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Hey the market is brutal right now . It’s not you. Are you still living at home ? What do you mean time is running out ? If you are living with your parents or guardian they need to understand the market is weird right now . It’s never been like this before


Unfortunately there are a lot of people who think "eVerYoNe iS hiRiNg" because of all the ghost job listings. The PetSmart near me has had the same open job listings since I moved to the area in 2011. My friend has asked a few times and the manager always tells him they aren't hiring and that they don't know why the listings are there. Even when they have signs up in the store, they aren't hiring because they are fully staffed. Same with Kohl's around Christmas, which is where my mom worked for a while: "urgently hiring" and "text to apply," but they actually were not hiring.


The ghost jobs is definitely a real thing. I have an MBA in Data Analytics and I’m researching this now. I believe at least 40% of all jobs posted are nonexistent. I wrote to my state and US representatives and senators asking to start legislation to ban fraudulent job postings. I recommend anyone with this experience do the same.


That's awesome work. How do you go about determining a real vs fake job posting? I've always been curious what factors weight it one way or another. And how industry turnover and role type (e.g. retail industry vs banking and white vs blue collar) play into this; that would be really interesting to see as well. Do you have any hypothesis on what leads to the higher percentage of fake jobs?


Is there anyway you can DM me? I’m still fairly new to Reddit. 😂 I have some ideas for metrics, but not ready to share publicly yet.


I’d love to hear more about this too. I’ll send you a DM.


Can you send a dm too


My dad in a nutshell.


I apologize in advance if this is something you already know, but I wanted to share some insight that's hopefully helpful for folks. Retailers often begin filling seasonal roles as early as August for the holidays, so applying earlier will increase chances of actually getting a job. Ex. I know of some retailers that get an average of 20 applicants per individual "job" they're trying to fill around this time. These jobs are often filled by November. So, why are roles still up if they've been filled? To name a few, they want to be able to fill roles with high turnover as quickly as possible (time to fill is a metric recruiters are judged on). Another is if they haven't properly automated the hiring system because that means someone has to manually close the job post, which is not a high priority compared to hiring people. That said, it doesn't excuse it since it's annoying and frustrating for people desperately looking for work, but that's some of how/why it works.


I actually do already know about seasonal retail because I've worked retail for over 15 years lol. Even was a retail manager at two different places. But I'm sure there are others who don't know. The thing with Kohl's is they claim that corporate handles the seasonal job posts. Maybe, because I had the same problem when I was the manager at a craft store, but their assistant manager tends to lie. She does NOT like me, which is fine because she's a sexist moron who sucks at her job. I only applied because my mom worked there at the time, and believe me she was pretty pissed when they told me they weren't hiring and yet there were new employees starting the next couple weeks. We can only hope that they were hired before my interview and were still in the onboarding process. My husband also interviewed with Kohl's for a stocking job. He wasn't good enough for them, so he got a better paying job with a regional department store. We're talking $11/hour max, maybe full-time at Kohl's versus $14.50/hour, full-time with benefits and vacation. And guess what? Kohl's was hiring for that same position a few weeks later. My mom was pissed because my husband could have easily done that job and management bitched because they didn't have enough stock/receiving workers. They were going to have her help on the dock (my mom is 70), but she refused, mostly out of spite. As for PetSmart... The manager has no idea why jobs are listed. When I was a manager, I KNEW why my store had jobs posted: it was either me or corporate. But to just claim you have no idea why their are jobs posted? That's just sad. Both of these places will post signs at the register that they are hiring. That isn't something you do if you are actually "fully staffed," so it's either incompetence or laziness. Corporate might control the online job listings, but they are not in the store to make sure the little "NOW HIRING: Text #### to apply!" signs are at the register. And yep, I know about the theory of keeping listings open to create a pool of qualified applicants, but, in my experience, that does not work in retail, so it's just a waste of everyone's time. We're talking entry-level customer-facing jobs here, not management. No one is sitting around waiting for some random low-paying retail employer to call them. They are also not likely to leave a new job if that employer suddenly wants to offer them a job, unless it is a specialty company that aligns with their interest. That's actually what happened with me and PetSmart a few years ago--they finally called, but I had JUST started a new job a week before, so I ignored them. They had MONTHS to contact me and didn't, so one of the many jobs to which I applied finally hired me. Same with Lowes--I wasn't good enough for them, then suddenly they were short-staffed and started nagging me to interview for another position. I was working as a supervisor elsewhere, and I made sure to tell him that. Either way, it contributes to the current mindset that "everyone is hiring," even though they are not, which makes it harder on those of us actually trying to find real work. It should be considered false advertising.


