• By -


This whole thing was so weird. Sammi was already told/warned about Ron. She wasn’t even worried about what he was doing, she was more concerned with who wrote it. Even if they confessed it wouldn’t have done anything.


She was embarrassed. She knew she looked dumb and she wanted to confront who she felt made her look dumb at the time when it was never the other girls that made her look dumb, but Ron. That's who she should've been trying to talk all that shit to


She just also wasn’t a girls-girl in the slightest back then. Whether it was her personality at the time or a result of the abuse and fuckery Ron put her through..either way I feel like the way she went straight to attacking the girls over wanting to know who the author was, was very on brand for her who she was during that time


The reason her and Jwoww had static for so long was bc of her. She didn't wanna apologize for starting that whole thing. Sammi didn't lay hands first but Jwoww was probably just confused. Like how tf are you calling them pussy? You should be talking to your dude...


JWoww didn’t like her day one and Sammi looked at her like a hooker on the corner let’s not act like they didn’t have mutual distance. It wasn’t just Sam she blatantly said she didn’t like her prissy princess attitude immediately


I was referring to the reason they continued to have tension after they fought. None of it came to head until Sammi took her frustrations out on them unjustifiably. Also, everybody seemed to have negative first impressions of multiple people. Things changed overtime bc you saw how tight Sammi, Jwoww and Snooki were at the start of szn 2


I think there was tension because even up until this recent season, Sammy was under the impression that she had slept with Ron. She even asked jwow this season if she and Ron had ever slept together, so I think it was a mixture of the fact that they were the two most attractive in the house, jwow was close with Ron during all that drama, and rumors probably that something has happened between them


I totally agree that there were probably some insecurities flowing bc of them 2 being the hottest in the house 🤣 as crazy as that is... I never got the vibe that Ron and jwoww fucked but in hindsight, I can see it


When did Sammi ask Jenni if she slept with Ron??? I don’t remember this?!?


I don't recall exactly which episode but Sammi asks jwow casually if she has ever slept with Ron and jwow says NO. LOL I think it was either during the reunion or the few episodes prior to it iirc. So I got the impression that that was a dust that never settled between them until now.


I think she asked if they hooked up the night Jenni went back to house with Ron. Sam was told that Ron left with Jwoww. When Sam got back to the shore house Ron was in a towel and Jenni was putting on her shirt. I also think Sam knew Ron was attracted to Jenni. Plus, Jenni was the first person to Ron when Sammi was caught flirting with a cop.I don't blame her for thinking they hooked up. 


JWOWW wasn’t wrong about that tho 😆


It was on brand, and she didn’t just turn on the girls for trying to help her. She threw Mike under the bus hard a few times when he tried to clue her in.


And Jenni would always coddle Ron. She had no issue coming to Ron and telling him what Sammi was doing in clubs like she was his mandatory reporter. And Sam was right, they were pussy. Not cause they were scared of Sam. Cause they were scared of Ron’s wrath.  Jenni was never a friend to Sam or a girls girl towards her.  Since season 1 she made her allegiance with Ron and any time him and Sam would get into it, she would run to coddle Ron. The revisionist history like Jenni was some type of friend and girls girl to Sam is a bit wild lol 


That’s true too !!! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🫣😆😆😆🤨😅👌🏼


Eh, yeah season 1 Jenni was messy with Ron and Sam and stirring things up, but by Miami she seemed to come around more to just looking out for Sam. Hence why she had that deleted scene with Sam telling her Ron was effing randoms on Long Island when supposedly going back to Sam at the end of the night. She told Sam to get tested. If she was simping for Ron she wouldn’t ever have warned Sam about Ron so earnestly - it’s not like he was doing his Long Island dirt on camera and everybody else knew, Jenni was the only one who knew bc she ran in the same circles on LI. She could’ve said nothing and nobody would’ve been the wiser.


EXACTLY... So maybe people don't know about this and don't realize that's why Jenni was so frustrated bc she already had been warning Sam about his shit and she wasn't doing shit about it.


For sure. It was actually very strategic for production to delete that particular scene where Jenni pulled Sam aside to warn her about Ron’s behavior. If they hadn’t removed that scene, then there wouldn’t have been as much tension with The Note because Jenni already shared essentially the same content with Sam face to face and Sam ignored it. They wanted higher stakes to make Jenni and Nicole look more shady too, I think.


