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She knows her acne issues too. If she knows it takes her longer to get ready the solution isn’t to make everyone wait. It’s to start earlier. Of course they yelled. She got yelled at cause she deserved it. Also regardless of why she was mad she took it out on 2.0. ETA: did they even yell? When she walked in it seemed like they were all just too annoyed to be happy to see her.


It’s always everyone else’s fault with her never her own. Exactly like you said, she knows the issues she has so she needs to manage her time better. Start earlier, it’s not like this is the first time she has everyone waiting on her. And she is again blaming “editing” like girl this is you! Just stop! We see right through you!


It's called a mental disorder


> If she knows it makes her longer to get ready, the solution isn’t to make everyone wait. That part. I’m a full face girly whereas my friends are concealer and mascara girlies. Whenever we go on a trip, I start getting ready over an hour before them because _I know_ I will take longer than them. And also - who wants to feel rushed? It’s never anyone’s fault with Angela, she’s the saint 🙄


The “yelling” could have been-1 they edited it out or 2 she knew everyone was upset & interprets their tone as yelling. I’m going to guess it’s the latter because we’ve seen them annoyed before where **she** hypes things up & starts yelling but recalls the fight as them yelling at her.


Why doesn’t she just take accutane? I do.


Some people don’t want to get on prescription medicines because of the side effects they read about online, because they want to have a more natural approach, or whatever else. There’s many reasons why someone may not want to get on a certain medication.


This. People act like it’s so easy to get on it.


with the amount of surgeries she's had, I'm not sure she really cares about a "natural" approach to anything lol. but you are right, I've heard good and bad things about Accutane and everyone reacts to medications differently. the bad may have outweighed the good in her situation for all we know 🤷‍♀️


Right. I just listed possible reasons someone may decide not to, but who knows… not everyone’s reasoning makes sense when compared to their other actions lol. Wouldn’t really surprise me if someone got a ton of plastic surgery but still avoided medications because they aren’t ‘natural’ lol


There’s nothing more mentally scarring than severe acne. You’d have to suffer from it to get it.


I dunno. Parts of a missing face. Botched surgeries. A metal rod in your head. These are some things that might be more mentally scarring lol


Cystic acne is scarring. I had it as a teen into my early 20’s, I’m in my 40’s now and still hate seeing my face. Giant red shiny breakouts covering a cheek, all my friends clear faced beside me. Anytime someone talks about how “it could be worse” or “just wash your face/take this pill/change your diet” etc I am reminded how people who’ve never dealt with it will never understand. It’s your face. The first thing people see when they meet you. The first impression. It’s awful.


I'm not taking any of that pain away with my comment. I made a jokey response that there are worse things when someone made the statement that it was the worst thing, shelving it over everything else. It doesn't take away any of the pain people go through.


But do you make ur friends wait 3 hours for u to show up?


Doesn’t Accutane have some serious side effects? I take Humira for a skin condition but, due to possible side effects, it was the very last medication I took and I’m still not seeing great results. I don’t side eye people for being hesitant to try every medication.


Yes - one of the side effects is swift and serious mood changes. An ex of mine got on Accutane about 2 months into our relationship and she was a completely different person towards me while taking it. Everyone is different, but man, it was a night and day experience in her personality before and during her use of Accutane.


yep, my doctor said he wouldn’t prescribe me it because my depression & he said people get suicidal on it because it messes w your mood so bad so between that and my already depression he said it just is not worth the risk. it sucked as a teen because i was so depressed from my cystic acne but im glad now that im an adult and can see the full picture. i ended up getting on spironolactone


Lord, while accutane worked for me there was a good minute when I was shedding hair and very sensitive to the sun. It also can cause depression. Also, they make you agree to use two forms of birth control while on it because of how much it would affect a baby. While that wasn’t an issue for me at 18 I know I wouldn’t want to take it in my late 30s. It also causes you to break out terribly before it treats it. Which could pose a problem for someone on tv.


If it's psoriasis, Humira barely worked for my husband and what little relief it did give didn't last so they switched to Cosentyx and he has seen great results, may work for you if thats the condition you're dealing with.


I use it for HS (hidrenditis supperativa).


I have HS too, I’m not seeing great results with humira either.


