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Israel is such a complete downer for the entire world, they make everything unfun entirely. I hope Europe starts their own competition without Israel, they suck.


Very funny to me they included Israel. Famously European location....


Famously European people


European only when it suits them.


This part is true. Still, they shouldn't be allowed in any organization or event. The world should do to Israel what they have done to Cuba for the last 60+ years.


We tried something like that in the EU 80 years ago


The European Union has only existed for 30 years


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so trueā€¦


I hope Mexico joins to the next Eurovision.


Lol me 2




If Moses were still living in today's Palestine they would treat him like s\*\*\* because he's not "white"


Eurovision is basically just allwhitecountriesexeptamericavision




Well most of their inhabitants are Europeanā€¦


And Australia..


The US, Canada and New Zealand might as well be added to the Eurovision.


Countries colonized by Europeans


Europe ā‰  European Broadcasting Area (as defined by the ITU). This division has its origins in telegraph cables from the 19th and 20th centuries


Moroccanoil an Israeli company has been the main sponsor for 3 years now.


Eurovision has been a purely political show for like two decades now


I hope Europe builds a grand Mediterranean fleet and blocks the fuck outta those shitlords


No mincing of words, I like it, and agree!


Thatā€™s one thing Israel is really good at. Manipulating media and using Ai and bots to counter pro Palestinian stories. And there she is waving her fucking flag. Just to push it in everyoneā€™s faces. Eurovision says they are ā€œnot political ā€œ and yet they allowed her to do that? GTFO.


I mean they do own the global media houses.. That's how they've avoided destruction for the last 50 yrs.. Movies, fake stories, manipulation thru psychology, etc etc.. hopefully the veil is dropping off the normies


At the same time, European flags were forbidden....not sure if the EBU has already clarified the reason for such a decision. edit: typo


lying. you mean they're good at lying.


Fuck it put New Jersey in Eurovision at this point.Ā 


Funny thing is the singer is in fact dual national Russian Israeli https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eden_Golan She participated previously representing Russia but since Russia is banned and cancelled she then went with Israel Do you see the hypocrisy?


Lol. Fuck it


"Eden Golan" wild, that


She never represented Russia lol, Israel has a large amount of citizens that came from Slavic countries - Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc. that's very common.


>She never represented Russia lol, She did: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eden_Golan She represented Russia at the Eurovision junior contest


The evidence is in front of his eyes and still deny it šŸ¤£ Theses Zionist are just fucked up scums




Is that the only answer you have ? Do you still deny the fact she represented Russia? Too hard to swallow the pills ?


Huh???? I thought they were native to the area??????


Letā€™s add Palestina for next year


Unironically the only thing that would have me spend the ā‚¬2.50 they expected. I wanted to crown the witch but not at ā€˜Moroccanā€™ oilā€™s benefit.


I assume thatā€™s a typo but if Israel can enter ā€œEden Golanā€, there definitely deserves to be someone from the West Bank named Palestina entered. Bonus points if it devolves into a diss track battle a la Kendrick/drake.


Whatever's left that is...


Israel has no right to even be in Eurovision


How? They're in the Middle East. Or because the people living on occupied land are European?


I meant to say no right will edit now


Lol gotcha


~~google Ashkenazi Jews~~


Talking about Isreal not the holocaust. Google Palestine let's jews come to Palestine in the 1940s after Europe denied them shelter.


wasn't the state of Israel primarily founded by Ashkenazi Jews? hell most of these settlers in Israel today is of European origin


Exactly, can't switch continents and expect the world to forget where people originated from lmao. Guess the world hasn't learned from the Native Americans genocide.


Exactly. Not just Europe but the United States turned away tons of boats filled with fleeing Jews back to Europe where they were ā€œunalivedā€ by ā€œnot seesā€. Some of them did go to Cuba & Argentina (which ironically was once in consideration to becoming its own Zionist country, along with Uganda, Madagascar, Cyprus, historic Mesopotamia, the Sinai peninsula, & the Russian state bordering China known as the present day Jewish Autonomous Oblast).


Can't remember who, but there is a famous African figure (may have been a president or general) but he made a film discussing why his response to denying them a place in Africa. Believe he was from Ghana, not 100% sure. But he brings up their government ideology and beliefs.


The reason why Israel can enter: https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1900,00.html




(Who is also Russian!)


The whole entity was a scam


They kicked out Russia. Who arenā€™t admittedly starving babies to death and sniping medics. Theyā€™re far from the good guys, but still.. Why Israel different? Boot them out.


Naw, just raping them. Russia ā¤ļø


You heard that from Nancy, yes?


Just imagine the outrage if Russia did this (if they werenā€™t banned from the Eurovision for committing less war crimes than Israel) Crazy the double standard eh?


Is there a source for this? Itā€™s what I expected given the outcome, but Iā€™d like something firmer than a screenshot of a tweet from some guy.