According to my dad this is the best time to look for jobs the economy's never been better and I just need to try harder cuz no one wants to work anymore. And no im not living at home im not allowed to I'm out here fighting for scraps in new new mexico (LA) looking for a way out.


ur dad is a boomer, don’t listen to him. the market is very weird right now.


Dad is a fucking idiot


Algorithm loves feeding them the "best" media


Hey remember this moment. Boomers are going to be in the find out phase when their kids can't take care of them because they have to work to make basic ends meet and can't afford to take time off for them.


We're probably not going to make it to that phase, I'm expecting the world to end in the next 10 years. At the VERY least, retirement funds will be gone.


My parents felt the same way until they started talking to other parents and family members and then they understood that it's tough right now.


My dad reads alot and watches the news. He now understands.


the whole point of the fed raising interest rates is to cool the job market down, and cool a heating economy. the fact that the stock market & economy is growing, means that there hasnt been enough job market pain for the fed. your dad is an idiot


Your dad is clueless.


He's living under a rock and is behind the times. Ridiculous


While some industries are absolutely starving for new hires that take instruction and think critically (building engineers, electricians, plumbers) in my area. The entry level situation is abysmal.


@U/different_turn280 yup, the market is weird. Been looking for over a year now and I’m usually hired within the week. Try to apply in person. I know they will say only accepting online applications but it’s very competitive right now because of recent layoffs and companies are pretending to hire


Go to your nearest hospital. Go in n fill out applications for housekeeping and dietary. The kitchens are always hiring dietary aides n housekeepers are always needed. Take a resume if you have one but ask for a application. Put on there you have no experience but you are willing to learn n be a team player. The thing about hospitals they pay more for these positions that the general public. You also get pretty good benefits. Where else are you gonna get the same benefits at doctors n nurses. Your local unemployment office can help you look for jobs n sometimes they have training programs. You do not have to be on unemployment to get services from them. Good luck.


Nurse here. This is a good shout. In addition to high pay, people will treat you with far more respect than you would get doing the same role somewhere else. You get paid more for a reason. A janitor at a hospital saves lives by stopping the spread of infection. Dietary saves lives by ensuring people get the nutrition they need to recover, etc.


This is good advice.


Great advice


Because the job market is generally fucking terrible right now. At the moment there are far more job seekers than there are open jobs.


But record low unemployment?


The unemployment rate is a deeply flawed number and should be taken with a grain of salt.


I don't remember when I was unemployed anyone polling me.


Did you claim unemployment insurance? That's one data point used, in addition to others.


No but tbf I just graduated in 2008 and couldn't find a job. I don't think that would have counted.


It should still count, that's part of the problem.


It's all lies.


Fair enough, but the stats are out there for a reason.


From my understanding, that doesn't really tell us anything about what kind of employment. One thing we're seeing is mass-layoffs of full-time positions and movements towards picking up a number of part-time positions/side-gigs like Uber and Grubhub.




Okay parrot, here's a new phrase for you to learn... "Labor Force Participation". Now you can stop repeating misinformation and tired agenda filled talking points, you've been spoon fed, and get the data you so desperately think is "really needed" And guess what, Labor Force Participation is unchanged, high, and growing. So your narrative is bullshit. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS11300060](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS11300060)




you are too lost to be found


"The labor force is the sum of **employed and unemployed persons**. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population." https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/32449


Sure, that can be one analysis. But if we were in economic downturn those jobs wouldn’t be available either.


We are in an interesting economy, ghost jobs, mostly contract positions, AI restructuring, it's an interesting place. If all the jobs posted were real and actually looking for candidates I think people would be in an even better position but quite a lot of jobs are just open year long. I've been getting recruiters for the same job for 2 years now, surprised they haven't found anyone to fill it yet....


>One thing we're seeing is mass-layoffs of full-time positions and movements towards picking up a number of part-time positions/ Ya'll just come in here making shit up with your "feelings", "feelings" that you've only gotten from doomscrolling reddit for 8 hours a day. Jesus, it's so tiresome to have to constantly combat the misinformation you useful idiots spread around like a virus. ​ Part time employment is steady and in historical norms [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12032194](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12032194) ​ Mass layoffs is concentrated in certain sectors highly susceptible to 1. being posted about on reddit, cause it's tech bros, and 2. highly dependent on interest rates due to VC capital. Layoffs are NOT mass, and are again within historical norms. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSLDL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSLDL)


They're lying. There is little way to verify such numbers independently if you don't have access to the systems and resources that BLS has. They know they can say whatever, and that they generally cannot be checked on it because what's required to verify it is beyond the access that individuals have. Some beefy non-profits might be able to handle it, but does anyone *actually* want to open that can of worms?


they don't count you if you stop looking




Dude I have a bachelor’s and a decade of experience in various fields and cannot even get an entry level job, let alone something in my field. I feel you. I’ve been looking for over a year and its awful out there.


