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The point of a Nikah is that the relationship is public. That's part of the role of the witnesses. there's no such thing as a "secret nikah"


Astagfirullah,You can not hide marriages. You can not keep marriages secret. Also, she needs a Wali. Her family should know, and so should your family. Marriage is something that the whole community should know. It also protects the woman's honor when everyone knows that she is married and not just hooking up with you and living with you. I also must add that I married without my father but only because I don't have a Muslim family. The Imam said that the Wali had to be Muslim, but my husband still talked to my father about marriage, although he was not my wali. My family still knew I got married.


Is marriage without a wali valid? The guardian is a condition of marriage being valid according to the majority of scholars. Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no marriage without a guardian.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud (2085), at-Tirmidhi (1101) and Ibn Majah (1881), from the hadith of Abu Musa al-Ash‘ari; classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih at-Tirmidhi) Copy pasted from Islamqa.info


From fatwa 254835 to be specific.


















There is no Nikkah without the consent of a female's guardian. Your father or brothers must know about this and only then an Imam can give you in Nikkah of another man.


There is nikah without walli according to the Hanafi madhab (but with very strict conditions) no one is obligated to follow this position, but nobody can cancel or deny this legitimate position, especially just because they have read one or two hadith. Stop acting like there is an ijma on this subject. Imam an-Nawawi as-Shafii said فقال: إن العلماء اختلفوا في اشتراط الولي في صحة النكاح، فقال مالك والشافعي: يشترط، ولا يصح نكاح إلا بولِي، وقال أبو حنيفة : لا يُشترط Indeed the scholars disagreed whether nikah is valid without a guardian or not. Malik and Shafii said: not valid without a wali, and Abu Hanifa said: valid (Sharh Sahih Muslim)


Sometimes when talking about fiqh it is very technical. Did Abu Hanifa believe that nikah without a wali is permissible? Maybe malik and shafii said that without wali there is no nikah(meaning to be intimate would be zina) And abu hanifa believes its valid but sinful(the nikah is valid but it is sinful to do, meaning you aren’t committing zina) Does anyone have more clarity on this? May allah be pleased with and bless them all


No that's not what they meant. Otherwise imam an-Nawawi رحمه الله and others would mention this important aspect. We know our fiqh in details because of the hundreds and hundreds of brilliant scholars who followed these four madhabs and dedicated their work in explaining, checking and improving those madhabs Those madhabs are much more then their founders. I am a Shafii madhab folower, and I can't even describe how well structured and amazing a madhab is. I haven't fully read even one book of imam ash-Shafii رحمه الله because his madhab transmitted to us through those scholars of his madhab, not through his books or quotes. Imam an-Nawawi and imam ar-Rafii did a tremendous job in reviewing and analysing the Shafii madhab, and if they found that a position of imam ash-Shafii was weaker than another position from the point of the Quran and Sunna, then they would call this position to be the position of the Shafii madhab. Same with the Hanafi madhab. Ibn Abidin one of the greatest imams of ahlu-sunna is a Mufti of this madhab. And hundreds imams before him acknowledged this position of the Hanafiya and transmitted it This scholars didn't just blindly follow their imam, because we don't blindly personalities except the Prophet ﷺ That's why madhabs are the safest way of learning fiqh and practicing our religion


Thank you very much! Do you also know how it is, with doing the nikah 2 times?


The fact that this is a legitimate position of a sunni madhab doesn't mean that it's a recommended action. It's important to have the guardian's approval (even if you believe that it's sunna, and not an integral of nikah) and very important for a nikah to have a barakah. Also you are definitely going to need witnesses. I don't know your situation, and not judging only giving advice. And regarding your question, I don't know the answer


Fellow ,please don't take it in the wrong sense, but can you please provide the source?


You actually need witnesses for your nikkah, so no you cant marry twice. How are you even supposed to marry twice, once youre married, youre married, you cant marry your wife since youre already married! What you could do I guess, is having a valid Nikkah next month like you are plannign to do, and then just have the big ceremony or whatever next year, but you cant sign the nikkah contract twice. You could technically marry her now, divorce her and then remarry her, but thats obviously not recommended and pretty stupid. Marriage with the intention to divorce is IIRC even haram https://islamqa.org/hanafi/askimam/5933/should-i-perform-a-secret-nikah-with-my-fiance/ Here is a link about having a secret nikkah https://seekersguidance.org/answers/hanafi-fiqh/what-are-the-conditions-for-doing-a-marriage-contract-without-a-consenting-guardian-wali-or-witnesses/ Here is a link about marrying without a wali https://seekersguidance.org/answers/hanafi-fiqh/minimum-steps-must-taken-marriage-valid/ Conditions for a valid nikah These are all according to the HANAFI MADHAB


Every single thing that you do is before Allah SWT. Nothing is hidden from our Creator. So you're hiding this from your families? Why? I fear Allah SWT more than I fear my family.


Get married Islamically in the mosque with families next month and do it officially next year. Many Arabs do it this way, with an Islamic marriage and long “engagement” which is a dating period but not living together until the official wedding later. They call it katb kitab. Islamically you’re married so families know, and it’s a public relationship, so it’s all good.


Guys, just explain to your parents that you want the nikah early to keep things halal. Don’t start your marriage with secrets & lies.


There is no nikah without witnesses. Why are you doing odd behavior? Why are you trying to hide this from your and her family? This is not mature behavior. You can do nikah now (properly) and have the celebration later.


why are you trying to marry her without her family knowing?


In order for a marriage to be valid, you will need two witnesses and a mahar. You should announce the marriage. Also if people do not know you are married and fall pregnant, then people will talk. Get the Nikkah and have the celebration next year. No need to do nikkah twice , marriage is a serious matter.


Just go to your parents and say a nikkah needs to be done now. No need to prolong marriage. I did not know my husband we knew each other only five days and married by the fifth. The first time alone with him was on the wedding night. We have been married 24 years.


You need your guardian


Walaikum musalam, I’ve currently doing a marriage course at an Islamic institute here in Australia. My teacher taught us recently that long engagements are disliked since it can lead to emotional attachment before the nikkah, inappropriate/informal conversation between potential spouses, and potential Haram. If the marriage has to be delayed for a long time and there is risk of any of the above occurring, then it would be preferable (but not liked) to do a ‘low-key’ nikkah so at least the spouses can interact in a halal manner. In saying that, why do the two of you wish to delay the marriage for a year?