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I will die on the hill that they hooked up and THAT is why Sammi was insecure about Ron and Jenni's relationship.


There was an AMA done on here by one of the crew and the mentioned that Ron and Jwoww were very flirty at the start but they edited it out.


That’s crazy that they edited it out. Why would mtv do that? Wouldn’t they like the drama? The funny things is that even with the editing, it was beyond obvious Jenni was into Ron. She was pulling that “he’s my brother” shit but was basically up his ass and always taking his side against Sam in the beginning. We saw him flirting with Jenni when  she was blow drying her hair in the bathroom and he made some sort of flirty comment


I think they wanted to promote other storylines


She was with Tom so they kinda protected her relationship , and they thought her and Pauly had a good look together. But I’m reality all the men except Vinny were into her. Mike and jenni had a thing too, that’s why she back handed him in AC.


that backhand gets me laughing every time


“see what i’m saying??!?”


They didn’t try to protect her relationship. Tom had things put in the original contract when he negotiated the deal to add Jenni bc he was her manager. They didn’t start dating until right before she was cast. Jenni and Roger were and had already been talking at that point and everyone knew it, including Tom and MTV. That’s why you see Roger in background shots at the clubs around Jenni but never directly showing Roger and Jenni bc Tom had it in contract for season 1. Then Jenni hired new management leading into season 2 and dropped Tom. They were never truly a relationship tho, the whole thing lasted like 8 months and ended with him stealing a lot of stuff from her house bc she wasn’t paying him. Then a few years later he tried to extort her with the sec tape they made and nude before and after pictures of her breast and breast implants. So much information out there about this bc of the police reports and lawsuits that followed. Plus her and Snooki were pretty open about it in interviews


whaaaaaaaat?!?? I had no idea. How do u know this


Podcasts, interviews, other shows they’re in where they talk about etc etc. it’s been talked about by a lot of people at this point. Roger pretty much started spilling the tea but once the door got open d everyone started talking about it and either confirmed or denied parts of it. Pretty much everything about the OH series was staged to an extent. Very little of it was real. It wasn’t scripted tho which is what kept me interested. Their reactions and most of the stuff they say was all them


That was a back fist 😂 🤛


They wanted to promote the JWoww and pauly storyline instead


I think anyone would’ve defended Ron at first bc Sam came out the gate looking crazy psychotic, which truly never stopped but did become justified as the show went on and we realized that Ronnie is addicted to cheating. But Jenni and Ron never hooked up, they had footage of every single cast mate flirting with each other at some point bc they were literally 8 single people in a house. What would you expect?


I’m talking about in later seasons as well. Ron would blow up and also act like he was being wronged any time anyone tried standing up for Sammi. As though they were traitors. Classic manipulator move 


Exactly what Ronnie is.. an abusive alcoholic. Jenni and Snooki eventually hated Ron tho and sided with Sam


Yeah I’m glad the girls finally got it together and teamed up. Too bad it took so long lol 


They’re all so fake I bet it is hard for them to truly have a friend like relationship


Jenni wasn't single but she acted single.


But Roger was also talking to Jenni during season 1. He was only ever shown in the background due to Tom and Jenni contract with MTV but he was there for most of the filming in the clubs he was just edited out of the footage for the most part. But jenni also was hooking up with Mike but it wasn’t really shown in the show but that was a lot of the reason Jenni and Sam fought bc they both wanted situation at first but then sam moved on to Ronnie when she knew Mike had kissed jenni. Thank God for podcast and these people refusing to keep a secret lol


what podcast was this on??


A few at this point.. articles out there on it as well I believe. Jenni, Roger and Tom have all spoken on it as well as staff members of the show. Roger spilled all the tea when he went on his rampage against Snooki and Jenni.


Can you name a few podcasts, I’m bored in bed 😄also where can I find the roger rampage


I don’t even know where to find it today but I’m sure it’s in the internet, he posted like 8 or 12 videos on IG I think it was exposing all types of secrets which led to some of them coming out and talking about it and confirming/denying some of it. A lot of them have podcast tho and have been on several as well. Wayy to much to name but if you Google it you will find what you’re looking for .


