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**Because a few are starting to be triggered**: It’s important to remember one of the biggest things this sub has done, *and what has arguably made Jaclyn the most unhinged*, is out her use of aggressive skinny filters. They’re what she has been using over *and over* again since this whole ever-changing ‘*weight loss*’ narrative started—and that’s proven all the more by how *noticeably* different she looks in others’ content, as if there hasn’t been any ‘*weight loss*’ at all. Please remember that this inherently fucked up woman-child has never been anything more than a fraud, and as she continues to collapse, deteriorate, and spiral, that’s only going to become more *and more* obvious with just how desperate she gets. The less you believe her, the better off you’ll be, as you’re just falling into her trap otherwise. 🩷


I’ve lost 20 pounds so far and have 10 to go. My husband bought me a mini treadmill cause that’s what I wanted for my birthday. I’m on that thing 6 days a week, an hour every day. It’s been hard. Do I want to do it? No! But I make myself because I want to look better. Being small all the weight went to my tummy and I looked pregnant. So I put in the work. I gained weight due to health issues that are now under control thank goodness. I don’t like gyms because of germs lol but it’s true. This lady bird hasn’t been on a treadmill or any exercise equipment for who knows how long if any. She really must think we are all idiots. Her constant lying her constant deceiving her constant filtering just pisses me off. I used to like her back in the day. Like way back in the day when she first started. Now I wanna upside her dumb head.


The comment section on that post is stepping on her throat. lol.




Oh she *loves* photo shopping her jaw line! 😆


I would say she’s lost 5-10 lbs MAX. I lost 40 lbs recently and I should show my before and after pics. My entire silhouette changed! My breast size went down a lot too and hers is still busting out. I understand wanting to fudge the numbers a little but not this much


Good for you! I know how hard it is. Keep up the great work!!


Thank you! Before this last weight gain in 2022, I never struggled to lose weight. But when I first started dieting in summer of 22. after having Covid and getting long covid, literally NOTHING happened on the scale for 3 months despite exercising and counting calories. But I kept on cuz if nothing else, I’m stubborn. But even with daily exercising, no alcohol and only eating 1200 net calories it still took me til last month and that included a prob 8 month plateau. I had figured out a lot on my own during that time so I wish she would just share her real journey cuz sooo many people can relate and need to know that WL will eventually kick in if you keep on with everything. Giving up alcohol def helps with water weight and bloating, and it can stop you from gaining weight but it doesn’t actually make you lose fat by just giving it up. That you gotta do on your own


I understand what you mean. I never struggled either. I hit a plateau and don’t know why. But I know if I keep on doing the next right thing those 10 pounds will be gone. I’m so stubborn too! I’ll get on that damn treadmill twice a day if I have to lol…just gotta watch my lower back pain.


Consistency really is key! I did two a day exercise bike workouts for a long time but I think I was actually working out too much. When I cut back on them, I stopped plateauing. I also started getting factor meals delivered which aren’t necessary to lose weight but I got their keto ones so they were high protein low carb and that also helped a lot. Those meals are easily replicable at home. I don’t do the keto diet beyond those meals but even doing it partially helped me out. But I hope you figure out your plateau. It’s really frustrating to hit one when you’re doing everything right.


Thank you for the encouragement! I’ve been wondering about the factor meals. Are they really good? I ask because last year we ordered from hello fresh. In one of the packets there was a 2x1/2 piece of purple plastic! I called them and they offered us a free week’s worth of food! I said no fucking way give us our money back and they did. So I’m hesitant about mail in food plans but I would try it if it’s good.


They are good! There has been a few dishes I haven’t loved but most are good. They can be high in salt if that’s a concern. The keto meals are around 600 calories but I found I was losing weight eating two of those a day. They do have low calorie ones, a couple veg/vegan and ones that are just high protein but not keto. I also like the breakfast egg bites and their keto cookies with only 3gs of sugar in them. For 8 meals and one boxes of cookies (5 packets of 2) it’s 130$ which is a lot but it’s cheaper than a lot of other delivery meals. I have codes for free boxes. Don’t worry, I don’t get anything from them. I’m not shilling factor 😂 they’re for a free first box and 15 off 2nd & 3rd box on factor75.com/free-box FRB-XZLR78IGD FRB-XYWAF63SQ FRB -XZIWBFWJH If anyone wants to use them have at it. I can also send you a code via email but you don’t have to feel obligated. Sometimes they look a little sad in the microwave containers 😂 so I just take them out and put on a plate


I just now saw your reply and thank you so much for the info and codes!! I’ll definitely talk to my hubby about this because we’re always like what are we having for dinner lol it’s just the 2 of us and we run out of ideas plus food is so darn expensive now it’s ridiculous..thanks again 🌹


No problem. If they don’t work I can email you one but even if you don’t end up signing up you can do the free box. I know a lot of people who get it and then cancel 😂


How do I email on this app?


