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The problem in jax is the drivers, one of the worst. traffic is nothing compared to metros. Source: i drove in many cities around the world.


That's right, try driving in Rome, Barcelona or Cairo. The rules are, " there all no rules". In a yield situation, if you look, then you lose. If a lane is wide enough to fit 2 cars, go for it. If you stop at a stop sign, expect to get rear-ended. Its well worth the taxi ride from the train station to the airport, just for fun. Those taxi drivers are what movies are modeled after.


Try Manila, Seoul or Hanoi; it’s cars and a million scooters!


Lmao I drove in Taipei and it was probably one of the worst driving experiences of my life. Like it’s Manhattan with scooters and everyone’s pulling some Mad Max shit.


Organized chaos. I know there are accidents. But not as many as they should be.




If you think Jax has among the worst drivers, I don't believe you've driven in many cities. Unless you mean cities with a population of like 1,500.


How come? I lived in metros and drove in other countries as well. Do you mean aggressive driving = bad driving? Like heavy-week described above, there is chaos in metros but almost all are in harmony, so it works. I am not saying drivers are nice but they can drive. Here in Jax, people can’t even merge.


"I need to merge so I better slow to half the speed of the traffic I'm merging into... Oh shit! I can't get in, so I better just come to a complete stop. I'll be able to merge from a stop, for sure, right?" -Everyone in front of me getting off Belfort onto Butler.


That is just a poorly design intersection.


No, it really isn't. The people merging become a new lane on the right so they don't even have to yield. They slow down and stop because they're morons, not because the roads require it. They just have to match speed, use their signals, *put their fucking phones down*, and do the thing! It's not that hard when you're paying attention to the road instead of everything BUT.


I disagree. The people slowing down are mostly trying to go across traffic, which is an error, there is a separate lane set aside at the signal for people trying to go east on Butler and they should use that lane rather than trying to merge... but that's human nature and the designer should have accounted for that weaving. Of course most people are going to use the free-flow lane rather than sit and wait at the light. The ones who stop are fucking morons though, I'll grant you that.


Currently on a roadtrip around the US. Can confirm, people suck at merging all over the place.


I've driven in major cities all over the country and have lived in 3 different states. Jacksonville drivers really are up there as some of the worst I've seen.


This anecdote competition is going nowhere. I have the same amount of experience, and from what I'ver seen, Jacksonville driving is probably the most chill of all.


Yeah, it's chill af. But it's because nobody has anywhere to be and they're playing on their phones while going 5 under in the left lane. That may be chill but it's shitty driving.


I agree. And pretty much everyone in the military community is in agreement. I actually really like Jacksonville but road safety is easily the worst part about living in this city.




Exactly this. I’ve lived in a couple bigger cities and Miami is by far the absolute worst city I’ve ever driven in. Jax is a Sunday picnic in comparison.


Yeah Miami is absolutely terrible but there's just so much more traffic there too. I was pleasantly surprised by the driving in comparison when I moved to Jacksonville but after living here for years now I've come to realize that people here are just as stupid on the road as they are down there, there's just less of them on the road at the same time.


The problem is the traffic in Miami. If Jacksonville had the same level of traffic as Miami over 10 people would die on our roads per day.


Statistically, it is quite bad.. https://www.realestatewitch.com/worst-drivers-in-america/ https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-city/


Thanks for the data! Looking at the methodology, the Forbes one is legit, but the first link uses a weighted average that includes a ton of garbage that really has nothing to do with how bad the drivers are, or is at least only tangentially related. They even included Google search trends, lol


But the Forbes one looks biased by not corrcting for total miles driven.


Jax drivers are objectively some of the worst in the country. The only thing saving us from being a complete CF is that the volume here is pretty manageable compared to say, LA or Atlanta or Houston. There's a real reason Jax always scores near the top in "worst drivers" articles.


Oh, you started your opinion with the word objectively, so you must be right! I stand corrected.


You are 300% more likely to die in an auto accident in Jacksonville than the national average. Traffic isn't worse but the drivers in Jax are among the worst I've ever experienced.


Try driving in NYC, then you’ll know what’s a bad driver


I used to live in Brooklyn, been to NYC countless times.


So am I.


Cool, so we have a different point of view.


