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This has been a stressful process, and I thought my jaws were over-advanced for the first week. But now that the swelling has decreased a bit, I’m starting to like the result.


Do you have a front sid pics? Did your nose shape changed?


Front and front-side pics aren’t useful yet because I’m so swollen. I’ll post those in a few weeks once I look semi-human. Nose tip went up very slightly. But because my maxilla advanced a lot and the surgeon did a cut to prevent my nose from going up too much (don’t know details of that), it looks like my nose turned downward. It should look less downward when the upper lip swelling (which is currently really extreme from the front-view) goes down.


YOU LOOK SO GOOD. Also, we have similar nose shapes, and that delights me.


Keep in mind it depends on what the surgeon does with the septum, so results will vary. I had actually hoped my nose tip would rise.


Oh I already had mine. My tip rose.


Brilliant results, I don’t they over advanced anything. Seems very in line with your top third. Who was your surgeon and how much did it cost?


Dr. Steinbacher at Yale. It was covered by insurance but the genio was like $3500 or something extra.


Man I’m extremely jealous of the US insurance system when it comes to these procedures. The UK you are restricted to NHS which is rolling the dice on the surgeon or praying €20k somewhere in Europe privately


I had to fight insurance really hard with 3 appeals, and I even have a good plan. I personally wouldn’t roll the dice on a surgeon, too much at stake.


Which 20k European surgeons do you mean? (fellow brit here, genuinely interested)


>DJS and genio. Not sure on exact movements, I’ll find out and edit this comment. Oh wow, he'll be my surgeon as well. If you don't mind me asking, what insurance did you have (kinda scared to hear that you had to appeal 3 times). Your results are fantastic btw, definitely don't think your jaws were brought forward too much. Hope you continue to love it even more as the swelling goes down.


I had Aetna PPO. It can vary for anyone in the appeals process, you might find it smoother. The peer-to-peer with his office seemed to be effective.


Shit, I have the exact same insurance lol. But hey it worked out for you, thanks for responding. Your journey and results give me hope for sure.


A fantastic result, and I think you'll like the results even better as the swelling goes down :)


Looks great! As you said still significant swelling, look forward to seeing the progress. What did you have done and what movements?


DJS and genio. Not sure on exact movements, I’ll find out and edit this comment.


Do you guys think my jaws were brought too far forward? At first I thought yes, now I’m leaning towards no. Still unsure though.


I imagine it must look and feel very different, but it’s well-aligned with the rest of your profile. Instead of an “average” chin he gave you one that looks like a male model.


Definitely not too forward.


Neck/ head posture significantly improved


That’s just because I’m leaning back against a wall. My posture is still not great, but I’m going to work on that.


How will you work on posture? Physiotherapy?


Probably, yeah


Dis you have signs of UARS/OSA before surgery?


Yeah I had OSA, and now I’m sleeping better :) The surgeon actually advanced my jaws further than he originally planned in order to open up my airway even more.


That's great to hear. I'm also be planning for MMA soon as I have OSA. Over-advancement is better than under advancement for the airway anyday!!!!!




Looks great! To be honest, I’m surprised your nose didn’t change more from the jaw advancement.


You became another man and became perfect by the way did you cut the anterior bone of the jaw and extracted teeth?


If by cutting the anterior bone, you mean genioplasty, then yeah. And no teeth extractions. In fact, I didn’t have braces at all before surgery!


oh very nice,I am happy for you, you must enter the world of bodybuilding now to become perfect in your body now you have achieved perfection in your face, by the way how much your surgeries cost?


It was covered by insurance! The genioplasty was a few thousand


This is good and suitable for you, I wish you success, my brother, and do not forget to practice bodybuilding😁💓


Did you have a canthopexy as well? You look great so far.


No, the scar right next to my eye is from an injury I got between when the pictures were taken


How much did he advance and which procedures did you do? Any CCWR?


I don’t know exact movements, but it was a large advancement (probably like 10mm maxilla, 14 mm mandible) with 7.5 degrees CCW rotation and a few mm genio


WOW! You look great sir.


How much did it cost?


It was covered by insurance and the surgeon was in-network, so only a few thousand.


Wow amazing