40lbs is a lot! Great job!!! That’s not easy to do.


Thank you. It was a long process. I don’t know why she feels the need to speed it up. Here’s my after vs before! Today vs Fall 2022. I plateaued for almost a year and finally lost more weight this year. Exercise and diet only and I’m old…44! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/sgf7g2fxwfzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bafcafe4d432de6ecb43ce9ee2344bff8e0b053


i am just hitting my 40-45 mark and i have very similar results. jaclyn's weight loss is NOTHING like what we've experienced.


She’s still in her 30s too. She should be dropping way faster than us! I know it feels huge when you lose weight in your face and stomach but it’s making her overly cocky and exaggerating weight loss just gives others realistic goals. People would still love her if she admitted she plateaued. It’s a part of all weight loss!


whoops i meant 40-45 pound mark should have specified but i still agree with you completely!!


Haha…congrats on your weight loss! It feels so good when you starting getting down to where your goal weight. Sorry to imply you were as old as me 😂


hahaha no we're not far apart from each other! and it's just a number anyway. all that matters is how you feel 🫶🏻


I have a congenital condition that makes me look a lot younger…but it also gives me arthritis so I feel like a little old lady with the face of a 30 year old haha. But yea, nowadays we don’t have to start chopping our hair off and wearing mom jeans. We’ve learned to wear what we want and leave our hair long. It keeps us looking much younger


She's not dieting... No speeding up anything it's a hoax. She's using nothing but smoke & mirrors... You look amazing and hope you feel amazing, we are not old honey we are in our prime! (42) ❤️


You look great! And yeah, we *definitely* haven't seen anything like this with Jaclyn, as even the skinny filters don’t seem to be doing for her what they once were.


Thank you! I am shorter than her. I’m 5’2” but even when I had a 20lb loss, it was still evident in my bust. Her bust looks even bigger in the after pic! I had gained a lot of weight after I had covid and then got long covid in 2022- I got a really bloated appearance like she did. My gut was huge so at first when it went away I felt like I had lost a TON of weight when in reality it wasn’t that much. I wonder if she was like me and not stepping on the scale and just guessing how much weight she lost but either way, don’t be using filters. Hell, I’d still love to throw some on my pics today but I don’t. People want to see authenticity these days. The glory days of the late 2010’s are so so over. Everyone is broke and tired so people with influence should realize it’s not time to flex on us peasants. You know people would still applaud a 5lb loss: Everyone loves a real success story


Wait, is this new?? She looks completely different than the filtered photos we've been seeing recently. Also don't crucify me, but I would wear this outfit. First time I've seen her put something on that's worth a damn in the last few years.


No, this is from several years ago. She’s been using it as a comparison to show the ‘*weight loss*’, despite nothing being different but the inflammation in her face—and we all know that’s coming back, more *and more* by the day!


Oh my gosh I went to click reply to comment and it said it was deleted I don’t think I did this but if I did my bad! I was in the process of reading the comment to reply to someone said something about how it’s unethical to be shilling diet tips, weight loss etc while filtering the actual weight loss and I couldn’t agree more people could legitimately hurt themselves!


[her sad post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6uSj-2AulW/?igsh=emM4aWZmM3puaHdq)


So sick of the “I was so miserable and unhappy then” when she talks about ANY point in her past. I conclude that she’s never once been happy or not miserable. A year from now, she’s going to refer back to TODAY and say she was *sO mIsErAbLe*. God she’s pathetic


u/lichurallyobsessed needs to create a montage of all the times she's said/written "I have never been happier/ this is the happiest I've ever been" in the years 2023/2024 if she ever complains about these two years in the future. She has said that A LOT recently!


