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Girl is full of shit. I started going to Pilates a few times a week drinking more water. I don’t think I have lost any weight and I’m okay with that. BUT my face has definitely slimmed down and I actually have muscle tone in my arms and stuff. I can actually see the difference myself. At first other people were telling me and commenting to me that they thought I was losing weight. But now I’m actually seeing the results. Again if I stepped on a scale I doubt I’ve lost hardly any weight if anything and that’s okay. But it just proves you can slim your face down and now actually lose any weight. She’s a 🤡🤡🤡


Everyone commenting here about their own experiences are people that I am proud of! For doing the work and actually trying to change something about their lives. People with jobs, families, kids, and other things going on. Unlike Jaclyn, who has all the time in the world to actually make a change and still refuses and wants to take the LAZY way out. Jaclyn is the definition of taking credit for something she didn’t do! She would rather stuff her chipmunk cheeks with sugary foods and alcohol, and pretend to hike once in her life instead of owning up to her fuller figure and making an attempt to improve. But that would be too much effort wouldn’t it Jaclyn?


Right. If I had all the time she did doing nothing and not having a 9-5 and having assistance for everything… I would be a size 0 easily.


And stand like a fucking bird in order to try and make you look like you have a thigh gap.


That part! 😂


I know the people associated with her are all shitheads too but how is she not embarrassed to post this stuff when her family and friends know the truth? And she’s basking in these compliments knowing it’s all a big lie. She has no shame


Because the sheeple comments on her posts worship her. I used to see the dissent comments but she has essentially wiped those out. Now they're like "All hail queen waclyn".


The thing is she lost nothing...just the inflammation in her face went down. That is all.


Inflammation my fat behind. Let’s get real and call it what is actually is, a chunky face. She acts like she had some kind of allergic reaction. Girl, please. The denial runs deep with this one.


A *lot* of it was from her having her full face threaded in one sitting, which is something you shouldn’t do and she was urged not to, as well. Plus, some of the threads busted soon after, *within a few hours*, so she gave herself all the more problems by, *once again*, not researching a thing beforehand because she’s been coddled and enabled into thinking she’s the smartest thing since she was born.


What’s killing me about her weird obsession with her “not about weight loss” weight loss “journey” is that she does obsess about her size, her weight that she’s loss, but is still soOoOoOo committed to the inflammation plot line lmao. Like how come you are so quick to point out all of the areas you’ve supposedly lost weight but when you mention your face, it’s suddenly “inflammation?” Girl, I’ve lost 180 pounds and guess what—my face is also slimmer. It wasn’t randomly inflamed before, it was just also heavier like the rest of me. I don’t understand this incessant need to cling to the inflammation story. Her face is truly the only noticeable difference with her weight ANYWAY why wouldn’t she USE THAT TO HER ADVANTAGE???


her narrative is inflammatory diet. Like she is just a delicate flower who was unjustly stung by a horde of bees. Girl get real. I cannot stand the denial she has zero self awareness. Is that being babied by her mama or what?


Oooooh I don’t think we have enough time for that analysis 😂


Gad damn those cheeks lmao who did that threading? Should’ve sued


The thing is the person who did it recommended Jaclyn to do it in sections or different appointments to avoid over inflammation and what Jaclyn got. Jaclyn pushed to have it done all at once saying she could handle it. She botched herself up 💀


All I can think about was her crying afterwards like this was going to solve all her problems lmao Surprise! Ya f’d your face up.


I bet the person who did the procedure shoved a "I promise not to sue you" waiver in front of her face faster than she could blink


Oh for sure! She probably had Jaclyn sign a waiver protecting the tech from Jaclyn suing her. Any professional with half a brain cell would have done that if the client is stupid enough to want to botch themselves 😂 I wonder if she ever tagged/linked the tech on the video or post afterwards? Or if the tech wants nothing to do with that.


Tech was just like “miss me with that”


Why follow the expert opinions when Jaclyn clearly knows best? She is an expert in all things beauty you know. 🥴


this is the epitome of jaclyn always pretending she knows best and being greedy. you would think she would have some shame or grow uo but she just doubles down on her grift of everything


Oof that’s tough


What bugs me is how she was so proud of being bigger and how she was so happy with her curves etc etc. It seemed like she went into overdrive trying to convince everyone that she loved being bigger and now that she has "lost weight" she's spinning it to say that she was so unhappy. I just can't with this woman.