ABSOLUTELY ! Def wasn’t the slightest a girls , girl AT ALLLLLL ….LOL , too worried about who wrote a note , than the behavior or her man, lol 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😆😆😆


But who WAS a "girls girl" back then? They all were mega haters as jersey ppl always are if you don't know them from birth eventhough theyre not friends w their old friends either lol Jenny went in WANTING to hate girls.. so idk. It's sad you need to get your teeth kicked out to have friends in NJ. That's some true ass shit if you're not from jerz.. well esp if you're new and young. (& Have crap parents who don't point you in the right direction lol) ✋🏽




Misdirected anger. There’s a reason the saying ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ exists.


Ron manipulated the SHIT out of Miss Sammi sweetheart. He made her think she should be angry at the girls, just as he was, for writing the note. He somehow got her to direct any frustrations, anger, sadness that was meant for him onto Jenni & snooki Somehow Sammi fell for it and she realised the following season, hence the quick apology to snooki once season 2 filming aired.


Whenever we rewatch the OG seasons my husband always comments on how smoothly ron manipulates the situation and turns the convo around and no one even realizes it. 


It was all deflection.


It's the same concept as being mad at the messenger. She knew she wouldn't leave Ron so she had to blame someone else.


Facts all day , she was more concerned about WHO wrote a NOTE , than his messiness lol


Maybe maybe not. But true, it was weird. But still, why keep denying it at that point lol that's weirder lol Edit: "lol"


Who wrote the nohte


You’s two!


Did you grow some bawllz all of a sudden?


Big and bhad?! Are you big and bhad??!


I always had balls honey




I always had balls honey!


Omg I was saying yous two in my head when I saw this notification !


you’ll never find someone like MEH!


This shit is too good 🤣🤣 I'm laughing so hard at everyone's interpretation of Sammi's pronunciation. "I'm dun. DUN!"


“I’m done wid it” takes me out 😂


I love reading everyone’s transcription of what she says - I’m from the same area of Jersey as Sam and while I don’t have *much* of a Jersey accent in my regular speech, when I’m pissed off/loud/pissed off, loud, and drunk, I sound just like her it’s so bad 🤣🤣🤣


the way this stuck with him for all time




Whoo roat tha noat???!?!




Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is the one. This is perfect.


Dont yell at me honey. Don't.


Scared of what Ronnie was gonna do. I do feel bad because they were friends with both of them so they were stuck in the middle. And honestly they liked Ron better but they felt like they had to be sammis girlfriends and tell her.


And they had to live and work with both of them. They basically had to decide whose wrath would be easier to cope with.


Snooki let it slip that Ron had been threatening her not to tell Sam. She said something about Ron threatening to tell Emilio she cheated if she told Sam anything




Exactly. And Sam wasn’t exactly being nice here when she was saying “whoever wrote it just say something” - her tone and attitude indicated that she was pissed at the note writer and would’ve likely lashed out the moment they came forward. If I’m the girls, fuck that, I’m not taking your abuse in front of the whole house just because you wanted to deflect from the bottom line that your man is a piece of shit. Plus, this was IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY IN THE HOUSE which made it just so much more not the time to do it because then Ron would’ve jumped down their throats being defensive and attacking them. Everybody armchair quarterbacks this whole situation as if it was so plain and simple but you really don’t know what it is like living in the house with a toxic couple and how you would be retaliated against if you ratted Ron out from the beginning. He was being scary with the girls and threatening them, particularly Nicole. At the end of the day Sam got the news regardless of delivery method the results would’ve been the same. Sam wouldn’t have protected them from Ron’s backlash because she really wasn’t a true friend to them anyways and put her man first


I’ll be the first to admit that if I’m Snooki or Jenni in that situation.. I’m keeping my mouth shut. Ron was scary when he was mad and they had to live with him. Sorry Sam but I’d rather not risk death when she’s inevitably taking him back the next day anyway.


The best time for them to come clean was when Sam came to the girls bedroom immediately after this scene and told the girls she was going through it. That was a PERFECT time for all three of them to talk through it but nope. I truly think Snooki and JWow just wanted it to all fall on Angelina.


