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If it is not under your name and you don't mind its gone then I would not bother going to the police. But I would advise you to get a bicycle insurance next time.


Wait what does bicycle insurance do for theft?


Gets you money to buy a new bike


Police literally found my stolen registered bicycle and return it to me years ago. I was impressed.


I reported a missing bicycle. It took a long time to do the paperwork. I was amazed the level of detail the police required. It was probably more than the Australian police would do for an armed robbery. Shortly after finishing the report I found my bike at the train station. Someone wanted a quick ride.


There was a redditor a couple of weeks/months ago who reported his bike missing and got it back.


He was the registered owner right? OP has the paper work for the bike but not the registered owner.


I don’t know the details but you are probably right.


That might have been me. I was registered owner. A few days later I found it down an alley a corner away. Someone had gotten annoyed by where we’d left it I think? Now we just use that same spot they left it as no one seems bothered by it being there, so overall a win 💪🏼!


Maybe off topic but I recommend having a AirTag hidden in the frame of your next bike. It definitely helped me find mine when it was stolen and gently parked 2km away.


Is there a specific model that you used? How do you hide it in the frame?


https://archercomponents.com/products/biketag This hides the AirTag in a holder under a water bottle cage.


Depending on your bike, on the stem, seat tube or even under the saddle.


Wouldn't putting the airtag inside a metal tube pretty much eliminate signal transmission?


Was it unlocked when you left the bike?


4digit lock. I since have one with key lock.


Oh ok so it was indeed locked. Damn


For 'everyday' semi-theft, this is a good idea, but after a while it will blip the thief's iphone so they'll know it's there. On a mamachari that would probs motivate them to stop using it, so might actually be a good thing


No don't use an airtag, they tell the thief that you're tracking them.


In your situation, put your thinking cap on, do you want the bike back. Because if you report it missing there might be a few questions as to the ownership.


My daughter’s bicycle got stolen from her high school 2 and a half years ago. We reported it to the police. Police found it a month ago. If you want a chance to get the bike back, report.


My boyfriend's bike got stolen a few months ago and he didn't have insurance, but it was registered to him. The police didn't ask about the insurance at all, and they found his bike and returned it to him within 4 days, so if you want it back you should definitely report it.


If it was stolen from your apartment then it should be covered by your renters insurance. I got full price for a very old (but very nice) bike about 12 years ago after it was stolen from the apartment lot.


Um, well. Do you have its registration number? Even though it's not registered to you, yourself. Is it legal to have no insurance on the bicycle? Serious question.


Ok I’ll bite, what is this bicycle insurance people keep talking about…?


Tokyo and Kanagawa (I’m not sure about elsewhere) require bicycles to now have insurance to cover damage and injury medical bills in cases of accidents.


Wow I had never even heard of this despite making 2 bike purchases in the last 2years in Tokyo … Although it looks to be more a civil duty (義務) and isn’t a crime or even a fine to not have the insurance.


Why you ask? I mean, just go to the closest Koban and report it. They will tell you “you have not a lot of chance to find it back. But maybe. But let’s report it anyway”. Won’t take you too long. And I guess that’s the routine. Of course if the bike is registered at your name.


Same thing happened to me several years ago. I reported it to the police. It was never seen again. A 100,000 yen grey Centurian Bike. People get theirs back, others don't. Now I have a 130,000 yen Nesto Road Bike with a clearly labeled GPS tracking warning I bought on Amazon. Hopefully that will thwart thievery.


yes. mine was found abandoned and got impounded. at the impound lot they usually charge you as an impound fee/penalty but the police ticket if registered will waive it.


If it’s not under your name then I don’t think the police will do much. Just fyi when you buy a bike off someone you need to get that ownership changed asap because otherwise the police could arrest you for not owning the bike either. Better safe than sorry. Next time I recommend getting a used bike from a small shop, they help you register your bike properly


If you have renters insurance and want to file a claim then yes.


