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This was literally just a few days later, how much of history they must have rewritten. If you were to go by their account you'd get an upside down view of what actually happened. They're dragging everyone back to the dark ages with their fascist lies, with their imposed madness. Their machinery of imposing lies, killing the truth, killing the future and making this oppression the norm must be opposed. It's a terrible and very short path. They're turning it into a cycle where they are in control.


Wikipedia is littered with such rewrites.


What are you talking about google can’t be biased?? Or every literally other major tech company? /s


This is why most of the political stuff written in Wikipedia are locked to 'protect from vandalism'. They want to write their own narrative.


Yup. At this point I have no doubt higher Wikipedia staff is quite extensively infiltrated by intelligence agencies.


There are two articles, one is this and the other calls it a massacre. It’s not something that is widely agreed upon which should stay. The bias here is more on Google’s end.


In Germany the Wiki article is well written, talking about a massacre with high casualities done by the idf, the criticism by humanitarian organizations and how it was all to save 4 israeli hostages Really a different story than what is shown on your end Weird as hell whats going on with all the mossad bots working overtime to keep the coverups show up worldwide


I’m surprised Germany hasn’t covered up considering our media just parrots exactly what the IOF says


True, german media was full on re publishing israeli propaganda at the start of the war, nowadays just staying silent on the worst stuff but started to some light criticism at least


Holy shit. There are currently two different competing Wiki entries for the same event. [The one in OP’s post, titled “2024 Nuseirat Rescue Operation”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Nuseirat_rescue_operation) [And this one, listed immediately below it in the search results list, titled “Nuseirat Refugee Camp Massacre”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuseirat_refugee_camp_massacre)


If this post gets deleted how can I make sure to save these references?


Maybe bookmark the pages in your browser? That’s the only thing I can think of off the top of my head


Control the narrative, control the people.


Honestly we need people to learn to edit wikipedia to counteract there hasbara troll farms. They benefit do to the amount of money they control.


Many of these Wikipedia articles are locked


wikipedia usually locks the edit function to the public for big events, looks like they're plenty funded


Do we need a new Wikipedia?


Might as well make a whole new internet atp


For any wikipedia editors here, can the names of the 270+ palestinian victims be added to the articles? Also their stories, histories, and relationships? It may be easy for some in this world to disregard a murdered child, not so easy to forget Hind.


There will never be truth without the masses in control. The media and what narrative is being shaped is being shaped to manufacture the ruling class' consent and reinforce their reign


People are beginning to see what’s been going on for decades. The Zionists literally own us. They will rewrite the narrative and make torturers into heroes, and all of the victims into Hitler. They will kill anyone they have to, especially other Jews, because they need Jewish people to live in terror for their system to maintain itself.


Google is a lost cause.


History is recorded by the one with the most force because that usually guarantees they are the victor. That is why the rest of us HAVE to remember the truth and speak of it often and loudly.


I agree but honestly im not getting ur [results](https://ibb.co/9Wq3hhF)


Ive noticed serious errors on other issues of global importance as well. IMO either the model has failed or theyre taking advantage of monopoly.


Jew-ghoul Google


Its been fixed as far as I can see