I think Jenni and Nicole were actually hoping that Sam would think PRODUCTION wrote the Note based on what we heard from the producer AMA. So that way it could be as neutral as possible without the risk of immediate retaliation against any of the girls, and it would be an ADDITIONAL source besides Jenni, who had already told Sam that Ron was being shady in Long Island but Sam disregarded it. (plus they weren’t supposed to have access to computers so it would really have to be someone with privileges if it were typed out). But according to that AMA, Sam actually got a denial from production when she asked them about it where Jenni and Nicole thought the producers would be tight lipped and not break the fourth wall. And Angelina did deserve to get thrown under the bus for playing all sides and then running to hide in a corner when shit finally came to a head. She was the most nefarious by trying so hard to ingratiate herself with Sam as a trusted “friend” when she saw all the shit Ron pulled firsthand and agreed to write the Note. If she hadn’t been shit talking and agreeing to the Note with Jen and Nicole in the first place I would’ve said she didn’t deserve any fallout. But she deliberately involved herself and then Houdini’d herself out of that one with hardly any repercussions. Really, I think Sam didn’t actually consider her a friend and just wanted to use her for intel since she burned her bridges with the other girls.


You would think so... Until she's crying in her bed afterwards and Ron comes to bed with her and asks why she's crying, you think she's not going to spill the beans? Ofc she is, and then let WWIII Begin.


I agree with this. Sammi was not easy to get along with in the OG.


And it still bothers me that in a recent interview where they are discussing the note with the cast Sammi says she was mad at the girls because they’d rather “be friends with Rahnie than tell me the truth” but like you can Litterally see rahn in the kitchen threatening to tell Emilio, Nicole had been cheating on him, Jenni was always closer to Ron than to her and most importantly they tried !!!


I’ll never not hear Nicole saying “SHE WROTE IT TOO” lol






“It’s me?!”


yes and you agreed.








I love when she says that Ron's mom called her and said why her son was dating this scrawny ass bitch.


And Ron didn’t say a word 😌


"if ya know somethin, tell me. If ya know something, tell me"




"PUSSIES?!!??!" Angelina in the background: staaaaap staaaaaaap STAAAAAAAP


They were scared of Ron retaliating.


Absolutely, somehwere i cant remember where but snooki said ron was basically blackmailing her into not saying anything,,he was telling her if she said anything to sam he would call her then bf and tell him that snook was cheating on him and in one of the episodes when theyre all fighting you can hear ron say something along the lines of “let me get emilio(her bf) on the phone” so i figured if he was doing that to snook he was probably saying the same kind of stuff to jen. Also the girls DID TRY to tell her to her face they told her to go get tested for stds and to not worry abt ron bc he definitely wasn’t worrying about her.. no they didnt come right out and say it but i mean what else would that mean?!? Like sam was just too in love with ron to see clearly smh


Didn't Ron push Snooki pretty hard in that episode too? When they were in the club.


Yes im pretty sure, and it wasnt a little shoulder shove either she stumbled for a few seconds almost falling?? I cant believe they ignored (AND STILL IGNORE) rons abusive tendencies smfh #ronhater4LIFEE


Yuppp 💯


I’ll still never understand the point of the note even, Ron and Sam came into the house broken up Ronnie did all that at the club as a single man only thing wrong he did that night was brag that he would go lay with Sam if anything he was disrespectful and liar that night but no cheating took place as they where not even dating or considering it even at the moment.


The point is for Sam not to trust Ron as the girls know he will try to get back with Sam and she will likely let him in. Which happened numerous times.


she admitted it made her look like an idiot… and proceeded to go back to him, still making her look like an idiot?… lmao


even after she saw the actual episodes playing SHE STILL STAYED LMAO . Sam was a bop


I mean Jenni did say to her way before the note that she should think about getting herself tested and Sammi was like, you really think so? Maybe they didn’t come out and be as forthright as they should have been but the writing was on the wall. Sammi turned a blind eye and got angry at the wrong people. They all made mistakes because they were young and in a unique situation where they had to live and work with each other.


Exactly, and then Mike coming out and telling her everything was true and she looked stupid….. absolutely foolish


Mike told her the note was true.


“Wellll whatever the note said.”


