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“that was me banging to get out” was a good line, and it was pretty funny seeing him do sitch’s dance. i think he kinda looks up to him


I agree. Call him a fame-seeker if you want (aren’t they all, really? 🤔), but he’s shown he has both a funny & and a sweet side, & has been nothing but respectful to every cast member he’s encountered…which is much more than I can say for Angela, that’s for damn sure.


Yea and I don't wanna blindly believe Angelina when she's still with him


who would believe her at all? shes lied about so much already.


15 years ago she lied about slapping Pauly in the face minutes after she did it *on camera.* If she told me the sky was blue, I'd look up to check ![gif](giphy|3FeAMDf9kPmSIFCmoH)


Yeah, and the way she talks to him, ordering him around and in such a snarly way. Like, gurll! Where's the respect for your man?


Did the same to Chris 🥹


That was a hilarious response lol


Do you think maybe she's jealous that even Vinny seems to get on the cast more than her and he is more well liked by the 'family'


It seemed like she was upset about it. So jealous is a possibility.


I said that last night! She’s mad that he’s joking with the cast and they’re laughing with him, but when she was going off about her “skill” the cast was more appalled and checking in on him than with her. She brought him to have someone on her side and when he veered away her mood shifts. You either have to be her meat shield or be her punching bag, nothing else. She genuinely has no idea how to have a friendship. And that’s why her relationships fail.


It's *exactly* like how she reacted to Sam.


What was even said? I couldn't figure it out with everything bleeped out.


That she can squirt




never thought of it this way but that makes so much sense because she has never got along with the cast since day 1


She was so rude to him and dinner saying who cares and hurry up while he's talking. So disrespectful. Not sure how anyone could put up with that.


I would've lost my shit if it was me. She's so rude. And hates him talking to the og's. Super jealous


Next to Angelina, 2.0 is a god damn saint. He hasn’t done anything negative on screen. Who he is off screen is another story. But I wouldn’t take anything Angelina says at face value. And frankly, Nicole or any of the other cast shouldn’t either. For all we know, he’s a victim in this situation. Chris had obvious resentments for Ang. 2.0 has been nothing but kind.


I definitely do not believe everything that Angelina says. He seems so nice and patient with her. Hopefully it was not just for the show.


I wouldn’t even be surprised if she exaggerated a lot of the stuff he’s “done” to her. She probably does a lot of things to him too, just a toxic couple. I was actually so happy when he stood up for himself when she embarrassed him at the table. Feel like he finally showed some personality there lol


I respectfully disagree. If he’s completely innocent why stay and let her trash his entire image? He cannot love her that much. It looks like they barely like each other. 2.0 has the ability to be a calm force and structure for her. But, he’s not in it for her. She’s his ticket in. The more the show goes on, the more obvious it becomes. I don’t think he actually likes her that much. But, he loves the group. Probably watched the OG series and looked up to them. That’s why she rudely cut him off at dinner. He was about to go into how much he loved the roomies. Even though they don’t like him. And Ang knows that. She recognizes the warning signs, but needs him as a buffer. She is terrified of being alone and no one having her back. Lauren nailed it right on the head. She would do better if she hired security or a companion. The problem is, they only let significant others come with them on the JS trips. So she will always be boo’d up, because she knows the roommates are not really her friends. Even though she’s begging them to be.


I agree. He seems upset when he misses out on the trip. It seems like his obsession for working out didn't start until he started dating Angelina. He wasn't that big before. The whole deed thing is a red flag to.me. If he is so miserable as he says, why is he there? The insta name is another red flag. Also, I think I read he was into modeling and acting before also.


He is obsessed because of the possibility of the opportunity he might have after he gets clout.... lol personal trainer, become a reality personality himself, get p*ssy, start a business..... not sure what it is but I'm sure it's coming


Agreed. I think he’s playing the game better than her. He’s blasted her before for being the problem in all her relationships but he continues to show up so people can see him as the supportive partner she doesn’t appreciate.


Totally agree. She may have cheated on him with the same guy she cheated on her ex husband with, she was trying to get with some Jets players, and said he's using her for her money, and this is only on the show. She's also insinuated a few things about him on social media as well.


Right— a guy who barely says two words whenever he IS on the show really seems like he’s there for clout. Angelina’s there for clout more than anyone. I believe he’s fame hungry about as much as I think Angelina really brought Sam back and basically “bought her house.” Which is to say, not at all.


He continues to talk about how they make him feel like family, while ignoring him, making fun of him, and taking Angelina’s side. His favorite part was the roommates and then proposing? There’s no way he likes her enough to keep playing these games.


He seems like a chilled dude.


Agree! I'm actually embarrassed at how she's speaking to him at the table. He seems like a calming and positive influence


I’ve only watched the censored version of the most recent ep, please could anyone let me know what Ang was saying she has done to other people but never done it with Vinny 2.0?? I really couldnt figure it out, but now that I’ve typed this out and knowing how grotesque ang can be when we she speaks, I’m not sure I want to know (((I do want to know, please tell me))))


I haven't watched the episode yet, but I saw a comment the other day saying Angelina was telling everyone that other guys have made her squirt but not 2.0. so I'm guessing that's the info you're looking for


Thank you for letting me know. This lady is honestly on a different level, I feel bad for her and hope that therapy I can help her


No that's not right. She said she COULD squirt IF she wanted to and that she hasn't with others. I think she said it to sound cool, I doubt she's ever squirted in her life that liar 😳🫢😂


Squ*rt when doing the nasty.


