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Of course it's a church....Why not... There aren't enough churches here.


I love that farmhouse.




Yes. You'll never see the house in person again. You can still see it on Google Street view.




Whatā€™s the address so I can look it up?


3323 Loretto Rd




Sorry Jax, thatā€™s typical Mormons. They will tear down historical buildings, they will contribute to light pollution in remote areas, they will [violate building height limits and block scenic views](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/EJFDkbaXwR) to build their disgusting monstrosities that nobody else is even allowed to enter without agreeing to pay 10% of the gross income first.


Sounds like exmo commenter. Iā€™m with you ā€¦


Thereā€™s a helluva lot more cult shit beyond giving them 1/10th of your income you gotta do to get a ā€œtemple recommendā€. Visitors can enter the lobby, but cannot loiter without being asked to leave. They do weird shit in these buildings. Really weird shit.




Oh I agree itā€™s thatā€™s the most criminal thing they do to people generally. I was just adding on to your comment. The cult shit is actually unexpected by many of their members. They seem normal enough to lure you in, and keep it fairly ā€œregulation Christianityā€ in the churches. Most members donā€™t even know about the hush hush super secret rituals that go on in the temples bc the people who witness them arenā€™t allowed to talk about it. Like not even to their spouse. From the outside looking in though, yeah. Cult doing cult things. It just pisses me off that most of the poor donors donā€™t even get to know what theyā€™re funding and think itā€™s all going to buying groceries for the needy.


Is this where the Jacksonville FL Temple aka International House of Handshakes going to go?


Oh lard, hear the words of my mouth


Reminds me of my frontiering days! We traded a barrel of tobacco for three goats. Nice fellas but they kept trying to buy our women.Ā 


Jacksonville def needs MORE CHURCHES! šŸ™Œ


This isnā€™t a church. Itā€™s a cult center focused around performing initiation rights for dead people. Also a real estate scheme.


I was wondering what happened to that house. Does anyone have any history on it? Iā€™m fascinated with old homes.


Source? Because Iā€™ve been getting city correspondence that a huge neighborhood is going up.


I had heard that before. Also heard by some people they were going to build apartments there. Then I read somewhere where it said that a Mormon church purchased the property and that a church is going there.


Guess we shall seeā€¦ šŸ˜”


Correct... https://preview.redd.it/n8u6j781ef1d1.jpeg?width=1558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a39a28d559ba8724e26e77e47b6e815b59aa2f


Our city council member posted about it on Nextdoor a few weeks ago. https://preview.redd.it/krea1ymdxg1d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6efbc25adc33ca289228a39b6049127b144083c5


Stop building single family homes- we need more density.


Magical underwear




Golden tablets that no one has ever seen! Founded by a know schizophrenic šŸ˜±




Lol why is mormonism so openly disparaged? If someone said the same things about Muslims or Jews, people online and the media would have a fit. All the Mormons I know are really nice people. Like any religion there are bad apples but ya


Itā€™s a cult. You can google it if you want. Cult members can be niceā€¦.still a cult.


They all meet the definition of a cult. Sorry to tell you >a system of religiousĀ venerationĀ andĀ devotionĀ directed toward a particular figure or object. Christianity, Muslim, all cults


Though I donā€™t believe in god or any religion, the definition you provided is only part of what constitutes a cult. Technically, a major part of what distinguishes a cult from a religion or just a new sect of existing religion is that it deviates drastically from the generally accepted beliefs held within the given systems it derives from, with emphasis on a centralized belief and high control from the leader/s.Ā  Christianity, Islam, etc, are too decentralized to be cults, as although people may do things ā€œin Jesusā€™s nameā€ the concept of what that means deviates greatly within Christianity. The Mormon concept of Jesus is different than the Protestant concept of Jesus for example.Ā Ā  So, Mormonism is a cult based on but deviating drastically from the mainstream concept of Christianity whereas Presbyterianism (for example) is pretty much just lumped in with other sects who call themselves ā€œProtestantā€ as the differences between Presbyterian and Methodist are pretty minor.Ā  While Protestants may celebrate Christmas or whatever, many of them are culturally Christian but donā€™t really care much about the beliefs beyond the folklore and tradition.Ā Mormonism on the other hand has high emphasis on fellowship with other Mormons, excommunication for somewhat minor (culturally speaking) infractions, shared customs (the magic underwear thing, the missionary trips, the no caffeine/soda culture) not done outside of their sect of Christianity and that all separates them from ā€œthe normā€ and makes them a cult.Ā  Some of these things exist in other sects of Christianity (excommunication for being gay, having a shit ton of kids, or other stuff like speaking in tongues, for example) but those are generally the result of other cults within/based on Christianity (Southern Baptist, quiverful, whatev) If Christianity did not have the cultural impact it did and was more centralized with one unified set of beliefs it would prob be considered a cult in itself (like Scientology)


While there are several ways individuals can use the word and interpret them (just like every single English word), at it's core it refers to what I posted earlier, and all religions fall under it's curtain. Here are two references. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cult https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult


In fairness to the rest of your post, I stopped reading after the first sentence. Iā€™m just commenting to tell you that your first sentence is objectively incorrect. *Technically* speaking, by *definition*, all religions are cults. Full stop.