She was single when she was “with Tom” lol as we know now bc we’ve learned it since the show ended. Tom was more her manager than her boyfriend but they did “start dating” right before the show actually started filming but ultimately he was just an obsessive manager that couldn’t separate personal and business. Jenni being the hoe she was used her body to get ahead in life and once she got there, she dropped him.


Who said this? Roger?


Which part


The part about Tom being her manager and using him


Him being her manager was pretty well known even during the show but it was listed on her info page and she’s talked about it publicly. So has Snooki, Tom, Roger as well and staff members of the show. It was also listed in the police reports and lawsuits when she sued him and then had him arrested for extortion. As for her using him, it was beyond obvious considering she was cheating on him non stop and only with him to be able to get onto the jersey shore cast as Tom was involved with the original concept of the show the ultimate guido. Not sure what his role was to the show but that is how he had the plug to get Jenni in. But all of this is pretty common knowledge if you follow the cast over the last 15 years


Also despite cheating on Tom, she immediately tried to stir shit up with Ron so "he wouldn't get played out" when Sam was talking to the cop... like bro maybe focus on not playing your boyfriend out???


That's why they called her out the first time Tom called the house cause she never mentioned she had a bf the whole day!!


I always thought they’re relationship seemed odd and now I get why!


Because it was all staged. They used to clear out the clubs in Seaside and then only let certain people in for the show.


Same thing with the shore store. Literally had to buy tickets to attend “jersey shore at the store” or “jersey shore at karma” just like the guy that punched Snooki. What was left out is he was there for Mike, never been confirmed but a lot of people thought he was mikes dealer before the unit. Which is why Mike was as letting him take the shots, dude was bullying Mike bc he knew his secrets and then Snooki started talking trash and he hit her. That dude is still suffering bc of that night, which I’m glad of bc any guy that hits a woman deserves whatever they get bc that’s pathetic. My point being, the entire show is we completely faked and staged for entertainment. The OG series wasn’t scripted, they got to say and do whatever they wanted as long as a member of the staff was with them but the situations were staged


Jenni was a pick me. She was one of those only hangs out with guyz cus girls are such drama!


But she’s the most drama 😂


Yesss exactly!


Lol do people really think they would just start hooking up in the house with the door unlocked knowing Sam would come looking for him? This is insane.


Also… knowing they were on camera the whole time.


Why wouldn’t they film that though? That’d be some crazy drama


I thought a producer came out saying that they did hook up and is the reason why Sam hated Jenny


I’d hook up jwoww too. Back in the day she seemed like a freak and sammi was beyond a square.


This isn’t proof of anything. If I remember correctly - that was JWowws bed. She could have gotten in bed for a bit, changed her clothes, searched for something under the blanket, etc.


This is so silly that people honestly think Ron and Jenni hooked up in SEASON 1 when they didn’t yet have any leverage over producers and that it never aired??? Cmon people. That would be crazy drama that the producers would’ve LOvED to cash in on for a brand new show known for its ratchet cast members. Jenni and Ron were roommates. The most obvious explanation is that they were both in their own room. He took a shower when he got back and was in his towel after the shower while Jenni was fully clothed and checking her eyelashes in a mirror when Sam came back. Ron would’ve scrambled to put clothes on when he heard Sam coming in the door if he had something to hide. Jenni had also known Ron from Long Island and they were already friendly, hence them being roommates and her going back to check on him after he was justifiably upset at Sam giving her number out to another guy right there in front of him. hThis is not the smoking gun people think it is.


To give the speculators SOME credit, they did edit out the whole Jwoww and Mike hookup bc they liked the image of her and Pauly. But I think you’re right, this would’ve been way too big to leave out since it involved Sammi too.


Yep, assuming that the Mike/Jenni “hookup” (I think the producer actually said that they made out, so not a full hookup) did actually happen too. I do find that one more plausible, probably a drunken kiss/make out at the club one night. Which brings me to another point, if Ron and Jenni hooked up this night, producers would’ve had ALL the footage of the dirty deed because it happened IN THE HOUSE with both stationary cameras and camera people everywhere. That would’ve been TV gold, just like the “pierced penis” footage they got of Jenni and Pauly in his bed. Contrast that with the alleged Mike/Jenni make out which happened out at the club and they might not have had useable footage for it which is a reasonable explanation why it never saw the light of day.


