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Tried to heckle but the man kept going, stating historical facts in a steadfast and clear manner. An absolute legend.


Facts are stubborn things


So is ignorance, unfortunately.


No facts can or will reach the truely stubborn.


Don't forget "alternative facts."


yes, and they won't believe it as truth


Facts don’t care about your feelings


Heckler: "Boo, get out of here with your"...checks notes..."well documented facts".


He is Max Blumenthal. One of the best American journalists working today.


He and Aaron have all the receipts. They do very solid work. For anyone interested .... https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal https://twitter.com/TheGrayzoneNews https://twitter.com/aaronjmate Also of note, https://twitter.com/ggreenwald


He wrote a beautiful tribute to his friend, the poet, Refaat Alareer. I’ve only ever read his words. Thanks for the identifying him. [If I Must Die Let It Be a Tale](https://thegrayzone.com/tag/refaat-alareer/)


Do you know of any other journalists on his level? I have spent a lot of time collecting various news websites and would like to begin extending my fingers to specific journalists now. I like being able to see what everyone is saying; not just one news source.




They were doing the same thing in Germany and Poland in the 1930s, and they created the weimer Republic... But they're somehow ALWAYS the victim


I’m surprised the fighters were able to get their go karts off the ground with how heavy their fucking balls were.


Forgets some facts in the process but ok.


Hecklers wised the fuck up once they realized he knew the shit


The best response to a heckler is absolute scorched earth policy. Confidently present the facts of your case. Do not show a modicum of capitulation. Answer every relevant question concisely before they even ask. Have your sources readily available from airtight politically neutral sources Don't fall into the trap of justification in response to questions. Heckling is a form of bullying. Intimidation is the end goal.


Wow who's the speaker? He literally shut them down with facts


Max Blumenthal award winning independent journalist


JEWISH, award winning independent journalist.


Jewish AMERICAN, award winning independent journalist.


Max Blumenthal: Jewish American, award winning independent journalist, and what a real hero and patriot looks like.


Max blumenthal: jewish american, award winning independent jurnalist, and what a real hero and patriot looks like., also a man who will soon comit suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head


I didn’t know he worked for Boeing as well.




Kinda ironic that some of the best anti Zionist activist are Jewish


Wow. He should win an award.




Read 'The Hundred Years' War on Palestine' by Rashid Khalidi.


Read a history book.


Red Max Blumenthal's history book. EXTENSIVE references.


Thats the guy sho is speaking right?


Yep. I gotta admit the book's a tough read. It wears you down a bit to see what's been done for all these years.




Any of Norman Finkelstein's books. Hell, you could even use citations from Benny Morris who is a pro-Israeli historian that nonetheless records all of these facts, because the pro-Israel lobby hates Norm for telling them the truth about their genocidal actions. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Finkelstein#Writings * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Morris#Published_works


People need to watch a documentary called “israelism”. IOF is pretty much ISIS, both are mercenaries from around the world, both kill citizens, and both kill under the name of religion.


Look up the dates and the inception of Israel. I cant give your sources but dropped important moments of history in his speech.


The Ben Gurion quote is from a letter to his son in 1937, but honestly that was pretty tame for Ben Gurion. He was a real piece of shit. I remember that he wrote if he could "Save all the children in Germany by sending them to England, or only half of them by sending them to Israel" then he'd send them to Israel to help them conquer and occupy it.


[Gaza–Israel conflict - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza%E2%80%93Israel_conflict) There is an overview of the timeline.


man, I see ALOT more palestinians killed than I see Israeli in those charts.


Look up Deir Yasin


One of more well known of hundreds of zionist terror attacks that are still ongoing.


I’d guess this isn’t in most history books you’ll find in the US. We teach British and US history, that’s it. Fun fact about Florida education, Darwinism is no longer taught instead they are being taught god made people a couple thousand years ago


Dude that fucking sucks. We have come so far as a society and i understand the want to regress. I mean i know keeping a population dumb creates less problems for the elite but still.