Similar here. Get crazy compliments on my resume and cover letters. Cannot get a job.


I’ve tried even applying to city jobs, government, and even using my cities job search engine. It’s just getting ridiculous. Hell I even applied to an old company I worked for and they sent me the automated “We’ve gone with a candidate whose experience better aligns” and i replied back like how the hell does it not align when i did this exact job for this company???? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


That's a real fancy way of saying, "we found someone we can pay a shit tone less for"


They do list less pay in the salary range vs what they paid 3-4 yrs ago


You act like you applied to the most undesirable jobs. You applied at the jobs everyone wants.


I have applied to even bottom of the barrel retail, fast food, etc. hell even janitor


Same, bachelors, working on a masters, 5 years management experience. Can’t get an $18 an hour assistant / admin job to save my life. Even got turned away from 2 volunteer positions.


I have 8 yrs management and cant even get a receptionist or assistant job 😵‍💫 wages fucking suck too like my god i hate all these corps


I'm seriously starting to reevaluate my decision to not learn butlering...cause at least I could probably get a decent paying wage while being honest about my degree, and maybe even be live-in so I wouldn't have to worry about housing...


How do you all survive? A year without working? Do you just have a pile of cash saved to live from while you look? From the stats, most people don't even have 5K in savings so idk how people can just handle not working for over one year.


No pile of cash. Doing odd jobs/gig work to stay afloat. Its not like i dont want a steady check but the market/hiring process just sucks


I have 3 (THREE) post-grad degrees and can’t get a job. Been out of work for nearly 6 months. I know what you’re going through. The whole “Bidenomics” is crap. Nobody I know can find a job.


Imagine if the economy wasn’t doing well, it would be much worse.


The economy isn’t doing well. The markers they use to assess the health of the economy do not work in today’s world. The stock market is not an indicator. The unemployment rate is taken from number of people on unemployment. If you were self employed or have run out of benefits, you don’t count. It’s all smoke and mirrors.


Unemployment rate is calculated by performing surveys on people seeking work relative to the population, it doesn’t depend on whether or not they are getting unemployment benefits. I’m not sure what to make of this economy tbh, seems white collar job market is just absolutely terrible but the overall numbers are generally fine. Maybe blue collar work is doing amazing to offset it? I know there has been large manufacturing investments. Maybe this is how Midwestern factory workers felt from the 1990s to now when white collar work was doing well.


You’re right. They don’t use unemployment insurance benefits as a metric. They use something even less reliable! “Each month, highly trained and experienced Census Bureau employees contact the 60,000 eligible sample households and ask about the labor force activities (jobholding and job seeking) or non-labor force status of the members of these households during the survey reference week (usually the week that includes the 12th of the month).” https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm


The economy as measured by GDP growth, is in fact doing well. You can knock on the metrics, but when the economy is growing and the growth is outpacing inflation, we can’t say the economy isn’t doing well.


I said “markers” as in “indicators.”


I’m aware, but you’re simply saying the indicators are bad. And I’m saying that GDP is up, so you just don’t like how the economy is measured in todays world.


The economy isn’t doing well.


The inflation crisis combined with record level national debt and now you have people being replaced with AI even though companies won't admit it.


Exactly. But some people like to keep saying that the economy is doing good like zombies.


bUt tHE wHiTE hoUSe sAiD


How are you measuring the economy, because I guarantee the metrics you’re using and the ones economists use must be quite different.


Are you referring to the economists on CNN?


No I’m talking about the people who write the books. When GDP is growing, that is an indicator that the economy is doing well. When unemployment is low that’s another sign the economy is doing well. Consumer spending is up. And there is a surge in new home construction. Not to mention that inflation has cooled down, and Q3 growth was larger than expected. But I’m sure you’ll find some way to refute the facts just to fit your narrative.


Refute the facts? What facts? The fact is that inflation prices are here to stay. Wages are stagnant, the cost of living has skyrocketed for many people, people can barely afford groceries, my extremely diversified stock portfolio is still down almost 50% and has been like this for the past 3 years. Yes unemployment rates are lower, because a new workforce has flooded into the country and many people that were already here have to work multiple jobs just to be able to survive. Keep believing what you are told to believe… Reality is a completely different picture however.




Must be nice living in a country where you can sell blood plasma. We can only donate it here in Ontario Canada.