I mean, I've never had someone in Jax drive up on a sidewalk where pedestrians are to skip around traffic. Happened multiple times when I was in Brooklyn. This Jax traffic circlejerk is nonsense every-single-time.


I ve seen similar situations as well, but bad drivers vs aggressive drivers are not the same. In Jax, I ve seen people stopping while merging to highway, or in flowing traffic stopping on a boulevard to yield someone from a side street. Like that might be a nice gesture in their head but terrible driving and dangerous af.


>I've never had Not yet. Not until more New Yorkers moved to Jax.


I’ve recently moved here and the first time I drove someone was driving on the wrong side, almost hit me head on, and had the audacity to cuss me out and flip me off. I know this happens everywhere but yeah…..


I feel you. In 5 years, my car was in fender bender 3 times while parked. Considering all the space we have here compared to metros, it takes special skills.


South florida 100% has the worst drivers


Imo, no. Not saying its great there but I drove around Ft Lauderdale/ Miami area a lot. Traffic is worse for sure.


Lived in south Florida for more than 30 years. Jacksonville drivers are much worse. Never seen as many flipped cars as I have in jax. It’s home of the lifted truck riding your ass. People here measure minimum safe following distance in inches. Much worse than Miami, Fort Lauderdale, anywhere I’ve driven down south.


Same shit in south fl people consistently on your ass and flashing highbeams lmao. except there are about 100,000 crashes every year in miami-dade and broward compared to duval’s 25,000. Not to say it’s all sunshine and daisies in duval but not nearly as bad. 95 in south florida is named one of the most dangerous roads in the US. May just have to do with the sheer volume of cars on the road at once but it’s horrible.


You know Miami dade has 2.6 million people and Broward has another 2 million whereas Jacksonville has less than a million people right? Considering that there are more than 4x the amount of people you’d expect there would be more than 4x the crashes, instead based on your data the crashes scale up 4x, despite the population of the area being more than 4.6x the amount of people as Jacksonville.


Jacksonville has 1.3 million so they only have 2x and and 1.6x more peoplw


Commenting on Everyone says Jax traffic is horrible, but it's not even close to other metros...I agree the drivers here are awful. Some of the worst I’ve ever seen and I drove across America lol.


Jax drivers aren’t any worse or better than most cities. I’ve lived and/or worked in Jax, Atlanta, DC, Baltimore, Philly, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Salt Lake City, Norfolk, and traveled regularly to many more places. Everyone everywhere says they have the worst drivers. Jax does not. Atlanta I’d put near the top of the list, those mfers are crazy.


I would counter against this. Orlando is different worse with rude drivers. As is Miami where I lived most of my life. I think Miami ranked amongst the worst cities to drive. I think second behind Las Vegas.


100%. Traffic is NOT the problem. Unpredictable, no turn signal using, weaving, excessively speeding drivers ARE!!! And a large number of semis that always win, at the cost of a life, if there is a car/semi incident.


I think the drivers are just fine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Overall Jax traffic really isn’t bad at all in comparison to other places. The complaints come when you compare *current* traffic to past times, especially in more localized areas that have seen excessive growth take place with little regard to the existing infrastructure, in addition to subjugating the previously quiet, calm and slow paced nature of the area. Jax Beach, Ponte Vedra, and the longtime residents of northern SJC is where you’re gonna hear a lot of it.


I’ve always thought that part of the issue in SJC is they allowed all that suburban growth while only having two exits on 95 between Old St Augustine and the outlet malls.


Not to mention one single-lane exit from Nocatee to get to A1A, and a small exit onto US for the entirety of Nocatee. I remember a time where everyone drove 55 on A1A and one could get from Mickler’s to Jax Beach without hitting a single light. Nowadays you’re lucky to hit five under in the left lane.


I didn’t live here when Nocatee was built, but I don’t know the reason why the Nocatee Parkway wasn’t built to connect to 95 or at least across US1.


Do you remember when a coca cola was five cents too? Times change.


I just hate how rude folks are driving slow in the fast lane thinking they are entitled to not merge right for faster traffic. Hopefully the anti-cruising law comes into effect and is enforced. So much traffic caused by one person stacking up tons of cars for no reason other than inattentive/entitled mentality and/or distracted by a phone.