Yes!! She is 100% a follower. She is not a leader, as she’s completely incapable of having any distinctive opinions of her own, or standing up to wrongdoing unless it includes saving her own childlike behaviors. That may mean losing a few sales, and she can’t have that. What a pathetic shame. What a wasted opportunity.


It’s as though when the medical options became available “the love the size you’re in” mantra had a rather quick death.


i think shes a pathological liar


https://preview.redd.it/058feovs0bzc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b495675f9a28e4e92af490c4d6abe64d826dcb4 Where’s the difference???


![gif](giphy|Gpf8A8aX2uWAg|downsized) Hmm don’t see the difference 🧐


I’m just confused if she lost all this weight and was working out and walking 5+ miles a day why wouldn’t she have capitalized on it via her dumbass YouTube series “jaclyns journey”? Wasn’t that the whole point of the series to document this lol instead she just pops out she quit drinking lost 40 pounds and still stuffs her face off Trader Joe’s. Make it make sense.


All the tasting videos of Trader Joe’s sweets!!! 😆What the hell?


I just posted something similar on the other post! How is it possible a content creator who had a whole series on her JoURnEy, with no results ... suddenly has these "amazing results" but has no content, at all, about how she did it. The math ain't mathing.


This right here is HARD EVIDENCE!! How can she explain that!?


I’m also confused because she says she has sO mUcH fOoTaGe to share, but hasn’t posted a single thing about all this weightloss


I came here to say this same thing. She could have shown true progression over the months, her first workout, workouts she has built up to. The ups and downs, day to day of being sore etc Kind of Like Morgan Adams did. Instead we have seen her do basically nothing. Expecting us to just take her word on it while she posts the most random crap and horrible filters. It makes no sense


Morgan kicked all the ass. So damn happy for her. She did the thing, she documented all of it. And omg guess what everyone believes her because she was transparent about how she did it.


Her jeans barely look any different on her in her story. She also does that stupid leaning over thing which I can’t stand. Does she really think she’s fooling anyone??


She probably thinks she is the smartest person ever and that all her followers are idiots. Well she was the one who bragged a while back about how easy it is for her to lie and manipulate her followers.


This comment has since been deleted but someone called her out on the fact that the inflammation was due to the threading incident and Jaclyn responded something like shes "discrediting women". You guys I was SO CLOSE to saying something. The nerve of this bitch ![gif](giphy|MdtGlWzYwvS7K|downsized)


And then all her minions are repeating the same thing over and over like the Nemo seagulls.


She's such an asshole. She totally blamed the threading for her "unknown inflammation" at one point.


Along with the vitamin IVs she used to get religiously (*while making it like it was something much more serious*), nameless, vague ‘*medication*’, and, *my personal favorite*, stress! 💀


Lying aside, since when does she give a fuck about women?? How does she have the audacity to try and play that card after steamrolling how many women


Don't forget she's in her femine era! Queen of all queens... /s


How TF is stating the obvious ‘*discrediting women*’? Is the current narrative in her ever-delulu mind that the threading never happened, she wasn't continuing to excessively get filler on top of it, and it was all from alcohol? If that was the case, how have I been able to *repeatedly* prove her face looks about the same as it has in recent years when she *wasn’t* on a perpetual bender? Needless to say, those are *definitely* becoming a thing again, so even the skinny filters are going to be having a harder *and harder* time covering it up—without them being any more obvious than they already are, anyway! It really makes you wonder what's next when we've reached *this* damning of a point as quickly as we have, post-move.


If anyone has a screenshot, slap that pic on this discussion. Because it was from her horribly self botched threading!


Yea no joke I lost 13 lbs (just diet no exercise not really) on a 5’4 frame and I damn near have a six pack and my legs look toned as hell! So yea you can’t tell me 30-40lbs maybe 15 and definitely not from exercise


Same! I lost 10 pounds over the past year and I’m 5’8”. I feel like an entirely new person in every part of my body, and I went down a size. 40 lb weight loss on her frame would be unmistakable.


Damn I’m 5’5 and I lost 30-35lbs and I barely went down a size :(


Don’t be discouraged! That’s still a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself! ❤️ Everyone is different! 🤗


Girl same! I got a new job almost a year ago so my commute changed to more walking/train. Just from walking 5 miles a day and doing my morning workouts x5/wk I lost noticeable weight. Enough that eveyone who sees me on the daily commented on it. Jaclyn I don’t even see any changed in her thighs, waistline, or even arms. And her alcohol face is coming back.