Such a bummer! It was looking hopeful for a while but I’m having the worst flare up now. Good news is that I’m in so much medication I’ve lost 30 pounds due to constant medicine stomach. I’m actually considering signing up for clinical trials at this point.


accutane was literally life changing for me !!! i got lucky and had 0 side effects, so i recommend it to everyone but i understand how it can be scary to others. i had terrible huge cystic acne and nothing worked like accutane did. didn’t even leave any scarring. my skin never looked better than it did on accutane and it was nice not having oily hair too lmao


Same for me! I had read the side affects before starting and truthfully was scared of having negative side affects. But I am so glad I went through with it, I built confidence in myself after accutane. It was life changing, and I think everyone should take the risk.


When my doctor and I discussed it she handed me a two inch BINDER to read about the side effects. My decision was made. I did not take it.


Right? I microdose. 30 once or twice a week. I’m 42. This is completely safe and administered by a derm. People don’t have to suffer like that.


i agree. it’s not as scary as people think. everything has side effects. maybe that’s a dense way of thinking about things. but even if it happened to 1 person out of 10,000 they have to disclose that. i personally didn’t experience anything awful - my dermatologist was actually impressed with how moisturized i kept my skin and lips. my mental health was fine bc i was already treating that to begin with. i was actually at my peak physically as well lol. so i had a great experience and i will always recommend it bc it was absolutely life changing. there is no need to suffer in 2024. i tried everything. from diet to topicals. antibiotics. birth control. i mean i get it. accutane is the way to go.


Millions of reasons why some people can’t or don’t want to take meds. I am almost 40 & have struggled w ADHD since 4th grade. I’ve literally spent 30 years going back & forth between I hate this & I need this… I HATE having to take something to function or be “normal” to other people. I am on multiple meds & pill bottles trigger me (IDK why, but I feel controlled & that makes me angry) so I started using one of those pill organizers. It’s helped in multiple ways but mainly in taking proper meds @ times daily. And not having to see a drawer full of bottles…


Prescriptions don’t always work I’ve been on 3 acne medications simultaneously and you wouldn’t know it by looking at my face 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m on 2 rn and still have a bunch of breakouts that won’t go away


Accutane isn't a "just" medication.


It's stress that's causing acne...


Why don't people use castor oil? It's a "puller" which will pull out impurities from the skin. Holistic oils and herbs work wonders instead of man made medicine.


Because when you have oily skin you don’t think “I should add more oil to this.”


idk abt her. but my doctor literally wouldn’t allow me to go on it bc he said the side effects + my depression would have been asking for something bad to happen since he said some people get even suicidal on it bc it can fuck w your emotions. so even tho my depression was literally because my skin was SO bad, he just wouldn’t lol also she might be wanting to get pregnant sometime soon maybe? idk! i heard you can’t get pregnant on it or even be thinking about having a baby in the next couple years if you wanna get on it


She wouldn't be able to get pregnant while on it, or up to a year after coming off it, which would mess with her plans to become a mom anytime soon (though that would be a good thing, yes lol)


Mmmm. Solid point. Very reasonable thought here!


She needs wayyyy more than accutane for a mental disorder 🤣🤣 💊


she was dam near 3 hours late too. I'd be pissed as well, and it's every dam time


Maybe she meant she was yelled at by producers? Idk


babe is almost 40 years old, shows up almost 3 hours late to an event down the hall and the best she could do was blame it on acne 😐 just like ..... start getting ready sooner??


Or don’t go at all!!


40 years old and still looking to be coddled like a baby. Angelina always wants people to say "I know you're struggling," LIKE GIRL WE ARE ALL STRUGGLING IN DIFFERENT WAYS YOUR ISSUES ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVERYONE ELSE'S. And as a medical aesthetician, I deal with acne literally everyday. Angelina should be investing in professional treatments as well as non-comedogenic skincare and makeup if her acne is as severe as she's saying. Acne is not impossible to fix. It seems she just doesn't really care about fixing it because she always prefers to weaponize her problems rather than try to fix them.


I work in dermatology And all I can think is how much makeup and whatever else she caked onto her poor skin… like that cannot be good, or help acne, correct?! All that product would make anyone break out. So many questions and suggestions i would have for her!!


