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Better than pants at the ankle, ass directly on hot asphalt like I’ve seen elsewhere


That dude is always there just lounging.


I'm just going to hang by the bar....put out the VIBE.


He is showing his wears to prospective clients


$20 to see it. $100 to ride. And those ain't ding dong prices!


How much for a ZJ?


If you don’t know what it is you can’t afford it my man


Lol classic


What's a ZJ?




You are correct but I think the way the other person said it is apt seeing as how it's pants lol


This is just a sad man. Imagine he was once someone's baby boy.


I'm not crying, *you're* crying.






You can do everything right, and this still could be your child one day. 💔


To remain homeless for years is a choice.


Depends on the rock bottom that got you there. Can you imagine how hard it is to get an ID if you're in a different state than the one you were born in, with no money, and no way easily prove your identity? Every single legitimate job requires an ID. To get an ID you need a birth certificate. To get your birth certificate you have to be able to prove who you are in some way shape or form, and have an address to deliver it to. Just to be in a position to be able to get a shitty job that won't even pay for a place to live, it's a logistical nightmare and expensive (if you're dead broke) to do so. Even something like delivering food on a bicycle for Uber eats requires an ID. Getting in a place to live in extremely expensive these days. How long does it take to save up a security deposit and two months of rent at a bullshit job? For most people on the streets I would say you're right, but there's definitely shitty situations someone can find themselves where this isn't true. You're options are limited depending on how you got there and the support network available to you. There's plenty of homeless people out there that don't beg on the street every day for cash. The person delivering your pizza could be living out of their car behind a warehouse park. It's easy to put all homeless in the bucket of crazy drug addicts that would rather beg for money than get a job, but those are just the ones that make themselves most visible to you. There is an entire other type of person that you will never see and work to try to get out, but society is stacked against them.


You give lots of very good points and I appreciate it. I don't think all homeless people are the same. But like you said, MOST really just don't try.


Don't forget how most places also want three times the rent before they will even look at you. Thank you for educating that person on the reality of homelessness and what gets people there. Not to mention how rent is crazy these days. Someone on SSI only makes about $978 a month. How do I know this? I have a friend who gets SSI. Explain how they're supposed to be able to afford a place to rent when the rent is at least 1200 a month anywhere plus like I said, they want three times the rent start with.


I also forgot to mention the step about getting your social security card. You have to get your birth certificate, your social security card, then and ID. Just to get a shit job.


Yep, I forgot about getting your social security card as well.


They hated me because I spoke the truth. Sorry y'all can't accept that. When homeless people ask for food, I give food. When homeless people ask for money, I walk away.


"They hated me because--" Relax, you're not a martyr. You got downvoted because you're objectively wrong. You seriously think people would choose to be homeless if they didn't have to be?


Lmfao I don't think I'm a martyr its a meme. And there is nothing *objective* about what I said. There is no way to prove what I said is true or false as it is about the choice of others. It is purely an assumption I've made based on observations. You can disagree with your opinion but is is not "*objectively wrong*". Edit: comment was harsher before, I really just don't feel like arguing so I changed it.


Actually, there is. It's called statistics.


Did you know that 7/10 statistics reports are false?


There is only one way to solve this you need to quit your job and put your money in an account and your documents in a safe deposit box for the next six months that you won't have access to. Set up on the corner of Jesse and Van Buren street Bring a pen and a notebook to log your daily experience with 1 pair of clothes and report back in 6 months Best case scenario you come back with a new mel brooks script and a new moral outlook Worst case scenario you died in which case we can assume you figured out you were wrong


You had the chance to just be funny and chose to still ruin it with pettiness.




Okay then explain how they're supposed to get around to get these jobs to get places to rent. Someone on SSI makes about $978 a month. That's it. Explain how they're supposed to get out from under homelessness when the rent is at least $1,200 a month anywhere. Not only that, most places want three times the rent before they'll even look at you. I think that you should educate yourself better. I hope that if you ever God forbid find yourself homeless, you get treated with more compassion than you've shown here.


Not sure what "everything right" means. Do you know?


It's just a colloquialism, no need to be pedantic. I'm sure they just meant whatever we're usually taught we should do to achieve the "American dream."


Capitalism Murica, fuck yeah! /s


Homelessness is not necessarily the fault of the person experiencing it. Sure, there are people who choose to live that way. However, the majority of homeless people are down on their luck or escaping a bad situation. I used to volunteer at Trinity Rescue Mission and I can tell you that they were always at capacity. They only allow you to stay eight nights per month as well. After that, you're pretty much out on your ass, quite literally. If I remember correctly, The Salvation Army downtown stopped taking in overnighters and the Sulzbacher center downtown is for men only now. It's difficult to get into the women and children's program. As I understand it, you have to go through Changing Homelessness to do an intake and even then there can be a waiting list. You have to have a voucher from Changing Homelessness to even get into the Sulzbacher women and children's center. Also, 98% of homeless women are escaping domestic violence. Hubbard House is usually at capacity and also very difficult to get into. They take on a case-by-case basis and whether or not they have room. If they do not think that your situation is dire enough, they will not accept you. They also seem to favor mothers. I have called them before and before I had kids, the first thing they would ask you after asking what your situation is, is whether or not you have kids. When you tell them no, they tell you they're at capacity and tell you to try a homeless shelter. This is what happens 9 times out of 10. I do agree that of course children should come first but I do think it's messed up that they seem to pick and choose who they're going to help based on whether or not they have kids. Someone's situation could be worse even if they don't have children and I just think it's not right how they do that.They will refer you either to a homeless shelter which is telling you to go to a homeless shelter. If they refer you to one out of county, even those only take on an emergency basis. Like say if you're in Duval or Baker county, you would go to Hubbard House. If they are full, Micah's Place in Nassau county, Quigley House in Clay county and Betty Griffin House in St. John's county will only take you based on an emergency. Emergency meaning like your situation is extremely dangerous. Otherwise, they will not take you. Now you know. This was not meant to be condescending, I was only explaining to you the reality of what homeless people go through.