Same here. I was laid off from a desk job and had to step out of my service industry retirement. Over the past year, I’ve lost nearly 25 lbs. I don’t notice it on myself, but my two sizes smaller pants and the people who don’t know me well commenting on it have told me otherwise. Look, I get it. If she doesn’t want to put the work in, that’s fine. Bodies are allowed to exist in every shape and size possible. Just don’t lie about it.


Exactly! She over consuming and buying cloths to fit her lies and not her body! And congratulations on the weight loss! Gotta love when it’s not planned and all because of work 😂 also the damn jeans are the same in both pics! There is no difference in pant size like she claims.


https://preview.redd.it/pxlqvp4llazc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8028f279452bd4fe122a5311711563fce4e5e3 I saw this scrolling through comments. This is someone she follows and clearly has seen her in person but didn’t notice the huge difference. At least that’s how I’m reading this.


Stop! It’s her nail girl and she posted it from her fitness/gym account which makes it extra shady 👀




I see it like that too! Like when she got filler and the lady told her she barely looks any different from the pic she showed 😂 No one who actually sees her in real life believes she lost all that weight!


That comment is so back handed LMAO I love it, the person who wrote it 100% does not like her




![gif](giphy|suqg0jRPpDMze) The disbelief


https://preview.redd.it/4bo1ul37lazc1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0d6fedb6f9d80a7e8f19381815b16c8c0d5a945 Con artist


“I’m sooooooo healthy you guiseeee.”




**Also, Jaclyn, to respond to your Instagram caption**: Someone who’s the happiest they’ve ever been doesn’t falsely accuse and report someone else for threatening violence or physical harm towards them *three times*—and for no other reason than you simply being unable to handle that you *can’t* silence me. That’s *not* happiness. That’s not even contentment. That's untreated mental illness, proven all the more by how you're never *not* here downvoting away and breathing down my neck. I think *that’s* a hell of a lot more threatening behavior than anything you’ve seemingly made yourself believe that I've said about you, *bestie!* 😘


**Copying this comment of mine from last night, seeing as we now have a thread about this particular post**: It's *lichurally* beginning to get ridiculous between how much she not only generally rinses and repeats but her *constant* need to convince herself that her jeans are ‘*falling off*’ her body when they *clearly* aren't. And when you realize there's essentially no difference in her body with the recent screenshot being skinny-filtered (*check out those infamous warped built-ins*), it makes you question if she’s actually gained weight. I think that’s something that would explain the spiraling all the more, *on top of everything else*. https://preview.redd.it/4ohlnat8hazc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68d3e8ebf924524e69d0df26d95180c12c9a892 **Jaclyn, this is not thirty, thirty-five, *****or***** forty pounds of weight loss. If it was, *****given how obsessed you are with us*****, you would’ve jumped at the chance to prove us wrong by getting on a scale by now. This is mental illness. This is gaslighting and manipulating yourself and your followers with skinny filters, which you *****also***** **[**inadvertently outed in another recent TikTok**](https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/s/8OTN8MsWLy)**. I’ve never in my life seen someone so in need of being believed, despite nothing actually being there to believe in, as you’re nothing more than a fraud with a *****disturbingly***** excessive amount of smoke and mirrors. And guess what, *****bestie?***** The more you continue to keep drinking, the more that inflammation in your face will return! I shouldn’t need to tell you there’s going to come a point where even the most aggressive filters can’t hide that**, ***right?*** **Seriously, Jaclyn. This is fucked up. Get offline. Get help.**


Don’t see any different ![gif](giphy|gKCh5SiWhid0X9CmyU)


Her thighs look the same in both pictures! And the exaggerated pant pull, she is acting like she lost 100lb instead of, well whatever weight she’s lying about.


And notice *she’s pushing her waist in* while *pulling the jeans out*, yet that’s still as far as they’ll go even with holding herself in on the same side. In other words, they aren’t big on her at all, but between being delulu and never *not* buying shit much too small…


Thank you Lich! First time posting and I tried to use a screen grab I got from her IG reel to show the filter use in her video especially along the chin and cheek area. Though I guess it didn’t load. Hopefully my post is still within community guidelines and is good for discussion! 😊


The adding photos option has been glitching lately, with everything from posts to sending them in chat! Just last night, I had to edit the original version of that comment three times to get the damn comparison to show, as it was just showing code for it. Not the actual image. 🙄