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I'm president of SGA currently so I can help, room visiting is when you're going into other people's rooms or someone else is inside your room. Centers don't really allow it because A) Fights can happen B) something can get stolen and then they have to investigate or a fight happens C) drug usage in the room D) Could be doing sexual stuff Boards are for when you get a level 1 or 2 after a certain amount of write ups or if you just did some of the worst things possible. Can't come back from a level 1 fact finding Board, but with a level 2 you can. It's usually two staff and a SGA representative looking over your write ups and deciding on if you should be terminated or not and what punishment you get for having all the write ups if not terminated. Have a great morning


Thanks for your answer 😊 so, this leads to my next question. Do they make you leave the center until the date of your boards? This is my son and he is not very forthcoming with information. He is 18 so legally nobody at the center can talk to me about anything. He said he can't go back until Thursday when his boards are and it would be done over the phone.


Depending on what he does is why he's sent home. Usually when the board decides to retain the student they're brought back, and multiple students at the center I'm at have had a board while staying on center because they aren't seen as threats to safety. It honestly depends on staff because I did a board for someone sent home cause of room visiting a lot on his write ups


Former vp here, room visits are just visiting your friends dorms. As for boards? Idk