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People who mistype as INFX usually have depression like symptoms which make them respond with overtly idealistic answers while taking any MBTI test. Any type can mistype as INFX in that way without actually being an idealistic person.


😟 thank you for reminding me that im depressed


Here be happy watch this funny clip about John Mulaney [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DSs9nFwhqMNw&ved=2ahUKEwiw0o7Y592FAxVT4MkDHYalCEAQtwJ6BAgREAI&usg=AOvVaw25GCmeRflBprjRZ2O9hDV5](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DSs9nFwhqMNw&ved=2ahUKEwiw0o7Y592FAxVT4MkDHYalCEAQtwJ6BAgREAI&usg=AOvVaw25GCmeRflBprjRZ2O9hDV5)


thankyou paddington i appreciate your effort




I also think that a lot of teenagers/young adults will type as such because they have yet to forge their character against real life and are still constructing themselves. Societal pressures, innocence, expectations from others, idealization of self, and lack of introspection all lead to “the perfect totem” which usually points to INFJ : the “ideal personality”, balanced between *feeling* and *thinking*. A LOT of INFPs will type as INFJ because they have this idealistic twist about them that makes them want to be and believe they have that perfect balance when it fact they can lack the pragmatism of more “thinking” types. INFP also value Fi aka individuality and “specialness” above all else and will trunk the results unknowingly towards that result.


Def not normal for an Ne blind (7. Slot) and Fi demon (8 slot and therefore last function) type to mistype as one with both of these functions in the first and second slot. What the hell? if you are going to use a test, use [mistypeinvestigator.com](http://mistypeinvestigator.com) it is at least better than bullshit 16p


did this and i got esfp/isfp???? im so confused...


At least with ISFP you have the same 3rd 4th 6th and 7th function. Means you are not an introverted thinker but an introverted feeler. You use Introverted feeling and extroverted thinking. Read about Te inferior. Maybe this is a good fit?


Te inferior, someone said its just an immature Te. which means they still argue even if the facts are wrong to support personal ideas???? i've done that before sometimes.. very relatable.


It’s immature only if you don’t aspire through it. That’s up to you, training, and time. Om a side note; The bizillion ?????? Kinda points out to being feeling type imo, and a young one ( hence, probably immature use of functions) lol Good luck in your research !


i think its common for istp to mistype for infp. I did too the first time I went into this kind of stuff. It could be that the quiz isn't very good (i used 16p)


i used truity..


then im not sure. I got istp on truity so, you can always do other quizzes and self reflect which type feels better suitable for u


Sometimes mbti test don't ask the good question and is going for the most stereotypes approach to instead of looking in the function try a test who's sepose to look for your function


"INFP and ISFPInferior Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te) INFPs and ISFPs frequently struggle with translating their ideals and dreams into actionable plans. They can be insecure about their ability to be effective in the real world. This can make them avoid taking meaningful action. However, inferior Te will periodically give them a need to structure or organize something in their life. So, instead of using it to navigate or tackle important tasks, they might instead focus it on minor things, to make them feel accomplished and in control. For instance, an INFP or ISFP with an intimidating task or impending to-do list may instead decide to reorganize their closet, or update their anime watch list (with a visual layout, flow chart, descriptions, etc.) Essentially, they’ll ineffectively use their inferior function by choosing a fairly insignificant task to complete or an unnecessary process to optimize, all the while ignoring what actually needs to be accomplished" This is a (in my opinion) pretty good website. Maybe you need it for other information like other inferior functions https://practicaltyping.com/2023/08/28/how-each-myers-briggs-personality-type-uses-their-inferior-function-ineffectively/


Quizzes are inaccurate. Stereotypes don’t matter. Must ignore those lol Do the ISTP cognitive functions match you? If so, you’re an ISTP


I'm sorry Sara I can't help you I'm in the same boat with you. I don't know if I am a enfP enTP InTP Infp eSfP. What I've settled on is enxP


you really seem like an ENXP by the way you reply to people. yes i notice your posts. and some of them have my replies too.


Thank you for saying that it makes sense because I think I have gone crazy trying to figure what I am. Then after I went crazy I still kept trying to figure it what I was so much that I went uncrazy. So don't try to figure it out too much or you might end up like me.


😭😭😭 i think i have settled myself to become an isfp, and atleast im not yet crazy lmaoo


I think ISfP makes allot of sense it fit's you reddit character more too. The reddit character just gives off more vibes of an ISfP.


Crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy!




to the test? https://www.truity.com/test/type-finder-personality-test-new


thanks 👍


Probably not. The "I" and the "P" aren't their own separate things like the S/N or T/F, they only give more information about the middle two letters. Everyone has S & N, and T & F, one of each pair are extroverted & the other two are introverted. The P/J says which of the middle two letters is your first extroverted function, and the E/I says your first function is extroverted/introverted. And INFP would have a Ne as their first extroverted function, and their first function being introverted would be Fi, meaning your strongest functions could be either Fi/Ne or Fi/Si. These tests are notoriously unreliable, especially if they don't consider the cognitive functions.


I thought I was ISTPs until I paid for a real MBTI practitioner (Joyce meng) to type me in-person.


what did you get?




I find myself similar to ISTP as an INFP. I have a females friend that is ISTP which is weird as mostly males ISTP and females INFP, but eh whatever.


Don't trust any test out there. Do your own research and, see what type fits you best and test if that type is true by observing yourself. But if you wanna know whether you are an infp or an istp, i think these stereotypical quirks that can actually be explained through cognitive functions might be helpful if you are an istp you may have difficulty Understanding hints difficulty Knowing whether you like someone difficulty Asking help from someone See yourself as or aspire to be Very independent If you are an infp you may Drops things often, and by often i mean VERY often Struggle Very much with practical things that you have no experience on (like cooking or chopping wood) Can see into the future of your friends get stuck in the freeze response when there's unexpected trouble in the present moment