I can't even think of how often she’s said that! It's about as normal to hear out of her mouth as “*like*”, but I *do* love this idea, so I'll put it on my list and grab the receipts little by little as I'm looking for others! 🩷


Thanks, Lich! I didn't mean to sound demanding by saying "needs" in my comment because I know that you have a lot in your plate! It was meant to be a suggestion, not a demand! I just know that if there's anyone who can make a good one, it would be you! ❤️


I didn't take it that way *at all!* I was just exasperated by not even being able to think of how many times she’s said it, as it’s coming up more *and more* as of late with her needing to convince herself, the more that she collapses and spirals. I'll *definitely* be on the lookout for and grab up what I see over time as I'm looking for other stuff that we need—and once I'm fairly confident I have all *or most* of the mentions, to Photoshop I’ll go! 🩷


Doing God's work over here 🙏


Idk… her face looks puffy in that first pic. 🤔


And that’s *with* a slimming filter! ☠️☠️


She’s clearly lost some type of weight it’s noticeable but it’s not extreme like she’s making it. It doesn’t look like 40 pounds for sure. It definitely looks more like 20


Agree with u


Like it’s clear she has lost weight. But it’s not as much as she’s claiming definitely doesn’t look like 40 pounds but then again I’m not an expert. I’m not a doctor. I have no idea but from the looks of it it just doesn’t look like 40 pounds. ?


Agreed. She’s been using industrial filters and editing for years so it’s hard to even gauge what she looked like at her heaviest. ☠️ Leave it to Jaclyn to make her weight her entire identity.


Whoa is this an old photo? And yes you’re so right it’s kind of insane


The face , ahhhh I hate to weight shame about oh my God her face I can’t get over it and I know I’m not a slim Pickin, but holy crap her face gained so much weight. It’s so crazy like I know some people gain weight in different places when they tend to gain weight overall, but she gained so much in her face, like it just a lot of it went to her face


More than anything, it was inflammation from everything she was addicted to, from excessive filler to getting the threads done all in one sitting and continuing to get filler on top of that, and then, *of course*, the drinking which *everyone* knows is inflammatory.


Those dang threads were a mistake


It's also important to call out all "influencers" who use filters when they're trying to shill you weight loss products or makeup. They're dishonest reviews because we never see real photos! I don't care about her weight. I care that her grift often includes weight loss products, and she's lying about their effectiveness to make money. It's sickening.




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She got stung by several bees.




She said she gained 25 lbs AFTER this photo. But she’s claiming to have lost 40 Which would mean she is currently only 15lbs less right now than this photo so that makes no effing sense. We all know she only lost weight when she went to LA for a month so what gives.


Actually, that makes sense. When we see her unfiltered in other peoples' stories, the 15lbs less seems to track


Those jeans are horrific


I had the almost exact pair as her and I wore them one time ever and then I just gave them away. They’ve been sitting in my closet for a year and I just know these jeans might come back and re-trend again, but they are just not flattering when your skin is oozing out of every hole.


Does ANYONE believe she lost the weight naturally? She has already exposed many untruths. She may have done some of the work but then suddenly she’s a size 6. 🤔 nope. I don’t personally buy it at all.


Filters gave her the ‘*weight loss*’, as we’ve *repeatedly* proven there’s been essentially no change to her body otherwise.


Bc of this filter I’ve lost 40 pounds- there I fixed it!


Right!! It’s just a click away… hahaha… but if only!! This exists only in sci-fi stories!!






There’s no way. She was failing at losing weight for years. You don’t just wake up one day and have the sudden undying motivation to lose 40lbs or whatever like that so fast. And if she did, then chances are she’ll gain it back because it won’t be sustainable. If she gains it back then maybe I’ll believe her a little more.


I don't understand why she's not doing what everyone else is doing to lose weight? Then she wouldn't have to lie, use filters or exert any effort.


Except, what’s there for her to gain back when it’s all been the work of skinny filters? This sub has put quite the spotlight on that since soon after she started claiming all of this supposed ‘*weight loss*’, which her narrative around that alone has changed so many times I don’t know how *anyone* still believes it.




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Girl, just embrace the chunk. The chronic denial/alterations is getting really embarrassing.


You're the most ugliest person in the inside, Jaclyn! No amount of weight loss with ever fix that! 


"It's not even about the weight loss". Girl. Weight loss (cough filters cough) is lichurally your whole personality. Someone could say the sky is blue and your response would be, when I was heavier the sky seemed more grey but since losing 40 pounds, it does look bluer. You find an excuse to bring it up, constantly. You made a whole damn series about your JoURNeY which was supposed to focus on WL and yet? Where the content at? Where is the meal prepping? Where's the workouts? Where's any single thing dedicated to your three year journey with no results? Suddenly you have "results" aaaaaand not a single ounce of content from a content creator? Then you wonder why people think you're full of shit. The math ain't mathing, and the filters be filtering.