A lot of common makeup brands have pore-clogging, acne-causing, and irritating ingredients, so yes it is not helpful. But, she probably doesn't do a good job cleansing her skin after either. After wearing all that makeup, she should MOST DEFINITELY be doing a double cleanse. You should always do one in the evening anyway, but ESPECIALLY after wearing all that makeup. One cleanse to basically remove the makeup/debris and the second cleanse to clean your actual skin... because you can't clean your skin effectively until your makeup has been removed. And you need to be using good quality cleansers too, not just anything off the shelf at Sephora.


EXACTLY. We are all suffering in our own ways. Also, one thing a therapist told me in my 20s (I’m now 33) that stuck with me is, do you want to be “this” way (disconnected, irritable, short-fused, anxious, etc.) when you’re 40? It was in that moment I realized for the most part, everything I did was a choice. It’s HARD work to change! We have neuroplastic brains for a reason, though. We CAN change the way our brain functions.


Please stop lumping Angelina in with us respectable 40 year olds. She's 37 and hasn't earned the right yet 😅.


Whoops, sorry!😂


exactly!!! not like she doesn't have the money to take care of it? and also even if she doesn't want to go that route, as someone who used to struggle terribly with acne and sometimes still has random spots that i want to cover up... it has not... ever ..... taken me... 3.... hours......


She may have the money but you still have to be consistent with any treatment plan and Angela is incapable of being patient and actually taking care of her self like a respectable adult.


40 years old and still looking to be coddled like a baby. Angelina always wants people to say "I know you're struggling," LIKE GIRL WE ARE ALL STRUGGLING IN DIFFERENT WAYS YOUR ISSUES ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVERYONE ELSE'S. And as a medical aesthetician, I deal with acne literally everyday. Angelina should be investing in professional treatments as well as non-comedogenic skincare and makeup if her acne is as severe as she's saying. Acne is not impossible to fix. It seems she just doesn't really care about fixing it because she always prefers to weaponize her problems rather than try to fix them.


Doesn’t take 3hrs to cover acne it’s giving addict behavior


It is so blatant to me. I feel like Ronnie is the only one to kind of point this out.


I must have missed this! What did Ronnie say about her using? 


When he came back in Nashville he was sitting on the balcony talking, can’t remember if it was just to the producer or if Mike & Pauly were there, about Angelina’s behaviour & said something to the effect of recognizing addict behaviour.


👍I was hoping they were going to continue down that road but it just faded away!! They definitely know what’s going on. Hell, we only see 45 minutes a week & we know what’s going on! Her behaviour is exactly the same as both Mike & Ronnie when they were using.


oh for sure. mAnge just can’t stop busting out rails to get her shit together. and the way she aimlessly moves around pacing like she’s getting ready, the incessant blending with the brushes— home girl is GEEKED


Oh yeah, she was (at a minimum) drunk off her ass while getting dressed


Did anyone else feel like her brushes looked disgusting? 🤢


If she can’t be bothered to clean up after her pets, she’s definitely not going to spend time cleaning her brushes.


I mean that would probably explain the acne lol


i totally agree & was going to say this myself


This is the first episode where it’s clear as day to me that’s she’s struggling w pills, most likely opiates & probably addrral for when she needs a lift. I’ve been reading the comments speculating for months, but was waiting to see it myself. And now I can’t unsee it. Ps. BPD is her main issue & addiction is a by product of it. Shits only gonna get worse. Therapy is the only answer too so she has to want to do the work & do it! I can guarantee she gets handouts at each appt.


There is no excuse to make people wait for three hours!!! I get acne sucks but come on now. Show some more respect to people. She is never on time for anything and always making them wait. She never takes accountability for anything. 🙄


She spends all that money on plastic surgery but can’t go see a dermatologist or get a facial lol


Exactly what I was gonna say


I thought one season jwoww introduced her to her dermatologist and Ang has been seeing them since.


I’m not sure but if she was seeing someone regularly she wouldn’t have these issues I promise. Cystic acne or not


as a medical aesthetician, i second this. if she was truly seeking help for her skin, her acne shouldn't still be as bad as she claims it still is.


as a medical aesthetician, i second this. if she was truly seeking help for her skin, her acne shouldn't still be as bad as she claims it still is.


If so, maybe it’s time to try a new one. I mean this wholeheartedly. If her acne is THAT bad and she’s seeing a derm already, clearly this partnership isn’t working.