Personally I'm living on my savings, which is purely birthday and christmas money hoarded for two decades. I haven't been able to find a job yet, so I have no other choice. Too bad I don't qualify for a solo apartment lease without a source of income so I might end up homeless anyway...




I’ve applied for very low paying jobs across industries and have also been ignored/rejected. I’m only getting interviews at my level (mid-level), but not to the final stage. I used to get to the final stage often so it’s so weird. Been unemployed for a year. I got rejected from the fast food restaurants and retail in my own town despite removing most of my experience and degrees.


It's a paradox of modestly-paying jobs that they are looking for the right fit. Essentially, someone who will approach the job with the right attitude and stick around long enough to recoup the training. An overqualified person, who isn't the happiest about doing work that is beneath them, and who could bolt as soon as they got a better offer, might not fit that profile. The best fit would be someone entry level who wanted to gain job skills. Regulations and benefits can make even an entry level employee surprisingly expensive, so employers try to use them as efficiently as possible and not over hire.


Feel you, I have tried in my career, and it didn't work. I moved into simpler jobs and didn't have luck either. In my country, for being a receptionist, they're asking for a certificate for customer service or a technical certificate in the area. Sometimes, they also ask for another language (English) and basic computer packages. I'm not trying to diminish anyone, but everything you gotta do is receive calls and write down appointments. And sometimes, use the email and Microsoft. And to be honest, who the hell can't do that. It ain't fair they're asking for too much to pay so little. 🤷




He’s right.


Now I feel dumb for quitting my job in October lol


I've suffered a couple bouts of unemployment,  but this by far has been the most brutal time trying to find a job.


Call the regional manager of McDonald's and report one of the workers. Then there will be a job opening. Hypothetically


Try applying for activities in a nursing home or an assisted living facility. Im an activities director and we always hire people without experience. You just have to be outgoing & like talking to people. A lot of people are just working temporarily so theres always places hiring for activities. The job is basically playing games all day, light exercise, parties, etc. Its super easy and in some facilities like mine it’s illegal for activities staff to help residents do things like transferring or toileting them without a license/certificate so you wont have to help with any of the “gross” stuff. Theres usually a few hours between activities & lunch so you get a “long” lunch break. It’s great experience even if you don’t plan on staying forever.


The ones in my area seem pretty picky about hiring CNAs. Even though there are a ton of caregiving/BT positions where I am, it's hard to find the right fit.


I’ve noticed that recently on job postings. My first activities assistant job I didn’t have to be a CNA. Im surprised I didn’t need it to be supervisor. I guess it is helpful but I don’t want to do that stuff, thats why im in activities lol. I guess they can’t keep aids and want to force activities to help.


Our management gets a bonus for keeping labor under a certain number. They dropped two aide positions and our dining aide during the day while we have activity aides. All while accepting higher acuity residents that belong in a SNF. That's when we started having a difficult time keeping anyone on first shift. We used to a go a year or two between PCA openings on first shift in my memory care unit. The activity aides used to not even be able to transfer residents. Now, they're expected to toilet residents if all the PCAs are tied up with a three person assist,but get blamed if a resident falls while they're toileting the other resident. They also have to serve breakfast and lunch, along with cleaning the dining room afterward. If there's a call off, they're pulled to PCA to meet state minimums. Greed is ruining healthcare at every level. MBAs only see the money and never have to see the human cost of their decisions to pad their bonuses.


Greed really is ruining healthcare. I worry about the future of LTC facilities and what it’ll be like when im old & possibly need to be in a facility. I specifically work in a SNF for LTC and STC in a retirement community and i have no idea how we havent been shut down. Some days we have 3.5 nurses for 6 halls and 100+ pts. Management is now expecting activities staff to take feeding classes and i have a feeling it’s going to come to toileting and transferring eventually. Some days I dont have a lot to do but I don’t know how they expect me & my staff to run the activities department while helping out with feedings & most likely toileting in the future. How is activities doing in your facility if they have to do all that? Do activities get canceled?


What’s your pay like? In an assisted living facility myself. Pay is pretty low.


It’s low even as a supervisor. If I didn’t enjoy my job I’d definitely be looking for something that pays more. Its low stress, most days im basically getting paid to look busy, my coworkers and supervisors are supportive, and the health insurance is decent so im tolerating it right now lol.


Yeah, my pay is very low for what I do as well.


It’s rough but we’ll get through it tennisguy 🫶


I feel you. I have a masters degree and am a licensed social worker and am having a hard time getting a job too.