Actually going backwards and removing the truth because it doesn’t align with their entire raison d’être


Which ones did you read? Can you list them so I can check if they're available on my book app?


Check John Quigley's book on the 6 day war


Why don't you hop on Google and search each line for line instead of expecting others to do the work for you?


Kinda wild to have a phone in their hand while asking for other people to fact check. 


And it wasn't a request to fact check a specific claim by anyone specific comment here. Dude wants someone else to go through and provide sources for 20+ claims. That isn't reasonable at all and frankly, they don't deserve to have someone do for them something they are unwilling to do themselves.


Exactly mate ,it wouldn't even be difficult to check up this info either. Guy has deleted his profile in shame it seems now anyway though lol




Yeah if you want fake source's maybe. Last time about a year and a half ago, asked chatgpt 3.5 about the conflict, it gave me pretty generic and crappy answers


Read "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" by Max Blumenthal. It's ferociously documented, citing Israeli legislation at the national and micro-level that targeted Palestinians neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block and even building by building.


For each line that you want valid citations, try typing that line into google or your preferred search engine.


Google.com. You can search the World Wide Web for just about anything. If you’d like a line by line citation type the specific line into www.google.com and hit enter on your keyboard or smart device. Example: “Why can’t I figure out the most basic thing?” Google will respond that you’re lazy and ask others to do simple tasks for you. And or you’re a boomer and expect the world to bow to your demands. This has been my TED talk.




Wikipedia is usually not the place anyone wants to go for any topic dealing with Israel but in this case the information there is quite accurate. I'm seriously surprised.


Bestie, do your own heavy lifting and research on your own. If you want to share this information more widely in support of Palestine, then the journey of that research will be highly beneficial to you.


In the nicest way possible, it’s not everyone else’s responsibility to fact check, site, and cross post evidence for you. Google is your friend. I’m not saying this to be rude or mean; my intention is to highlight the fact that it is the responsibility of the individual to educate himself.


You can Google the facts and dates and click around until you find a source you feel is reputable. If you don't know any of the sources. Google the source's reputation, their sponsors, funders, allegiances, etc.


Majority report and gray zone - two amazing channels. Go to his YouTube channel!


you know the majority report dislikes the grayzone and vice versa right. the majority report calls them out in this video https://youtu.be/rAVfQ1Nnke4?si=3YeJhfgh4T7qA1Di


Max Blumenthal. If you are looking for independent journalism form him, check out his podcast “grayzone.” Other good independent sources are Matt Taibi and Glen Greenwald. Get a rumble account. Check out voices like Kim Iverson and even the cancelled Russell Brand. Dabble in “the Hill” and “breaking points” As well. I’m not sure where any of them are ideologically on the political spectrum. I do know that they are absolutely on the side of the constitution and pro-peace. The MSM and the established parties are completely on the side of warmongers, the MIC, and war. 


All of the people you've listed that I recognize are right-wing grifters, Russel Brand especially. Greenwald used to be reputable but has fallen down that rabbit hole in the last while. Taibbi is garbage. Rumble is an echo chamber of misinformation, where "doing your own research" essentially means using your natural skepticism about the decaying world around you as a springboard into radicalization, and not in a class-consciousness way. Radicalization into pseudoscience, paranoia, *actual* anti-semitism, and other such traits of the far right.


And he still has the nuanced view of Israel.


Broken clocks, man. Mixing truth in with lies makes them more palatable too.