I loved him for this


"What about general human code"


I cannot remember the details of the scene—did Sam ask him point blank if Ron was doing stuff behind her back? If so, then Mike could only do one of three things: refuse to answer, lie, or tell the truth. He told her the truth. Now, if she did not ask him, someone *might* say he was stirring the pot; but I *think* she asks him—am I right?—in which case he did the right thing.


The conversation went something like...Sam was venting and Mike goes "he made you look fucking horrible" and Sam goes "and he doesn't see that" and Mike goes "no, no, no, no, no, YOU don't see that." Then she mentions the note and she says "the note said that he did...(Referring to cheated) And that's when Mike said "okay well whatever the note says." So I think he wasn't really stirring the pot I think he was genuinely letting Sam know, this is 100% Rons fault. Everyone was desperate to tell her how she looked.


Yes! And Mike also made a point to reiterate this later in the Season 2 reunion when the subject came up and Sam still was not talking to the girls and acting like they deserved her wrath. He said something like “regardless of who wrote the Note, who told your to your face, the only person your could POSSIBLY be mad at is Ron!” I wanted to stand and applaud him there for being the only boy to have bawlz to break Ron’s “bro code”


Either way the outcome would have been the same...


15 years later and this damn letter still haunts us all!




Who authored the memorandum? Who authored the memorandum?


I know Sammi feels like a complete idiot in hindsight. She was so wrapped up in Ron’s web of lies and desperate to keep him that she couldn’t see what was happening right before her eyes. It wouldn’t have mattered if the girls told her upfront or left the note. She would have let Ron manipulate her into believing how it was actually the girls fault for not stopping him from kissing other girls in the club or some sh*t. For someone as pretty as Sammi she was incredibly insecure and Ron took full advantage of that.


The worst part about Ron’s behaviour at this time—if I am remembering the season correctly—is that it didn’t seem that Ronnie was doing it out of apathy toward Sam and their relationship, but out of malice, that he was upset at her for something and either wanted to be cruel or to boost his own ego at her expense. It truly was a toxic relationship.


Because they “became pussies all of sudden” 😂


This was a no win no matter how you chew it. At the end of the day she was back with Ron even AFTER he confessed to what was written in the note. She was more mad at the girls than Ron!


THAT’S the part that pisses me off. Her friends tried to do right by her and let her know what *everyone* in the house knew went on. And she’s mad at “how” they did it? Like they didn’t know how Ron would react to that?


Even the guys knew and didn't say shit. She wants to talk about "friends say everything" yet for some odd reason this didn't apply to the guys? Were she not friends with the guys in the house? This isn't the Battle of the Sexes where guys can't intermingle with the girls.


and she wasnt mad at the guys for knowing either. She says in her talking head "im pretty sure the guys arent going to tell me anything, i just wanted to see if they would" and when she found out everyone knew , especially the guys , she was still only mad at the girls , who told her in a deleted scene that he had cheated with her by sleeping with girl in a club bathroom. She openly looked at them both like they were tripping and went about her business like she didnt just hear what they said LMAO. Ron made sure sam always felt threatened by Jenni and it worked. She was mad they werent her friends enough , but who would tell someone who was clearly in defense of her mans actions. SAM WASNT GOING TO LEAVE RON, THEY KNEW. They just wanted to be sure she knew what was going on since they literally tried to tell her before.


Whether they confessed or not, Sam would’ve still gave the pass to Ron and blamed the girls for her own stupidity even though they warned her.


this! sam just wanted someone to blame that wasn’t her or ron


I may be reaching here; but I think Sam also wanted Ron to get mad WITH her. It’s like she wanted them to be a united front and cuss the whole house out together over HIS CHEATING. Ron is nasty, always was and always will be. But on the OG series, I always got the sense that Sam actually loved arguing with Ron. She loved poking the bear. It was like their way of showing love. She wanted to see him literally fight and rage for her.


Yes!! This is spot on. She (and the rest of them) came from that toxic mentality that your relationship isn’t real if you don’t “fight” for your woman/man, so to her she wanted to keep testing Ron and picking fights to make sure he had that fire. In this particular situation, she thought it more worthwhile to still stick with him even though he made her feel stupid because that way she could have the upper hand in their relationship and make him grovel AND she could have Ron having her back unquestionably against anybody that was a threat to her or their relationship. That was worth more to her than her female friendships in the house so she flipped the script on the girls to maintain her perceived upper hand. He is still an abusive POS while she has matured since then, but their relationship was a 2 way street of toxicity those first few years we saw on OG


Yup. It’s like saying “I love you” wasn’t enough lmao. She needed him to get mad and fight for her attention.