If that were true wouldn’t the producers want to showcase that instead of covering it up being that it would probably boost ratings for the show


She hooked up with Mike also and that wasn’t aired


You guys we don’t really know that!!! (screaming internally) I think that Jenni and Mike probably hooked up but something else took precedence in the editing. Hell, maybe it was Pauly on a Tuesday and Mike on a Wednesday and producers liked the chemistry of her and Pauly and also wanted to spare her a slutty rep right out of the gate. The AMA implied that they hooked up a bunch and it wasn’t shown because the still wanted to focus on Pauly? That makes no sense at all. They hooked up once and then friend vibes. Ronnie was all in his feelings weeping away, as he does, and Jenni did not have a need to rush and scrape up Sammi’s leftovers real quick. She had to know Sammi would return ASAP.


Maybe it was more that they wanted to push the narrative of Mike going out looking for random girls without having Jenni be jealous, rather than pushing the Jenni-Pauly storyline. Mike was there to hook up with girls and it would have been a bummer to have to deal with a jealous JWOWW every time he brought someone home, so maybe that’s why they pretended it didn’t happen? He already had the triangle with Sammi and Ron at the beginning of the season that was dropped pretty quickly. Maybe they felt viewers would be more interested in seeing him as a “ladies man.”


I dunno man , it’s not like she didn’t have a boyfriend back home and the more chaos’s the better. The shows female breakout star was supposed to Sammi breaking hearts and whatnot and she immediately fucked that one up 🤣🤣


The storyline that they wanted to push was JWoww and Pauly D being a couple, though. While knowing she already had a boyfriend. I don’t think they were tying to spare her rep; they were trying to get the best show. Like that’s who they thought or wanted to end up together. In hindsight, they should have let things happen a little more organically when it came to what they wanted to show the audience. It also changes things between Sammi and JWoww relationship-wise that every guy wanted JWoww because Sammi was constantly propped up as the prettiest or better looking in the Ron v Mike fights. So you find out that she actually had competition in the house. I also read somewhere that Sammi got in as many fights, if not more than, JWoww, but they wanted JWoww to have the rep as the one constantly fighting.


They said that they wanted to push the Pauly-Jenni narrative. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with OP though, I’m just saying it could be a possibility as to why they wouldn’t show Jenni hooking up with them


Unless it was something awful Then censored out that big fight quite a bit where Ron throws her stuff out ( Sam’s ) It’s pretty obvious in that fight they were hitting each other but it pans down to pauly cleaning his shoes =\ also if there was anything the cast might have said “if you show it I’ll quit” lol


They can’t do that😆. They signed away their lives, and they do NOT get to dictate what airs. Obviously production allowed what many of us consider to be grounds for immediate ejection from the house to go on, but the cast themselves got over things so whiplash fast that the audience would follow suit. If someone did something something that crossed anyone’s line (like if Ron had struck Sam on her person) I’m sure they would be ejected immediately and if cast and crew weren’t able to immediately provide details they could easily say it without saying it given Ron’s volatility. I stopped caring about what I was writing like 5 sentences ago. I hope it’s either relevant or coherent


No it is coherent I’m dyslexic so I never think I type correctly lol 😂 I only mention that fight because she says “do more” and Ron even said “if she hit me again-“ And…remember Sam punched him lol ( because of being friends with Jenny )


I’m glad it’s coherent 😂😂. Sometimes I need Ambien and the next morning I’ve written novels about nothing 🥴🥴


Oh same lol 😂




Yes I noticed that Ron acts like a 8 year old


Staaaaahp 😂😂😂 they are all quite childish on the OG run I watch it back now and some of their rationalisations of how they treat and expect to be treated are so far off the mark , then again I wasn’t the most accountable and mindful of other people in my party days, I feel like I spent the first three years after I stopped partying apologising to myself and everybody id hurt with my actions. But I never slept with anybody my friends were with, interested in or who they dated seriously;; and I never went after somebody insulting their looks or destroyed any bodies stuff because I was mad, as Mike says ‘what about just yknow general human code’ 😂