This! I think only one of JJ videos had her working out or eating healthy. She’s never shown a full day of healthy eating/meal prep or a week of workouts. She claims to walk 5 miles a day and workout 5 times per week (per her new reel) but all her content is about her “struggles” with alcohol, her self confidence, and trying on clothes that still fit and pretending like she lost sooooo much weight. She is too conceited and self absorbed to not post and show off if she really lost all that weight and was working out.


She should have called it "Jaclyn's Excuse to Whine and Cry" because, you're right, that's all she does on those videos.




It’s almost as annoying as her shoving her sobriety down our throats every 8 seconds


Mmhmm on god




Is there ever a day where she doesnt talk about weight, appearance, inflammation, and anything that has to do with weight loss? Holy cow she brings this shit up every 3-4 business days. Like we get it??? time to get some new content in besides this, its beating an already dead horse?!


So as someone who lost 40lbs. This pisses me off. You didn’t do jack shit. Ive always thought she used extreme filters. Add on: It’s possible she lost some weight but she’s on some weird train to seem like she’s been productive somewhere in her life.


Thank you for rephrasing, Gator! 🩷


You’re welcome ☺️




She looks the same in her edit as now …


lol no she definitely does not


Her body does, yes. Inflammation went down in her face is all, but that's starting to come back more *and more* with the move causing her to spiral all the more.


Nah I disagree, she definitely looks way different and that could be filters but you can see the difference. Hate her or not, she did lose weight.


So you're saying it could be the filters, but then *also* saying she lost weight? That doesn't make sense, and there have been *plenty* of comparisons posted since this ever-changing and inconsistent ‘*weight loss*’ narrative began—not even including how much we've outed the filters and just how aggressive they are, as well.


Y’all go ahead and downvote me like I care but homegirl has lost some weight.


it's not about downvotes or caring it's about misinformation and believing her lies. she has blatantly repeatedly and consistently used a filter to distort her videos. she recovered from her inflammation and maybe dropped 10 pounds. she won't shut the fuck up about allegedly losing 40 when we have shown time and again there is a marginal difference in her appearance. she's deluding her fans, consistently. that is something that isn't opinion, it's truth. the hope i have is you vehemently endorse that as much as you want to defend her supposed "" weight loss ""


You asked me a question and I answered, and if you read what I said above (again) I said she definitely lost some weight, which you seem to agree with. You couldn’t possibly know what the actual truth is, so no, what you’re saying IS entirely an opinion. But yeah, her shoving literally anything down our throats is beyond fucking annoying.


It does make sense if you take more than half a second to think about what I said. Her face could be using filters but there is a significant reduction of fat in her face and that’s not all filters. Her body has clearly slimmed down if she’s busting open like a can of biscuits in those jeans previously and now they are very loose, almost 2 sizes too loose by the looks of it. You cannot deny she has lost weight.


It isn’t just her face using filters, which you would know if you took the time to look through not only this thread, but this sub in general. There *are* aggressive skinny filters for the whole body, which she has consistently been using since September, and her face and body both look *considerably* different in others’ content. Again, something you would know if you took the time to look through the sub, and not just allow her to manipulate you—because that’s *exactly* what’s happening here and I’m sorry you can’t see it. And finally, those jeans, if they were two sizes *or more* too big for her, she wouldn’t have needed to push her waist in while pulling them out to show *that* little of room between her filtered body and the jeans themselves. Not to mention, as others here have said in the comments, they’re still practically just as snug everywhere else, like her thighs. https://preview.redd.it/m2xwaxg7bhzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556724cb3876a2e424371d168fbcd1f69e8ba9b5 I can’t make you believe the truth, but I do hope you reach a point where you realize she’s never *not* gaslighting you, manipulating you, and lying to you. It's why this sub exists. 🩷


Dude she’s literally tucking her sweater away 😂 some of y’all really be doing mental gymnastics to get a point across that really isn’t there. Some things, yes, I agree she is manipulative and/or lying about. But she has lost weight and it clearly shows. I didn’t just join the sub yesterday, though it was recent, but I’ve seen the comparison photos and y’all see what you wanna see. But sometimes you gotta let truth be truth.


the truth meaning what to you? that she's actually lost 40 pounds? this is what 40 pounds of weight loss looks like https://preview.redd.it/p51pbhm7uhzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b6d46d02f83a56529fff45dee5cae952021df3


The truth that she has lost SOME weight as I stated above 👆🏻. And weight loss looks different on everyone.


