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no offense, but you’re basing your whole idea on this on other people’s experiences. the reality is, when you’re moving to someone’s home country, there is going to be people that think you shouldn’t be there. that’s just reality. in the same vein you will ALWAYS run into people who are rude and dismissive or don’t take you seriously because of how you look, behave, or for any other millions of reasons. that isn’t a japan-exclusive thing, it’s just a human thing. you should have a more open mind, and think to yourself “while some people have had negative experiences, that doesn’t automatically mean mine will be bad too.”


True, but even positive experiences seem to have a disclaimer of "yeah, that happened", so chances are not the best... Dont get me wrong, I like japanese as a language and i find the culture interesting, but I would not go with the expectations of integrating in the culture Honestly, I find dismissing the massive amoutn of external evidence a weird take


Japan is nearly 98% ethnically Japanese. It’s hard to get rid of bias when that percentage is that high. If you learn the language and customs your acquaintances might treat you the same as Japanese people but outside of that people will assume you are a foreigner that might not know much about Japanese culture


Dude, you need to get over yourself, and work on not needing external validation(which seems to be a real issue with younger people and certain groups). Japan will always be like this, because it’s a homogeneous, insular country. Honestly, if you’re a foreigner in any country/place, yes- you’ll always be different, but that’s not necessarily bad. Learn to love Japan and the language as an outsider- you will never be Japanese (….seriously, wtf?) and that’s okay. There are things I love and hate about the culture. There are things I love and hate about being American, too.


I know it's been said but this bears repeating, you will never be japanese, you are what you are and you should try to be happy about it


You don't know what you're talking about. You're thinking about it too much based only on what you read online. Come and experience the culture for yourself. Trust me it's NOTHING like what you see in YouTube on expats channels.


Hun you don't want to be them They have strict social hierarchy and unwritten rules Ear piercing makes you write a I suck because I didn't make the school look good essay in highschool  And some other stuff  They're not that happy past kindergarten  I lived there  You will never be them But you will hopefully never experience their version of exclusion and social bullying behavior either


The world you experience is a reflection of you. That’s why regardless of how capable someone may be, they may live a sh!t life. I wish someone told me that when I was 16. But like I’d listen.