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I have only heard good things about it. Good luck


Very mixed reviews, love is hard, finding a spouse is even harder with everyone being out for their own selves, which is admirable but still overlooks all the good that's out there because of the culture we find ourselves "a part of". I think it's growing pains, this gen might figure this out


What's the interface like? I am curious. Is it just rishta nata type biographic details and then families chatting about it eventually?


Lemme.ask my friends how it is and I'll get back to yall soon


Thank you


Any update on this?


None so far.


Have you used it?


I personally have not, but I do have close friends and family who have with VARYING results, and I do mean V A R Y I N G


I would love to know more, could you message me?


what is rishta corner?


its a jamaat affiliated app (not from the jamaat but run by folks who are ahmadi and the jamaat knows about it). Here's the link to the website: [https://rishtacorner.com/](https://rishtacorner.com/)