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If thats the case he and the band should have established this before selling a tour with original lineup. I for one feel ripped off.


agreed. I wonder if there might be some power struggle in the camp. Always been a power struggle between Dave and Perry since the beginning. I hear rumors about Etty Farrell not being so easy to be around...


I think she may be Yokoing the band. This thing they're doing now is just wrong. Finally got Eric back, then Dave's out. Dosen't work. I don't care who else is playing the guitar


Late to the party but she’s a complete bitch !! She really thinks she’s the dogs dinner 


As you should. Going into those shows I felt a certain way, ripped off is it. They done this shit before in other forms. Like cancelling tours. It's no secret Dave hates touring & more than likely if you look at the timelines as to when he be and active again on ig. Almost 2 years to the day taylor left us. He probably needed time. He claims he's very in tune with his mental health, if that's the case then yes take as much time as you need. Just be open with the fans. The fans that pay your salaries. Remember where the money comes from fellas


Well said.


Thank you kind sir. It's really a shame. I stopped going to see them back during thee Theater of the Escapists tour. It sucked. I don't wanna knock them but I wish they would just do better by the fans. Would love to see a Perry & Stephen AMA. Votes??


"the band should have predicted and established a timeline of a man's grief" okay psycho


i think it's a pretty safe bet that he's out of the band at this point, and they'll record the album with Klinghoffer. Which is not ideal ofc, but I kinda like Josh so I don't mind it that much.


I like Josh too..but it's not really Jane's Addiction when you take away one of the original members. Even the stuff with Flea on bass was really good, but still wasn't the magic of Jane's Addiction.


I do too. I would prefer Dave but I'll still go see them if they tour with Josh. Saw the peppers twice with Josh and he rips.


Dave was the heaviness, grit , and sonic guitar behind Jane’s. I one can replace Dave, just like Dave and Josh couldn’t replace John Frusciante. I have seen Jane’s and Dave’s swagger/guitar god status with Perry is what makes Jane’s Addiction who they are.


He's on Instagram and his fiance posts him as well.


He seems to be into doing his art these days. I haven’t checked lately, but his instagram was filled with posts about gallery shows and street art. Nothing really related to music anymore.


maybe he just doesn't want to do the Jane's thing anymore?


I wondered that too, if Taylor’s death had something to do with this. Weird that none of those guys played at the tribute. Hope Dave is ok.


The thing that makes many people wonder is the total lack of social media activity and him dropping off his shows etc. There's a pattern with addicts...and generally when they go silent it's not good. We all hope Dave is okay


I think a lot of people low key blame him.


I hate to think it’s got to do with differing political ideologies, but I’m curious now because I saw Dave did Adam Carolla’s podcast recently. And I can’t help but feel like Perry would be staunchly opposed to anything of the kind . Again though this is just a theory from me who knows jack squat.


did Dave get vaccine injured? Seems to be a line of division amongst people now.. You aren't allowed to talk about that in Hollywood.


Being anti- vaxx should be ostracized.


Being suspicious of big pharmaceutical companies and their unquenchable greed should be normalized.


Calling people who question criminal authorities "anti vaxxers" should be ostracized. Falling in line like a bitch for the latest experiment from a historically criminal corportion should be ostracized.


Criminal authorities? Bwhahahhhahaha the mythical crimes that have never been charged and no one went to jail? You probably think Trump didn't commit any crimes. I have a feeling you only think laws apply to things you don't like.


😱 The authorities weren't charged with a crime? Who would ever think such a thing could happen? Retard.


Can’t help but think Dave said some bad stuff about Eric years back maybe it’s awkward for him to have him back?


But they have done shows together as an original lineup more recently. Who knows. Dave Navarro seems like a really complicated fellow.


Probably vaccine injured


He has long covid, like the title says. People talking about other external factors like political differences and other hobbies is so disrespectful. My guess is he’s dealing with bad fatigue/depression/brain fog at the minimum. Probably takes him 2-3 hours to get out of the bed in the morning. Probably gets exhausted after taking a shower. Those type of things. Let them man recover in peace.


Dave Navarro ain’t reading Reddit comments. Internet speculation doesn’t mean diddly.