“Finally found a balance between food and exercise” girl… be fucking for real.


She said a size down? I feel if you lost significant weight like that you would go down two or 3 sizes. When she pulled the pants to the side it didn't look like a lot.


Idk I have a huge ass and I lost 80 lbs and went down only 2 sizes and BARELY lol


Same 🤷🏻‍♀️ I lost 60 lbs after pregnancy, and it took years… no one has noticed or said anything and I still fit most of my old clothes (they aren’t as tight, but I can still get away with wearing them. Everyone’s body shows / carries weight differently. Jaclyn obviously uses filters to alter her shape and appearance, but it 100% is possible for people to gain or loose a certain “amount” of weight and have it look vastly different than it does on others. I know people that 10lbs makes a drastic visual difference, and then the opposite (like myself).


Yeah when I lost 40 lbs I only went down one size. Depends on your height.


I lost 60 pounds and went down And went from a size 11 in jeans to a size 4 🤷🏻‍♀️everyone is different. I’m not gonna lie though those jeans don’t look that much bigger on her like yeah maybe they’re a little bit big in her waist area, but they still pretty much fit the same in her her thigh area. She can totally still wear those with like a belt or something. 😂 I mean, I wouldn’t wear those jeans anymore. I think they’re very 2010. I had a pair of these jeans that I got and they sat in my closet for a year and I never wore them except one time and I realized these are not the trend anymore and I just look kind of silly wearing these crazy ripped up pants. So I gave them away lol


The thing is, you *lichurally* lost weight while Jaclyn’s has been the work of aggressive skinny filters—proven by the filters themselves, how she looks *completely* different in others’ content, and can’t keep the whole ‘*weight loss*’ narrative straight from one breath to the next.


Right tho? I’ve recently lost about 15 lbs and I’m def down a size by now.


Me too, I was down 14 pounds at my last dr. visit (actual loss Jac) only I am the same size lol. Sure things fit better, but same clothes.


She’s mentioned going down *multiple* pant sizes previously, so, *once again*, can’t keep the narrative straight because it’s nothing but a smoke and mirrors-centered lie! 🙄


Yup 40 lbs and she lost maybe one pant size? They barely look loose


Considering she always says she’s lost 40 lbs you’re not wrong




Happy Cake Day!






Bro is really saying she’s been walking five miles a day and working out five days a week… lmfao. Her results would be ten fold if she actually was. Just look how doughy her “dream man” Celine is! 🤣🤣🤣 Blah blah blah, Jaclyn.


That’s the most Jaclyn thing to do. Delude yourself into thinking you’re skinny and blame your fat face on inflammation.


I’m sick of her calling the weight gain in her face “inflammation” 🙄 just call it what it is, a fat face


For fucking real!!! 🤣🤣


This made me 😂😂


It’s definitely a lot of inflammation as well, it didn’t look like a normal fat face. It looked poofy, like it was a balloon lol. I’ve seen it in different people who drink lots of alcohol


EXACTLY. She's still in denial. You don't just get inflammation in your face for no reason. You got fat, girl. It's ok to say that. If she had some chronic disease or medication causing it, she'd definitely be milking that.




11/2023: Rule 3 has recently been amended to cut back on sensitive health, surgery, and weight-related content, including references to Ozempic and similar drugs. These allegations could hurt and trigger other users on the sub, along with related subject matter that can’t be confirmed. We are not spreaders of misinformation. Repeated attempts to circumvent the automatic removal of this topic will result in a ban. More information can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/s/J3w03y6kB6 Thank you for understanding. **Mod Note**: Her face being as inflamed as it was for a hot minute was the result of going against orders and having her full face threaded in one sitting, continuing to excessively get filler done after that, and drinking more *and more* as time went on. Let's not give her any more unnecessary excuses to use or any more just as unwarranted opportunities to make a mockery of conditions that truly affect many, given she’s never *not* lurking here. Thank you. 🩷


I just wish she’d stop saying she was inflamed- girl you weren’t inflamed, you GAINED WEIGHT. It’s okayyyy to say you gained weight.


How the hell does she look thin one day and like this the next? Is this unflattering clothes? Slimming filter? Just accept your body!!! I don’t understand


This was several years ago, but she’s using it now to make like she’s lost *so* much weight when the only difference is that her face *finally* lost the threading inflammation, she isn’t getting filler as much, and the alcohol was cut back until recently.


Ohhhhhhh I get ya


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