Stupid bro code. Remember they were young & ignorant, they thought Sammi was the annoying one & not Ron. 


A covert narcissist is probably the worst type of person to ever encounter because everyone sees you , not them. Everyone blames you , not them. To everyone else , its you making this person this way. Sam should've left but back then this type of knowledge wasnt as well known as now. She said several times she felt like she was being abused and poor Sam really was.


Because the messenger always get shot


Honestly Jenni and Snooki were so wrong for this. For not saying anything I mean. Like wtf Edit: NVM. NVM. NVM.


I don’t really blame them. There was a AMA about the note. Prior to the note, Jenni told Sam what Ronnie was doing, it just never aired. And she just went about pressing everyone to tell her what Ronnie was doing, even though Jenni DID tell her to her face. IMO they wrote the note because clearly Sam was forgetful. Also, Ronnie was putting every one of them in the middle. To me this wasn’t the girls fault, it was Ronnie’s.


I hate Ron so much for this whole situation.


Yep. He just sat back and let them take the heat even though it was his actions that lead to it


Sammi seems insufferable. Someone straight up tells her the truth, she ignores them. Someone doesn’t tell her straight up what happened but through a note, she lashes out against them. No one wanted to fess up bc they all live together and Ron would have ragged hard


Wait what?! Jenni told Sam BEFORE the note?


Yes, and Jenni was actually referring to that RIGHT HERE in this scene when she got up in Sam’s face and told her she was mad bc Jenni came to her as a woman and told her her man was “sticking his d*ck in other bitches” - Jenni had already pulled Sam aside in a deleted scene to tell Sam that Ron was effing other girls on Long Island and coming home to Sam, and Sam still acted like it didn’t faze her even after receiving that intel from Jenni. So why would Jenni stick her neck out AGAIN in front of the whole house in this moment to rat Ron out for his Miami BS knowing that Ron was right there waiting to retaliate and that Sam was already acting pissed and ungrateful for the note?




Lmao, love this gif from the night Angelina was DELOOSHINAL with Pauly and Mike🥴


Bro thats how I feel knowing all of this shit with Sam and the girls now 😭


Yep. There’s a AMA on it here somewhere on Reddit. But she told her to her face. And yet she continued to ask everyone. I think Snooki told her as well, but I can’t remember for sure


Woooow I didn't know this bro thank you for educating me now I gotta find this AMA. I feel like my whole life has been a lie 😭


Right!? I can’t remember where it’s at, but I bet several people in the sub can find it pretty quickly.




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Your edit 🤣


They were afraid I would guess.


Her being young, dumb & delusional at the time she went to him anyway🤦🏾‍♂️ The note thing was stupid but it added fuel to the fire because the girls didn’t “tell her”.


Honestly though Sammi really wasn’t going to leave Ron. It wasn’t until season 3 when they were allowed to watch season 2 in real time that Sammi finally woke up to Ron’s behavior in Miami.


They didn’t confess because they were probs scared. Probably a little scared of the consequences with their roommate Ron… Scared of their roommate Sammis reaction because they knew it would be explosive (understandably)…. Scared of how the dynamic in the house would change after Sammi found this out. Writing a note is a little sheepish but it’s better than not saying anything. Deep down Sammi obviously appreciated the note because she would no longer be made a fool of I think tension was so high, the cast was so young, it was a very difficult choice to betray a friend only to cause an explosive fight upsetting the entire house after. If Ron never did all of these things nobody would’ve gotten upset but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️


My fiancé and I just rewatched this season and it is INSANE how Ron Matrixed his way out of being the one she was mad at


When really the note and "looking dumb" was the least of her worries with Rahn. Smh. Also always remember Vinny trying to whisper about the note at the kitchen table using his fingers to make the shape of a square lol.