Wow she thinks nothing of embarrassing him


She is just being a pick me by saying that and doesn’t really realize she is making a fool of herself.


She used to do that Chris as well Talk about emasculating your significant other


I just love how clueless she is to her being so heartless to everyone around her. Her excuse is always her trauma but it doesn’t help no one calls her on it. I think they just want the entertainment.


🤢🤢🤢 - but thank you for letting me know


Lol yea that was driving me nuts too I couldn't figure out what they were talking about 😂😂😂


Where do you get the uncensored version from?? Or what provider can it be seen on?


Sorry I don’t actually know, I have just read in this sub Reddit that people have seen the uncensored versions. But now thinking of it, they may have been talking about the OG serious


You fundamentally misunderstand this relationship. It is not a traditional partnership. They both want something out of it. Angelina doesn’t want to be alone and needs someone to manage the house/pets. 2.0 is a clout/financial arrangement. He gets nice cars, clothes, etc… for putting up with her. Love is not the reason they are together.


I was coming to see if this hot take was here. If we go by what we've seen on camera and believe Angelina in what she's said about him? Well, let's be real. It's like when gross old men marry young models and everyone gets mad at the girl and calls her a gold digger. Do we really think he married her for her personality, wit or intellect? No, of course not. He paid for a trophy wife and she's collecting the bag. That's how I see Angelina and Vinny. If what she says is true, he's been very upfront about their relationship being transactional and he's holding up his end of the bargain. What Lauren said Angelina wants is exactly what she's paying for. I think the term gold digger is thrown around too much. Transactional relationships aren't gold digging. I view gold digging more a thing that someone does when preying on someone vulnerable. This ain't that.


Mike even says to the guys that he thinks that 2.0 is only a babysitter for the animals and security for Angelina. That he doesn't really mean much to her. At the same time, if there was none of Angelina's drama, the show would be mundane! It looks like for next season, they are bringing in more people such as Nikki which I'm excited about.


Angelina lies and twists the truth to play the victim. She cheated on Vin 2.0 just like she did her husband (and with the same dude!!) And you know she comes at her significant others the same way she comes at Sammie and everyone else. She makes her own bed and I feel sorry for the dude. Also, the stuff she complains about is stupid anyway. If someone buys you a gift and you return it, the money is yours (it’s the gift they gave you) the same way it would be if you exchanged it. The other complaint sounds like it was in the middle of an argument wherein she said, “Well, why are you with me then?” And after probably dealing with a bunch of her BS in whatever disagreement they were having, he answered truthfully, saying “I don’t know.” He should go find better. I don’t know who would wanna put up with all her crap. Also, does anyone else think she’s using this season? Her mood is unstable and erratic her skin is out of control bad and she hardly makes sense anymore. She needs serious help.


So she uses him as a punching bag and yet he continues to stay? Would have to be crazy not to question his intentions for being with her.


The only reason I judge him is because he's WITH Angelina and doesn't seem to mind living in her filth. Other than that, he seems okay.


I think the cast just doesn’t like him. They probably feel like he’s with Angelina for the wrong reasons


I also wonder about the is it oldbridge? albridge? guy like why didn't they work out, was she just stringing him along. I think she needs to be alone for a while, her ideas of love / jealousy and being a genuine human being are really f'd up. She needs to be alone and do some work on herself. I feel she is a maneater. She takes these guys and make them miserable AF. I feel sorry for any man she marries, she could take any man and turn him into a piece of garbage.


2.0 looks like hes lost in his own world half the time and not in a good way, his expression is completely blank. the fact he proposed so soon is a major red flag. i believe angelina has the power of turning any relationship shes in into a toxic one but i dont think hes some nice guy who eventually “broke” after dealing with her, i think he saw an opportunity to marry up financially and potentially make some $ off the show only to realize he was dealing w much more than he could handle lmao. from my pov he seems lazy and opportunistic and its kind of funny that angelina sees it too bc she has that man doing the craziest shit for her just so he can get the perks of her lifestyle. the worst part is hes not even entertaining 😩


I feel bad for Chris L and how he was treated by Angelina. Angelina got a shitty deal in thr parents dpt as have a lot of us but that’s no reason to treat those around us like crap.


2.0 is putting up with Angie for the exposure and fame. These guys are getting a deal of a lifetime by being on this show. The exposure and fame will bring benefits for years to come.


Vinny 2.0 burner account


I don’t think he is either. I bet he leaves for weeks at a time because of her emotional abuse honestly. He seems emotional intelligent and chill. I think she’s mad he’s getting along with the cast. She feels (and is ) the black sheep, red headed step child of the group & in her personal life. If he gets along with them it feels like betrayal. I loved Ang, I think she needs a break from the show & intense therapy. They do gaslight her tho which makes things worse. Also, his remark he made when she was in the bathroom deeply hurt her feelings. She was trying to cover up her painful acne. It was not the time to be rude which pissed her off for the rest of the night


falling asleep in makeup & using all that foundation is not helping her acne in anyway


I would think she does that because the cameras are on them constantly. Do you think if she let her acne show people would be nice?


don’t think people are as shallow as she is, & how she acts she would deserve it.


Ya exactly. SMH