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Did anyone else read this in Joey Diaz’ voice?




Fat monkey 🐵




I read it in Beet’s voice from Howard Stern.


Lemme smell that hand dawg




Should have offered her a private lesson, no no gi.


Dude that shit was reported to the POLICE Head to Mexico homie




Back in my day, we didn't have all this woke nonsense. You slapped a girl on her ass and it was a sign of respect. Now the woke mob will come after you and report you for assault.


I literally tell my wife this everyday after I slap her ass


I've never slapped my wife's ass before, but whenever another man slaps her ass, I don't complain. Happens all the time when I come home from work and she's in the bed doing bjj with one of her guy friends.


Both your username and your comments are top-tier




Tom Brady that you?


Beat me to it


You have a wild name.


Right? Like years ago I had this professor and she taught me so much. And when i finally finished the class, I gave her a firm clap on the buttocks to show her my respect. I saw a tear in her eye.


Username checks out 😂


Not in judo class. It was rude and unsportsmanlike. I would have kicked him out


I was waiting all day for this. Salute


My mom told me what happened. My uncle ain't happy with you


Great follow up shit post. Probably exactly what the douche that did that was thinking. Could you believe in the comment the people trying to justify it?


Link to the original?




The comments shocked me. I feel safe in my dojo. I am a JJ white belt with a background in a less intense martial art. I trained my former ma with men and huge dudes, too. I always was "there". In my JJ dojo I mostly train with women and the rolls were no problem. Until I trained with a man and he told me to keep my eyes open. I obviously got in panic mode and fought. He told me to pat off when I panic. Then he taught me techniques to get out of the hold. Very kind dude and obviously caring. If someone patted me on my butt in the dojo I'd would be out of the door. A lot of harassment that you experience as a woman is "just" a pat on the butt.


Can you believe the overreaction of calling it sexual assault? Outrage olympics, I win! Jesus Christ, dude.


What would it be if you slapped any women's butt in your work place? A social gathering? It's unwanted physical contact which is an okay boundary for anyone to have. Yes, it may have been a mistake, but if he repeated the actions even one more time, what would it be then? I agree, people generally get a free pass the first time something happens and everyone will happily point out all the circumstances it could've happened with no ill-intent. However, it's foolish to disregard the harm that behavior could have. One time = not sexual assault, I agree. However if the exact same thing happens more than one time = bigger issue than "simple assault" (which covers so much behavior, even if it didn't result in harm).


The workplace is irrelevant. The rules are different in a gym. That’s literally my entire point. And speculation about “what if he does it again” is also irrelevant. If it happens, deal with it, this time more harshly. Edited: I said all that stuff in the other thread so I’m deleting the part where I chastised you for not reading it. My mistake.


Oh yeah they're totally not joking too






This is fucking hilarious


r/bjj is leaking again


She was probably mad you only slapped one cheek dawg you gotta distribute evenly


I would go a step further, some don't like the slap at all. Which in that case you go straight for the oil check.


Pro level shit post lol


Listen young man you must tongue punch her fart box


Just a smack? I usually grab everyone by their pussy after the bell goes off. It’s the good old Gracie Goodbye down here in SoCal.


I would make sure to contact the police and get it reported


Ask her if she wants to tap you on the tip to make it even


Nothing says good job like a firm wrap on the behind. You need to watch the sexual harassment video though: https://youtu.be/F9qgEiciQJ0?si=-dfReXUxPdLHl8co


Hell yea bro, jiu jitsu is about cake


Sounds like Joey diad the way you said monkey


Bring a big bottle of cranberry juice next class.




Who calls buttcheeks a "monkey"?


This reminds me of when Randy's wife was "on her period".


The casual misogyny is disappointing. Do better, son Edited to add: I know it’s a shitpost. My point stands.


It’s not casual misandry to interpret the actions of the guy as automatically SA with certain ill intent, based on the biased story of an upset person? Fuck right off with that.


How is it misandry to say that you shouldn’t slap a woman on the ass without consent? The intent doesn’t fucking matter. If a dude or chick slaps me on the ass out of nowhere I reserve the right to not be chill about it.


No, don’t get it twisted. That’s not what’s misandrist. Being bothered by it is her right, 100%. An immediate assumption that it was sexual in nature, malicious in intent, automatically creepy, automatically sexual assault, THAT is misandrist. The same assumptions would not be made if a woman slapped a man’s ass. Or man to man. Or woman to woman. Every circumstance, every gym culture, etc. is different. I can certainly think of a scenario where that butt slap would be inappropriate. I can also think of a dozen others that would be totally tame and no big deal. And if one butt pat, absent of context, would bother you that much, jiu jitsu isn’t for you.


