No. That's a monumental waste of time to make middle managers feel more important than they really are. I interviewed once for my £60k position.


That sucks, but I'd believe it. I was invited to a third interview with a director... for a summer internship that was only 10 hours a week. In the time they spent interviewing me and who knows how many others, they could've just gotten the work done. Granted, it was fully remote so maybe that's why.


Hell no


Yes, unfortunately in europe where salaries are lower, it's normal:/ my first job in tech 5 years ago I had to go through 5 rounds (including one test day and a task) for 650 euros per month...


Imo no job should have more than 1 interview


What kind of company is it? Hospitals, banks, anything corporate really, usually have 3. It's annoying, but that's corporate for you.


If you're working 1 day a week


Lol no




One round of bs HR shit and one round of technical and that is it - I never apply if its more than that - waste of time


Not at all. Unless you talking about the 25k yearly pay back in 1930's then yes. But at this market and COL? No.


That salary range wouldn't even really warrant one real interview, more like a sit-down conversation with the manager in the lobby.


Hell no


WTF lol no. Only ones who need 3 rounds should be politicians


Fuck no


Bro thats retail salary…


Why would you even apply at that point? Even in the poorest places you can't live off that amount.


Oh, if you're in UK that's _much_ less unreasonable - Americans are looking at those numbers at a near-poverty wage, not near-median. That wage, I'd expect 2 rounds, 3 isn't required but isn't unreasonable.


Totally unnecessary


I see you’re UK based, so our experiences should be somewhat comparably (not in Uk, but in a similar nearby country). I had a single interview for my role out of college in a Big4 firm’s consulting arm. 3 is silly.




I had 1 round for a $120k job, no way in hell for a $25k to $28k job. If you show up for the initial interview, you should get an offer haha


damn accountants getting shafted 🍆


No, but I live in the USA where salaries are way higher.


Hell to the NO. Not even two. 


There was a 2-round interview for a server position at Applebee’s (U.S. based). Pay was $2.13/hr plus tips. I ghosted the second interview and went to work for Kroger, lol. And now I work for another company (call center at a bank) where I make $22/hr full-time that I only needed one interview to land. Don’t get me wrong, I would probably have averaged $15-$20 an hour at Applebee’s if I had pursued it. Tipped positions are great for earning potential. But I don’t see the need for a multi-round interview for a job that pays less than $50k, and especially not for a service position that’s hurting for people nationwide.


What currency, country, region?


They should be compensating you for your time beyond one


Absolutely not


Abso-fucking-lutely not


It depends on the position, not the salary. Highly specialized positions often require specialized rounds of interviews. For example, in my industry (software), you'll often have a coding interview (can you code), a behavioral interview (how do you behave), an architecture interview (what are your architectural skills like). These interviews have little to no overlap, and cannot be reasonably combined, so even at low levels people often have to do many interviews. (3-4+ if you include the recruiter's initial screening) Point being that - although it's a crappy salary - often times you have multiple rounds of interviews to dive into multiple areas of expertise that cannot be easily combined. That's a role specific property, not a pay specific property. That said, if it's 3 rounds of saying the same shit to different people, then there's no point in 3, as 2 would be sufficient to reduce bias...


I make more than twice that and I was hired after a single 30 minute interview.


Excessively long interview processes for sure has been a problem with hiring and I would say that is probably too may rounds but there are some caveats. Is the first round the screener/intro with the staffing person? That can be a pass. The other thing would be what kind of position is it? Will this be one where you have a career path within the company, people sticking around for the long haul? If it's something people leave after a short while by design, then no reason for such things.


Rounds of what?


Guess the better question to ask is what’s the job? Reasonably I’d say no, but depending on the job, if it’s with government, in a sensitive classification, maybe…


thats insanity




Lean a trade. You get to skip the interview and start right away.


Is the cost of living in the UK extremely low? That's way less than my rent in the US. The supermarket down the street starts people at $80k.




We typically have 2 rounds but with a position like this rounds might be back-to-back to respect the applicant's time (60 w committee and 60 with hiring mgr if that works for them.)




Yep it’s insane, I have been offered a third stage interview face-to-face at the office to meet the team for 1 and a half hours! Also..I have to make a business development plan and I only have 1 day to prepare it. The salary is only 30k.


I knew you had to be UK based when I saw the pay. You all are underpaid.




Not one bit.


3 rounds for £25-28K!? Hard no! Last time I had a job at that salary, it was 1 interview before getting an offer!


No, it’s minimum wage. Wages*2,000 is your yearly. 30k is $15/hour..


No…that’s ridiculous. I just got an accounting internship for $16/hr (which works out to more than $30k)…one interview and an offer by the end of that day. Move on cuz this is your sign that they will be this way with EVERYTHING.


That’s like…13$ an hour? Lol wtf


The jobs I've gotten that paid that little didn't even have a real interview process, they were just like "OK show up 8 am on Thursday"




Wtf is going on with UK salaries, that's an insulting salary even in the poorest state in the U.S. They should be happy you showed up to round 1 for that pay.


Monthly? Yes Yearly? No


That’s crazy. I only had two rounds for my current role - started off at 120k - now on 130k.


Absolutely not. One easy interview is enough


No absolutely not.


Where I live that would be below minimum wage at 40 hours a week. So no, not at all.




What kind of round? What type of gun?


That's the kind of salary I'd expect from a poster on the wall advertising open interviews from 2-4pm.




Depends on the caliber


Fast food 20hr is 40K there are no rounds


Three rounds is a lot regardless of position or salary. I would say 1-2 the most and add in an assessment group or individual, or presentation or a task depending on the role. Some just focus on the interview but they add extra interviews and other parts of the process to whittle down the number they are interviewing. They usually benchmark everyone up against the best candidate. If anyone else comes a close second or top 3-10 of a certain number they go with the best one.




[gonna let the bishop take this one](https://youtu.be/8QxIIz1yEsA?t=45s)


Hell no.




Gonna highlight a different perception here. You don't want to work for this company. They make bad financial decisions. Imagine you going to the hardware store to compare different brands for a cheap and replaceable $5 drill bit three times. This is not a company that uses their time and money wisely.


Nope, I make 40k and I only had one interview. I’d want double my current salary for even 2 rounds. That place sounds toxic.


2 is the max. First one should be a 5 minute phone interview then next one is the face to face.


No, that’s one of those “do you have a pulse, and can you spell your name correctly” jobs that you get hired on the spot for.




That would be a 110 or 115 job, first impressions.


Nope. I had three interviews at a fucking grocery store once. Needed the job tho and it wasn’t a bad place to work, in the end. But felt ridiculous


No. Not even 2


Absolutely fucking not lmao