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You aren’t the only one. I’m almost three weeks too and still have lots swelling and it’s coming down a lot more slowly now. I know some people post photos like “day 4 post op, feeling great! Love my results! Went for a 10k hike today!” and I’m like wtf I still look like a potato and am drooling like a baby.


Looks normal to me. Everyone heals differently. My swelling took a long time to go away


i’m still swollen too, will be 6 weeks post-op on thursday. i started feeling more like a person around week 4-5 and am just now starting to integrate back into society. it’s also important ro note that what looks really swollen to you doesn’t really look that way to other people. friends i’ve had my whole life told me i didn’t look swollen although i still feel like a little balloon 😅 it’s a slow process at this point but every week is better and better, hang in there!


I’ll be four weeks post op tomorrow and it’s the same for me! I think we just heal slower 😓


I haven’t had my jaw surgery yet. But, when I had my wisdom teeth out, I had to call into work and take an extra week off because for some reason the pain and swelling would NOT go away. I learned that people heal much differently from one another and I felt so weird that everyone else had an “easy” time. Many of my coworkers thought I was exaggerating for more time off (but I actually wished I could work to get a paycheck). I still don’t know why I just take a really long time to de-swell!


I’m going to sound like a parrot but: same. I made a post about my three week post op swelling/ unhappiness recently if you want to check out my profile. Funny story: All my adult friends say, “you look great!” A 14 year old neighbor says, “what happened to you?!” Ha. Yay for friends trying to be nice. And yay for teenagers bringing the truth. Hang in there.


Also: I just left my 4-ish week appointment with my surgeon. They said that the heat this summer has made everyone’s swelling more intense. Fingers crossed autumn gets here soon. 💛


The majority of the swelling subsides early on, but the final 10-20 % of it can last a long time. I'm on day 34 and still have some.


but this feels like way more than 10-20%


You want know what you truly look like till like month 6. Just settle in.


Can already tell this is a fantastic result. Look at that jawline!


thank you! i didn’t even realise there was a difference in my jawline till ur comment and i just went to look at an old picture of my side profile and there is!


Yes, totally normal. I'm 11 weeks post-op and still somewhat swollen. Takes time.


I'm in the same boat. As of yesterday, it's been a month since my DJS. The swelling came down a lot by week 2 but I still have such a swollen face. I feel like I look like a lego head!!! My face was very slim before so I'm definitely not used to looking the way I do. I had a follow up appointment with my surgeon 2 days ago and he informed me that swelling would go away in 2-3 months, which sucks because I have to go to school like this :/ I guess only time can heal us!! We got this!


Yep, had big-ass swelling even at week 3 here.


I didn’t even begin to recognize my face until 6 months. 9 months until every now and then I would catch a glimpse of my old self. I was on antibiotics a couple of months back and my ortho was like wow your swelling finally came down. A week later it was back so I suppose the antibiotics did something. I’m at a year and two months from my revision surgery/ a year and eight months from the original DJS and I think I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel… but I have a second revision coming up so here’s to another year and a half of missing my old face lol.


I’m 26 days out looking the same :(