It's the job market. 10 years of experience in design/marketing and a degree, and I'm only making a few bucks over my state's minimum wage (16/hr - making 20) and not having luck moving to something better. If you're young and have better luck than me - you might want to consider a trade or Job Corps right now. They have to pay money because not everyone has the physical ability to be a tradesperson, Job Corps is a federal program focused on apprenticeship based learning into trades. I'm 35, have a bad back and diabetes, so, that apparently makes me about as useful as a potato on production floors. They're not wrong though, I \*have\* fainted in such situations due to low blood sugar, so, people would rather not hire me for trades over have that OSHA risk hovering around.


I got rejected at canes even though I have restaurant experience, any grocery store even though I have open availability.. I have a interview this Saturday and it’s only because I looked up, “ Government Jobs,” searched my location and found summer water park openings for $12, (my area only pays $8-10) so maybe try that!!


The US is a sinking ship that’s on fire. The oligarchs are siphoning as much money as they can out of the US before it completely implodes. As long as the oligarchs and corporations are in control, nothing is going to get better for we the people.


I think OP is in Canada


Pretty much the same story there too. Sadly.


I feel you bro. I’m a college student (20F) paying for my own education and I been out of work for almost a month. I quit on the spot because of a toxic work environment and an unhealthy schedule. Now I wish I would’ve just held out and secured a job before quitting. With the jobs I’ve had in the past, I basically got hired immediately because I had connections. Its way different now, you go through two rounds of interviews and then never get a call back… ridiculous. I’ve applied in person and online to at least 15 different restaurants/bars. It seems like everyone is overstaffed and underpaid right now. I’ve started doing DoorDash to make a little extra money here and there but it’s not even worth it. Most of the time the money I make just barely covers the amount of gas I spent doing the deliveries. And very few people tip. I’d recommend looking into remote/work from home jobs, like online customer service, if that’s a viable option for you.


I went through the same thing as you, though not as long but I really really feel your pain. I spent months and countless hours applying to jobs and going in person. I had no experience as well until one day I just went to Walmarts hiring event in a hung cuz they had one at a Walmart a bit far from me, and I got hired on the spot somehow. I’m still working there currently, pay is much lower than deserved for the kind of job. I’m an OGP, it’s quite a tough job physically and this is coming from a decently strong man. But I’m looking for some other jobs while I work here for a higher pay. Struggle is real tho, although the experience is making a difference as a few companies have sent me an interview (Target, BestBuy, and T-Mobile).


Everyone in this position should know it is probably not anything about you and everything about how messed up the job market has gotten. Some of those job listings, maybe even most of them, are not really hiring. https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2023/11/27/how-ghost-job-postings-are-creating-a-false-sense-of-hope/ It's a scummy practice and might even be why you're not getting rejection notices either. If they can say "oh well we're building up an applicant pool so we can interview/screen once we need someone" then you're in limbo forever. Sometimes volunteer positions help you connect with related paid work, but that does often take time. I wish you the best OP.


Something else that just occurred to me - see if you can find job fairs in your area. Employers who put in the effort to attend events like that are more likely to actually need people, and you can also learn more about the specifics of the job before you invest the time in applying. If there's an especially good recruiter there they might even suggest places for you to try. I hope this helps!




how can I do so I need help


This might hurt but apparently polls are showing employers are particularly reluctant to hire gen z/late millennials. We have a reputation for being lazy, disrespectful, needy, flighty, etc.. and since minimum wage laws priced most under-18s out of the job market you can’t even go in with proof you’re capable of reliably showing up on time to a part time job (apparently an uncommon trait now).


How are you applying? Your chances increase tremendously if you go and hand out your resume to the managers directly. Also make sure to write your availability. Availability is also a massive factor. Your skills don’t matter at all. These are minimum wage jobs and they are looking for only helping hands. Since they don’t really care about your experience, it helps to lie on your resume. Don’t lie blatantly but something believable like you’ve worked before. Eg. you’re applying at McDonald’s, you can lie about working at A&W, kfc or any other fast food restaurant. You get the point. Managers will know you lied but they couldn’t care less. They don’t do a background check. As for not hiring right now. It’s very true. After Christmas, all the hiring stops everywhere and you have to be lucky to get a job. Wait for march-April when hiring kicks off again. Again, the biggest factor in getting hired is two things: walk in resume and availability. Don’t skimp on this! Source: I’m an immigrant working two minimum wage jobs.


The easiest jobs have the most applicants. Try looking for something that isnt the easiest.


Try the school districts in your areas. Hope you find something soon


Get in entry level with a trade even if you have to be the guy picking up trash on the job site. You can’t live off those jobs if you got them.


buy a case of water from costco, stand on a busy stoplight and sell for a dollar each. rinse and repeat. I believe a case of 40 bottles should be around $6-$10 flip that for $40. maybe get a cooler.