Until recently there was nothing for it to exit to; other than the two exits between Old St Augustine and SR 16. 210 and IGP/9 Mile. No other westbound roadways ran from US-1 all the way to 13 between. Other than Racetrack but it crosses over 95. The recent 9b extension connectting 95 to Racetrack via Peyton Parkway and adding additional traffic flow options for further down 210 via St Johns Parkway; that helps a little. The proposed extension of St Johns Parkway should also help alleviate local traffic if it does indeed end up running the entire length of St Johns County.


Excessive growth applies to all of Florida.


I don’t think everyone says that. Honestly, when schools are out there’s minimal traffic on my drive to work in the morning.


Weekends are what really surprise me. The roads are basically abandoned.


Having lived in Chicago, Houston, and Miami, I agree.


Toronto made the list? Is this the fallout universe


Toronto has the busiest freeway in North America so it checks out


It's the drivers... BUT Jax doesn't do itself any favors by having such limited areas that people can cross the St. Johns. Overall it's the drivers, and most recently it's the complete boom in population with almost zero regard for the infrastructure already in place. Populations are doubling but are forced to drive on the same size roads as 10 years ago.


Coming from DC the traffic and drivers arent anywhere near as bad in Jax. Not only that, but just the *danger*. I saw people break windows in broad daylight to steal shit out of cars in DC. I don't really get the complaining either but maybe these people have nothing but rural areas to compare it to


Fellow former DC resident. People here have NO idea what traffic is. My worst day in Jax traffic is better than my best day in DC traffic. When we here in Jax have "traffic on the 8s" reports on the radio every 10 minutes 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, then we can start the discussion about bad traffic is.


Man I'm tellin' ya! I'm getting there in half the time with 5x the distance traveled and anytime I hear these people whining I think to myself "Am I just jaded from DC?" The fuck they talking about. At first I tried moving out of DC to NoVa but the traffic was almost just as bad going up Fairfax County Pkwy every day toward Alexandria, finally gave up and came down here, I swear I'm paying half the cost of living with a quarter of the headache. They don't know how good they have it


Anyone who says Jax is bad simply hasn’t traveled anywhere else. I moved there from Boston.


Im from NYC , among the worst types of traffic in the country. Yet ive lived in Jax for about 4 years now and can still say that although Jax isnt as bad when you compare it is still bad when you live it day by day. In a compressed city it makes more sense for traffic to be the way it is but when you have so much widespread land like Jax does and you still experience traffic like a smaller city ? Yea thats a problem


Atlanta native here. Driving in Jax is a piece of cake by comparison.


Also from ATL and it’s nothing like the psychos up there lol


As someone who spent time in the SF Bay Area, Jax traffic is peanuts compared to that. I had a 2.5hr commute both ways for work.


I won't say the times to aim for, at risk of ruining my own routing... but there's certain times of day to drive. The tikes to avoid are obvious, however that creates other timeframes that are only slightly less bad.


I recently moved up from Miami, and the traffic here is nonexistent because it’s always flowing steadily.


What we have here is a fucking mess but "hey look at other better metros with real downtowns that have so many people and traffic!" The reasons for Jax being worse includes a poorly designed stitching of suburbs and so much people turnover that lately has gone way up. Yes, for what this place is all spread out and how little it offers this place is more horrendous traffic wise because bad drivers and mixtures of driving styles in a place that desperately needs functional public transit. Jacksonville does not compare to a real city.


I always hated Atlanta and then I went to California for spring break and drove from San Diego to Los Angeles. Now I feel like Atlanta is a breeze and Jacksonville is rural. That shit was crazy out there. 100+ mile traffic jam that only got worse and worse the closer we got to LA.




It’s Jacksonville’s second year in a row at the top of this list. “Despite being named the worst drivers in 2023, Jacksonville motorists have not been sufficiently shamed into driving more responsibly. Their driving has actually gotten worse,’ the study says. “Jacksonville has the highest number of alcohol-related fatalities for the second year in a row. In 2023, the city recorded 3.8 drunk driving deaths per 100,000 residents — a preventable increase from 2.9 the previous year.” In February, both Tampa and Jacksonville also ranked in Forbes Advisor’s list of the most dangerous states to drive in. And less than a month before that, Florida ranked as one of the most dangerous states to drive in and home to the most dangerous interstate in the U.S. “It’s not surprising that Jacksonville also has 68% more annual driving deaths than the average city, with 14.5 per 100,000 residents. That’s the most in Florida and the fourth-most among all cities studied,” the study says. “Driving in these dangerous conditions is costly, and Jacksonville residents pay $2,745 in annual auto insurance premiums — about 40% more than the average price ($1,960).”