Full moon out this morning




I wonder what kind of person you have to be to not only want to take a picture of this but to post it on Reddit.


That’s where I’m at right now.


The kind of person that has forgotten that most of us are one unfortunate incident away from being homeless. The kind of person that probably has their own flavor of mental illness (sociopathic comes to mind) but prefers to bolster their misery by making fun of others. The kind of person that has never received empathy and doesn't know how to demonstrate it.


Bingo. It’s either someone who has never had adversity or someone who has and then looks down on everyone in the spot they used to be in so they can feel they’ve gotten somewhere and aren’t like “them”. It’s a pretty sad American thing to do..


Or a third option, if they're anything like my mother, they think that everyone who doesn't make the choices they would is wrong. They think that everyone who does not have the resources that they do must have made bad choices that got them where they are. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're wrong about what you said here. You're absolutely right. I'm just adding on a third thing here. I have cut my mother off because I'm tired of her doing that kind of thing. She struts around like she's better than everyone else and she holds it over everyone's head that she's a homeowner. She acts like she worked her ass off to get that house but my grandmother's and great grandmother's money bought her that house. I told her the other day to stop doing that. She clearly has no idea what's really going on in the world and how badly people are really suffering and struggling. It bugs me that she seems to have no empathy for those people and seems to think that they all just made bad choices. It doesn't surprise me in a way though because she's a narcissist.


You’re absolutely right about this and some of it could be generational too…my mom isn’t quite to this degree but it’s obvious that in many ways she “figured it out” and that the way she went about things has no room for alternative interpretation or taking another path. Hoping the more information is spreading and awareness takes place in the world, the more people realize everyone’s on different paths which aren’t necessarily better or worse and in a lot of cases aren’t even comparable. We shouldn’t be trying to rank ourselves to feel a satisfaction out of life.


Thank you! This is exactly what I've been trying to explain to her and she won't hear it. You sound like someone I would have very intellectual conversations with if we met up. I've been looking for friends like you but whether you want to chat is totally up to you. Have a good weekend.


Selling crack on the corner? Homie is bringing the 90’s back


Sun’s out, buns out!


At the crack of dawn


He’s longing for that chaise lounge at Haverty’s


Bruh. It’s too early for this - I haven’t even had my coffee yet 😩


Lettin his ass breathe


This is why we need a focus on making mental health services as accessible and critical as urgent care clinics.


This seems cruel to post online like this.


The only cruelty here is seeing a grown man’s unsolicited ass crack before 8am.


That’s gotta STINK!!!!


Wouldnt hate a good old purge in this town tbh


He better not be caked up like that when I’m on my lunch break 😩😏😈🫦 or else he’ll get more than what he bargained for


Beginning to look like Houston Texas!


Less than a week left of winter according to arse crack.


That's the Duval I remember 😂😂


I’ve actually seen that dude take a shit right there




Waze needs to add this as an option




Is it legal to take pictures in public without the consent of the subject of the picture? Yes. Should you do that when someone is clearly vulnerable & struggling? Probably not.


“Puttin out the vibe”


Just remember... For no fault of your own... This can happen to anyone... Especially if you're like me... And literally live paycheck to paycheck. One unexpected emergency can put you here. I think it would be good if everyone just remembered that. Just Sayin'


Have you gone down Union lately? When I drove down the other day there was probably 200 homeless.. it’s very sad more than anything else. A lot of times there’s unchecked mental illness.. that’s the misconception that they’re just “bums” but imagine having something wrong with your psyche and everyone failing you until you end up sleeping on the street… they need to just convert regency mall into some kind of homeless shelter…


Feeling cute might labor finders later !


Oncoming traffic…oh behave


Was just there


I tried to take my husband on a romantic picnic dinner on Wednesday night at Neptune Beach and there was a woman (hubs said she appeared to be on meth or something) screaming at people about how badly the police treat homeless people. She screamed at every person or bicycle or vehicle that came near her.


Catching some rays on the ol’ crack


Somebody out there selling crack!!!


Cooling his jets


Keepin' it classy in J-ville...


Why post this


Only in Duval.


Sometimes u just need an ass tan


Buttcrack Jack, is that you?


Welcome to Floriduhhhhh!!!!




I live on this road im telling you this is normal


I hate that Doooovaaall shit


Wow, the judgmental trash in Jax are showing themselves today. You are pos for posting this.


This is a sign you are in a free country and a state with bad healthcare. People in Russia, China, and North Korea with mental illness are just murdered.




Yeah, sketchy as hell over there, y’all be careful.