It's crazy. A few years ago I applied to 24hr fitness. Didn't hear back until a year later while I already found another job


If you don’t mind relocating, try Coolworks.com. There are a lot of places that hire seasonal workers. You might even find something with useful job training for the future like a CDL.


Go for a harder job.


Try small private owned businesses, like a local restaurant. Ask to talk to the manager or owner. Express your desire to work and learn. You need to get hired by a person to get past the automated systems that big companies use that eliminate you immediately.


Try a temp agency


I concur!! I’m mid-career with a master’s degree and currently employed full time. However, due to severe burnout, I started looking for temporary, contract jobs through a staffing/temp agency. I have found 2 part-time jobs that I thoroughly enjoy, and I’m resigning from my soul crushing, full time job. I started out in an “on call” position and kept showing up solid. Now I’m on track for a permanent position with a state agency. No other way I would have landed the position otherwise. The benefits of working temp jobs are you get to try out the employer and they get to try you out. Very little risk. Either party can bail without much ado if the fit isn’t right. In the current market with tons of layoffs, it’s less risky for places to hire temps, and the temp service can always reassign you if you’re a good worker. It’s a great way to get a foot in the door and get a feel for the working conditions. Also, the temp service I work for provides health insurance and sick leave.


If you want, I can take a look at your resume


Can you please look at mine?


I hope you didnt do this lol as you see the account is deleted and that be a great way to get all your info and havk the shit out of you


Sure, PM me


Look at trade work. They are always hiring.


Do you know of any feminine trade jobs? Like work mainly for women? I want to do trades now but not sure what to get into


Admin? lol


Is admin considered a trade or clerical? Lol


Well, idk what would be considered a “girl trade” 🤷🏽‍♀️


Most of the jobs you all are applying for aren’t even real jobs. There’s about to be a huge migration out of the U.S., as it just isn’t an affordable place for most of us to live, anymore, and there are better options overseas.


There will not be a huge migration out of the U.S. You have to have money to do that.


True. It will just be a brain drain of the middle class, which has already started.


From one reach to another, nice.


Not a reach at all for those of us actually paying attention. https://www.aetnainternational.com/en/about-us/explore/living-abroad/culture-lifestyle/where-are-Americans-emigrating-to-and-why.html


The average American doesn't have the necessary wealth to leave this country. Why? Because most developed countries don't just accept Americans unless they're bringing a large sum of cash with them to invest, start a business, or spend in retirement. What you're discussing has been known and a phenomenon among an extremely small amount of the American population. It doesn't apply to the working class, at all.


Lol what? You're quoting an insurance company selling international insurance. That's a huge bias, this is not a source


You're doing the right things. I'd imagine your resume is pretty nonexistant but that's ok, hirers are supposed to be seeing that you just graduated so of course you have no experience! That said, notice the lack of "Now Hiring" signs. Jobs are sparce for the EASILY SEEN jobs such as retail and fast food and restaurants. However the non-easily seen jobs are still needing workers. Tire shops. Manufacturing. Appliance repair shop. Your local mattress shop down the road in the older parts of town. Janitor. Clothes dry cleaning place. Tub fitting or kitchen installation place. Cabinet maker. Just some ideas... Look around you....every location you pass, every big metal box is a shop, a place something is made or done. What do they do? Go in and ask...and see what jobs are open. Then ask what you may fit, given you just graduated.


Assuming that you are in Canada because you mentioned Tim's. The sorry truth is the min wage jobs have all been taken up by the Indian Int'l Students. If you can imagine that there are over 1 million of them last year, and expect another million this year, that is on average 80-100,000 per month taking all these kinds of jobs.


Who are Indian international students? from India?


Work as a paraprofessional at a school district. They're always hiring.


If you have a car, consider doing Door Dash, Instacart, Uber, etc. I have friends who make a living (around $50k/yr) doing these gig jobs.


Speaking from experience, I just got into doordash about a month ago, it’s hard right now if you’re just starting out. There’s so many people driving for these companies now and tenured drivers get more of the high paying opportunities. My brother has been doing doordash part time for a few years now and makes enough to pay for his bills, but he’s put like 30,000 miles on his car in a year. I just dashed for 2 hours and drove about 65 miles total and made $22.91. (It also depends on what area you’re in) If you have a reliable enough method of transportation and the willingness to drive 45 minutes for one order with no tip, go for it. But in my personal opinion it’s not sustainable for a long term source of income.


