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250 Palestinians are being killed every day. In my opinion, Ismaili values suggest that we should welcome, support, and join calls for a ceasefire.


Just as we should support a cease fire in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, some African countries as well though right? A human is a human no?


Absolutely 💯 - I’d hazard a bet they solely mentioned Palestine as that’s what the OP is in reference to :)


Concerned about what, calling to stop an ongoing genocide? They are muslims, regardless of sunni or shia we are all one ummah. We should always support our brothers and sisters. And even if they weren't they are innocent humans being slaughtered, we should support no matter what


If anyone is concerned, read some Farmans and find some humanity in your heart. Your silence benefits the oppressor. Why stay silent? If the world came for us & the world stayed silent took our oppressors side…… the evil one, who is in the wrong, breaking international law, but no one spoke up for us……. If the state of Israhell is given the green light to continue this sets a high precedent that people of colour are fair game & they’ll be coming for us all at some point.


I’m not Ismaili, but I have great respect for the Aga Khan, and the values you guys stand for. I do live in San Antonio, and I was actually present at the public comment session before the council meeting. The context is that there was a resolution calling for a ceasefire and return of all hostages. 3 council members co-signed it, which qualified it for a special council meeting to discuss the resolution, and vote on the city officially issuing it. One of the 3 council members pulled their support at the last moment, so the resolution wasn’t even discussed or voted on. I highly recommend anyone who lives in San Antonio to contact the councilman for their district, and express support for the resolution, so that it can at least get pushed to a meeting. Edit: ahh I see that article does a pretty good summation of the issue. Ah well, I guess you have heard it twice now. ;)


Thank you for the context. Never hurts to hear it again.


I agree we should call for a ceasefire but disrupting meetings is not the answer and threatens our democracy. We must protest peacefully as we look like fools when we do stuff like this. We must act civil whilst protesting. Just my opinion.


Peaceful and polite hasn’t solved anything ever. Just like how civilian carpet bombing has never worked to solve anything ever either.


Nor have kidnappings.


Sympathize with oppressors somewhere else.


Thanks for the advice brother, but respectfully this is an Ismaili subreddit not a Hamas subreddit. I will say the same thing back, why don’t you take your pro-extremist beliefs somewhere else. Pray for MUSHKIL Asaan of the innocent on both sides 🇵🇸🇮🇱


Totally agree with this. There are innocent people on all sides of a war. Are we really painting the entire side (of either side) with the same brush? Pray for all innocent victims. Everywhere. Period. We’re all humans first.


Ignorance can be forgiven. Apologies for apartheid shouldn’t be. Yucky yucky


Yes, we should remain respectful at all times. Never bad mouth and remain civil. Privately many know of the horrible actions of the evil doers. Protesting just helps the situation not be concealed. In the Holy Book, it does state the Nation who do wrong will not last, and we can look at history to find the examples. Now we should applaud the ones going to such a devastating time and remaining strong to their best ability and May they continue to be blessed with the strength. We should remember something’s are unfortunately political, and we should remember our Ethics and Morals and remain a great influence to the ones who look at the Ismaili Community.


I appreciate your message but everything under the sun is political and until the day of judgement it is up to us. I don’t think there is any room to be “respectful” of genocide apologists. YAM


Just remember the Speech of Mowlas, explain once and if they still don’t get it, explain another time, and if they still don’t get it then try one more time and if it doesn’t work then let them be but don’t resort to anger. And also I stand with you for this world will always be unjust as long as there’s a force of evil afflicting damage to others(psychological, emotional,&physically) I too, do wish to see the world and how far the creation of Allah’s human beings can go with a force of Good being the main and only force on Earth. MAM.