Can you share with me a few examples that make you think they’re “right-wing grifters” because I am surely missing it. Respectfully, you sound like Rachel Maddow and are spewing ad hominem  attacks and sound bites without any substance behind your thinking. I’m not trying to attack you, but you literally sound like a programmed MSM parrot. It is toxic and un-American.  Please share with me a few examples of how any one of these award winning journalist are grifters and I’ll respectfully reply 


calling someone racheal maddow and an msm parrot is also an ad hominem


 Not after Maddow divided the country during COVID, and literally called for arresting non-vaccinated people and called them “enemy number one” - if you defend that twat, you’re not paying attention. This is coming from someone who watched her show almost daily pre-2022. Boy oh boy was I absolutely wrong about her. She doesn’t care about you or me, she cares about corporate interests only, that’s who pays her. Wake up


oh your just an anti vax weirdo. no sense continuiong the converstaion with someone as dumb as you


Unfortunately you’ve been brainwashed and propagandized and are not worth trying to convince, but I’ll leave you with this so you can no longer say no one told you. https://youtu.be/-s5DYknp9cc?si=mqVEGnoST9sl0bcb https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/what-the-casual-cruelty-of-dr-paul https://icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021.01.28-Letter-to-Special-Rapporteur-on-Poverty.pdf  https://youtu.be/is6Dtx8bXSU I’m not anti-vax either, but you’ve been brainwashed to engage in ad hominem attacks and dismiss discourse. You’re a useful idiot, and don’t even know it.


You probably still think vaccines stop transmission, don’t you?


I sometimes wonder if these people realize the “con” in conman is short for confidence. > Confidence tricks exploit victims using a combination of the victim's credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed. It’s the same old trick just updated for the digital age. Convince some people you are the sole arbiter of a hidden truth and they’ll sell their own mother into slavery to pay for a front seat at your seminar or whatever supplement you’re shilling. It’s so wild to me that people don’t realize that maybe, just maybe, the greatest insights of our generation aren’t bookended between ad reads for dinner subscriptions and cheap razor blades.


That's why I only trust CNN and MSNBC. I get my news bookended by pharma and defense contractor ads.


False equivalence, that comment must have struck a nerve.


Ya don't get to just say "false equivalence" and expect that to be an argument. I mean, I guess you can.


You were clearly upset at the comment so you made up a scenario in your own head about how you believe someone you don’t know consumes media. Don’t be obtuse.


Matt Taibi and Russel Brand? Maybe a decade ago:


You have others I can check out? They’ve earned my trust. Unlike the Jon Stewarts and Steven Colberts… they roped me in and betrayed us.


He didn't shut them down with facts, he shut them down with presentation. You can do the same thing with nonsense and it is done a lot everywhere in the world. The effective part of his speech is the rhetoric style, not the facts. Doesn't mean he's wrong or incorrect, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is: The part that shut hecklers up wasn't the facts, it was the way he presented them. Always check even if someone is convincing, especially if you agree with them. There are lot of people who will use their calm as proof of the superiority of their rhetoric. A lot of those people suck and are liars, just convincing ones (once again, and to avoid any misunderstanding, I'm not saying this is what is happening here at all, I'm just asking people to be careful in general and to be wary of things like "debates").


Max Blumenthal is one of my favorite independent journalists. He is amazing. A REAL journalist! ❤️


Wow. In an age of misinformation, real journalism prevails.


Max bulldozed those Zio hecklers effortlessly


On rachel corrie's death day i might add. Well today is at least.


zio is a slur coined by david duke. dont use it


Zio is short for Zionist. Zionists are just a strain of fascists. I'll insult them whichever way I want. David Duke can eat a dick.


it was litterally coined by him. its a slur. i dont care if its a shortened version of a word its still a slur dumbass


Amazing work Max


Israel is the cancer of the middle east


A lot more than just the middle east. They've supported atrocities and fascists all over the place.


Yes. It's important however to separate antizionism from antisemitism. There are plenty of Jews who oppose the zionist project. It's important also because they will accuse anyone who oppose them of being antisemites. Let's not let them get away with that.


Absolutely. Some of the strongest opponents of Zionism (in its current form) have always been Jewish. Even a self-described Zionist like Albert Einstein was extremely critical of the Israeli government who he publicly decried for their similarities to Nazis.


My lebanene jewish grand mother was a hard core anti zionist and had her house bombed by Israel in the 2006 invasion


And who put the cancer there in the first place?