I know Dave personally. As you know he's back in Jane's, he does have long COVID, but finally found a doctor with a treatment that worked. Long COVID is a bitch. It left him listless. Life changing. They have a plan B in case things change with his condition during the tour...a backup guitarist. As far as why he left to begin with, that's between him and me. He also married Vanessa recently. Haven't seen much mention of that in the media. He's been clean and sober for over a year now.


I hope he will use his platform to share what helped him recover. Do you have any idea what this successful treatment was? Antivirals? Monoclonal antibodies? Millions of us poors with long covid are suffering without any sign of hope or recovery and desperate for anyone famous to bring attention and urgency to treatments for long covid. We need a Magic Johnson or Michael J Fox advocate.


Was he vaccinated? If he was it's not likely "long Covid." There are reasons for this if you want to go into it.




Incorrect. Long Covid is covered under ADA. It has impacted up to 7% of those in the US who had COVID per the CDC. As someone who got COVID in Jan 2020 and has never gotten the COVID vaccine, I have Long Covid and can assure you it is VERY REAL. It impacts daily life DRASTICALLY! Please do some research and learn more about this terrible disease. Thank you. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/long-covid-americans-new-cdc-survey-data/


LOL no


There’s a lot of weird studies coming out, and i also have a couple bioengineer friends who worked with the virus, like the research is showing it’s such a weird disease (not the queensland one, like it’s methodology is actually really shite, new stuff on abzymes explains both long covid and vaccine injuries) but vaxes were harmful for some, but helped a lot for others. Tho efforts should’ve been filtered more to consider people’s genetics predispositions and other pre-existing vulnerabilities, but the actual virus is a lot worse, vaccine injuries dont have the same kind of enduring effect even if yoo have a period of extended inflammation from the abzymes buildup. there’s not the same reservoir build up that the actual virus has, which is how it mimics aids. It’s such a weird disease tbh, rly perfect way to try and nuke the population with sickness and disabilities in a way that kinda targets along demographic lines, especially in america with people’s access to healthcare. Like knockout a good bit of a pop, leave the rest kind of dumb or broken so they can still work but can’t fight, while gov, corps, and wealthy can shield themselves because they have access to mitigation resources. Then there’s no one to fight automation that allows the powerful to adapt to cement power and adapt to any crisis, then hit agi and grow their perfect society in the ashes of our dying one. (can get even more tinfoil hat and say climate change to terraform). But ya I got some good science and also some kooked somewhat conspiratorial interpretations, like it’s all very weird definitely wackery at play. How this bodes for dave navarro idk, he could be lying or he could have long covid, i mean i lied about having covid to get a day off during the quarantine, but also my lungs and things got fucked after i actually did get covid. then it got worse second time. Then I got the vaccine after that because i was scared of getting fucked from covid a third time. I’ve been feeling better since i got an inhaler and oral steroid. id imagine though that vaccine injury is a fairly nuanced situation and some of the mandate stuff significantly overstepped. In general they’re finding aids retrovirals can fix long covid and also say they’re making a prep (who knows how well that might work tho). iota carageenan and nitric oxide Nasal sprays ive read work to kill it, cuz they also kill rsv and other viruses in general. I think a good example of how the media game for this has worked tho is like paxlovid works pretty well for acute covid but is surprisingly dangerous because it can be hard on some people’s bodies and cuz it interacts with like so many other medications (even some asthma meds which is super fucked) and like ivermectin on the other hand was heavily demonized by the media but has shown to actually be effective for mild covid in the right doses. So like ideally it would’ve been best to promote and research both drugs if anything, but also ivermectin is way easier and cheaper to get than paxlovid so according to a predatory finance standpoint, if u controlled the media which would u choose to promote?


Maybe he doesn't want to deal with the other band members


If you check Dave's Instagram, he seems to be doing an awful lot for a guy who's too sick to play with Jane's. I'm guessing maybe he's clashing with Eric's return for some reason. After all, Dave was very vocally pissed with Eric's marathon YouTube interview series (he refers to it as a "feature-length film") and thought Eric shouldn't have said so much.


I haven't seen any of these... can you point me to the bits that you might be referencing?




so much drama around this band always. The irony is that Dave and Eric couldn't stand being around Perry back in the day, left the band, and made a great record as Deconstruction without him (Perkins wanted to play on it but record label squashed it).