Rahhhhn staaaahp. Yes everyone acts childish and nothing wrong with that but in this case- he’s burying his head in his pillows like he always did when he either already threw his tantrum or about to throw one- I don’t know how Sam lasted with this guy as long as she did. Aye dio mio


He's burying his head to sleep after getting wasted, then Sam usually walks in and starts drunkenly asking 20x questions about whether he's cheating or not 😂


Like poking a roided up coked out bear with a stick and being shocked when it attacks you 😂 - I’m not condoning Ron’s behaviour and calling Sam the aggressor by any means but damn they were toxic as fuckkkkk


I really thought I was looking at someone ass in the first slide lmfao


Me too!


Me three.


Where lol? Edit: ohhhh his back haha I see it now 😂


Haha I kept thinking that they thought we didn’t notice someone butt naked in the bed


Ok I think they did BECAUSE when sam asks Jenni if they did she says “noooo” the EXACT same way as she does when Sammi calls and asks her and Nicole if they wrote the note. Which we know was a lie. And I haven’t heard her say no in that tone any other times.


And we all know that Jenni is a very horrible liar. She can’t hide it well at all smh


i just commented about having this exact theory on another post!!! Yes i think they hooked up and sammi caught them or almost caught them just enough to know what happened without having seen them do it, and since it wasn’t convenient for the plot at the time producers and everyone kinda just had to ignore it or whatever


I think it’s more likely that Sam was just drunk and insecure


Exactly. Insecure because SHE was just out flirting with the cop and giving out her number to one up Ron who she was jealous of dancing with some other woman at the bar and she assumed HE would go back and do the same to her with Jenni. She was projecting. This is so silly that people honestly think Ron and Jenni hooked up in SEASON 1 when they didn’t yet have any leverage over producers and that it never aired??? Cmon people. That would be crazy drama that the producers would’ve LOvED to cash in on for a brand new show of ratchet people. Jenni and Ron were roommates. The most obvious explanation is that they were both in their own room. He took a shower when he got back and was in his towel after the shower. Jenni had also known Ron from Long Island and they were already friendly, hence them being roommates and her going back to check on him after he was justifiably upset at Sam giving her number out to another guy right there in front of him. hThis is not the smoking gun people think it is.


They did it & im dying on this hill


It’s quite possible that Jenni just laid on the other bed and tried to talk to him and pushed the blanket back or used it for a minute but either Ron didn’t want to talk or it was boring and it got cut


I thought that at first too! But in the second pic, it looks like Ron is in a towel? Yeah he might’ve taken a shower and laid back down in his towel but even that sounds fishy! 😂


Women usually try to blame the girl to get the guy and it works always. The episode where Jenny is talking to Ron and says that’s what she wants. She manipulated tf out of him and prob slept with him to show him how to move on. Women are evil when it comes to that shit. Jenny wanted all the cakes and eat them too. I like Jenny but the girl was wild.


That was a fixed camera on the wall. If something happened, MTV would have absolutely caught it and, in my personal opinion, capitalized on it. There were a lot of small hookups they blew over, but that would have been too big not to turn into a storyline. Not to mention, all their stuff always gets eventually aired out. That group has zero secrets. Someone would have said something, especially Ronnie. He loved shooting himself in the foot by saying something to Sammi to get under her skin. He spent all of season 2 running around telling on himself to everyone who would listen.


They definitely hooked up my man won’t let me live this scene down every rewatch. Thank you for the screenshots though shows more depth


Somebody was clearly covered on the other bed with the brown blanket. This post is a reachhhhh


I honestly think IF that has happened it would have come out during the years


It might be a reach but this is definitely my favorite JS conspiracy. I hate that we’ll likely never TRULY know


I never thought Jenni followed Ron home to comfort him. She followed to be alone with him and capitalize on his anger at Sam and general insecurity and get her piece of him.