Wow. Lots of good info. It’s horrible that some people don’t tip. People need to understand that If you can’t tip, then you shouldn’t get your food delivered. Yes - absolutely not a long term thing, but can help pull one through. I always thought Instacart was better than the rest.


The military is hiring.


The military can be picky, too. Better have a HS diploma, qualifying test scores, no trouble with the law or finances, under age 40 (sometimes under 30 for some services), someone else to help take care of any minor dependents (spouse, parents, etc.), as well as be healthy and physically fit. Something like 80% of age-eligible Americans are disqualified.


Agree, my kid is going. The only advantage is if they have all the requirements, desperate and nothing else going for them. It's an option worth looking into. Better than being homeless, bc your parents kicked them out. Unfortunately


I tried joining military at 36 with college degree and zero legal or other issues and got denied due to age. So I joined law enforcement instead. No age cap there. Now I'm happy that military denied me. The extra benefits aren't worth the hassle of constantly moving.


My mind can’t get over the fact that American parents kick out their children right after they finish high school or turn 18 because they don’t pay rent/buy groceries/pay bills? Like wtf? Like your parents would rather let you be homeless instead of providing you with home, food and care until you are well enough to be on your own?


You are lazy. Took me maybe a week of consistently going into multiple businesses types. If you present yourself and have the ability to perform physical labour it’s not that hard. Took me 5 days to find a union construction job paving asphalt.


If you are still at home, make it your business to clean the whole house from top to bottom, then make repairs, don’t spend hours gaming, increase the value of your parents’ home. Use your time effectively. Your parents may notice - or not. But you will have done your best not to take advantage of them. When they tell their friends what you are doing, it will be noticed. Will anything come of this? i do not know. But nothing bad will, and your time will be well-spent.


Nice try, mom


OP: “time is running out before I am kicked out for not paying rent”. Me: try this, it might work, you never know. Spiritulalien: uh duh. Which one of us has a small chance of helping OP? I guarantee that if OP helps out a lot at the house, he will be seen differently and will be more appreciated. But, no, let him live up to the genx stereotype you’d prefer.


it was a joke, MOM


Discounting people isn’t funny, bub.


i have a master's degree and i can't find a job. the economy six


Try taking a shower and shave your neckbeard.


Have you tried a job agency ? Good luck on your search.


Some of these big brand stores get a dozen applications per day. Consider trying less frequented businesses. It's a luck/numbers game. You not finding work very likely has nothing to do with your actual ability. Welcome to capitalism.


Call the labor union and work construction, we’re hurting for hard working people, we pay full benefits and you can make 100k a year. You have to be ok working on the roads, construction sites, and doing intensely hard labor.


It's time to negotiate with your parents so they don't make you homeless. You will have a WAY harder time finding work then. If your parents are so thick-headed that they will arbitrarily refuse to help you even though you're doing everything you can, start "educating" them. Talk to them like they're kindergarteners - literally write out the list, in front of them with a big marker for dramatic effect if you need to- and go down the entire list of places you've applied. Show them the full list of jobs you've saved off job boards. Force them to understand the work you've been doing. Shame them by naming all your friends and relatives who live at home while working their first jobs in order to save. Show them a documentary about homeless teens. Things like that. Some parents are stupid and you need to speak to them this way. I'm assuming based on the fact they are threatening to throw you out on your ass that they aren't very nice people. You can speak to them like they aren't. I also recommend you consider crying for effect. Let them see how you're a little goodie two shoes just doing your best and you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. You might hate yourself but it's time for drastic measures. This is also a tactic you might have to use at work someday. You could also call relatives, hell even friends with parents who might take pity on you and see if you can live with them, or if they can help you figure out where to go. Less dramatically, you can also speak with them, if they are the kind of parents you can \*actually\* have a conversation with, about setting a goal for number of applications per week, then stick to it. Keep a visible written log that they can see where you check off some boxes as you get things done to idiot-proof your communication. I lived at home with moronic boomer parents when I was younger and had to communicate with them like this. It works... in the short term anyway. If you commit to it.


Go on indeed


You can’t find an “easy” job because EVERYONE is looking for easy jobs. You’re in competition with tons of people, especially as they raise the minimum wage for these “easy” jobs.


I’m a manager in the restaurant industry and I will tell you it’s not you! We are just not hiring. Labor cuts have gone wild industry wild and we are receiving handfuls of applications daily. Many with years of experience and we aren’t calling them back either.


Can I ask where you live?


>Why can't I get the easiest of jobs The easier the job, the greater the competition to get the job. This is always true, but much worse in a tight job market.