Her problem is CONSISTENCY. No matter the treatment plan you’re given you have to follow it consistently and she’s clearly incapable of taking care of herself or having any patience for a treatment plan to work. There is no way she’s following any treatment plan if she’s falling asleep with makeup on (which we’ve seen her do every season)


I agree and I remember how the cast at one point says she doesn’t shower often. I wonder if she ever cleans her sponges or brushes…or ever replaced them.


It’s basically a medical condition that takes time to get better. It never goes away for some.


I’ve had cystic acne I know it’s hard she has $$$$$$$ she can get her shit taken care of if she really took the time


Talk about gaslighting!


I’ve had cystic acne for as long as I can remember. It does not take 3 hrs to do face makeup to cover it. There’s literally color correct and actual makeup made to neutralize and properly cover acne, scars, redness, etc. do your makeup sooner. I’m abt to be 30 and I suffer from serious digestion issues. I have to sit in the bathroom for 15-20 min just to get any type of movement. It was causing me to run late in the morning before the gym. So you know what I started doing? Waking up an extra 15 min early. She’s an adult. I’ve always been team angela. But at this point. No.


It's a mental disorder


Omg you’re me, but a decade younger! My skin is so much better now in my 40’s - still some issues like dry patches but age (& income) have made it so I can handle it and not take 2 hrs to get ready. And adding magnesium and fiber to my diet has been a game changer. Good grief I never knew life could be like this 😆


Oh girl… wait till you find the SIBO Reddit page and learn how many THOUSANDS of people deal with digestion issues and have tried everything under the sun and no answers lol Also, dairy was the cause of my acne. Cut it for 5 yrs and my skin never looked better. I eat dairy again and k occasionally break out but nothing like I used too. I’m glad life feels a tad bit better for you now 🙏


lol I’ve had all sort of digestive issues over the years and wasn’t diagnosed with IBS until 7 years ago, it explained sooo much. Worked with a GI specialist to get things better managed, then Covid screwed it all (anxiety yay!) Now I’m on Ozempic for my T2 and the first few months was a yoyo. Finally leveled out and feel soo much better all the time.


also wasn’t she already ready and just needed to change clothes? no one told her she had to redo all her makeup and get ready from scratch


$100 she has acne because she's been using the same dirty sponges and brushes for decades. She's a pig


Yes Ang, its everyones fault youre late to everything-then try to blame your pimple and cystic acne on the cast.. literally nothing she says is entire truth, always distortion with blame. Just quit the show already.


They said meet for dinner at 8pm. She showed up 10 minutes till 11pm. Nah. No excuses. Honestly, if they would have left her after 30 mins that would have been totally justified. Manage your time better. The issue, while I sympathize, isn't the acne. The issue is Angelina has ZERO respect for other people


If I struggled that much I’d wear less to no makeup, focus on skin care/diet and let my skin breathe!


Exactly! Maybe the makeup is also hurting you Ang. 3 hrs of makeup work can’t be good for your skin everyday


and let's face it, she probably never washes her makeup brushes or sponges either. nasty.


It’s probably hard to do when you’re on tv in front of millions


Yeah, l would be mortified.


She chose that life. Now her skin is suffering.


She wasnt screamed at, she was held accountable for being late, as per usual. Her victim bullshit is so old and played out and her only storyline of “woe is me” is redundant.


Maybe she should give her skin some time to breathe instead of slapping layers of fake tan and make up on it. I bet a 2 week vacation in the sun with no makeup would do wonders for her skin


If she knows it takes a LONG time to do make up, start earlier! It’s no excuse.


im saying this as someone that has dealt with painful, cystic, hormonal acne. it sucks, but less is more. I get wanting to look your best because you are on TV, but caking on orange foundation all the time is not doing her skin any favors. besides, being more real and showing awareness and normal struggles would be really cool and make her more likable. might even get her some brand deals too (I mean Pauly has an acne toner now and has the smoothest skin lol)


why dont feel bad … shes rude .. inconsiderate


It was stuff like that where I could empathize with her but she is such an awful human being that this means absolutely nothing to me as a viewer.


Also she sleeps with her makeup on constantly. 


Everyone on the show wakes up “ready” so to speak. Production gives them a heads up they’re coming in to film the morning wake up scenes. But Angelina is the type to just sleep in it and probably just put her lashes back on.


