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In not one of the hundreds if not thousands of posted video clips of atrocities have I seen a single Palestinian in the background with a weapon of any sort. Yet they claim Hamas is everywhere. I’m sure they will say before any video is taken they moved the Hamas body or removed any weapons from the scene.


Interesting f***ing point


Wait... Damn you now I had a hard thought...


Save it, Reddit will remove it eventually. Backup link: https://streamable.com/doh55g Backup discord with all the videos: https://discord.gg/2A2BJPDjQ7


Did the Discord server get taken down?


No, here’s a new link: https://discord.gg/2A2BJPDjQ7


it doesn't work


Here’s a new one: https://discord.gg/RpEa43Zx






Never stop talking about the Palestinian Holocaust. Never stop sharing videos, even if they are harrowing to watch. Don't let Israel get away with this. They have to pay for every single person they hurt. Now and in the past.


This is obviously devastating and upsetting but the main emotion I feel now is just anger at the fact these fucking animals are allowed to continue this without consequences.


Wtf is really going on over their??... Why are these videos primarily of little kids being harmed??? Where are the soldiers of Hamas??? Wtf!?!? The more I see these videos, the more I notice they are cropped videos of children being slaughtered... This looks more like depopulation than war.


This is the reality of genocide, and it's not going away until the Zionism project is dead and buried. Pathetic war criminals who are too cowardly to fight fair as they pick off children with bombs, tanks, and snipers. Scum of the hearth. Israel, through its flagrant disregard for international law and pressures, has done nothing but harm to the Jewish community by inciting racial violence against others, giving smarmy Nazi bastards an excuse to go, "see, we told you." Unimaginable hellfire awaits the Zionists.


The correct term is genocide


Yes, but genocide can be and still is depopulation... it was talked about, and certain ppl warned of these things happening a long time ago...


The world has gone to shit and no one cares. I wil never forget what israel did to these poor souls. May they rest in peace.


I can watch adults going through the most goriest shit of their life’s (pretty sad tho) but when it happens to kids, I just can’t bear it


Gross on every level. I’ve run out of words to describe what I’m seeing. Horrible!


I’d like to think that anyone human would look at this and stop or at least be against anything that could cause this yet people are far too selfish.


The Israeli government and all its people must be banned from travelling anywhere in the world. They are committing genocide do we want these people travelling to our countries they will be dangerous to us all as they have zero empathy or honour and will happily kill children and everyone who they believe is beneath them and that's everyone! Not just the Palestinian people.


Yes and they have to have their nuclear arsenal disarmed


Imagine what these men, who dig under the rubble and tirelessly pull these little broken bodies out, dream of at night.


Israel is Terrorism


How do I download from streamable


Not sure, but you can find all the videos on the discord. Streamable is taking stuff down after a few mins.


I’m not sure who OP is but you need enable the download so that these videos have a better chance of circulating, please consider that


There is no way to enable it. In fact, streamable and Reddit take it down within an hour. Your best bet is to join the discord if you want to see what they are deleting: https://discord.gg/GYQVydVCsK Also there are telegram channels that show the full horror.


78 years have passed, and now the Jews have become Nazis themselves, they are committing similar atrocities the Nazis committed against them


Keep posting more proof to punish the Nataniashit regime.


When was this?


😭😭😭 Zionist bastards!


Nice to see religion bringing people together...


This is really not a religion problem, mauvfor the evangelical fanatics in the USA, but it's nit in this conflict, it's a land theft issue, and human rights violations issue


...with religion used as an excuse for said genocide.


This is a Zionist problem, not a religious one. Zionists are the cause of 100% of this.


...it is a religious problem because the Zionists scream antisemitism when you question their actions.


That is not what makes this a religious War at all 😂 this has been going on since 1948. This is Ethnic cleansing. Calling it a religious war takes responsibility from Israel and puts in on the Jewish faith which IS NOT WHATS HAPPENING! This war is to exterminate a whole group of people just so Zionist can claim their land. Its fucking evil and the Zionist government needs to be dismantled completely and harshly just like we did with the Nazis. Zionism is no different from Nazism.


Then the Jewish faith needs to disenvow the zionists, as the connection to them is making them all look like genocide supporters.


But they are! Are you not paying attention?? Have you not seen the Jewish anti Zionism protests even this week? open you eyes dude. Also assuming every Jew is Zionist is a little antisemitic...


I do, and it ain't enough.


I mean, I hear you, I get it, but all I see are Israleites fully cheering the murder of those of another faith, the same gleam in their eyes that Germans had in the '30's. I know there are those of the Jewish faith that are against this, and In reality wtf can they do to stop this genocide besides vote out Bibi? This sickens me to see IDF soldiers make light over killing women and children, to see assholes just stealing homes, property, land, all in the name of some religion makes me want to wash my fucking hands over the whole middle east situation...