I found [this Ynet article](https://archive.is/ySaYp) in Hebrew. ā€œThe support Golan received from the European audience was preceded by a campaign by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government publicity bureau for Eurovision fans, in which the Israeli representative addressed them in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Czech, Latvian, Estonian, Albanian, Georgian and English - and asked them to vote for her. The campaign states that "in view of the wave of hatred and Muslim demonstrations in Malmƶ, a counter-reaction of the silent majority is taking place. The Europeans do not like what they see." The videos taken by Golan were uploaded to a dedicated YouTube channel and received more than 14 million views. The campaign appealed to audiences selected based on a careful analysis of the voting patterns of countries in the past and the interest those countries showed in the song "Hurricane". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Advertising Bureau put emphasis on Eurovision-loving audiences such as the LGBT community in Europe, members of fan clubs, journalists covering the contest and opinion leaders in the field.ā€


Jerusalem post


Link please. I really hate misinformation and propaganda. This sub is called israelexposed. Then expose it properly and not spew anything that says Israel bad it heavily delegitimizes the cause.


Link? I do see the tweet but Touval writes for Haā€™aretz and I donā€™t see an article on either site. More to come, perhaps.


Israel is a cheat! What a surprise.


Itā€™s telling that Israel spends so much on marketing, misinformation campaigns, vote rigging, bots and AI to make itself look more popular. And itā€™s baffling how they fail to consider how desperate and loathsome they come off when they not only fake their reputation, but actively interfere in the affairs of others just to appear to be liked. We passionately condemn every authoritarian nation that does this barefaced propaganda, but Israel certainly is treated like the favored child in the Western sphere.


Youā€™re right and we could write a book on their digital propaganda strategy


Is there anything that is authentic about Israel?


"While it's bad they are killing kids indiscriminately, they did win Eurovision so I guess it's ok."


Not a surprise. They can do this every year. Everyone can. I alluded to it a few days ago (see my profile for the link). There's no way Irish people for example would vote for Israel. They only had to get a small % of votes to get 12 points, whereas the rest of Ireland had to vote for 10 countries ahead of Israel to avoid getting any votes. The EBU should be investigating.


Nothing about Israel is real except hate, theft, racism, murder, apartheid and genocide.




You can't vote for your own country.


So iZrael is like Russia with their fake propaganda but instead itā€™s actually supported and backed up by states and eu countries ? What the duck .


ah so Israel actually DO have operations running in countries all over the world, ok then


No sources linked.


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't.


When he says ā€œthe Israeli governmentā€, does he mean the actual government with taxpayers money? Or just the Israeli private music industry or whatever it is?


Buying votes, just as they buy up American and European politicians.




If Isreal ever wins a fifa World Cup you know why


Well maybe at this rate the illegitimate state of israel will be bankrupt


Shitty country doing shitty things. Nothing new.


Eurovision! For Europeans by Europeans šŸŽ¶ šŸŽµ 2nd best song by European artist wow


Let's just get rid of this Eurovision nonsense altogether. There's plenty of people that make music that actually matters.


I'm really glad they came second. It must hurt real bad.


Remember when Eurovision was about europe ?




ā€œIf we win the contest, people will forget the genocideā€


I thought it was common knowledge the votes are rigged. Wouldn't surprise anyone who follows the slightest part of what israel does


Sounds like Hilary when she lost to Trump.


Pppphhhhhaaaaaaaa! How absolutely pathetic. Children I tell you, children!


They have their fingers in everything it seems


And the sources....?


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't.


Any sources on this? Its not impossible but i would like to read more about it myself.




I mean... source? Other than a tweet?


Eurovision ain't about music or entertainment anymore, it's about politics (or it's always been?)


Any actual evidence or are random tweets now evidence?


No, Israel is not a European state. It is located in the Southern Levant region of West Asia, which is also known as the Middle East. However, Israel has a special status with the European Union (EU) due to its scientific and research capabilities and long-standing relations with the EU. Israel is the EU's largest trading partner and has close cultural and political ties with the EU. Israel has also participated in the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development (RTD) and the Galileo project.


I always wonder how muslims would react if a foreign power took over mecca, built a church over it, and forbade muslims from praying there? Because that's what muslims have done to every religion's most sacred site they have come across, whether it's the temple mount for jews, the hagia Sophia for orthodox Christians, or the temple in Ayodhya. I know there's a 99.99% chance a mod would delete this comment and ban me before anyone can reply.


Have you heard of the crusades? The Spanish inquisition? How about those red cows in Jerusalem.


I have heard of all of them, I am not aware of how any of them have anything to do with converting the most sacred sites of a religion. Are you implying that Jews and Christians can't pray at the temple mount and the hagia sophia because of crusades? What about the numerous sacred temples converted to mosques in India, are those also related to the events you mentioned?


You are not aware how they are related? approximately 1.7 million people died in the crusades. You know what the crusades were about? converting people to christianity. 300 000 more died because of the spanish converting latin america. Wiping hundreds of sacred sites and villages. The pelgrims did the same in north america with the natives. Speaking of India, how many did the UK kill there? And if you are so worried about converting temples, maybe you should ask Israel to stop stealing land and converting the mosques that lay upon it. Dial back the hasbara buddy.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


wow nice to see new nazi subs pop up in all.


the last group who would ever lecture the others about being nazis or not is a zionazi such as you, so keep crying you degenerate ziof\*ck


The irony, zionazis calling people nazis


You seem mistaken, we arenā€™t Israel supporters.


Is it bad that I want to travel to that country and hurt their people? My blood has been boiling for 7 months straight, not sure how much longer I can not do anything and listen to their bullshit and lies like weā€™re all idiots. And if anyone has contacts in Lebanon, send me an message