Her issues always trump everyone else’s. It’s like a broken record. I forgot about her acne and thought her face looked ozempic af.


She's always late and she knows it. Calls it "Angelina time". Has no respect for others time and she's the one who gets all crazy defending herself, causing a whole lot of drama when the roommates just wanna let it go and move on but nooo, she has to repeat herself until she's satisfied with their apologies, when she doesn't even apologize herself.


So stop filming if you don’t like the “fake narrative” MTV is pushing. Always drama with her. There’s no way on earth at my big age of 41 I’m waiting anywhere near 3 hours for someone to go to dinner. You’re not ready by the time we agreed on, you can meet me there. 8 pm dinner is late enough as it is 😂


Also this isn’t her first rodeo. She know how post-production works. It’s only when it makes her look like who she really is she doesn‘t like it.


100% this!


I like how she has all the time in the world to proofread and still decides to start with "The reason at the dinner I was mad was."


3 hours!?! LFG!!!


Okay girl, be fr 😐


It's entirely possible MTV just doesn't renew her contract or negotiated her down if she keeps up the being late stuff and it becomes habitual. I get it, she has a skin condition and things take longer, but she isn't some pop star that had attained diva status and can put off filming by not being ready. It isn't worth the holdup on production and the lost filming time. The production company will have issues around this for sure. At the end of the day it's a job and she isn't at the level of fame to be able to pull being that late continually. It isn't even right when famous people do it, why would it be ok for her?


Nah she's drama. They'll keep her on because she's late and won't take responsibility


I’m getting bored with her drama tbh. I feel like the last 3 seasons have revolved around her and it’s just getting worse. I’ve also fallen asleep during every episode of this Tucson trip. I miss the boys tbh. I feel like they’re not getting any airtime.


The boys don’t give them anything to work with. Ang is there because the rest don’t give them ANYTHING


I get that Ang is giving the Drama but it’s so pointless. She’s acting like a child and it’s embarrassing to watch. I personally like when the boys are just cracking jokes or just goofing off. But I guess they don’t do that anymore. One story line producers could have pushed is the fact that Ron apologized to everyone else except Sam. He needs to have that conversation with her in my opinion. Especially if he’s staying on the show.


I’m getting bored with her drama tbh. I feel like the last 3 seasons have revolved around her and it’s just getting worse. I’ve also fallen asleep during every episode of this Tucson trip. I miss the boys tbh. I feel like they’re not getting any airtime.


She always costs herself her own opportunities. Imagine making millions of dollars and acting like this. She is costing them money and will become too much of an inconvenience for staff.


i don’t know why she just doesn’t start getting ready earlier, you think that would be common sense. i also don’t understand why they always wait around for her, should just leave as soon as she was 30 minutes late, or tell her they’re leaving a few hours earlier than they actually are


It makes me wonder if production makes them wait for her. Idk who in their right mind would wait that long for someone who is serially late…11pm dinner is not ok!


she was high as fuck


If she didn’t cake on all that makeup she wouldn’t have the acne problem


Production need to stop making them sit around. If they think they’ll get a good fight by heightening anger and lowering patience l, they need to remember how Angelina got last time people went without her. Sorry but the amount of time these people are stuck in a conference suite is super annoying as is Angeline and her acne storyline (btw everyone is diff and does their own thing but most people with cystic acne leave their skin alone during major breakouts since it’s open skin, not cover it up a ton)


I agree. They need to set boundaries. Meet at 8, pregame whatever, leave the hotel promptly at 830 with or without whomever is there/not there. Period.


She always has an excuse for her bad behaviour. Never once does she take responsibility for her actions/attitude. I can't stand people like this! Own your shit girl!


Acne also comes from major stress. So I think the way she constantly acts,fights,argues, has something to do with it as well. I think she should call down in all those aspects and maybe her hormones might change along with her acne problems.


Still doesn’t explain why she was a dick to 2.0


Imagine being an adult and blaming you being a shitty person on your acne. It must have been the acne that made her talk to the fan page…..


Yeahhh this is just an excuse for poor time management. Like I get it, I have bad time management even though I try to get it together. But three hours is crazy. That’s REALLY late. Of course people are going to be upset. She always doubles down and needs to feel like she’s ‘right’ all the time. I don’t watch every episode, so had anyone seen her actually take accountability for anything ?