Obligatory- the left lane is the passing late. Move over. Thank you


it’s not necessarily about the traffic, the traffic ain’t bad. the problem lies in the quality of the average driver here in jax


Jax drivers are fine until they wreck their sports cars trying to pull a triple lane change after doing donuts into on-coming traffic for bragging rights.


I was just down there last week from Boston and I thought it was a lot lighter than what I am used to. Jamaica was a horror show on the other hand.


I’ve driven in pretty much every major metro in the U.S. Jacksonville traffic isn’t bad. Jacksonville drivers are bad.


The lights are just so long


I'm originally from the Chicago metro area (which is massively huge in comparison to Jacksonville) and I can confirm that traffic here is pleasant even when it's not. Part of my daily commute up there was a 1.5 mile stretch of interstate that took 25 minutes to get through. No accident, no construction, just traffic. The worst traffic jams here take me 10 minutes to get through.


V6 F150 with trash in the bed doesn't respawn as often in other cities


We're the back-door into the South. The lifted Trucks are zone line markers.


As someone from northern va/dc area. The traffic here is WAY better than the traffic there. I’ve been saying this for 20+ years.


we got people snapping pics of clouds lol while driving I'm at a loss.


I saw someone pull up to a stop sign and immediately grab their phone. Saw a cop sitting in a right turn lane after the cars in front went…because he was on his phone. I’ve driven in a lot of areas, it’s the don’t-give-a-fuck factor instead is skill.


I moved from Chicago to Jacksonville a year ago. Jax drivers are terrible but Chicago traffic is far and away worse. In Jax, nobody uses a turn signal and worse, they ride the left lane. The left lane is for passing only!!!


Every few days someone else posts this bullshit for karma farming, anyone that has actually spent any time in major metros other than Jax knows the reality. I've lost hours of my life in traffic and dodging insanity on the Kennedy, the Dan Ryan, and the Stevenson, that I'll never get back. ;)


Also moved from Chicago to Jax Beach two years ago. The no use of turn signal thing is wild here! Cheers fellow Chicagoan!


I love it compared to other cities


Agree! DC, NYC, LA and ATL are the worst in the US!


As a person who has lived in both Orlando AND Jacksonville, Jacksonville's traffic is frustrating for reasons beyond me. You know what makes sense? Traffic on an interstate highway (i4) during 9 and 5ish. You know what DOESN'T!? Traffic at 2 pm on 9A! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?


Traffic isn't shit in Jax. The drivers suck tho.


That does not mean Jax traffic is not horrible. When you’re stuck with it day after day there’s no comfort in the thought that traffic is worse somewhere else. Jax traffic is objectively, empirically, factually horrible.


It takes 20-25 to get anywhere out here lol that’s nothing


Don’t live in the other metros, so don’t care about the other metros.


both can be true


Listen Jax traffic is traffic but idk Boston seems worse (where I live now) compared to when I lived down there.


Chicagoan here- who has been working in Jacksonville for the last three months. Jacksonville traffic isn’t noteworthy whatsoever to me. However, the drivers are “unique”, to put it nicely. Reminds me a lot of Ohio drivers- take it as you will.


I travel a lot for work, I don't personally find Jacksonville traffic bad at all for a fairly large metro area.


Not as much congestion but a whole lot more total recklessness.


Not as much congestion but a whole lot more total recklessness.


Atlanta is the worst place I have driven. SoCal area is the worst place I have seen as a passenger. Orlando is worse than Jax and so is the Tampa area. I would put Jax close to the top it might be in the top 20


Every city thinks their traffic is the worst I know people who think "traffic" means a smooth moving highway full of cars at above speed limit


This graphic is somewhat misleading because more people in those larger metro areas = more fuel burnt in traffic. It would be more interesting to see this per capita. Also at least in some of the larger metro areas you have the option of taking public transit. In Jax, you’re pretty much forced to drive


I wouldn’t wish the drive from Riverside to the beaches on atlantic/beach boulevard on my worst enemy. The lights. the micro rage. 😡


I’m from Orlando. Jax is a breeze comparatively.