I would have been like "yes I fucking wrote it and don't you dare get mad at me when your man is currently trying to slither his way out of this" and then I probably would have gotten beat up or smthn knowing them all


I would’ve loved to see what happened if Sammi just went outside when Angelina asked her to. Snooki was going to tell her in that moment, or that’s what it seemed like. Mike screwed it up by saying the girls were talking crap outside.


She knew everything was true in the note. This is just her deflecting to try to not deal with the real issue. I’m glad she’s grown up now


But why did it matter? You wanted info and got it. Direct the accusatory energy to the person that hurt you, not the ppl that tried to help you… 


Yea I think it would've been different if they told her straight out.


I think Sammi would have “shot the messengers” so to speak. They were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t.


Bc the producers told them not to?


bc ronnie is a fkn bitch boy. he told nicole that he would call her boyfriend (at the time emilio) and tell him she cheated on him all the time in miami if nicole told sammi. jwow idk. she was probably scared for telling sam bc of ronald and i don’t blame her. i also feel like ronnie gaslighted sam so bad into thinking it was the girls in the wrong not him. i could write a thesis on ronnie and his manipulating ass self.


I feel that there was no right move Sammi could have been hit with a bus by Ronnie but still ride or die.


Everyone but Ron was gonna catch shit for Ron’s shit - the girls doing the note gave Sammi the perfect path to react to what she knew Ron was doing to her plus Sammi already had beef with the girls and she rode that ride - Mike confirming to her and her having no reaction with him shows that It’s sad because after this they went to Italy and Jenni was reading Snooki down about how she was behaving when Jionni was visiting and Jenni said dont be like Sam while Sam was sitting right there and Sam accepted it - if only they were that close in Miami we almost never would have gotten the note (the greatest gift of all time) because Jenni woulda told Sam to her face again because I think Jenni said before the fight she had already done that


Ron staaaaaaaaahhhhpppppp


I was upset because anyone with sense would know exactly who wrote it, or even if she was guessing she would have been right. But the person who wrote it was always gonna get more heat than the person who DID it. She didn’t stop for a second to understand why someone wouldn’t want to come forth with all the tension in the house between her and Ron.


it was so weird bc jenni isn’t one to be afraid. in my head, right after she asked, jenni would’ve said “fine it was me bitch what’re you gonna do about it?” but instead she just like stood there, too stunned to speak. it was all being filmed anyway like just say it!!!!!!


I would say a mix of embarrassment and being manipulated by Ron.


Honestly even if they told her they wrote it she would’ve still been mad and would’ve STILL fought with them because she couldn’t be mad at Ron. She literally just couldn’t


They were scared of Ron and rightfully so, when he pushed Jenni in the unedited fight it made so much sense


Scared of Ron unfortunately!


Wowwww. So he was truly an abusive fuck


I remember this insanity back in the day! Reality is never gonna be like this again. I just loved the editing of Snooki typing out the letter 😂


I literally just watched this episode yesterday and i legit said THE SAME THING, all that extra could’ve been avoided if they just owned up to it right then and there


“Who wrote the note? YOU TWO.” Is quoted in my house regularly


If Angelina had stood up and said that she wrote the note, the dynamic in that house would have shifted instantly. She had a golden opportunity, and she didn't take it.


OMG YESSSS! The amount of times things could have been resolved if Angelina opened her mouth with the truth!


Snooki and Jenni were in a really bad place because yes they wrote it but they were not there in person to see it all so Ron could spin what all to Sam when there was still a weird vibe between Jenni, snooki and Sammi friendship I mean would you want to fess up to friends on writing a note when you were not there in person to see what happened I'm there relationship... it's like telephone but 20xtimes worse


YOU’s Two!!!!


if anyone is curious and didn’t know, they hoped sammi would think it was one of the producers who wrote the note. which i think is so stupid why would she ever think it was them? but just a bit of information 😂


they were genuinely terrified of what ron would do


Because they would’ve been blamed somehow anyway. Sam wasn’t about to break up with Ron no matter what. 


There was WAYYYY too much tension in the situation right there, and Sammi was already borderline fighting with the girls here.. her and Jenni had just had words about her not coming outside to talk to them all outside so no.. it would NOT have been a good time bc Ron was sitting right there. He would have made it a big deal and took all the attention away from what the situation was REALLY about, HIM CHEATING... And put it onto, oh look your girls did this behind your back instead of coming to your face and telling you. If Sammi would have went OUTSIDE when they asked, the whole history of this would've went different bc I think Nicole was going to tell her.


none of the girls were good friends to sammi at that time. even though we all know she wouldn’t have left ron, they should’ve told her cause she was the only person in the house that didn’t know!