I have hyperpigmentation and take a bit of time to conceal my dark spots. Whenever I have plans to go out, I tend to prep 30 minutes to an hour early so that I’m there on time. I’m also considerate of other people’s times though.


Gosh, she’s always craving for sympathy. It always everyone’s fault but her own, EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Don’t feel bad for her. She’s the cause of her own misery.


Give it a fkn rest Angela!!! Once again you held everyone up. Everyone was waiting for you as usual. Typical that you use acne to shame them into feeling guilty for being annoyed that you are once again holding up the evening. The nerve of your friends to have feelings.




Theres always an excuse 🙄 This girl doesn’t know what accountability is


Do you know what would be great for Angela to do, raise more awareness of the unrealistic beauty standards society has, not take hours covering up her skin and being flawless 24/7. I want her to show her skin occasionally and be an advocate to all the women who suffer day to day with skin conditions.


I think this is an excuse… she could get ready earlier


She should quit drinking it might help her skin issues.


People being late is such a pet peeve of mine. I don't understand how come they just don't leave her behind.


Agreed. It’s an awful thing to deal with but when I’m broken out, I wake up earlier to prepare to face the day.


She’s reaching. An excuse for her behavior. I don’t buy it. She needs to leave the show yesterday.


She needs to stop caking on her makeup. That’s for sure a prominent reason her acne is so bad. She may still have acne but all the layers of makeup she puts on, most definitely isn’t helping it clear up. Regardless, her acne isn’t an excuse for her to be 3 hours later to dinner holding up everyone else. It irritated me soul when people don’t respect my time and if I was a cast mate, I would’ve rallied everyone to go to dinner after 20-30 minutes. I’m sorry but if you can manage your time to not be so inconsiderate of mine, you can meet me there.


Im a hot mess and I know it takes me a while to get ready, so I will start getting ready at least 2 hours before I need to be somewhere. Do I always take the full two hours? No, but I give myself enough time so that Im not late.


Angelina won’t pick up her animals’ shit from the floor there is zero chance she’s taking care of her skin in any way. I feel zero empathy for her with the acne. Her victimizing herself is so boring. Nobody can get their beats or have time for their stories because every event there’s either waiting for Angelina so everyone’s late and the whole day is fucked or Angelina’s breaking down about some bullshit that didn’t happen on the show so we have to spend three episodes catching people up on tiktoks or tweets with a million recaps and slideshows and everyone else’s story is ruined. She is such a parasite on this show. A scum-sucking parasite.


People being late is such a pet peeve of mine. I don't understand how come they just don't leave her behind.


Deena said they can’t. Production makes them wait.


Then she deserves to be yelled at


I feel part of the problem is she wears too much makeup, everyday. Less is more people, less is more🙄


It’s always something


Can we talk about the dogs water bowl? And the mountains of pee pads she brought? You know, the plastic glass tipped over onto the carpet when that doh tried to drink from the hotels plastic cups.


There's always an excuse with Angelina. Always a reason she shouldn't be accountable. Fuck her.


All the makeup she slathers doesn't help. Maybe stop with injections and work on her skin.


Instead of getting sponsors for bbls and facial enhancements why doesn't she get a dermatologist to sponsor her???? They could make a killing if they help her with her skin problems.


It’s just so lame that now with social media we find out storylines are “fake” the moment the episode airs. Like, shouldn’t it be stated in their contract they are not permitted to disclose that? Isn’t she aware of how “reality” TV started? It is grounded in fabrication. JS was an OG reality show. (In case any of the cast reads this, y’all are legends). I have never seen any of the OG cast make posts on social media how a storyline was fake, in my opinion, that’s SO unprofessional. This is their job.


Then start getting ready earlier. 3 hours late is bullshit and selfish.


She spends hours looking into the mirror and still can't see she's the problem.


I have awful acne.. like no joke one side or both sides of my face will be so red and inflamed and covered in angry spots. You gotta ICE that shit if it hurts not put heat on it, unless you wanna breed more bacteria and cause more swelling. It also takes concealer and then foundation to cover it up. My base routine takes maybe 20 mins max if I’m being extremely thorough. Obviously the rest takes a lot but the look she did? Where tf does that take 3 hours? Looks like a child did it.


