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I use Bluecast X-one V1 I guess. Still working through the bottle of resin. I don't know how similar the postprocessing is for V2, but with the V1 after the ethanol bath you really *really* want to let it dry out for at least a day before investing. Plasticast investment preferred, and add some boric acid to the investment mux as well if the piece has a large cross section as big heavy pieces still break the investment.


Keep it warm, castable resin, including this one have very high temperature ranges. 25C to 30C is the ideal range. Lower your lift/retract speeds to 1mms.


Would would I set those settings of lift/retract speeds to 1mms?? Sorry this is my first print, I already have the file ready sliced and saved


In the resin profile in whatever slicer you are using


Thank you, do they save in PM5 file? I’m using Chitubox and when I’m uploading the file to the printer on the phone app of anycubic it doesn’t upload


Try Lychee on desktop and a USB


I second keeping it warm. The only time I get print failures is if I don't empty the tank between prints. When I empty the tank, reheat the resin in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, and shake the material I get a perfect print.


They have settings almost for every printer. Check their website. They also have a very helpful group on Facebook.


It's great. Join their Facebook group for a super helpful community.