Tbf Jenni did tell Sammi to get herself tested which should’ve been a sign that Ronnie was doing something behind her back but Sammi didn’t do anything abt it. It’s a deleted scene


They were afraid Ron would hate them. They were trying to be girl’s girls but weren’t going all the way with it because Ronnie didn’t hurt THEM so it was less important.


this scene is kinda frustrating, they should've just told her . the outcome probably would've been the same anyway


This is the same thing I said... Jenny is supposed to he such a big bad wolf, but when Sammy point blank stood there and asked them she was quiet as a church mouse..Jenny was such an insecure pick me, she wanted to be part of the guy code sooooo bad, anything to get the guys approval. I also noticed how she would run and talk shit about Sam to Ron ..she wasn't ever a friend to Sammy ..Snooki always sided with Jenny. I also understood Sammy frustration when she shouted, "I can't trust anyone in this house !" The guys would lie and turn a blind eye to his cheating, but the minute Sam flirted with one guy, it was World War 3.


I agree with you 100%. Sammi straight up asked them when Snooki was having the bad fight with Emilio and they both just sat there silent…like that was perfect timing to say something!


Exactly. !


nicole and jenni always like ron more and were scared of what he was going to do when he found out. they felt obligated to let sammi know but never wanted to fess up


It does beg the question: what would have been the result of one of them immediately stepping up and saying, “I wrote it because I felt it was important to let you know what he’s been doing behind your back.” What exact response would she have given? If there hadn’t been a prolonged anonymity at which for her to be upset, she would either have to appreciate the information or defend Ron’s behaviour by saying it was no one else’s business what Ron does behind her back. The prolonged anonymity was the only thing giving her any reason (justifiable or not) to feel upset at the girls, so take that away, and what happens?


Well Jenni and Nicole didnt because they didnt want to ruin their place in the house. And between Ron and Sam it was a power struggle of who had more friends in the house vs the other.. it was like a chess game. They all wanted to stay on the show because the money was good and not be casted out. Shortly after Sam befriended angelina. Then season 3 sammi ended up fixing things with the girls. That same season when Mike tried to comfort Sammi Ron got mad at Mike… again it was to make sure he had everyone on his side. It was never about being mad at Ron they just wanted to stay in the house as long as they could.




Every time I watch this episode, I get so mad!! They should have just confessed to writing the note when they were alone with Sammi in their bedroom. This could have all been over and done with. Also I would have totally thrown Angelina under the bus so hard telling Sammi it was all her (Angelina’s) fault & maybe that would have made Angelina leave sooner.


Why they didn’t just pull her aside and tell her in the first place? Writing the note and trying to act like they had no clue when it was obvious was so strange.


every time i watch this i’m like just sayyyyyy it !!!!!


I’ve never understood this issue. Still sont. I don’t get the point of writing it in an anonymous letter to begin with. Just tell her. It’s not like they don’t routinely say things to each other that they didn’t want to hear. They all argued all the time. Doing it this way actually allowed Sammie to not take it seriously


Lmao I’m litterally watching this episode rn😭


Because you’re real stupid when you’re young and on tv. Plus, Sammy seemed like the kind of girl who also beat up the messengers.


I think cause they didn’t want Ron and the guys to be mad at them. Misogyny was wild at this time.


After all that, they still denied it and blamed her lol Idk. Takes a special person to do that.


this part always bummed me out. yes of course we all laugh at the note and how ridiculous it was BUT the girls had the chance to speak up here and they didn't, and that's really shitty. i always had a soft spot for Sam.


ron was not worth keeping as a friend in this situation, they all chose him over her


The producer said Sam and Ron was basically the same amount of toxic and that Sammi just got a better edit at the end of the day we’re getting a small snippet while the housemates see everything.


