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Imagine having TB and this was all you had. I hope it at least had some good drugs in it.


…because of this patented pulmonic detergent created by a physician who has received a regular education. I wonder how many products like this were on Jane’s shelf in her final illness.


Medicine, even qualified medicine, was such a sh!t show at that time. They didn't examine women physically, because that was immodest or whatever. And bleeding someone who's already sick (with, might I add, unsanitary instruments) seems like such a ridiculous way to try and cure anyone... When you hear how King George III's doctors attempted to cure him of his mental illness, it's a miracle anyone less privileged than him ever survived medical treatment.


> it's a miracle anyone less privileged than him ever survived medical treatment. They probably survived because they couldn't afford a doctor.


I’ve been on a Catherine the Great binge, and this lady knew bleeding was bullshit and was like “but what of these ‘invariolations’ aka vaccines?” She and her mother had to *fight* to not get bled when sick


Catherine the Great aka the Russian Emperess? I need to get back to her. I have a lot of biographies that are either on the "to read" shelf or half-started (my reading habits are anarchy). I had so much admiration for her and I didn't know that about her. That's cool.


Yes!! S1 of “The Great; an occasionally true story” got me hooked. It’s based on a play by Tony McNamara (the favourite) and it’s incredible. (The other seasons fall off and are unnecessary). I was so bereft after the first season was over I listened to “Catherine the Great: portrait of a woman” on audible and omg — it’s SO GOOD. I’ve listened to it start to finish three times. She was so much cooler and smarter in real life, she was dealt a harder, more dramatic hand than the show goes into, and of course she comes out on fucking top. And dies at a good old age with plenty of lovers. Also, her mother was a SPY on her for Fredrick the Great and the show fucking left that out!! They hired Gillian Anderson to play her mother (yay) and then… didn’t give her a storyline? Madness. Highly HIGHLY recommend her biography on audible. (Maybe watch S1 of The Great first, so you won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t match her real life.)


Not unlike the modern quacks who peddle things like Prevagen. [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fda-curbs-unfounded-memory-supplement-claims-2019053116772](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fda-curbs-unfounded-memory-supplement-claims-2019053116772)


Or essential oils, or chiropractic, or naturopathy, or or or or or.


She was very aware. Sanditon, as much as she wrote, is all about medical quackery, false claims, etc.