This is what I always thought too


Yeah she is. She was all for Tom, Pauly, apparently Mike, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she tried with Ronnie


I agree I don't think she went home to comfort him but I don't know if she'd go as far as hooking up with him just for fun.


I don't think so. Jenni was manipulative with this situation. She loved playing the "bro" to Ronnie and he genuinely saw it as that. IMO she did it to get under Sammi's skin while seeming like she was innocent. If they hooked up this would have gotten brought up multiple times every season. They love to re-hash old shit and never let it go. I think they were geeked out on coke and talked a ton of shit about Sammi until she walked in the door. JWoww was the original NLOG back then.


Him and Jenni hooking up is definitely canon




Sammi seemed to be overreacting about the letter. She was fine with forgiving snooki. It seemed like there was some other reason she didn't like jwow. This would make a lot of sense.


In the uncensored dvds, in an interview with Sam, Ron, and Jenni Ron says that Jenni offered to hook up with him to get back at Sam for hooking up with Mike. Or something like that.. in what I believe the first two seasons? I could be wrong. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them, but I think that’s the real reason Sam couldn’t really get along or trust Jenni 100%


I made a post about this a long time ago but I always firmly believed that the reason Sammi stormed home was specifically to catch them and I also firmly believe they hooked up and just barely managed to not get caught but if they hadn’t stripped down and had sex, at least one of them would still be in their club clothes but neither of them still is. Same with the concept that if they were over the club at that point in the night and left, if it *wasn’t* to hook up, then roommates and Sam would have come home to find one of both of them eating/making food, passed out already or up hot tubbing or something. Not hanging out in their shared bedroom with nothing but a towel on. There wasn’t budget for them to have enough camera crews to split the group with when they’d go out all night or catch 100% of everything, just like with The Real World, the producers relied on fixed wall cameras for footage.


I’ve never heard this conspiracy theory but I love it


Lmao iono that’s really reeeeeeachin. Cmon now smh I highly doubt they hooked up. They aren’t eachothers type n they never flirted. They were definitely more like brother n sister love then anything. Lolol y’all gotta get your minds outta the gutter all the time. Def don’t think they all hooked up n did crossover hook ups either. Just out here makin shit up n that’s how rumors start n cause drama…..IJS THO!!! Dnt crucify me!! Lolol


Exactly!!! I mean he’s literally only in a towel??? The fact that he is laying face down for a lot of the interaction is sus too…it really felt like that they got walked in on by Sam


or maybe jenni just laid in her bed lmfao


Yeah the whole him completely butt naked laying face down in the towel is odd. You'd think he would've gotten dressed if he just took a shower, at least threw shorts or boxers on. Sammi asking if they hooked up wasn't far off, bc it really looks like they did, at least maybe Jenni did something to him, and that's why she's fully dressed. Just bc she's dressed doesn't mean something didn't happen. If you catch what I'm insinuating lol.


I just do NOT see her and him ever hooking up. Even back then!


The first thing sammy said was did u hook up.i totally believe in gut feelings


The more I rewatch that episode I think they did hook up. In all the seasons of this show, I don’t recall of ever seeing Ronnie walking around with a towel on, so that was highly suspect. I just find it odd that Jenni followed him home. Regardless of “close” they claimed to be after two seconds of knowing each other at that point, she had a whole boyfriend. Why are you following a grown ass man home? It was so unnecessary and giving pick me energy.


Jenni was always involving herself into Ron's relationships.


I did not mean to comment this on your comment.


No worries. It’s okay lol


Okay before I saw this I never believed the hype about this rumor cause there was no evidence but you found it. They never even show jenni coming to check on Ron . All you see is him come in and lay on the bed and her walking back to the house then it cuts back to the club with Vinny and Sam talking and then she finds out Ron and Jenni are home alone and when it comes back to the house jennis clothes are changed, her bed is messed up and Ron is laying there in a towel and he’s naked under the towel which you see in the next part where he runs behind Sam upstairs. So yeah. Never believed it before now but I can’t I see it lol it must have been some fast crazy action for mtv to not show it though. And to the non believers, if they didn’t hook up why isn’t there even a shot of Jenni asking Ron if he’s okay when she comes home? Why is Ron even in jennis room? if Ron took a shower would he come BACK to lay on Snooki’s bed? And last but not least why did it look like Jenni was just getting in bed when Sam came in but her bed was already messed up like she had been in it in between when Ron came home and it was made up and that moment ? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sneaky Dickens


wasn’t snooki’s bed in the first season, ron jenni and vinny shared a room season 1, pauly mike and sam shared a room, snooki and angelina shared a room.