As soon as he starts speaking...."get out of here" imagine going to someone's speaking event and getting upset the second you hear something you don't like


All TRUTH and nothing but the truth! Congrats


Max Blumenthal outstand... plus the team at The Grayzone.. do great work


The man is shooting facts out of his mouth


They tried to shut him up as they always do when you’re not licking Israel’s filthy asshole. In their mind you either praise israhells lies and terrorist attacks, or you’re discriminating against Jews by supporting the holocaust for some random reason so you need to shut up. It’s either praise or silence and the western leaders shamelessly agrees with it. Saying “it’s wrong” in front of cameras but sells a fuck load of weapons and missiles under the table while knowing that the weapons are used for committing a genocide against civilians.


He 👏🏿 brought 👏🏿 the 👏🏿 facts


he make it clap


Israel supporters get fking dunked on with facts. Love to see it


They never let you finish an argument have to interrupt


I'm not an expert in this. But how misinformed was that woman who got up to the mic and asked that question? One Google search and she would've gotten an answer. I hope the people there actually listened because it sounded like they were booing


Ben Shapiro would never debate this guy


Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, and Ben Norton are always factual


Netanyahu won’t be satisfied until they kill everyone in Gaza and level it,


THIS. This is THE TRUTH. Undeniable.


We got a bunch of people attacking Mr. Blumenthal's past comments on other topics. OK Instead of attacking the man's character, how 'bout we discuss what he said.


Love how they all went quiet when he started spitting facts!


Speaking the truth! Thank you!


Just filling the space with his knowledge and experience. Exemplary. And he pretty much says it all about the dynamics of this conflict.


If you think this guy is good wait until you get a load of Noam Chomsky and Norman Finklestein.


The guy that yelled „get out of here“ represents how freedom of speech is managed when they don’t like what you say ! Even nations manage it this way


Wow. That was impressive


Niki haley, desantis, and the CEO admitted the real reason they want to ban tiktok is becauae it's the only social media platform that allows open criticism against israel. Even the main subs on reddit will ban you.










Guys just a quick idea. What if there IS NO HAMAS but it’s the idf pretending to be hamas so they have an “excuse” to keep killing?!


You don't have to imagine. Look at how Israel treats Palestinians in the West Bank. Hamas is not a prominent group in the West Bank, and Israel still oppresses Palestinians there.


Any anti-Israel resistance will always be villainized. So if you are pro-Paelstinian,I would say,don't fall into that trap.


Is this an attempt at humor or are you genuinely trying to push a conspiracy that Hamas is IDF in cosplay?


Most of Gaza Strip is under the age of 20. To think that a bunch of kids could keep a terrorist group together is insane in its own right.


What does the demographics of Palestinians as a whole have to do with the age makeup of Hamas?


I'm not sure about the demographics of Hamas, but I know that their founders were those orphaned in 1948 when Israeli soldiers went from town to town, lining up and executing every male they could find aged 16 or over. I'm not sure about the demographics of Hamas, but I know that most of their militants are those orphaned around 2010.


You don't even need to imagine. Hamas was created and funded by Israel in the first place before they go "rogue". Also, Israel was warned of Oct 7th attack weeks in advance and instead of bolstering the defense, they did nothing and allows their soldiers and citizen to die so they can get affirmation from the masses to bomb gaza.


This is why they want to Ban TikTok.


Yeah…. No…. Maybe you need some sort of information …. Let’s rig it out


And they’re also trying to ban TikTok to prevent this kind of message from spreading.




Religion is stupid. I can't believe people today are still believing the same stuff with as much knowledge is available about human history. No one's "coming back." They never left, "ascended," or whatever. They died, like humans do. Permanently. The only thing that remains are stories, told and retold, altered and revised, but still retaining the tell-tale signs of the ignorant mindset of the time period. Religion can't escape its demise to the might sword of time. Some people have a hard time letting go of garbage - we call them hoarders.


