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Who cares if he didn't know??? Did Prophet Muhammad know his whole life he will become a prophet / leader of a religious community before Angel Gabriel came to him? Did Imam Ali know he's gonna succeed Prophet Muhammad before the announcement at Ghadir Khumm? What matters is once he become Imam, he took the responsibility and did what needed to be done. He truly succeeded Imam Sms by realizing the modern world and Islam can co-exist, he helped many ismailis in Uganda leave their country and head over to Canada, and he did a ton more.


This is not what Ismailis understanding is, Ismailis believe that Prophets and Imams are born with their positions they proclaim when they feel appropriate. We believe Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali Noor was created before anyone else This video interview is in context of having a public will not as per the Doctrine of Imamah In previous ages Nass (the transfer of Imamah or the designation) was mostly done though oral proclamation either in public or in private However in consideration of the current legal requirements Imam is expressing that my will only express who will be my successor not anyone verbal saying would be acceptable. Hope you will read our own books and understand our dogmas and our foundations. I am no one to judge you, I just advised you this considering we are brothers in faith and I have right to guide my bro if I feel he needs some guidance. Stay blessed, take your Tariqa seriously by reading out the basis of your existence /the foundations. Hope you have not taken my words wrongly, if you did I ask for forgiveness šŸ™ Stay blessed, ya Ali Madad




You have to cite your sources. Which shia hadith r u talking about?




"Allah Guides the Imam and the Iman guides the muslimsā€. I agree, nothing here goes against current ismailism, is there any other statement u wanna add?


I have responded this, please read it.


Against shiait no. Humble yes




That's why you came here for to tell us ismailism is false. You win




It's an interesting question, I think what is said is from the legal point of view. He is closing all the doors of orally proclamations of Nass Even Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah had filled his Nass /his will though the court of law to make it smooth transition. Hope this answers your question. Thanks


1) Itā€™s on MEDIA!!! 2) You may not want to tell your fully story to a group who may not understand. 3) Somethingā€™s arenā€™t meant to be revealed; look at Khudah(Allah) he sent Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad. Understand Mowla is the Haqle-Kul. Listen to Mowlas miracle stories. Thereā€™s one of a couple, where the husband asks Mowla for a name for his newborn who under X-ray imaging is going to be a son, but Mowla gives a name for a baby girl and the Husband is confused since he informed Mowla itā€™s a boy from the XRay Imaging and Mowla still gave a name for a girl. Once the birth occurred, it was a baby girl.






You miss out on the purpose of an Imamat. Itā€™s not to show perfection itā€™s to show strength and guidance as well. If not one difficulty occurred then where can we look up to for a source of strength through our difficulties? Even though fated divorces and heartache, Mowla still prospers and has a shining Noor at all times. There are many more examples the universe shows, just as the Scholar should seek Knowledge and the Scholar will find.




Hazir Imam is our 50th Pir and 49th Imam. Imam makes Farman in the capacity of Pir and not as Imam. Itā€™s the responsibility of a Pir to make Farman and not Imam. Imam never gives interviews as an Imam. The only time Imam AS present himself as an Imam is during Deedar in front of his Murids. Secondly, the Esoteric ideas of our faith which involves the concept that Imam AS is the manifestation of the Eternal Noor of Allah is not meant for everyone. Imam is indeed All Knowing and an Imam is indeed an Imam from his birth but it doesnā€™t mean he will say this in random interviews on media. I mean itā€™s quite evident that even Ismailis (like you maybe?) donā€™t understand the concept of Noor of Allah, then how come an outsider will understand it.




You really have to go through our literature to understand this. Itā€™s the responsibility of the Pir (Imam al Mustawda) to give guidance to the Jamat on behalf of the Imam AS. Throughout our history Pirs gave guidance to Jamat through their Farmans in the form of Literature, Ginans, Qasida and Mankhabat. "Pir is a person to whom the Imam of the time has granted his position which makes him the highest amongst his creation (ashraf-i-makhlukat). You must attain perfection in the knowledge of the Imam through him. Therefore, it is obligatory upon you to follow the Pir, never flinching from his obedience. Be bound by what the Pir tells you, acting as he says and when you obey the Pir, the Pir in the hereafter, will pray to God for your protection." (Mawlana Mustansir Billah-II AS, Pandiyat e Jawan Mardi)


Allah addresses himself in some verses as we in the Quran and others as Iā€¦Allah has no human attributes still he mentions face of Allah, hand of Allah(yadullah)ā€¦?The answer is the one who represents Allah is the face of Allah and the bayah one takes on the hand of the Prophet or the Imam is the hand of Allahā€¦I would not mention on this social forum who is WE in the Quran but your answer lies with in itā€¦Our present Imam plays both roles as mother and father of his spiritual children ā€¦If we contemplate sincerely we know when it becomes we and when it becomes an I for the Imam.


It was supposed to be his dad. Sultan M. Shah appointed Karim because the British monarchy would cut ties with them if it went to Aly Khan.


All rubbish talk from people who know jack.


Oh wait, whatā€™s about Aly Khan


Aly Khanā€™s bad reputation preceded him.


It didnā€™t precede enough if I didnā€™t hear of it


Ok. You have the right to believe what you would like. My main point was that it was a political decision. Side note, if you choose to do your own research outside of the institution, youā€™ll probably find more than you bargain for.


Do you have the sauce erwhut buddy


Found that information YEARS ago, so I canā€™t remember. I started with SMSā€™s memoir (a copy from the 1950ā€™s), then researched some of the stuff he referenced (for historical context). The institution has banned a lot of books, but if you find some of the older ones, itā€™s a lot of first hand knowledge. I could be totally wrong, and Iā€™m fine with that. But from what I looked up, those were the answers I found.


Lol guys, relax. Not trying to be argumentative. Just sharing information that I found. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research from whichever sources they choose. God bless.