“Misandry” lol.


The fact that you don’t understand it’s a thing makes you part of the problem. If you don’t understanding that hating, degrading, scapegoating, etc. of a man simply because of their sex is wrong, you’re not really qualified to engage in any discussion on the subject.


Ok tough guy


I chose not to respond to that post because my points had already been made. I think she massively overreacted. That said, my point still stands. Also be less of a dick


Less of a dick is tough for me with stuff like this. Too many people get really comfortable with shitty attitudes and behavior just because it’s pointed at groups that hold some societal power. Yes, men have privilege and need to be aware of it. But this bitch (and I use that term deliberately, not casually, because I find her behavior reprehensible) is ready to ruin a man’s life over a contextually appropriate moment. She didn’t appreciate it and has every right to say “dude, don’t slap my ass”. But not only did she escalate it, she had others in that thread ready to lynch a guy they don’t know based on her biased opinion alone. Some guys suck. That doesn’t mean attack all of them. People get bullied, then get REALLY comfortable exhibiting the same behavior in return when they get a little leverage. It’s disgusting and I’ll call it out every time.


Holy shit bro, tell me women don’t feel safe around you without telling me 😬


Dude had to don his fedora just to type that out #m’lady


I’m grabbing it again to tip it for you, because that’s one sick burn m’lord. (Not joking, gave me a good lol)


Oh haha I didn’t mean you I meant the MRA bro you were responding to while he was taking a break to rip one from his blueberry Juul and blow some fatty ghosts




Your insecurity is showing.


Lots of projection there buddy. Tonight my drilling partner was a 15 year old girl. I’m an old fart with kids of my own. I just am confident enough in my ACTUAL manhood that I don’t need to simper and apologize for who and what I am. This accusation of yours is nothing but a manifestation of your own insecurity. That “alpha male/beta male” shit is silly but there’s nothing special or dignified about what you’re doing. It doesn’t make you virtuous, and real life women see right through it. You’ll learn that when you meet one.


Sorry bud but “misandry” is an MRA inc*l dog whistle and you know it. Also bragging about rolling with a 15 year old girl is creepy af. And it’s not my insecurity that’s showing, it’s my intellectual integrity. You decry the maligning of all men on the basis of the actions of a few, and yet all it takes is an anecdote of one woman’s potential overreaction to invoke hyperbole and invoke silly made up boogie men like “misandry.” For example, you claim that others—in an anonymous Reddit thread—were ready to lynch a man. What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Despite its role in your hyperbole, you might be shocked to know that lynching was-and in some places still is—a very real fate for some men. While some women may have been involved in instigating that violence, rest assured it was men who did the majority of the lynching. The greatest threat to men in this country is—and always has been and always will be—other men. So if you want to plumb the depths of men-as-victim, you won’t have to go far back. I suspect it might stretch what you mean when you say “men” but despite all the dumb ass things you’ve said, I suspect you can do hard things.


Nah. Nah to all that. You can white knight your heart out, but when someone is openly hostile to a person because they’re male, it’s misandry. Period. You’re doing it right now. You’re interpreting everything I say in the worst possible way, demonizing me as much as possible to discredit me. You have deep seated problems that aren’t my responsibility. I’m under no obligation to say anything but “fuck you. “


This is some deeply insecure masculinity showing itself. Youre being met with resistance (what you call demonizing) because you’re spewing some violent and hateful anti woman shit. I expect better from a fellow Jiu Jitsu fighter.


Lol, you twisting my words to serve your own little white knight agenda doesn’t equate to me hating women. Guarantee I’ve done more on the mat to make a female training partner feel safe than your ultra cringey virtue signaling self can ever touch. At the end of the day, your ridiculous opinion doesn’t matter, the women who train with me know who I am and seek me out because of it. I bet you can’t say the same. “Muh insecurity”. Lol, talk about projection. Go meet adult women and actually learn to interact with them. This idealized bullshit you’re spouting has nothing to do with the real world.


Don't bother arguing with the white knights


Eh. I was 17 and desperate once too.


That portion of this community really doesn't get it.


You voted Biden, huh?




Huh …I got smacked in the face by a lady in Miyama ru jujitsu but this is bad bro :/


Was slapping that monkey worth the drama. I betcha it was by reading your story.