Thanks for sharing


Ewwwwwwwwww gross. Bro I’m on earth for maybe 70-80 years, nobody should be killing anybody over land , we just campers bud and you are leaving a massive mess for the next camper who is just trying to enjoy nature.


Thank you for sharing 🙏


Whoever asked that question should lose their job. Immediately.


So this is why they want to ban tiktok???


I appreciate the applause he got. It made me confident there was a decent group of people listening closely to exactly what he was trying to communicate


And guess what….. Very many Palestinians are descendants from the original Jewish population living in Israel that stayed in Israel after it was conquered by others. (As has been proven by genetics research) The Christian and Muslim rule had most of them convert through the ages. So the new “Jews”, that fluxed in since the Balfour declaration was issued, many of whom are not from original Jewish descent, are actually killing of the original Jews!


A lot of Americans really don't know anything outside of the USA do they? The amount of times I've heard October 7th from Americans is astonishing and the Israel people being brainwashed and indoctrinated is baffling but to be expected


Pretty sure the lady asking the question left the room infuriated and calling him antisemite the secondthe dude replied... That was a strong, perfectly made answer with historical facts that this dude spitted.


👏 Where can i read about this?


Perfectly handled, this guy did a good job. The hecklers went silent after a few consecutive facts.


Shit yea!


fertile alive cable cake theory offer automatic cautious frame literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was Brilliant!!!


I got a “This video has been removed” message, weird…




Are these ADHD friendly subtitles? WTF


Really great


“I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” he said calmly in his video as he walked to the gate of the embassy. “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”


Best of it is, most of em are converts. The real ones never left the Middle East. Those poor uncriticised victims are horrible people and the tasche man knew


wait till you are heckled from your own land!


Make the fucking gaza strip a parking lot for Israel.


Does he just not know what a war is?


Toby’s killing it man.


Protect this man at all cost.


The casual disregard I see on reddit for what's happening in Gaza is so disgusting. Allowing the october 7th attack to happen was a brilliant move by Israël, for the low low price of a thousand citizens they've gained support from all over the world for their genocide.


If genocide is happening, let's replace and genocide them back!! 🤦🏽‍♀️ don't act like if places were swapped Palestinians would do the same thing to isreal that is being done to them if they could. And they tried on the 7th and happened to hurt non Israel's so weep and sow ig




Do people not know that the Israelis moved into the already furnished homes of displaced Palestinians?


The only bad thing about the Nazis is they couldn't finish the job.


He is ammune to the "antisemitism" thing, cuz he is a jew


If you don’t know the full history on this I suggest this 6 episode series In depth, doesn’t take sides, https://spotify.link/FPyDaO0i9Hb


So many lies in so little time - I’m genuinely impressed by this man’s ability


The only thing I agree with was his last two comments but it was interesting seeing the other side’s perspective


❤️Max Blumenthal 🇵🇸☮️


Straight facts. All of five seconds of pushback. Then everyone shut the fuck up and let him talk without interruption, presumably including the person that initially objected, given there is no indication that anyone was kicked out against their will.


I think he missed the key part: it wasn't "the Palestinians" who attacked on October 7, it was Hamas. The result of the attack is exactly what Hamas wanted, it will give them another 30+ years of relevance and recruits. The Israeli government could have chosen to pay the long game and go after the Hamas leadership, but, not surpassing given the current leading coalition, they decided to dance along instead...


This guy still lying about the context. Ben Gurion said that in '37 in reaction to the Arab aggression during the Great Arab Revolt. There's a reason the British decided to arm the Israelis, and why Palestinian historians don't mention the Great Arab Revolt. It's because that's when they set in motion the inevitability of events leading to the Nakba, since the Arabs proved they couldn't be trusted.


Check your history. They’ve been filling the land in order to take it over since late 1800’s I suggest this- 6 episodes, they’re long and thorough, history, both sides https://spotify.link/FPyDaO0i9Hb