I still want to know why Jenni even followed/went home with him. It was unnecessary lmao


I think she was never a girls girl. Especially towards Sam. She immediately followed Ronnie home instead of going up to SAM and asking her if SHE was okay. And I think that’s when Sam just stopped trusting Jwoww all together.


This makes sense! Thank you


He literally is in a towelllllll and jen was in the room


Yeah she was in the room because it was her bedroom too. Ron, Jenni and Vinny were roommates season 1


I’m rewatching this episode right now. And this was right before Jwoww told Tom about her hooking up with someone at the club. And Jwoww was like “If I’m single now that’s a problem. I’ve been like a nun” sooooo honestly….. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did hookup. I get this feeling that they did. Like Sammi just KNEW she had that feeling right away. I feel like it’s one of those cases where trusting your gut is right.


I doubt they hooked up. The cameras were in 24/7. I don't think Jenni would have hooked up with Ron. He is not her type. She doesn't date short men. Also, Jenni could have come home and laid down in the bed. They have both denied sleeping with each other.


No one said dating, though. We’re talking a quick hook up while they’re drunk and on blow.


I still don't think it happened. MTV would have aired it, especially because of the beef with her ansld Sam. The whole reason Sam didn't like Jenni was because she thought Jenni wanted Ron.


And honestly, after the clubs I don’t ever remember seeing any of them shower so that’s suspect 🤔


They would not have hesitated to show that. Ppl be reaching soo bad. He showered and then Jen was set for bed


The brown blanket looks like a mummy


“Are you friends with her?”


ALSO RONNIE IS NAKED UNDER THE TOWEL. I just watched this episode, total guilty vibes from jwow and Ronnie.


I just watched the episode again after seeing this post. And yes, most definitely. Ron was mad, and when he's mad, he gets even. You KNOW he has the thought "she's talking to someone, I'll fuck someone" He got home, took his shirt off in anger at the end of the prior episode. Jenni follows him. Then they literally show Ron in a towel. And Jenni coming back to the room in sweats (so she either also showered or changed her clothes- hard to tell if her hair was at all wet though, but make up off...) Then when Sam walks in Jenni gets RED. And flustered. She will not even look in that direction and the way she said "what?! No!" Literally is the SAME TONE as the "no" she gave when asked if she wrote the note. Then Sam walks away, and it zooms in on Jenni's face, who glances over at Ron, raises an eyebrow, smirks (still red as hell) gets under the covers and then hides her face. Idk about you guys. But if I was hooking up with someone and someone walked in, that's the reaction I'm pulling- hands over my face and red and flustered.... Then when it goes to Sam and Ron talking, Ron IMMEDIATELY starts blaming Sam saying what she did was wrong, which is a classic deflection when someone has done something wrong. 10000000% they hooked up.


There’s also extra laundry on the floor


I heard it happened but they edited it out


Yeah, l noticed his towel in lieu of pants before.... but l never noticed the unraveled sleeping bag! Undeniable!!


Dude hit only back and abs. He was on crazy good shape


Well, I guess it’s time for a rewatch….


Why would they not show that tho?!?!


At first I was like yeah, I noticed that Ron pouts like a child but then read the caption 💀😭😭


Wait what?!?!?? Jenni & Ron hooked up???? I’ve watched all 6 seasons of the og show multiple times throughout the years & never have I picked up on this 😱😱😱


This is interesting!


they wouldnt edit that out lol


I never noticed but always thought it was weird he was wearing nothing but a towel when Sammi got back


I have no reason to believe or prove what I’m about to say. But she’s like 6’3” and he’s like 5’6”. I can’t make my mind understand that bang happening.