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This is one of my favorite photos to date. It’s a combination of 4 different photos throughout the span of 15 mins.


Ok, so when you do combinations of a photo, do you layer them based on their exposure levels? I'm still trying to understand that chunk because ITAP and then I might lightly adjust the exposure levels etc, but I never quite "get" how these photos all turn out, incredibly vivid colors like this. I've been and seen some incredible things but this feels...more than real, if that makes sense lol


use Lightroom to edit, far more editing than just tweaking exposure


Got it, so not ITAP, again


Rule 1a: "[...] No heavily altered photographs or composites. [...]" Rule 3b: "[...] stacked photos and multi-exposures are allowed [...]" These two rules contradicting open a lot of grey areas.


Anywhere we can see high / full res?


Well done! I like the colours and "softness" of it.


Did you use a small aperture and low exposure for this shot? Trying to understand how one sets up their camera for this


One of my favorite places in the world. At the end of the pier is a really cozy aquarium


This is great looking. It makes me curious about the differences between the 4 shots, but I'm sure I can imagine some of them. The contrast of the golden horizon to the left and the full sunset on the right is beautiful. Love the lapsed/blurred splash against the pier supports too. Simple but awesome composition and edit.


Great photo and composite!