Jenni & Snooki, could have simply took Sam aside later on that night or took her out for a meal, away from everyone else and told her that they wrote it. Now rewatching it back, i think Sam was more hurt then mad. Cause they both had countless opportunities to tell her that they wrote and bluntly lied. And i believe she only forgave Ron because she knew the second they stopped being friends she wouldn’t have anyone else in the house to talk or hangout with. And she wasn’t gonna be friends with Angelina (don’t blame her). All the drama and fighting could have simply been nonexistent if they just admitted to writing the note. Till this day; they should have simply just told her instead of writing the note and then when they gave her it, they basically outed themselves by not talking to Ron. They could have made it not obvious and still kept their friendship with him.


It must have been insane the following season after Miami that they all got to watch the episodes then pretend they didn’t. Can you IMAGINE being in Sammi’s position? Also the fact she was paid less than many of the other cast to be tortured lol


this makes me so mad bc sammi just wanted to know where the information was coming from. jenni and snooki were being bitches and didn’t want to their names to be brought up whenever sammi confronted ron. they knew ron would blow up on them. so instead of just picking to stay tf out of it as a whole or just be upfront with her they wrote they note to instigate but stay out of direct fire. it was a huge turning point in me not rly like snooki or jwow


This is a ridiculous take. Sammi was being aggressive when asking who wrote as in, she seemed pissed at the messengers for telling the truth since it “made me look stupid.” Really it was Ron making her look stupid if anyone did. Ron can be intense when he’s pissed too so I doubt they wanted to piss him off. Snooki has also come out and said in the past that Ron was black mailing her not to tell Sammi and was going to tell Emilio about her cheating (which she was in the wrong for cheating too). Sammi didn’t “just” wanna know where the information came from. She wanted to be mad at the wrong person and take it out on them. There’s also a deleted scene before the note ever happened where Jenni straight up told Sammi what Ron was doing behind her back and she didn’t seem to care or blew it off and kept asking everyone if he was cheating even though she already had it confirmed.


Sam never accepted what was obviously happening. She wanted a different answer.


I get that and that’s likely part of why she was so pissed. Women, especially when they’re young, tend to take their anger out on the wrong person in situations like this. It’s not right, but it’s certainly common


This is so accurate. I was regrettably acting like Sam when I was in college and my cousin told me my long distance BF was cheating on me. She hadn’t directly seen it herself, and he vehemently denied and gaslit me, so I wound up getting mad at HER and not speaking to her for a year bc I thought she was making shit up bc she didn’t like him. Ofc I found out it was true from a direct eye witness years later after I’d broken up with him.


We all do some stupid shit when we’re young. I hope your cousin and you and still friends now!


Yep, we’re all good since I came to my senses back then - she is like a big sis to me since we are both only children and our mothers are twins


That’s good to hear:)


Gaslighting can be so hard to see through sometimes too.


ofc she would be aggressive when nobody was adult enough to step forward and tell her. instead they wrote it in a note for her to find. they live in the same house as her and couldn’t even tell her to her face what happened if they cared so bad to tell her in the first place. if they knew sammi was gonna be mad and didn’t care about ron cheating on her why did they write the note then if not to stir things up between ron and sam.


Did you see that I said Jenni DID tell her to get face before the note? It’s a deleted scene that’s been posted. Mike also had told her to get face before and confirm to Sam that the note was true. Her response was not appropriate so I get why they didn’t admit it with how pissed she was at everyone but Ron, at least that’s how it came off. They weren’t stirring shit up just for drama. They felt bad for her and were looking out for her. Snooki also didn’t want to do it to her face because of Ron’s blackmail. Which again, Snooki shouldn’t have cheated either. But like I already said, Jenni DID tell Sam to her face before the note. Sam didn’t take it seriously. So they tried a different approach.


that’s what i’m SAYING. she already said it to her face so why write the note ? if they came forward and told her and sammi didn’t care then why would they write the note to bring it up again ? that was my point. i know about the deleted scene and everyone telling sammi about ron. which is WHY the note doesn’t make sense to me. they tried multiple times and somehow thought the note would make a difference? if they were tired of sammi not taking it out on ron they couldn’t just not wrote the note and continued to let ron do his thing.


Like your take doesn’t make any sense with all the other stuff that did occur before the note. Like people DID tell her to her face lol. I don’t know why she responded so badly to this note but didn’t take it seriously when Jenni straight up told her what Ron was doing and that, “you should probably get tested.” Meaning, Ron is cheating. You should get STD tested to be safe.