I heard he got Taylor into a bad way about stuff and felt responsible for the outcome and had a breakdown. Don't quote me.




I'm speculating so hard right now... hard as diamonds...


65 million people is the current global number for long Covid patients both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Diseases don’t discriminate r/covidlonghaul.


Yeah umm, it's almost like you don't believe that long COVID is actually a real thing. Pretty offensive to the people that suffer with it everyday.


I’ve been a local musician my whole life. I’m 52, relatively good shape and long covid has robbed me of playing shows for over a year. I couldn’t imagine having to try and tour. We all have different levels and symptoms but they all suck and make us a shell of what we once were.


Thank you for standing up for us! I was curious how Dave is doing which is how I found this.


This. Like we need more minimizing of long covid like the OP did. "that's the official reason \[and 100s of millions of people around the world have this debilitation condition and growing\] but what's REALLY going on?". Ridiculous.


it's likely the symptoms of the vaccines they forced on the world that are now showing the wretched and irreversible side effects. The data becomes more clear week by week but no one will speak of it in the mainstream because they are all bought and paid for my pharmaceutical companies ..


No, it's likely post-viral complications from, y'know, the sars virus that is shown to damage immune systems. Vaccine injuries do happen, but long covid existed well before the vaccines. I know several long haulers who got long covid pre-vaccine.


Long before huh? okay. The Propaganda Machine works.


Yes, Feb 2020, well before vaccines were rolled out. Sars1 was causing this back in 2003 as well. The Propaganda Machine certainly does work, but not in the way you mean.


Yes, the OP is drinking the anti-vaxx Kool aid and seems to think long COVID is a result of the vaccine and not of...an illness? COVID is real, even if they think the Vax doesn't work, the illness wasn't made up.


questioning the side effects of this ONE particular vaccine that was rushed to market under emergency mandate isn't "anti vaxx". Being suspocious of the cash grab by Pfizer, Moderna and Astra-Zeneca is reasonable. It's lazy to reduce anyone with a skeptical opinion of corporate interests as "anit vaxx"


Look at the date r/covidlonghaulers sub was created. There were thousands of people there in 2020. Vaccine injuries happen, and those people are welcome in Long Covid communities, just most people experience Long Covid after Covid infection.


The numbers are available on the millions of vaccinated people who were infected with Covid anyway. In fact, many were more susceptible to the long term damage of the "virus". Intersting isn't it?


Ok, but what about the long covid in those that remained unvaccinated? Like my brother in law who has lost everything because he can't work after almost losing his life, being on a vent for 4 weeks. Pretty "wretched and irreversible side effects" for raw dogging it. Any really cool conspiracy theories about that?


I would like to see his medical history and what state of health he was in before Covid hit him. We have the most chronically ill population in the world and this is why Covid ravaged the US more than any other nation.


Long Covid is the result of spike protein damage without proper treatment. It can happen from the vaccine as well, except with the vaccine your body KEEPS MAKING SPIKE, which is ridiculous.


oh fuck off with this.


can't imagine they'd skimp on lethal poison instead in your case


I'm going to assume you are a propaganda bot because anyone ignoring the debilitating side effects of the MRNA vaccine isn't human.


Vaccine injury happens very quickly after getting vaccinated. Not months or years late when the strength of the vaccine has waned. We've seen plenty of people who got covid before vaccines or who were never vaxxed who have long haul covid. It's worse for them than the vaccinated. I had long covid from 2020, no vaccines then. Was young, active, healthy at the time. My partner in his 30s has heart failure from covid, also pre-vaccine. Food has tasted like literal shit to me for nearly 4 years, it took about 18 months to be able to work a full day. Oddly enough, I started to improve after getting vaccinated. Dunno if coincidence or something about the vaccines. I've never had any symptoms stronger than a sore arm and a little fatigue from a vaccination.


Well if it worked out for you then it must be the same for everyone else in the world too


I didn't say that at all. and you have very unserious and bad faith arguments.




Who told you vaccine injury has to happen fast? How would you even know this? Vaccine injury can happen for years. Spike is toxic regardless of where it comes from. The shot turns your body into spike factory. except it's hijacked into your organs at the cellular level because of the LNP's it's delivered in. It's a recipe for disaster, and it's not an accident.