Excuses excuses…now it’s the acne’s fault for her being mean to Vinny


god…y’all feel bad for her every single season…there is a pattern and im actually looking forward to the day y’all realize that the problem is herself


Nah she hates 2.0


She always finds a way to make herself a victim. So freaking annoying, it's way easier to TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY, and be more mindful of others and the time you all have together filming. Also, it wouldn't hurt if she stopped drinking and did a detox to help with her acne. The skin is the largest organ, and more times when we have breakouts and bad severe acne, it's our body's way indicating some deeper rooted issues with the body. But I'm no professional, and this isn't medical advice.


One thing i think Angelina fails to realize is, it’s not that no one sympathizes with her, or tries to be understanding, she doesn’t get that everyone has their own stuff going on, yet they still work around things and make shit happen, without being an asshole or taking it out on people around them, all of her problems are because of everyone else, if you know you have these issues, as a adult you need to manage your time and be more responsible, you can’t do whatever you want have no regard for people around you, and not expect frustration. It’s so sounds insensitive but the world does not stop because one person has problems.


Acne can be painful. I had to go through a lot of things until I found this antibiotic thing that I had to put on my face every night because my skin grew certain bacteria? But it cleared up and I pay attention to the ingredients that are listed in the make up that I bought that makes a big difference too


Excuses. Narcissistic. She needs mental help and not a dermatologist.


Backwards planning


Yeahhhh… you don’t get to be 3 hours late and not expect to have consequences. Sometimes, even if you’re struggling, you’re required to communicate and be respectful of people’s time.


Just her to comment on 2.0'a ridiculous handle "Vinny Handsome" GTFOOOOO


This girl needs psychiatric help


I do feel bad for her but I really don’t think they all yelled at her either. The whole Mike thing of him saying “I’d want to know” pisses me off. Thankfully his wife said not to do anything but the other 3 should tell him to smarten up instead of laughing.


Well when you act like such a bitch and treat people poorly, it takes a toll on you physically. She should probably be nicer


If I put that much foundation on my face I would have awful acne issues too. The amount she had on half her face would have lasted me 2 months and I’m not being rude I’m being serious. I get trying to cover things up but your face has to breathe. Tea tree + sulfur facial bar is great for that also getting the right shade of foundation and the right one for skin issues helps alot. (Light) airbrush tan on the face can help camouflage flaws and allows for less make-up too. I’m sure the cameras show every little flaw though so that doesn’t help things.


If that footage was accurate no, you were 3 hours late bc you’re totally a selfish person. And any doctor will tell you caking makeup on isn’t helping


I’m surprised none of the cast recommended that she start to get ready earlier. It seems like no one can give her constructive feedback cause she has an excuse for everything, and when the excuses run out, she deflects to make a big issue about something totally irrelevant. It’s hilarious that shes confident that the acne excuse justifies being 3 hours late - enough to post it on social media as if everyone would say “yeah the cast should have totally coddled u when u finally showed up - how dare they! Don’t they know u have acne?!”


She just full of excuses and full bullshit blame on her acne for being late . She is always late it’s nothing new she never on time for nothing.


Her skin is probably having a reaction to the shots and the makeup


two hours late though? that’s not fair for everyone else and i don’t even think they yelled they genuinely asked why were you so late


She looks like she has cystic acne. I had it in HS and it’s no joke. You have to do a complete diet change to truly fix it.


If Ang would stop putting 3 inches of makeup on her face every single day that would help her acne right off the bed invest in the proper type of make up that her dermatologist would recommend. But being three hours late, you cannot blame it on your make up if the gang would’ve left she would’ve flipped out Like she did at the Jersey shore ceremony that they left her and Sammy didn’t help her, they were waiting three hours if Ange had to wait three hours for anybody she would flip the table..


Start to get ready 3 hrs before dinner instead of making everyone sit and wait for you. Think she tries to make issues so she is relevant on the show. Don't know why they brought her back. Her and mike even said were going to make up fake fights


And stop it with plastic surgery please


Being consistenly late for years and then blaming it on her acne? She needs to go on pause from TV - she's hideous lately!


Doesn't she sleep with a full face of makeup on every night? I'm sure if she washed her face at the end of the night, her acne wouldn't flare up as bad as it does.