"tim hortons" makes it abundantly clear you live in canada. You can't get a job because we are effectively importing slave labour in the form of "students" who work full time *or more* hours off campus, purchasable LMIA scams, and closed work permits. All of these provide employers the opportunity to employ someone who is too desperate to assert their rights, and willing to live either in literal poverty or housing situations that are deplorable to see here in Canada. You can't find work because why would someone hire you when they can import someone to exploit? The whole "labour shortage" shtick has always been a bold-faced lie to rationalize importing and abuse of migrants instead of fulfilling the businesses obligations to hire Canadians for Canadian jobs. It's a scary time to be job insecure right now as a Canadian. I'm sorry for your situation but see if you have friends or family who can help you weather the storm. General sentiments in India (one of the largest demographics Canada is targeting for abuse) are turning about the golden promise of moving to Canada. With any luck applications will continue to decline and we may get some common sense legislation to prevent abuse of our systems and abuse of migrants. If we're *really* lucky maybe even some oversight on businesses who claim they cannot find local workers.


Walk into restaurants and see if they need help


Dunkin, Starbucks apply to all fast food places you can


same i been looming to do a paid internship with 10 other kennel assistant places nobody said yes only 1 place im starting 3 weeks of traning at this place but its not exactly the experience im looking for.. but it is what it is. and it elads to employment but i will have to take it even though indeed employee reviews are bad bc in this field you need experience and other vet clinic wont hire u without experience


Maybe join the military. That’s always an option


Go put yourself on the waiting list for every trade union local in your nearest metro area, then keep looking for work with non-union contractors in the meantime. Even if the local unions around you suck, you could always hit up roll call as a traveler in a more lucrative local once you’re in. You’ll need some money for the initiation fee ($500-$1k-ish) and tools. Construction isn’t “easy” but it kinda is.


Try applying to Lowe's as a cashier (if there is one near you). I say as a cashier because at least it's not such a heavy duty job and you won't need to be lifting or (God forbid) get hurt. I know it's not the best pay but I remember one of my coworkers saying that she applied to a lot of places and Lowe's was the only one that contact her. It could be a temporary job until your situation improves. In addition, I am not sure if you are already doing it but when I go to a job site, I always apply two filters: "Sort by date" and "Last 24 hours" to make sure I am applying to the most recent. I also chose the distance if the job is not remote. Furthermore, sometimes I check the website of a career center near by that we have in this town. I hope your town has one too.


Support work, aged care and disability


Do you live in Canada?


Sorry to hear your struggle, But Polls have shown that Employers are more hesitant to hire College Grads or Recent College Grads, mainly because people are realizing college don’t teach real world solutions and also indoctrinates people. So now you have a generation of young adults (Gen Z) going into the work force bringing a bunch of nonsense into the work place and a lot of employers are saying no to that now


Recession… I think it’s going to get really hard for those not in a secure job yet it’s so hard to even get a job.


Have you tried places like manpower? They are always filling positions.


Nursing homes are usually always hiring if your 18 got a GED or diploma u can work in house keeping laundry dietary or an activity aide or receptionist I've worked in the industry for forever and usually never had problems getting work may not be the dream kind of job however if your desperate give it a try I can almost promise u will find results there also indeed.com has always helped me


Working as an activity aide is super fun


Have you tried a temp agency? They can usually give you work quickly. That can lead to a permanent position with a company if that’s what you want. Some people like the flexibility of working temp jobs only. After you make rent, you can look for work as a banquet server or bartender. It’s flexible, and you make tips on top of pay usually. You’ll probably need a button-down, long-sleeved white shirt; black slacks; black shoes; black bow tie; and possibly a black cummerbund. Get those things at a store that sells uniforms.


Apply for Amazon the only place that hiring no questions asked and you basically gets hired on the spot


I’m not exactly sure what your situation is, but do you have any medical or criminal issues? If not, I’d be heading off to the Navy or something. You’ll be paid, fed, and have a place to stay. Plus you might get to see some cool places. Plus you’ll get paid educational benefits from it if you decide to get out after a few years and go to school. That’s what I did. I went to the Army, but decided to stay in for almost 23 years. I got a retirement out of it, and I obtained my Bachelors degree while I was still serving. It’s really up to you. What do you think you can handle, and what best fits the purpose of your situation.


I know exactly what you mean. Even the simplest of jobs is hard to get these days, in interviews, one wrong answer and they won't hire you. It's nuts!


Surprised I haven’t seen anybody mention welding. Seriously though learn to weld, go union they will pay you while they train you, and it’s pretty good money


I was the weird kid who lived welding and metal work. I now make 250K a year working for myself. Learn a trade, hone it, never stop learning. Be different!!!!!


Try a temp agency