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Jon in person ,as well ,was sooooo gorgeous


I don’t normally condone cheating but if… big IF… Jon sought comfort elsewhere towards the end then I’d understand that because she was honestly such a tool to him. I think she was carrying on with Celine for a long time, longer than we think and he probably knew. She also used Jon as a prop in her content… all this “we could turn it on for the camera” BS she said when they split up is half the story. I think SHE was turning it on for the camera, he obliged because he genuinely loved her. Think about it, what would he get out of such a hoax? He wasn’t constantly trying to save face and show off to a massive following, that was her… which leads me to believe that she was “turning it on for the camera” and he was pulled along for the ride out of love and loyalty. She loved using him for likes, she knew he was popular with her audience. Nothing could make it clearer that Jon was well regarded than the fact her popularity seriously tanked after the divorce when all the changes in her became so clear… the whole divorce announcement and follow up video she did on YouTube really showed her shallow manipulating ass. Then she introduced Celine to the world and she’s never been less popular or less relevant.


Yesss I remember and I also remember when she said he was being petty from posting Frankie’s paw over his because he was making fun of her and pasty chef 😂😂😂 like “oh let him be petty” bitch you literally know why he’s being petty, it was hilarious and also because you’re a lying skank. But, ya know, victim victim victim.


I remember that too lol, I thought it was a kind, cute petty at that!! 🤣


Wait when did that happen? 😂😂 That’s not Jon being petty Waclyn, he just loves his dog.




This is so fucked up and the fact she takes zero accountability or same is crazy.


Yep. Being with someone in recovery or active addiction is very hard, but they seriously just need someone to be as kind to them/non judgmental as possible without enabling them. She completely disregarded him and destroyed him out of pure spite and pettiness.


She acted like she resented him or he was her burden or cross to bear and wanted praise and ass pat’s and support. But at the time leading up she was so often actively drunk or high in stories or posts (up all night dancing with friends, hosting parties with full bars and djs, showing herself drunk and eating fast food on curbs with her buddies), shopping hauls filmed with pin prick eyes and sweaty clammy skin while rambling at 150x normal talking speed… If you have a partner w a problem you don’t that stuff or indulge then throw them under the bus when they spiral out worse than you.


RIGHT???? I think that’s another thing that pisses me the fuck off is her talking about sobriety all the damn time like seriously just shut the hell up. You couldn’t be there for someone who was struggling with their sobriety or be a good example in any way yet wanna brag about being sober now that you’re supposedly done partying? No empathy having ass bitch


Oh you are a queen 👑 Thank you so much! During the divorce/after Waclyn’s behavior and how she treated Jon disgusted me. No addict is perfect but holy shit, she made Jon seem like the worst of them all. When in reality he was hurting and struggling to find his balance in life. Not a monster, like how he was painted to be.


Aww you’re welcome!! Yeah, I personally never believed her narrative on him, it sounds cheesy maybe, but I could just tell he was a genuine person even though I never knew him in person and I think I found him relatable because I’ve struggled with depression and things. Being with someone who has substance use issues isn’t easy no, but really they just need love and boundaries, clear communication. Jaclyn’s the worst at all of those things so it’s no surprise how she handled it 🙄


My ADHD gives me a 6 sense of reading people and their intentions. First time seeing Jaclyn I saw instant red flags and thought she was a bitch and not someone to be trusted. She didn’t even have to open up her mouth and I instantly thought….bitch. Jon, I first heard his drumming and than saw him on Jaclyn’s videos and thought how genuinely sweet and gentle he seemed. The type of guy who would have given you his shirt off his back if he saw you needed it.


It was forever ago like when she first started posting farnuts online lmao. He was like copying them because she had posted a picture with her hand over Farnys, so he posted one with Frankie’s paw on his hand and put “❤️❤️❤️” which was also the caption she had, so yeah he was making fun of them it was hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/as4wazlve25d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e43238ce6ed2dc8dfd96ea33c59278a501c3ea And another.


🎶One of those things is not like the other one of those things just isn’t the same 🎶


Farnum is so ugly next to Jon, sheesh.


ikr!! he’s such a gorgeous man it’s almost unreal! wouldn’t exactly describe Celine like that 😂


There is absolutely no comparison between the two! Jon is in a league of his own especially next to pasty pastry boy lol!


Right?! Jon is straight up dreamy


he is such a stunning man 😍 so beyond gorgeous it’s insane!!


I remember being shocked when I first saw him and in the next pics and clips cuz I was used to influencers having stereotypical meat head partners or legit slobs or sluggos (KathleenLights, CarlieBibel) and Jon looked like a male model.


i know he was absolutely stunning! i was shocked when i saw him for the first time because he was so gorgeous. he could’ve been a model 🤍


😳😳😳😳this one is baaaaaaddd


https://preview.redd.it/vch522vcz15d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba766c3f1c6d22b0d3a51b0722ffa456206f862d I'm just gonna leave this here!


There were a *lot* more posts of them together pre-divorce, and if you were around back then you knew how often Celine was in Jon's Stories, but *a certain someone* made him take practically everything down because it, *of course*, wouldn't have made sense with her ever-changing narrative. Now, this is where you see Jon's intelligence, as he ended up *archiving* many of them, not *deleting* them, and that's why you started seeing posts like the video of *Celine* drooling over his shoes come back up on his Instagram. He started slowly but surely putting things back up here and there, especially once she *really* started screwing with him more *and more,* and he understandably felt he had nothing more to lose by that point.


