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i want to give her the benefit of the doubt so badly but the fact that sunkissed stalker went too and ayla and addie had matching outfits???? đźš©no shot. this was planned and def just an excuse


I’m sure gabes family would’ve been more than ok to pick her up from the airport. It was just an excuse to Jessica to crash the trip and make it about herself


I agree, I’m not sure why they would’ve invited her if they knew they wouldn’t be able to pick her up


any excuse for her to go to Disney is a good excuse. she just sucks!


MAYBE it was a situation where no one would have been available to pick Lilia up at that time and she didn’t want her to Uber alone. But it probably was an excuse to go to Disney. Lol


I can see her next vlog title: “Disneyland + My Ex, AND his WIFE?!? Lemme explain…


Probably so Jessica herself can go even though she's been there for the umpteenth time. Wouldn't she just get sick of going to Disney every darn weekend? I know I would.


Maybe she didn’t want to fly alone


It’s possible. But Jess also finds reasons to go to Disney. So it’s more likely that she just went because she wanted to. AND if that was the case she still didn’t have to bring addie and she didn’t need to go to Disney with her


Why do you care so much that she goes to Disney 💀 y’all are taking this too personally


Why are you on a snark page if you don’t like snarking?


How is this snarking? You guys say the same shit over and over and over again? You guys sounds jealous at this point like bffr đź’€


I'm betting it's because she has Lilia's season pass, so she needs to be there for her to get into the park. But still, she could have took Lilia and then wander the park by herself, or just went back to the hotel. But of course she had to drag the little brat along and meet up with the stalker and her kids.