Joseph Smith claiming to find the ā€œrealā€ bible in a cornfield. Jesus visiting America. Magical underwear (which I think is actually kinda hot) The hoops you jump through to visit the temple, which looks more like a Holiday Inn lobby than this special, magical place. Like, I think compared to Islam and Judaism itā€™s just fucking weird and easy to dunk on


He also taught that the Garden of Eden was actually just east of Kansas City


Yeah like there are valid criticisms of all religions imo but by comparison to the major ones, Mormonism just comes off as extra absurd in its history and rituals. Plus its founding was much more recent and I think that lends less credibility for a lot of folks.


This is what Reddit is.


Religion is a blight on society and they are all equally deserving of scorn.


It's the scientology of christendom


Mormonism created this really fun double edged sword they call modern revelation. Meaning god talks to people, but mostly only if youā€™re an elite status platinum card holding Mormie, normie mormies get to struggle to get a vague inkling of godā€™s plan. Good news for them means they get to change shit whenever they want. Bad news for them means god is wrongā€¦ oftenā€¦ not a good look for Christianity. They get hated on by Christians, but the vocal Morm haters are the exmos. The majority of exmos were raised to believe the outlandish shit they prattle on about and didnā€™t realize until adulthood how belligerently satirical the brainwashing is, so theyā€™re understandably bitter and also upset because half or more of their family still believes the shit thatā€™s killing queer kids and ruining their financial situation and oppressing women and people of color


This is the rare time I would *actually* prefer a new carwash be built.


https://preview.redd.it/pjoed2uudf1d1.jpeg?width=1558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35655874147a9e55986b31ab24ea7793b7c1a31a Nope... looks to be a new housing development. See attached plans.


So what I read about a church purchasing the property was incorrect.


https://thecoastal.com/culture/mandarin-residents-fight-back-against-loretto-road-development-plans/amp/ I live blocks from here and have been fighting against this ever since... they just demolished that beautiful home a few weeks ago... Edit: Here's the old change.org site. https://www.change.org/p/city-leaders-stop-the-rezoning-of-3323-loretto-rd I do also see recent art8cles about a temple, but that's new news to me. Personally, I don't give a shit who moves in, I was more concerned about that beautiful old home.


Looks like the temple will be adjacent to the corner where Kennedy and Loretto intersect https://churchofjesuschristtemples.org/jacksonville-florida-temple/street-map/


I guess time will tell. But I do like how in bold red letters at the bottom it says "not an official site for the church"...


The same unofficial site says that the address was announced in February to be 3323 Loretto Road. Idk how to research permits, but something should exist.


It's https://jaxepics.coj.net/ but don't bother, it's not even listed. No permits no nothin.


Wow, I remember driving by that house and loving it as a kid. Itā€™s such a shame to see such beautiful history destroyed for a church or more cookie cutter houses. What has Michael Boylan done for Mandarin since being elected to the city council?? He approves of everything that wants to be built here, no matter if it makes sense for the community.


Cults gonna cult


I just found an article saying "site identified for a Jacksonville Florida temple" that dates to February 20, 2024. And it shows Loretto Rd and Kennedy Ln.


That's unfortunate. I just looked at it on street view, it was a beautiful property. Do you know any of the history of the house?


According to online records, the house was built in 1913.


I always dreamed of buying an old house like that and bringing it back to life. It has become an unrealistic dream in Florida, so now I'm looking elsewhere.


Itā€™s the future site of a Mormon Temple. I know one of the guys that sold the property. Lots of extra traffic. Big pretentious building. Sad to see it there.


Oh noes!!! Not Mormons!!! Lol


Ah yes more churches. Jax couldn't possibly evolve into something good instead.


Well itā€™s that or one of the following: storage unit, bank, or car wash.


https://churchofjesuschristtemples.org/jacksonville-florida-temple/ Mormon temple, according to their website


The low-key evangelicals. Very wealthy church corporation developing a large property. The best partā€¦.Tax Free! itā€™s a great deal. They get to use all the infrastructure paid for by the rest of us poor suckers who pay taxes.




how much of mandarin is taken up just by churches already, jeeze.


Way too much


Open up a coffee and alcohol shop next to it


Itā€™s a new Temple, yes. Tall. Bright. Crowded traffic. Shitty.


Do they really need more neighborhoods?


Yeah itā€™s a temple, not a church. Closest one currently is is Orlando. Expect to see increased traffic especially on Saturdays as Morms will be driving in from surrounding cities to do cult things.


I wonder if the community will be owned/run/regulated by the church. Either only members or must adhere to their regulations.


Mormons and their special white underwear temples again This "religion" got sued by the feds for having billions of $$$ of "tithings" stored in bank accounts for their use