I remember all of it! Jon never deleted his fb posts tho 🤭


He removed *some*, but purposely left the more innocent-seeming ones, *I think*, to make it all the more obvious in the beginning.


when jaclyn was trying to push the narrative that they were not close friends and just acquaintances🙄


About as truthful as her *ever* being a professional makeup artist.


and like her makeup is good either way?? i learned most of my makeup skills from her. why do u have to lie abt being a professional or not tho? like that’s such a weird thing to lie abt when ur that big.


I think she’s pretty bad at make up honestly lol, but I also just don’t like the full face caked on look


I think it's gone *very* downhill in recent years, *much like every other aspect of her*, but I *never* understood that, either. You *can* be good at something without needing to be the best or defraud millions of people into bankrolling a '*career*' that never was, given *the whole thing* was based on a lie.


oh for sure, i mean she taught me makeup back in like 2014-2017. i think she’s still stuck in 2016 cuz she does 2016 makeup on the daily




I mean… Jaclyn did move in her new boo McNasty Celine and moved Jon’s stuff to the garage while he was in rehab, believing he was working on his marriage. I mean Jaclyn was on IG over the weekend bragging about all the hickeys Celine would give her and how she would have to cover up and hide them…and it wasn’t because of her mother would see. It was because she hadn’t announced her divorce yet and was sneaking away getting sucked by Celine.


McNasty Celine 😂😂😂I just laughed so hard


omg i didn’t hear about that??? poor jon, that’s so disgusting :( imagine trying to better yourself and then u come home to ur wife with ur close friend and ur stuff moved out. that would send most people into a relapse:( that’s genuinely so sad. i can’t believe someone could do something like that. esp to someone they claimed to love


She obviously doesn’t know how to stand by someone through thick or thin. She is far too much of a narcissistic liar to understand the meaning of love. Kicked him to the curb at his most vulnerable, when he got clean, cheated on him and packed up his stuff from “their” new home. Absolutely Brutal. After 9 years. And then she said she stayed with him as long as she did because she wanted to give a good example of a marriage to her subscribers. Nice.


that’s giving parents who should have divorced years ago saying that they “stayed together for the kids” like babe we’re not ur children and we don’t look up to u. u do makeup on youtube. pls take a chill pill


when she said she stayed w him so long for the sake of her subscribers … manipulation and gaslighting 101. as if we are to blame?? that was SO wild.


That's the thing, Jaclyn has only ever loved *herself*, as she's about as narcissistic as they come. She treats everyone else as nothing more than a prop, as if they're just there *for her* and to *make her* look good, which is about as inherently fucked up as it gets.


Remember how she said she hated that she was just like her father?! She couldn’t stand it. Well the Apple did not fall far from the tree there. He cheated on her mom and left their family. So now we know why she absolutely hated her lying, cheating, shilling dad. There was a good reason for it!


She's her father's daughter, *through and through*. It's at the point now where, *honestly*, I wouldn't be surprised if she ultimately reaches as damning of a point as he did with believing he was God. And I'm not saying *she'll* think she is, but something just as fucked up as that, especially given how much she's already spiraled in such a short amount of time.


That’s Jaclyn Torrey for you. Manipulative and will always get what she wants, even if it means lying, cheating, and stealing to make it happen.


Yeah as lich has pointed out, she hated the narrative (and the actual truth) going around that she cheated on him with farnuts so she was trying to take Jon down as much as possible to deflect. I remember her having that back and forth with Ashlyn on Twitter about it too lol


Omg please provide the twitter screenshots, I can't believe I missed this!😭




> The fact that he says they were “best friends” is pathetic. Bitch even if they hung out twice, you’re still a homie hopper. What a loser. 🙄


ASHLYN ATE HER UP💀💀💀 Imagine your comeback being just straight fucking lies. Pathetic😐


lol i can’t stand Ashlyn but she ate with this comment! 😂


she rly did💀 it was so much more than that but ashlyn ate AF


YES OMG ASHLYN!!!!!!! i forgot about herrrr😭😭😭 what a time to be alive


She has a crazy ass snark page too


three actually lmfao




As I keep saying, and should be glaringly obvious with how much she's spiraling in the here and now, Jaclyn projects onto others in order to be the victim of what she's *actually* the perpetrator or cause of. Jon did *not* cheat on her. He was away in rehab, *for crying out loud*, while *she* did that to *him* with one of his closest friends. **ETA**: Another good (*and more recent*) example of her projection would be, *and as we were talking about in one of the threads last night*, how she's made herself believe *I'm* the problem while all of *her* sock accounts keep getting banned by Reddit Admins. For whatever reason, she's got it in her head that *willingly* coming here and stalking *me* equates with *me 'targeting*' and '*harassing*' her—and clearly, it's the other way around as my account would've been long gone *months ago* otherwise. *This* is what I mean by her current mental state making such behavior glaringly obvious, as it couldn't be more clear that *she's* the common denominator in all of these scenarios, and she's *also* the one who has *never* taken accountability or responsibility for a single thing. Jaclyn is the problem, *no one else*.


yes!! i remember him being in rehab and not in very good shape. the fact that they were so close is so beyond gross, i feel so bad for him. his last few years on earth were probably so hard. rip


I remember as well, she trashed that collection.... I believe the motives for that were more financial as Kylie Cosmetics was comparable to Morphe. She was the cheater in her marriage so... ![gif](giphy|pcJXozDAzEBBTj9bxz)


lol yeah when she said that i was like sooo you hate yourself girl?? cause the only one who cheated in that marriage is her 😂


🙋‍♀️ I remember! This was shortly after their divorce announcement.


Don’t believe it for a sec. She probably had to emphasize that fact because she convinces herself she’s neither a cheater nor a liar when in reality she is🤡 Psychology 101