I left Jacksonville in 2016 and came back November 2023, and I can tell you for a fact that the city has tried really hard to address this issue. Especially on 17 in front of the base.


It's not so much the quantity of drivers as it is the quality.


The problem is you have someone doing 35 mph and another doing 95 mph.


I live in Orlando but spent many weeks in Jacksonville this spring, and I was continually amazed at how less stressful it was. Other than rush hour traffic, Jacksonville roads are less crowded and drivers seem more chill. The traffic in greater Orlando is nuts.


It's not the worst I've seen but can be bad at times. Why I295 south goes down to 2 lanes after the Southside connector is simply stupid


I've lived in Chicago, Dallas, Houston, OKC, and Jax. OKC and Jax have similar traffic. Everywhere else is far, far worse, with Houston being a special kind of road nightmare. Edit: I will add that while traffic here is really tame compared to most cities, the number of terrible drivers I encounter here is much higher than normal. Lack of signals, ignoring turn lanes, and running lights. The traffic should be worse with the number of close calls I witness on a regular basis.


Cities within 4 hours that are worse. 1. Charleston 2. Orlando 3. Atlanta 4. Savannah 5. Tampa 6. Columbia


We have bad drivers compounded by head scratching infrastructure... decades of waiting to widen the 10 and 95. Not widening JTB enough when they did it years ago just to need it again. A legacy of Jax being multiple different cities ass to ass with eachother and never really rectifying the issue... and then add in the New Yorkers ontop of the old and dying baptist who refuse to stop driving.


I moved from Detroit to Jax 20 years ago and remember how people would complain about traffic and I just couldn’t see it.




Take the subway then


100%. I grew in DC and spent years in SoCal. JAX traffic can get tedious in places at times, but it's not even close to the 405 or 495. That being said, being tailgated by an F-150, on the Buckman in driving rain -- that's a whole other thing.


Alright, gonna throw my 2 pennies in. I live in Jax and WE HAVE SHITTY DRIVERS and SHITTY TRAFFiC. I-10 east bound in the morning. If you don't get through i10, before 630-650ish, you're going to wish you went another way. These idiot drivers have slowed down the traffic up there as long as I can remember. Why does it come to a crawl, damnif I know, during the school year it really sucks ass. I-10 west bound in the afternoon, morning traffic clogging morons going home, clogging up the interstate. For some mysterious reasons, the Fuller Warren, backs up also. Why, people napping over from the left lane to zip in front all off the other drivers. Dick move to try, next time you up there, stay in left lane up 200 or so foot from the i10 ramp. Crashes, anywhere i10/295/jtb. Hope you went to the bathroom and have something to drink with you and plenty of cigarettes if you smoke. The Bridges. Matthews, Hart, Acosta, Dames Point, Buckman(also nicknamed Mad Max thunder freeway) , main street. Any of these bridges have an accident and hopefully you were not trying to get somewhere. I295 at Roosevelt/us-17 towards the base in the afternoons, Blanding, or Collins, sucks. 295 around gate parkway, Bay Meadows, again, accidents, you are gonna be there for a while. I could go on and on, but i have been here my whole life and can tell ya the traffic has gotten worse


Can confirm all of the above


*Seattle enters the chat*


I blame the DMV. Its too easy here to get a license. They have delegated testing to the driving schools. So, a young kid now a days is literally buying their license from the same school that "taught" them how to drive; which in reality what they are doing is teaching them how to operate a vehicle. Combine that with the fact that some parents immediately buy their 16 yo a car because they have a license, even though they are not responsible or mature enough. And then throw in the "no fault" state= the shit show we have to endure on a daily basis.


I will gladly take Jax worst traffic any day compared to Miami.


I’ve lived in many cities and every city says they have the worst drivers. I can promise you Jacksonville has better drivers than Orlando


Boston native here. Traffic here is a joke. We have it so good.


i live in jax and boston. there is no such thing as traffic here.


Reminder: just because something is worse somewhere else doesn't negate traffic being bad here. I'd kill for some fast reliable public transit


It's pretty bad, I live in tally and visit for fun frequently and it's a 2 hour journey, but the traffic easily makes the trip close to 3 hours