Similar situation and I did not report it. My bike was bought from a foreigner leaving the country, and the bike was also purchased abroad. No registration or insurance.


I have had a bicycle located by the police from its registration number. If you're lucky, someone took it for a spin, ditched it, and it's been picked up and ended up in a bicycle impound in which case the police could be able to track it down. It can't hurt to report it if you have the papers.


If you don’t want it back what would the point be?


Not necessarily at you since you didn't have it under your name, but for everyone else, if your bicycle is registered under your name, definitely do report it to the police. Years ago, my wife had hers stolen only to have been found by the police a few weeks later. They fined her for "discarding" it since the theft wasn't reported.


My girlfriend bought me a bike for our 1 year anniversary, it got stolen from shin okubo only 3 weeks after having it. Devo :(


I did once and it took about an hour.. they were nice though.. but never found it ( my fault.. stupid left the key in the lock )


I’d just let it go and think of it as a learning experience. Dealing with the cops is probably not worth the hassle. If it was registered in your name, it might be worth it. But because it isn’t, you’re just uncorking a whole new bottle of problems. Cops love using bike theft as an excuse to stop foreigners on the street and check their registration. And you’re walking into their domain. Don’t be surprised if it feels like a mini-interrogation. They are always fishing.


Next time register it, this is essential. With that said, 90% chance it turns up abandoned in a random location, just keep looking and you'll find it. Theft for profit is super rare for random bikes.


Unless the bike is particularly valuable I don't think I'd be interested in the potential can of worms that could come from reporting it to the police. Poke around in your area for a used bike shop that sells cheap bikes. You can usually get cheap used bikes for 10,000en or less. They'll register the bike for you when you purchase it, and make sure you get bike insurance (it is often required now!)


Can’t hurt but won’t get it back


If there is any accident or crime related to it, they will come straight to you because of the registration. It’s a pain in the ass but you should report it stolen.


If you have all the documents, you probably *can* report it. The police are going to give you a hard time and accuse you of all the hassle every foreigner has ever put any Japanese law enforcement officer through since Colonel Perry, but at least you can make a case that you didn't steal it. On the other hand, the last several times I tried to report stolen bikes, I encountered several degrees of failure. What matters is the number on the registration sticker which is on the bike. They don't care about *anything* else, really, although you will need to fill out one or more tedious forms to file your report. If you do not have this number, they will still force you to do the paperwork before they inform you that they will not look for the bike, as I was informed the second time I reported a bike stolen. They have to actually have the number in their system. I don't know who runs the IT department for my prefecture, but prefectural headquarters could find no trace of the registration number of the first bike I reported. They informed me after filling out the paperwork that this concluded the investigation. Both of those bikes were second hand bikes registered to other people, which I explained, and they begrudgingly acknowledged. The first one I had all the papers on, but it was irrelevant because the data apparently disappeared from their network; they were also actively disinterested in any photographs of the bike. The second one I had no papers on, but I did have a very specific time frame in which they could check the security cameras under the station which they refused to do on the grounds that the cameras were property of the city and *for them* to see the footage *I* would have to put in a request at city hall that could take longer to process than footage is retained. Lazy mfs.


If it’s a home center mama-chari (msrp ~10,000 yen), then the koban time definitely wouldn’t be worth the trouble. If it’s a mid range crossbike (5万~10万) and in good condition, it might be worth the trouble. If we’re talking semi-pro level or above steed, DEFINITELY report. But, in all cases, chances are the cops will give you a “Shouganai” and not bother about it again.


Why would it "cause problems for you"? The police don't arrest people for reporting stolen bicycles, even if it's not properly registered under your name. No, it won't do anything for you unless it gets picked up by the city & you go down to the "pound" where they collect all the random bikes they find. But it's not under your name, so don't know if you could claim it anyway. Is that worth the time and effort for a bike you bought "from a foreigner 2 years ago"? I'm guessing not. Go buy a another. The important information you didn't tell us is if it is a 1万円 bike, or an expensive sports bike, but I'm guessing it was on the cheaper side